This trick is... Tsukuyomi...

After entering the mysterious illusion space, Yu looked at the surrounding environment with interest and the countless Uchiha Itachi that appeared at the same time.

Tsukuyomi-is the pupil technique that resides in Uchiha Itachi's left eye. It is one of Mangekyō Sharingan's ‘Hypnosis Eye’ abilities to the ultimate pupil technique. The visual illusion technique can only be activated after facing the eye.

This technique will move the opponent’s spirit to the world of'Tskuyomi' created by the caster. In the world of'Tskuyomi', everything is completely controlled by the caster, whether it is time or quality, and those who are caught in the magic spell will Was bound, unable to resist. It can be used to torture the opponent, or to make the opponent see any scene. Although it cannot cause physical damage, it can cause serious mental damage. It can also be used to dispel other people's illusions.

No matter how long you spend in the world of Tsukuyomi, it is only a moment in the real world, so theoretically it cannot be cracked. The disadvantage is that the attack range is very short, no more than five meters, and it will cause a great load on the user's spirit. At the same time, because of the visual illusion, it can only be used after looking at it.

When Uchiha Itachi made his first appearance in the anime, he used this trick to kill Konoha's first technician Hatake Kakashi with a single glance, and let him lie in the ninja hospital until Tsunade came back to rescue him.

"This is Tsukuyomi's space..."

"In this world, all factors including time, location, senses, etc. are all at my disposal."

Seeing that Yu was successfully moved into Tsukuyomi's illusion space by himself, countless low voices of Uchiha Itachi sounded at the same time.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, I know this is the illusion space."

"I have seen Shisui's ultimate illusion, Distinguished Heavenly Gods·Light."

But at this moment, Yu interrupted Uchiha Itachi's nonsense with some impatientness, turning passive into active. Amber's deep eyes did not avoid directing his direct stare at Mangekyō Sharingan, who was looking at him scarletly, " Is the purpose of Konoha coming back this time for Nine Tails?"

"how do you know?!"

After Yu interrupted what he wanted to say, and heard what Yu said next, Uchiha Itachi couldn't help but change his expression.

"As for your other purpose...should be to come back and see if Sasuke's situation is safe, right?"

Ignoring the shocked expression on Uchiha Itachi's face, Yu, standing alone among countless Uchiha Itachi, continued.

"Why would you..."

Akatsuki’s secrets and her own secrets were all explained by Yu, and Uchiha Itachi could no longer conceal the surprised expression on his face.

"And you sneaked into Akatsuki and acted as a spy to obtain information for Konoha...should be the task that Mr. Sarutobi entrusted to you?"

Ignoring the shocked look on Uchiha Itachi's face, Yu continued to talk endlessly without shocking words.

"These... are all Third Hokage telling you?"

After taking a deep breath, Uchiha Itachi finally calmed down again, and looked at Yu and asked.

"What I want to know, I naturally have a way to know."

Looking at Uchiha Itachi, who was expressionless in front of his eyes, Yu's eyes became a little complicated. He knew Itachi's heart was not at peace, "It's just that I always wanted to ask you, Itachi, is it really worth it?"

In the anime, Uchiha Itachi has always been a very contradictory character, who can slaughter his whole family cold-bloodedly and personally, but he can bear such a heavy burden for Konoha and Sasuke alone.

"Seriously, I can't understand what you and Shisui think..."

"Konoha is the object of your protection, isn't the family the object of your protection?"

Staring at Itachi, who fell silent in front of him, Yu couldn't help but think of Shisui once, and couldn't help but ask: "There is also Sasuke, Sasuke is your relative, then your parents, and so many Uchiha clan people, are not you. Relatives?"

The voice fell and there was no sound everywhere, what Yu said, no doubt like a sharp shuriken, plunged deeply into Itachi's heart.


How could he forget it?

Listening to Yu's words silently, Itachi's hands were involuntarily clenched deeply. He would never forget that bloody night in his entire life. Since that day, the curse and wailing of the tribe hasn't stopped in his mind for a moment.

"Is Sasuke that special to you?"

Looking at Itachi who was silent in front of him, Yu's eyes became more puzzled, "I really don't understand what Brocons like you think..."

This is true for Uchiha Itachi to Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Madara to Uchiha Izuna, and Senju Hashirama to Senju Tobirama. Yu found that he could not understand the thoughts of these Brocon madmen.


Hearing Yu mention the name Sasuke, Itachi's silent eyes trembled, and finally he said, "If Konoha is a ship, then I would hope that Sasuke is a plank on this ship..."

"Even if the boat Konoha sinks one day, the plank of Sasuke will still be able to wander everywhere..."

After listening to Itachi in silence, Yu couldn't help feeling his heart move. Although he still couldn't agree with Itachi's approach, he could fully feel the heavy love Itachi had for his brother from the lines of Itachi's words.

"So Yu, although I don't know how you know so many secrets..."

"But behind Akatsuki is a power that even you can't stop...For Shisui's sake, I hope you don't hinder our mission this time..."

After speaking, the pupil power in Itachi's eyes urged, Tsukuyomi's illusion space changed again, and Yu was directly fixed on a cross by him.

"A force that even I can't stop?"

Seeing Uchiha Itachi fixing himself on the cross and silently taking out the sharp blade of his hand, trying to torture himself like Kakashi in the anime, Yu had a ridiculous smile on his face, "You mean Six Paths. Hmm? Or the masked man who claimed to be'Uchiha Madara' whose arm was cut off by me last time?"

Conqueror's Haki! !

Ignoring Uchiha Itachi’s shocked gaze, as the voice fell, I saw the indescribable spiritual power erupted from the whole body of Yu fixed on the cross, and the will and the spirit were intertwined into a black-red lightning-like momentum toward the surroundings. The craziness spread, and the entire Tsukuyomi world around him suddenly began to collapse...


Ten minutes passed in the world of Tsukuyomi, but less than a second passed in the outside world.


Standing in front of Yu, Uchiha Itachi suddenly knelt on one knee, breathing heavily in his mouth, covering his left eye with one hand, and his face was full of unbelievable expressions, "How could it Tsukuyomi was killed by you?!"

"Itachi? Are you okay?!"

Seeing the state of Itachi at this moment, Kisame next to him struggled to get up from the ground.

"That's it for today..."

"Then, I won't hinder the tasks of the two of you..."

Facing the unbelievable eyes of Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame in front of him, Yu opened the door of the different space, stepped into it, and disappeared in front of them.

Just as Deidara, the Azure Dragon of Akatsuki, after losing to Uchiha Itachi, was able to practice his left eye specifically to increase his resistance to illusions, Yu's Conqueror's Haki itself is the'chosen one' who can only be awakened among a million people. The qualifications of the king.

In addition, he has personally experienced the power of Sage Art·Magic·Toad Pro sing in the sound system and Distinguished Heavenly Gods·Light, which has brought him strong illusion resistance, so he is now as strong as The spiritual power of Rock is enough to be immune to most illusions.

Akatsuki... Now that I keep you and still have the value to use...

Whether it’s Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Madara and Black Zetsu, Ten Tails is not just your goal...

After seeing Yu leave, Itachi finally couldn't hold back and sat down beside Kisame. A pair of blood-red and mysterious Mangekyō Sharingan had degenerated into black eyes. Tsukuyomi's cracking by Yu obviously caused him a great mental load.

"Really a guy who can never guess..."

"Yu, how do you know those secrets..."

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