Hokage’s Law Of Demons

Chapter 377 The Finale

"This...what is this..."

"Is this also the effect of ninjutsu?!"

Looking at the Chūnin exam venue that disappeared out of thin air, as if it was completely swallowed by an unknown object, the Konoha Shinobi who fell down next to each other all opened their mouths dullly, and were stunned by the incomprehensible sight in front of them. It was shocking.

Inanimate destruction-Nasumi Yu mustard seeds, is the ultimate move that Michael can use after the ability of the barrier fruit is awakened. It releases a huge barrier to cover the target and object in the spherical barrier enchantment, and then the barrier enchantment It will collapse infinitely inward, shrinking to a point between existence and non-existence, until the target disappears completely.

The currently maximized coverage area can cover half of Konoha. Even if the goal is the infinitely repaired body of Impure World Reincarnation, it will be infinitely reduced to nothing within the barrier enchantment of inanimate destruction, and it will never be restored.

"Sure enough..."

"One of his reasons for coming back to Konoha this time is to kill Danzo."

Facing the unspeakable taboo power of the ordinary ninja before him, Kakashi, who stood on the edge and was almost covered by the giant barrier barrier just now, muttered to himself like a dream.

"Ok... so awesome!!"

Looking eagerly at Danzo and the entire Chūnin exam venue being swallowed and annihilated by Mikal controlled by Feather, Naruto was the first to jump up in shock, "So handsome! Like that insidious Damn it. The guy should be killed violently!!"

Killed Danzo, the high-level elder in the village, in front of almost all the ninjas in Konoha. At this moment, it seems that in this world, there is no power that can compete with Yu.

Although he regarded Yu as an enemy at the beginning, since he gradually understood Yu’s past as mythical deeds, coupled with the training of Rasengan under the guidance of Yu, in fact Naruto had already regarded him as a symbol of worship and chasing deep down in his heart. .

Especially after hearing Kakashi's explanation of the reason why Yu left Konoha, from an inner point of view, Naruto Sasuke and Xiao Sakura, who have not yet entered the world, fully support the enemy of Hatobane to replace Nagano of the orphanage. Naiyu takes revenge.

Ye Naiyu... Shisui...

The guy who killed you finally got what he deserved...

Seeing Danzo, who had been completely compressed into dust and disappeared by Michael's use of inanimate destruction, Yu sighed slightly, and clenched Shisui's eyes in his hands.

Both right and wrong grievances have become a cloud of smoke, and the ‘darkness of the Ninja World’, which used to be so painstaking and uncompromising, to advocate for the transformation of Ninja, has been wiped out in his hands.

"This kind of power... this kid..."

"No one can deal with him now..."

Jiraiya withdrew his shocked gaze, staring solemnly at the feather that was like a god descending after turning on the perfect Sage Mode below his eyes.


At this time, Third Generation finally recovered, looking at the Chūnin exam venue, which turned into an extremely flat spherical crater, his eyes became more and more complicated.

"Yu, you put Danzo..."

Seeing that Danzo, his young companion, was killed by Yu without even leaving his body, Third Generation couldn't help but feel a touch in his heart, and asked him in a deep voice.

The old Third Generation seemed to be stunned again, dragging his tired body from the roof to Yu Yu, with a trace of unbelievable anger and confusion in his muddy and old eyes.

"A person who should have died a long time ago, isn't he?"

Facing Third Generation's questioning tone, Yu asked him in a flat tone. The sharp, sword-like gaze created a strong sense of oppression on the other party, "If it weren't for him, Konoha would not have happened so much."

Hearing Yu's rhetorical question, Third Generation lowered its head in silence.

He didn't know all the sins committed by Danzo, even Danzo sent a ninja to assassinate him more than once.

But seeing this companion from his youth now disappear in Yu's hands like this, Third Generation will inevitably feel a sense of grief.

"And this time Orochimaru used Sand Shinobi to launch the Konoha collapse plan, Danzo is also one of the black hands behind the scenes..."

Staring at the silent Third Generation in front of him, Yu suddenly felt that he was a little pitiful, but a little ridiculous. He glanced over the destroyed Konoha Village around him, and unconsciously raised his tone of voice.

"Before questioning me in this tone, Mr. Sarutobi, please open your eyes and take a good look at this village! All this is caused by your acquiescence! Is this what you call the Will of Fire?!"


Hearing Yu's stern question, Third Generation was moved in awe, and subconsciously followed Yu's gaze to sweep the surrounding Konoha Village, which was full of ruined walls, and felt a sense of guilt spontaneously in my heart.


Seeing the look of Third Generation in despair, Yu sighed deeply and turned away silently. Third Generation is no longer the'ninxiong' who used to be the powerful Ninja world. At this moment, he is just an old man. elder.

"Old man, maybe that kid is right..."

"It's also an original sin to be soft when you shouldn't be soft..."

Silently watching Yu turned away from the back, Jiraiya's figure appeared beside the lost Third Generation at this time, and said with some sigh.

"Did... Am I really doing something wrong?"

Hearing Jiraiya's words, and looking at the fading figure of the feather in front of him, Third Generation muttered to himself in a sense of loss.

At this point, the sky began to patter and it rained heavily, and the ninja who was cleaning the battlefield in Konoha Village hurriedly accelerated his hand.

However, among the clouds in the dark sky, which was originally enclosed by dark clouds, a faintly dazzling light shone out. It seemed to indicate that the village had just experienced a catastrophe, but in the end it would stand up again.

Walking silently and silently among the falling rain curtain of the sky, I felt that all the Konoha Shinobi people around looked at him as if they were looking at a moody god and demon, Yu's heart was not fluctuating, and he even wanted to laugh.

The air opens the door! !

Ignoring their strange eyes and gazes, Yu directly opened the door of the different space in the rain curtain in front of him, stepped into it, and disappeared into the ruins of the Chūnin exam venue.

"Master Yu!!"

"Yu, are you okay?!"

Using the power of the world king, he returned to Xiyan's house in an instant. What was waiting for Yu was the worried look on Xiyan's face, as well as Shiro and Kimimaro standing next to him. Seeing this familiar scene, Yu's somewhat stunned mood suddenly disappeared.

The Konoha collapse plan came to an end, but in the next two months, the entire Konoha Shinobi village was carrying out post-disaster reconstruction in an intense and orderly manner. Everything in the village seemed to return to calm, but in fact, every Everyone knows that this is not calm, and a new storm will soon come again...

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