
"Hanabi, are you okay?!"

Seeing Yu snatching the kidnapped Hyuga Hanabi from Ōtsutsuki's hands, Hinata rushed over on the ground as he watched the two figures falling from the sky like a virtual wind.

"It should be okay..."

"It's just that the acupoint is blocked by Gentle Fist Chakra..."

After holding Hyuga Hanabi lightly and falling to the ground, Yu used Observation Haki to perceive her situation, and realized that the puppet ninjas under Ōtsutsuki just used Gentle Fist Chakra to seal the meridian points in her body. The intention to hurt her.

Healing Jutsu! !

After speaking, under Hinata's nervous gaze, a group of green Chakra light bursts directly on Yu's palm, which was lightly attached to Hanabi's immature chest, and her peak medical ninjutsu gradually relieved her. Opened the blocked meridians and acupoints in the body.


After Yu used Healing Jutsu's treatment, Hanabi, who fell into his arms, hummed and finally recovered his ability to move. He jumped up with excitement and took Hinata's hand. "Sister, this guy is what you usually talked about to me. Master Yu?!"

"It's so cool! I beat those guys away at once! It's much more handsome than expected!!"

Unlike her sister Hinata, who is introverted and gentle, Hanabi, who is only seven years old this year, appears to be much more active. Although she has long black hair and a feminine appearance, she is actually a young girl with strong self-esteem and unwillingness to lose.

"Very funny little guy..."

Seeing the energetic little Loli's adoring gaze towards herself, Yu's mouth turned upwards involuntarily, and she reached out and bounced her head gently, causing her to cover her forehead and make her pouting eyes again. expression.

"Well, Hanabi, don't be rude to Master Yu."

At this time, a majestic and rigid voice came, and Hyuga Hiashi, who was slightly injured next to him, came over, "Hurry up and thank him for his life-saving grace."

"Thank you Master Yu..."

Seeing the usual dignified father Hiashi approaching, the naughty Hanabi had to stick out his tongue and obediently said thank you to Yu.

"Make you laugh, Yu..."

After rebuking the sparks in a deep voice, Hyuga Hiashi squeezed a helpless smile at Yu, "Originally, this matter was between our Hyuga clan and the descendants of the ancestors of Hamura on the moon. I wanted to solve it internally, but I didn’t expect to have it. I'm sorry to bother you..."

Although Yu's current identity is no longer Konoha's ninja, after all, Yu helped them a lot in the case of Cloud Shinobi stealing Byakugan from the Hyuga clan. Therefore, the relationship between the entire Hyuga clan and him has always been good.

"Hiashi-sama, you are too polite, just a simple effort..."

Facing Hyuga Hiashi’s polite thank you, Yu waved his hand generously. In fact, even if this incident did not happen tonight, sooner or later he would find a way to go to the moon to meet the descendants of the legendary Ōtsutsuki clan, but he didn’t. I thought that this day would come early.

"It seems that you Hyuga clan still have a lot of things to deal with tonight, so I won't stay here to hinder you..."

After exchanging greetings with Hyuga Hiashi, Hinata and Hanabi, who were rescued by themselves, are safe and sound. Seeing that there are many ninjas of the Hyuga clan who were seriously injured, the worried Yu said goodbye and directly opened the door to the different space. Step into it and disappear.

"I didn't expect that the Ōtsutsuki clan on the moon would appear in this world so early..."

"It seems that things are getting more and more interesting..."

Utilizing the power of the fruit of the world king's door, he returned to his home in an instant. After a restless night, looking at the white full moon above the night sky outside the window, Yu's eyes couldn't help but sparkle with gleaming light.

"So what will Tenseigan be like the legendary Rinnegan? It's really exciting..."

Whispering to himself, Yu's deep and sharp eyes seemed to pierce the firmament of the night sky, and saw the distant moon above the sky Island floating around, and one of them was sitting on an island with a god-tier statue. There is a huge Tenseigan enshrined in the temple, and the mysterious and vast brilliance flows slowly in it...


At the same time, in an unknown dark cave.

"Is everyone here?"

In the dark environment, Tiandao Payne opened a pair of purple eyes and asked.

"Well, Itachi and Kisame just rushed back..."

Sasori still had the deep and hoarse voice, but as he spoke, the surrounding colorful clouds appeared one after another.

"It looks like everyone is here..."

Payne nodded and turned Rinnegan's gaze to the two people, Itachi and Kisame, who just showed up. "Itachi, Kisame, how about your two missions to Konoha?"

"This time we went to Konoha and saw Jinchūriki from Nine Tails. He is indeed a noisy kid..."

Hearing Payne's question, there was a slight silence in the Scarlet Sharingan, but Kisame next to him spoke.

"But Jiraiya, one of the legendary Sannin, has always been by his side..."

Kisame briefly recounted the process that he and Itachi went to Konoha to perform the mission this time, "So Itachi and I did not succeed in bringing him back this time..."


Hearing Kisame mentioned the name Jiraiya, there seemed to be a glimmer of nostalgia in Penn’s cold Rinnegan, but it quickly disappeared. "If you meet him, it would be excusable for you to fail this time. ..."

"and also……"

Speaking of this, Kisame paused, with a heavy tone in his tone, "We went to Konoha this time and met Scarlet Feather..."

"Feather of Scarlet Cang?"

Hearing the name uttered from Kisame's mouth, a few figures in the dark cave showed a slight reaction.

"When you met that guy, did you two come back safe and sound?"

The dull Sasori of Akasawa spoke suddenly, and this name really impressed him too much six years ago.

"Well, we played against each other..."

"No wonder that guy is hailed as the legendary ninja..."

As if recalling the scene of the battle at that time, Kisame's tone even contained a sigh, "It was almost just a blink of an eye, and Itachi and I were defeated... But it is strange that he actually let us..."

"Defeat you and Itachi in a blink of an eye?"

In addition to Konan, Kakuzu, and Sasori, the ninjas who have fought with Scarlet Feather, Deidara and Hidan, who had just joined Akatsuki not long ago, showed surprises at the same time.

No wonder they have such a reaction. Of course, they are very aware of the strength of Itachi and Kisame. They are also top-ranked in the entire organization. Now they will be defeated by one person?

"My subordinates spared you two with mercy, is it because of Itachi..."

There was a thought in Penn's tone, and the meaning of this was really thought-provoking, and there was a moment of silence in the cave.

"Okay, let's put the matter of Scarlet Cang Feather aside..."

"If it becomes an obstacle to us, I will naturally take time to solve his..."

Payne slightly cleared up his emotions and broke the silence in front of him, "Everyone has collected information about the tail beast and Jinchūriki, so next..."

"It's time to prepare for action..."

After speaking, Payne stood in the middle of the cave and began to arrange Akatsuki's next mission.

Feather of Scarlet Cang...

Hope this guy will not affect our plan...

It’s just that no one noticed. Jue was standing in the dark corner next to him wrapped in two pieces of pitcher plants. His half-yin and half-yang face seemed to be thinking differently...

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