Hokage’s Law Of Demons

Chapter 383 Sasuke's Request

The matter about Akatsuki has come to an end. This is the first time this mysterious organization has entered everyone's field of vision, and it has aroused the attention and vigilance of all the ninjas in Konoha.

The number, purpose, leaders behind, everything is unknown. The only information that can be learned from Jiraiya is that the members of this organization are all composed of S-level rebels from major ninja villages, possessing enough to threaten anything in the current ninja world. The ability of a ninja village.

For a few days after the incident, Konoha was immersed in an atmosphere of turmoil, only the leisurely feathers were completely uprooting the cancer of Shimura Danzō, and after they rearranged their lives in the Konoha Orphanage. , I spent my free time with Hong and Xiyan and lived a life like an immortal couple.

"No, don't be like this..."

"It's still broad daylight, Shiro and Kimimaro may come back at any time..."

No, on this day, taking advantage of everyone not at home, the innocent Xi Yan begged for mercy again and again under Yu's teasing.

During this period of time, Xiyan, who had not had an Anbu mission, unloaded Genin's clothing, and put on an ordinary white dress. His slim and beautiful figure was like a blooming empty valley orchid.

"Don't worry..."

Looking at the crimson sunset in her arms, the evil smile on Yu's face became more and more unscrupulous, "Hong took the three little ghosts from the eighth class to go out on a mission. Bai and Kimimaro are practicing. No one will bother us if we break our throat..."

After all, not long after the first taste of the forbidden fruit, the desire and desire for personnel is naturally different from the past. Usually, as long as they are free to get tired of being together, Hong and Xiyan are always unable to escape Yu's claws.

Knocking! !

However, as soon as Yu's words fell, a knock on the door suddenly rang out. Under Xiyan's expression that couldn't help but chuckle, Yu tidyed up her clothes with a gloomy look and walked to open the door.

"Uchiha's kid..."

"You better pray that you have something important to come to me, otherwise..."

Observation Haki sensed the ninja standing outside the door for the first time. Feather gritted his teeth and opened the door. Sure enough, he saw a black-haired, fair-skinned teenager-Uchiha Sasuke.

"I saw Itachi..."

But at this moment, Sasuke stood at the door with a voice that seemed to be a dead person, and Yu Yu could not help being startled.

"Even Kakashi and their Jōnin are not his opponents... I have heard that you beat him and his companions instantly as soon as you shot."

Not only was the gaze and expression changed, Yu could also see that Sasuke was covered with white bandages everywhere, and his words revealed unforgettable hatred all the time, "So... please train me! Your strength can definitely teach me how to kill that guy!!"

Have you seen Itachi...

It seems that the spirit of this kid was once again severely destroyed by Itachi...

Feeling Sasuke’s dark and hateful gaze, Yu moved in his heart. It seemed to be similar to the original plot. After learning that Itachi and Kisame who suddenly appeared in Konoha were defeated by him, Sasuke went to visit Kakashi and Asuma and inquired about the news. .

As a result, I learned from Yamashiro Aoba, who visited Kakashi, that Itachi returned to Konoha this time to find Naruto. He immediately went to the place where Naruto and Jiraiya practiced and finally met Itachi. Not only was Itachi broken his wrist, but also Itachi used Tsukuyomi to completely defeat the mental will.

"Well, put away your bitter eyes, I don't owe you anything..."

Although I sighed about Sasuke's tragic fate, Yu showed no mercy. Instead, he yawned boredly and planned to close the door again. "I have no interest in teaching you. Although you are called a genius at the Ninja School, Not to mention Shisui, who is also from the Uchiha clan, you are even less than one-tenth of his qualifications."

Yu's words may make young Sasuke unacceptable, but what he said is indeed an indisputable fact. Although it is also the reincarnation of Indra, the son of Sage of Six Paths Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo, Sasuke's early qualifications and not to mention the previous generations of Indra Compared with reincarnated people, if the protagonist’s halo is not mentioned, even Shisui and Itachi, the true geniuses of this generation of Uchiha clan, can completely abuse him.

For example, itachi can learn the Fire Style·Great Fireball Technique from Uchiha Fugaku before joining the ninja school at the age of five, while the seven-year-old Sasuke, who has already participated in the ninja school, has to practice for a long time to become a master.


Seeing Yu was about to close the door, Sasuke, like a drowning man, finally grabbed the last straw, her black eyes were filled with endless perseverance and hatred, "As long as I can give me enough strength Revenge, even if I take away my soul, I don’t hesitate to take away my soul!!"

The look in this kid's eyes...

Even if the soul is taken away, it’s not hesitate...

Feeling Sasuke's deep desire for strength in his heart, Yu who was about to close the door couldn't help but be stunned. How similar is this dialogue and eyes to him who had just traveled to this world not long ago?

The only difference is that he was originally to be able to survive and have the power to dominate the world, while Sasuke was purely to avenge Itachi...

"Okay kid, your eyes look like me..."

After retracting his somewhat complicated gaze, Yu showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, "I only give you three days. As for how much you can learn from me, it depends on your own talent and hard work..."

"Really... That's great!!"

Although it wasn't clear what Shiratori's words meant, Sasuke suddenly clenched his fists when Yu agreed to teach him.

After seeing Naruto getting stronger and stronger, coupled with being repeatedly stimulated by Itachi, and deeply aware of his weakness, his desire to become stronger now is as strong as a drowning person's desire to breathe.

"Your Excellency Yakushi Yu..."

"Master Third Hokage and two senior adults want to see you."

At this moment, a slight breeze blew, and two Anbu ninjas wearing cat face masks suddenly appeared behind Sasuke.

Teacher Sarutobi? And those two old guys who don't know the so-called?

Seeing the two Anbu ninjas suddenly appeared, Yu's heart was filled with questions, and Kaidō casually said: "It just so happens that I also want to meet Sarutobi-teacher and those two old guys..."

The air opens the door! !

After speaking, before the two Anbu ninjas and Sasuke reacted, Yu opened the door of the different space and disappeared in the same place instantly.

Meanwhile, Hokage's office.

In the same four-person seat as usual, Third Generation is talking in low voice with Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu beside him.

Only the top seat was vacant. It was originally Konoha's other high-level elder Danzo's position, but he will never appear in this position from now on.

"The atmosphere is not very harmonious..."

"It seems that you are discussing some important topic."

At this moment, a mysterious door to another space opened in Hokage's office without warning. Yu stepped out of it, and the sudden sound interrupted the discussion of the three Konoha top leaders.


"Yu, you are here, sit down."

After seeing Yu appeared, the atmosphere in the office became very heavy and weird, and Third Generation coughed slightly to break the silence.

"No, Mr. Sarutobi..."

"The three of you will actually see me together. Why don't you get straight to the point. What is the purpose of asking me to come?"

The smile on Third Generation's face was the same, but Yu ruthlessly rejected his kindness, and said indifferently.

"It's like this..."

"Yakushi Yu, would you like to accept the appointment as Konohagakure's Fifth Hokage?"

Facing Yu's long drive and feeling the oncoming horror aura, Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu looked at each other, took a deep breath and threw out an amazing word.

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