Two months have passed since the Konoha collapse plan event.

After the Ninja World War ended, after experiencing the Nine Tails invasion and the Uchiha extermination, Konoha was traumatized again and fell into a stage of reconstruction.

Afterwards Sand Shinobi immediately announced to the outside world that the attack was completely controlled by Orochimaru, and declared a full surrender to Konoha, and Konoha also accepted Sand Shinobi's surrender. After all, in this special period, Konoha is the most The important thing is to restore the consumption and national power caused by the war as soon as possible.

After this incident of Konoha’s collapse plan made by Orochimaru, Third Hokage seems to have a plan to retire completely. The previous war has completely overwhelmed him, who is old and frail. Konoha’s high-level elders’ meetings have been held many times to discuss Picked up candidates for Fifth Hokage.

Naruto followed Jiraiya out to practice training and found Tsunade by the way, while Sasuke continued to follow Kakashi to learn to practice Chidori. Everything seemed to be on a path that was paradoxical to the original plot.

It is also worth mentioning that Moonlight Hayate is still the same as in the anime after all. When the Konoha collapse plan was first launched, it died in the hands of Sand Shinobi Jōnin Baki.

Yu was naturally indifferent to this news. Although there have been small festivals since the ninja school, Yu has never put this kind of dragon role in his eyes.

After hearing the news, Xi Yan was finally relieved after a while, and then asked Yu to accompany her to the memorial monument to her, her former playmate who had grown up since she was a child.

On this day, Konoha's most famous meatball shop suddenly welcomed two mysterious visitors.

Wearing a large cloak of red clouds with a black background and a hat covering their heads, the two sitting in the shop quietly drinking tea, revealing a mysterious atmosphere all over.

From the moment they entered the village of Konoha, these two uninvited guests aroused the vigilance and attention of the Konoha elite Jōnin, Kakashi, Yurihong and Sarutobi Asuma.


"Come here again to buy meatballs for someone, Red."

Kakashi, who was leaning against the entrance of the Maruko shop, couldn't help but joked as he watched Red and Asuma coming oncoming in front of him.

"Stupid! It was Anko who asked me to come and buy her balls..."

Hearing Kakashi's joking, Red gave him a sullen look, but couldn't help but feel a burst of sweetness in his heart, but Asuma next to him heard this, a burst of unnatural color flashed on his depressed face.

"Ah, what a coincidence..."

"I'm waiting for Sasuke here..."

Kakashi chuckled and said, just to see Sasuke coming from not far away.

"Kakashi, it's really rare."

"You guy is not late."

After Sasuke walked over, he also greeted Kakashi. Recently, he has been following Kakashi's practice and learning Chidori.

But when I heard the name Sasuke mentioned by Kakashi outside, I noticed that Sasuke was coming from a distance. One of the mysterious ninjas in the Maruko shop wearing a red cloud cloak seemed to be touched. After looking at each other, he disappeared into his seat. superior.

Those two guys just now...

Noting that the two mysterious characters in the Maruko shop disappeared instantly, Kakashi, Asuma, and the three Konoha Jōnin suddenly became nervous, and hurriedly launched the Shushen Technique to catch up.

"long time no see……"

"Asuma, there is red..."

On the edge of a clear river in Konoha, Yurihong and Asuma finally stopped the two mysterious ninjas from going. One of the mysterious people gently took off the hat from his head, revealing a pair of scarlet Sharingan.

"Are you... Uchiha Itachi?!"

Seeing the crimson eyes exposed by the other party, Asuma was shocked, and immediately recognized the identity of the ninja in front of him.

"And you, "Mist Shinobi Monster" Hoshigaki Kisame..."

"The S-class defector ninja wanted by the country of water on suspicion of killing princes and destroying the country..."

At the same time, Xi Rihong, who was next to him, also recognized the identity of another mysterious person in front of her, and took out a handful of kunwu with a vigilant expression.

"You two are both S-class felons on the wanted book..."

"Broken into Konoha, today we are going to kill you two!!"

With a cigarette in his mouth, Asuma's face also showed a solemn look, and two sharp Chakra knives appeared in his hand.

"I didn't expect that even I would be recognized..."

His identity was discovered, and Hoshigaki Kisame simply took off his hat, revealing a blue-skinned shark face with a triumphant smile written on it.

"But this guy is really long-winded!!"

But when he saw a Jōnin in Asuma district, he dared to speak wildly in front of him and Itachi. Kisame pulled out the big knife Samehada behind him and slashed directly at Asuma!

"This guy, a lot of strength..."

"Suppressed me with only the tip of a knife..."

The battle was on the verge, with a bang. Using the two-handed Chakra knife "Feiyan" to hold Kisame's Samehada to death, Asuma felt the great power continuously transmitted from the big sword in front of him, Samehada.

"Illusory Magic·Qidu..."

At this time, with the opportunity of Asuma's cover, Hong directly used the illusion, and the target was Uchiha Itachi, who was silent on the side.

Facing the illusion technique used by Konoha Jōnin, the red who is most adept at illusionism, Itachi stood still and did not move, only a pair of scarlet Sharingan reflected an inexplicable brilliance.

Samehada·Slash! !

In an instant, Kisame pulled Samehada in his hand with a slight force, and all the white bandages pierced by the spikes on Samehada were revealed. Asuma couldn't resist a few pieces of meat from the top of his left shoulder, and couldn't help holding it out. A painful cry, "Damn it..."

"Huh, my Samehada is not for cutting...but for cutting!!"

Putting the broadsword Samehada on his shoulders again, Hoshigaki Kisame stared at the embarrassed Asuma in front of him domineeringly, with a disdainful smile across his face.

"It's all over..."

On the other side, the illusion battle between Red and Itachi has also been determined.

In the illusion space, seeing Itachi was tied to a big tree by his illusion, Hong directly aimed the sharp kunai of his hand at his neck.


"Illusory skills of this level have no effect at all for me."

Trapped in the red illusion, Itachi's face was expressionless, the scarlet and mysterious Sharingan turned slightly, and the red in the illusion space was immediately tied to the tree by the illusion she had used herself!

"Even to rebound my illusion?!"

The illusion was instantly bounced back by Uchiha Itachi's Sharingan, Hong was shocked, and quickly bit his lips and started to disturb the Chakra in his body.

It’s just that he finally got rid of his illusion, Hong only felt a violent wind hit in front of him, as if Uchiha Itachi’s foot had already kicked in front of him, and he barely raised his hands to resist the red eyes that he was about to kick him. go out.

" don't have time to take care of others at this time!!"

Noting that the red next to him was attacked by Uchiha Itachi, Asuma was anxious, but he was dragged by Kisame, who was wielding a big knife, Samehada, who was smiling strangely in front of him.

"It's been a long time, Itachi..."

But at this moment, the sudden sound made both Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame surprised at the same time.

The door of the mysterious alien space opened without warning, and the kick that Itachi had already kicked in front of Hong was firmly grasped by the palm that appeared out of thin air.

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