Hokage’s Law Of Demons

Chapter 389 Tsunade Returns (seeking monthly pass for reward)

The next day, Yu was awakened by Uchiha Sasuke's knock on the door early in the morning.

Being completely attracted by the appearance of the descendants of the Ōtsutsuki clan on the two moons last night, Yucai remembered that he had promised Sasuke to guide him in three days of cultivation.

"Speak up kid, what do you want to learn..."

After arriving in Konoha’s ordinary exercise field, Yu yawned and looked at Sasuke in front of him and said, “Except for Sharingan’s pupil skills, I can’t teach you, whether physical skills, ninjutsu, illusion skills or even medical treatment. Ninjutsu, I basically dabble in it."

"My purpose is to kill that man... Of course you are teaching me the stronger ninjutsu, the better!!"

Staring at the lazy feathers in front of him, Sasuke's black eyes quietly turned into a pair of scarlet Two Tomoe Sharingan, his fists tightly clenched.

After experiencing the Chūnin exam and Konoha's collapse plan, whether it is the powerful power of Sand Shinobi's One Tail Jinchūriki Gaara or the leaps and bounds of Naruto, it has deeply stimulated his fragile self-esteem.

Especially after encountering Itachi again, his understatement and defeat by Itachi, coupled with Tsukuyomi's cruel mental blow, has caused him to have a nearly pathological obsession and desire for power in his heart.

Itachi, you are so painstakingly lonely...

Is it really worth it to create such an illusion for your brother...

Feeling the crazy desire for power in Sasuke's eyes in front of him, Yu couldn't help but sigh.

"Okay kid..."

"If you want to defeat Itachi, the first thing you have to learn is to recognize the facts first..."

After regaining his thoughts, looking at Sasuke who was barely tall enough to his chest, Yu began to explain to him: "With the strength that you barely reach Chūnin level now, even if I give you the powerful ninjutsu, you will not be able to use it. "

"Ninja battles are ever-changing. It is not that the higher the level of ninjutsu means the stronger it is. If used properly, even the Three Body Technique of the ninja school level can accurately kill the opponent."

Speaking of this, Yu couldn't help but recall the first time he fought Jōnin, the water mirror of Mist Shinobi Jōnin who was killed by him using Shadow Clone Technique + change technique.

"Kakashi should have handed Chidori to you, right?"

Looking back on Sasuke in front of him, Yu said, "If I remember correctly, your Chakra attributes are thunder and fire, while mine are thunder and water. Just so I will teach you how to control the Lightning Style form. Change!"

Shape change?

Hearing the unfamiliar nouns spitting out from Yu's mouth, Sasuke widened Sharingan slightly.

Although he learned from Kakashi that Chidori, the powerful Lightning Style ninjutsu, was developed by the man in front of him, the shape change of Chakra is still a relatively unfamiliar concept to him.

Lightning Style·Chidori! !

Seeing Sasuke's blank expression on his face, Yu didn't say much, and the knots on both hands directly released the chidori, and the violent and gorgeous thunder and lightning concentrated in the palm of his right hand.

"This is the form of an ordinary Chidori..."

After releasing the normal form of Chidori in front of Sasuke, facing his inexorable Sharingan, Yu's eyes drew slightly, "Next, I will use your Sharingan to look forward to it, I will only use it once..."

Lightning Style·Thousand Birds Sharp Gun! !

Without waiting for Sasuke in front of him to react, the chidori light on Yu's hand skyrocketed, and the powerful and uncontrollable Lightning Style Chakra in his hand was like a domesticated soft water, directly turned into a light blade and burst out, passing through the exercise field A big tree outside instantly penetrated through the gap of the iron net!

"This is... actually shooting Chidori in a gun-like form to penetrate the target?!"

After witnessing the chidori sharp spear displayed by the hand of Feather at close range, Sasuke's scarlet Sharingan burst out with a dazzling brilliance, "Let Chakra's appearance change, change the appearance of ninjutsu, and control the power of the attack. Scope, is this the shape change?!"

"It seems that you have realized something..."

Seeing Sasuke seems to have seen the key to the change in form, Yu nodded with satisfaction, "Perhaps I should take back my previous evaluation of you. Although it is not as good as Itachi and Shisui, in the current peaceful environment, you It's not bad..."

After all, the inspiration for the Chidori system's ninjutsu itself came from Shippuden's Sasuke. Perhaps in return for this, Yu then gave him some ninjutsu derived from Chidori one by one in advance.

As for whether he can display it after learning it, it depends on his own talent and hard work. It is necessary to know that Sasuke in this period can only use Chidori, Chidori flow or something at most twice a day, perhaps for him It's still too early to say.

"Hey! Konoha!!"

"We are back!!"

After teaching Sasuke to practice for a while, suddenly a familiar loud voice came from the entrance of Konoha Village, which immediately attracted the attention of Yu and Sasuke.

"Hey, it's Naruto..."

After hearing Naruto’s voice, Sasuke let out a squeak, with a complicated expression on his face. Since Naruto followed the legendary Sannin’s Jiraiya practice and surpassed him for a while, the two of them had a strong Feelings will inevitably produce an invisible crack.

Jiraiya...Is there still Tsunade...

Looking back, from the angle of Yu, you can see Naruto and the others coming in from the gate of Konoha Village. In addition to Jiraiya, there is also a woman with light blond mid-length hair walking beside him.

He looks about twenty years old, white and beautiful, wearing a long green gown with the word "gambling" written on the back. A pair of amazing twin peaks on his chest seem to be ready to come out at any time, attracting the surroundings all the time. The eyes of all men.

"This is the end of today's cultivation..."

"It seems Konoha will soon usher in its Fifth Hokage..."

After seeing Tsunade returning to Konoha and Shizune following her, Yu silently retracted his eyes and said to Sasuke.

It seems that things are still on the original track. Tsunade failed to escape being persuaded by Naruto's mouth to return to Konoha's fate as the Fifth Hokage, but Orochimaru's hands were not sealed by the Third Generation. There should be no reason to be like anime. Go to Tsunade for treatment like that...

Fifth Hokage?

Hearing Yu's words, Sasuke was shocked, and followed his gaze to see Tsunade walking in front of Naruto. Is it that woman...

"Speaking of which, that woman with a bad personality is still my senior sister..."

Feeling Sasuke’s surprised gaze, Yu shook his head with a wry smile, “Don’t look at her on the surface, always resisting Konoha, but in fact she loves Konoha more than anyone... After all, all of her is buried here. The past and fetters..."

Although the last time I saw Tsunade, she was in the form of an unconscious drunk cat, but for this seemingly carefree and seemingly casual and heroic woman, Yu knows exactly what she is in essence. Delicate character.

But now that the troublesome woman has returned to Konoha to take up the position of Fifth Hokage...

Then it’s time to prepare to leave Konoha again...and start implementing my plan...

After speaking, Yu Zheng wanted to say goodbye to Sasuke and leave, but at this moment, a gust of wind blew by, and two unexpected figures suddenly appeared in front of him and Sasuke.

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