Hokage’s Law Of Demons

Chapter 376 Lifeless Destruction (seeking monthly ticket for reward)

Konoha, Chūnin examination venue.

"Old man...can you still hold it?"

Standing on the roof of the Chūnin exam venue, Jiraiya was in a mess, with a wry smile on his face looking at the equally embarrassed Third Generation next to him.

The difference between the Konoha collapse plan and the original plot is that, because Jiraiya returned to Konoha, Third Generation did not sacrifice his life to use the sealing technique to seal the ghoul, but teamed up with Jiraiya to defeat Orochimaru. Let him retreat with Yin Ren.

"Fortunately, this old life is saved..."

"It's just that I didn't expect Orochimaru to be like this now...If I had killed him cruelly..."

Hearing Jiraiya's concern, the third generation next to him gasped slightly. He was so old and physically old that he had gone through the same level of fighting just now, and the large amount of Chakra consumption made him feel as if he was about to fall down at any time.

In a blink of an eye, the ninja who saw Konoha below had finished the battle and was cleaning the destruction caused by Orochimaru and Sand Shinobi's invading Konoha. A sad look appeared on the face of Third Generation.


Muttering this in his mouth, Jiraiya on the side also fell silent. It was his biggest regret in his life that he could not stop it in time when Orochimaru betrayed Konoha.

"After this incident, maybe I should retire..."

Looking at the village that was destroyed again after the Konoha collapse plan, Third Generation packed up and patted his clothes, and sighed. Next, he will lead Konoha reconstruction and Sand Shinobi's surrender.

"Jiraiya, if you really don't want to be the Fifth Hokage, then go and get Tsunade back to me as soon as possible."

At this moment, an embarrassed figure suddenly stumbled and ran into the Chūnin exam venue.

"That's... Danzo?"

After seeing each other's appearance clearly, Third Generation and Jiraiya both stared at the same time, but soon they discovered that there was another person behind Danzo—a person who was unexpected but no one could ignore.

The eyes of all the ninjas present were all focused here, only to see that Yu's form at this moment was completely different from the usual, wearing a gorgeous white immortal imperial robe, and the meticulous white back showed a kind of rejection. The indifference of a person thousands of miles away, with a sneer on the front, followed Danzo unhurriedly.


"No matter where I go, I can never catch up with you..."

Danzo, who had almost lost consciousness, closed his eyes and finally saw the Third Generation standing on the roof, a figure he had been chasing after his entire life.

"This time it's my turn to sacrifice first..."

"But I... finally failed to become Hokage..."

There were fragments of his youth in his mind, Danzo finally stopped his footsteps, turned his drooping head and stared at Yu with some hollow eyes, "For Konoha, for the entire ninja world... I absolutely can't let you do this. The dangerous guy stay alive!!"

"Is that... Gen's leader Danzo-sama?!"

Kakashi and Might Guy who were cleaning the battlefield at this time, Konoha's ninjas also noticed the embarrassed Danzo and the Yu who walked slowly into the Chūnin exam venue.

"Fei Cang Feather... what does he look like?!"

His gaze fell on the person behind Danzo, and he felt that Yu had a completely different appearance and aura after turning on the perfect Sage Mode at this moment. The Konoha Shinobi present almost didn't recognize his identity.

"Distinguished Heavenly Gods..."

"Is this your final answer, Shimura Danzō..."

Observation Haki locked onto Danzo in front of him at all times, foreseeing the opponent's actions in the next second, a sharp light flashed in Yu's cold and evil vertical pupils.

Finger line! !

With a light flick of his fingers, a powerful finger line penetrated Danzo's body in an instant, and Yu's figure instantly disappeared in place.


A painful scream sounded, and just as Danzo was about to activate the Distinguished Heavenly Gods of Mangekyō Sharingan's pupil technique in his right eye, Yu's figure had appeared behind him, and his right eye was already bleeding. hole.

"Only the fool Shisui is willing to believe that you will really change the relationship between Konoha and the Uchiha clan..."

Staring at a scarlet and mysterious Sharingan that fell on his hand, Yu glanced at Danzo who was screaming behind him, his eyes cold, "I think you took away his Sharingan like this in the first place, right? His eyes, you simply Not worthy of possession!"

"Sharingan from Shisui?!"

At this time, Sasuke and Naruto, who set out to chase Gaara and the others, had already dragged their wounds back to the Chūnin exam venue, and just saw Yu poach Sharingan from Danzo.

Sasuke, who was already crumbling his family, opened his eyes wide, "Kakashi-sensei, who the hell is that guy? Why does he have Shisui's Sharingan in his hand?!"


Hearing Sasuke’s questioning, Kakashi sighed helplessly, “Shimura Danzō, a ninja who was at the same time as Master Third Hokage, was one of the elders of Konoha’s high-level elders, and was also the adoptive mother who led the killing of Yakushi Yu and caused him to leave Konoha. ..."

Avoiding the topic of Danzo's dominance of the Uchiha clan extermination plan, Kakashi and Sasuke and Naruto probably explained the grievances between Danzo and Yu.

"Damn it...so later the kind dean of the orphanage was killed like that?!"

Sure enough, after listening to Kakashi's account of what happened to Danzo and Yu in the past, Naruto, who was jealous of hatred, immediately gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. "There is such an insidious guy in Konoha!!"

With a simple mind, he never thought that the sunny Konoha on the surface would still have such a dark side behind him. Only after listening to him, Sasuke silently clenched his fists, not knowing what he was thinking.


"Shisui's eyes must not fall into your hands!!"

Looking back at the Chūnin exam venue below, I saw Shisui's eyes with powerful pupils falling on Yu's hands. Danzo, who was already determined to urge the last Chakra in his body, exuded countless black mysterious curses. Yin, countless black liquids like ink gush out all over the body.

In order to keep the eyes of Shisui and Yu Tong to die, Danzo did not hesitate to use all of his Chakra to launch the final super seal technique!

"Never mind, Shimura Danzō..."

Seeing Danzo who was swearing to death in front of him, Yu suddenly felt that he had such a ninja spirit, even if it was a distorted belief, at least he would carry out his distorted belief throughout his life.

"I will give you one last ride and let you disappear completely from this world!!"

After exhausting the last Chakra launch, the four-phase seal and Yu Tong died, but Danzo saw the most unforgettable sight of his life at the last moment of his life.

Lifeless destruction! !

I don’t know when, Yu has summoned Michael from the door of the different space. In Danzo’s last opened left eye, I saw that there was a transparent barrier between him and Yu. The black ink of the Sealing Techniques Sealing Techniques could not break through this thin barrier.

To be precise, it is a huge transparent barrier that wraps the entire Chūnin exam venue, and then the entire huge spherical barrier gradually shrinks and collapses toward the middle. The ground, walls, and all the surrounding objects are all. Began to smash and collapse.

"This...this is?!"

Danzo, who was cut off by the barrier enchantment, showed strong unwillingness, but found that he couldn't even hear his voice outside.


"This barrier enchantment will shrink infinitely inward, until all the covered objects in it are reduced to a point between existence and nonexistence, until nothingness."

Looking at Danzo who roared in despair through a transparent barrier, Yu's calm face couldn't tell what kind of expression it was, "Let your whole body disappear from this world without even a single atom. Remember to confess to Ye Naiyu and Shisui..."

After speaking, Yu Yu turned and left without looking back. Danzo behind him was compressed infinitely along with the entire Chūnin exam venue, and finally became the size of a ball, then the size of a dust, and even the naked eye. Can't see at all...

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