"Yakushi Yu?!"

Seeing the person who suddenly appeared in front of them, all the ninjas in the room couldn't help but exclaimed and called out the name.

Only Hong looked at the sudden emergence of the feather that had rescued her, her charming face and cheeks turned crimson, and her mood became more cheerful.

"I didn't expect you to be in Konoha..."

Looking at the sudden appearance of Yu in front of him, Uchiha Itachi's expressionless face suddenly became very solemn. It seems that their mission to Konoha this time will not be that simple...

"Crack quack..."

While speaking, Uchiha Itachi, who was grabbed by Yu's ankle with one hand, suddenly turned into countless flying crows, screaming in the air and condensing his figure by Hoshigaki Kisame's side again.

This is a ninjutsu that projects one's own Chakra onto dozens of crows and transforms them into clones. Because the Clone Technique uses crows as a medium, it consumes less Chakra than Shadow Clone Technique.

"Is the crow clone..."

"It seems that you have taken good care of the crows Shisui entrusted to you..."

Seeing Uchiha Itachi, who had been grabbed by her ankle, turned into a crow and dissipated, Yu was unmoved, but looked at the countless crows flying away in surprise and whispered.


Hearing Yu mentioned the name in front of him, Uchiha Itachi's scarlet and monster eyes trembled slightly, and there was a wave of unconcealable fluctuations.

"Yakushi Feather? So this white-haired guy is the legendary Scarlet Feather?!"

"Didn’t the rumors say that you have already left Konoha? Why do you want to help these Konoha guys?!"

Listening to the conversation between Yu and Itachi, the opposite Hoshigaki Kisame finally confirmed the identity of the handsome young ninja in front of him. He couldn't help but clenched the big sword Samehada in his hand with vigilant eyes.

After all, even if you put aside the deeds that shocked the Ninja world, the ninja who was able to alone let the three of Akatsuki in the organization, Konan, Sasori and Loquat Juzo, lose their lives, is absolutely qualified to attract the strong attention of Hoshigaki Kisame. .

And Kisame knows very well that it is precisely because the loquat Juzo, one of the seven Mist Shinobi Ninja swords of the previous generation, died in the hands of this guy in front of him, he would be taken by the masked man who claimed to be Uchiha Madara by chance. Select to join the Akatsuki organization.

"Is Hoshigaki Kisame?"

"I think it's time for the information you know to be updated. Don't you know that Xi Rihong is my girlfriend?"

Facing the dignified and vigilant gazes of Hoshigaki Kisame and Uchiha Itachi in front of him, Yu chuckled nonchalantly, her gaze falling on the red body beside her, making her blushing complexion more familiar.

"But don't get me wrong..."

"I'm not here to help Konoha, I just want to come over and talk to Itachi."

After teasing the red next to him, Yu, who stood indifferently standing there, suddenly turned, with a hint of deep meaning in Amber's deep eyes, looking at the silent Itachi beside Hoshigaki Kisame in front of him.

Looking for Itachi to relive the past?

After hearing what Yu said, Kisame subconsciously thought that he and Itachi had a feud when they were in Konoha. His heart jumped, and the big knife Samehada in his hand became tighter.

After all, the guy standing in front of him and Itachi at this moment is very likely to be the most dangerous opponent in the world right now.

"You don't need to be so nervous, I really just came over to chat with Itachi."

Seeing Hoshigaki Kisame, who was holding a big knife and Samehada in front of him, looked on guard and ready to go, Yu couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face.

"I heard that among the seven Mist Shinobi of the previous generation, there are eight of them, the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost, and the loquat juzo, all of them died because of you."

"Some time ago, the little devil Heihoe Thunderya also died in your hand. It just so happened that this big knife· Samehada was inherited from my former boss, Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost. Today, let me see what the legend says. What kind of power does a ninja with ten thousand enemies have!!"

While talking, Hoshigaki Kisame had already unwrapped all the white bandages on the big knife Samehada in his hand, exposing the dark blue body of the big knife Samehada, covered with hideous barbs, and opened his mouth as if he had life. , Also released a long tongue.

Is this Samehada among Mist Shinobi's seven ninja swords...

Unlike Red and Asuma, who looked horrified behind him, facing the broad sword and Samehada released from Kisame's hand in front of him, Yu's calm and indifferent gaze moved slightly, and he couldn't help but think of the broken knife and beheaded broadsword he had stored in the world king's alien space. The Thor's Sword of Second Hokage Senju Tobirama.

Samehada was originally a small fish who followed Three Tails Ito. It is usually responsible for helping Three Tails absorb and consume Chakra. It usually sticks to Ito’s stomach, is responsible for cleaning up the leftovers, and sucks food from Ito’s belly, extracts a large amount of Chakra, and then Chakra returned to Isoji's body.

The power of Samehada is that it can extract Chakra from food that is 5 times the normal Chakra. The Chakra stored in Samehada will continue to flow into Isola while fighting.

Used to cut people in battle, Hoshigaki Kisame can suck away the opponent's Chakra for his own use. It can also use the large amount of Chakra stored in Samehada to stimulate the regeneration of body cells. It can also make Samehada and himself become a murloc, with super powerful power. .

"Let me come Kisame, your moves are too slanderous..."

Seeing that the battle was about to start, Uchiha Itachi suddenly waved his hand to make Kisame retreat and stood in front of Yu. "This is Konoha...If the delay is too long, there will be a large number of masters coming to surround us at any time..."

After speaking, Uchiha Itachi closed a pair of scarlet and mysterious Sharingan slightly, and when they opened it again, they turned into a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan in the shape of a three-hook jade dart.


At the same time, Kakashi, who was overdue, hurriedly rushed here, just to witness Uchiha Itachi opening the weird Mangekyō Sharingan, and couldn't help but whisper in surprise.

"Compared to Shisui's Distinguished Heavenly Gods, which can invade the opponent's brain and control the enemy without noticing it..."

"Itachi, your Tsukuyomi needs to look at each other to be able to pull the enemy into the illusion space. It seems that he is just about to fire..."

A fierce battle seemed unavoidable to break out, but at this moment, Yu's somewhat playful voice suddenly broke the short silence on the scene.

The sound was not loud, but it shocked the first-class masters in the Akatsuki organization, Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame, and was scared into a cold sweat.

Nothing else, just because Yu's voice came from their ears.

In the startled gaze of Itachi and Kisame, only Yu, who was standing on the other side just now, appeared in the middle of the two of them!

With an inexplicable smile at the corner of his mouth, the eyes that closed gently ignored Itachi's Mangekyō Sharingan. One hand seemed to be affectionate on Itachi's shoulder, while the other hand was firmly holding Itachi Zhengyu. Shuriken shot out from the great cloak of red clouds on the black background!

This guy... so fast! !

Not only Itachi and Kisame, at this moment, even Red and Asuma behind them, as well as Kakashi and Might Guy who rushed to them, couldn't help being deeply shocked by Yu's ghostly speed!

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