"Long time no see, Shizune."

After using the power of the world king to arrive at Konoha Shinobi Hospital from Gen’s underground base in an instant, he saw Shizune, who had not been seen for many years, and Yu said hello to her.

Dressed in a ninja kimono with a black background and white borders, wearing a grid-like ninja underwear, Shizune, with a demure temperament, is only two years younger than Kakashi, but looks no different from the past, like a leading girl in Xiaojiabiyu. He also held a pet pig wearing a pearl necklace in his arms.

"Fei...Fei Cang Feather?!"

At the same time, seeing Yu suddenly appearing out of thin air in front of him, the Konoha Shinobi present suddenly became nervous. Although Yu was once the captain of the medical squad here, no one can tell whether his identity is an enemy or a friend.

"Huh, it seems that you are my little brother Yakushi Yu who has never been masked..."

Saying that Cao Cao is here, and seeing Yu suddenly appearing in front of him, Tsunade snorted and looked at him with interest, "He looks like a talent, much more handsome than the horny guy Jiraiya..."

"I just don't know if the strength at hand is really as powerful as the rumors?"

Speaking of this, feeling the inadvertently powerful aura from Yu Gupan, Tsunade narrowed his eyebrows lightly, as if eager to try Yu's strength.

"Thank you, Senior Sister Tsunade."

"But I just came here to temporarily borrow some medical equipment and instruments from the medical class, and I didn't mean to fight with you."

Perceiving the unconcealed fighting spirit in Tsunade's eyes, Yu's face showed a bitter, helpless smile. It seems that Tsunade, the legendary Big Sheep, is as bold as the character in the anime.

And because he hates his old appearance, Tsunade uses special medical ninjutsu to maintain his youthful appearance, and sometimes he randomly changes his appearance in his teens, twenties, and thirties to avoid creditors.

But what makes Yu feel a little surprised is that compared to Tsunade who looks like he should be 30 years old, the Tsunade in front of him not only has the beauty of a teenage girl, but also has a slim and sexy body sitting on the highest peak in the Hokage world. It made him couldn't help but look at him.

"Without further ado!!"

"If you can catch my fist!!"

There are various legends about Fei Cang Yu in the entire Ninja World, and on the way back to Konoha, after many exaggerated renderings by the kid Naruto, Tsunade who wants to test can't help but say that a flash has been instantaneous. Appearing in front of Yu, the seemingly soft and slender fist contained a power that an ordinary ninja could not imagine, and he slammed directly toward Yu's face!

Strange power-in addition to the extraordinary ninjutsu, this is the superb ability that Tsunade uses for combat. It uses precise Chakra control methods to concentrate Chakra on any part of the body, and then bursts out after rapid burning. Even if hands and feet fall to the ground, there will be countless The crack left a deep pit.

"It's so messy, Tsunade-sama!!"

Seeing Tsunade being so self-willed, and knowing how terrifying her strange power is, Shizune suddenly became anxious like an ant on a hot pot, "I'm going to be Konoha's Fifth Hokage soon, how can I be so careless!!"

"What a victorious woman..."

Facing a heavy punch from Tsunade, Yu's face was helpless, but he didn't dare to have the slightest intention in his heart, "In this case, let me experience the legendary princess Tsunade's strange power!!"

Although he is now entering the super Kage-level with other strengths, the combat effectiveness must be stabilized by Tsunade, but Tsunade's strange power even if you look at the entire Hokage world, there are few opponents. Because of his carelessness, he was overturned and killed by the enemy , In the world of ninjas is a common thing, but it is absolutely impossible for him to happen.

Armed color and hardening! !

Realizing that Tsunade wanted to test his own strength, Yu stood still and did not evade. The powerful Armament Haki instantly Blacken his palm, forming a fancy punch and blasting it directly in front of him!

boom! !

The entire large hall of the Ninja Hospital shook fiercely, and only saw the fists in the hands of Tsunade and Yu colliding with each other, and the two unmatched forces confronted each other at zero distance, unexpectedly in the surrounding air. A strong vigor similar to a shock wave was produced in it!


There was a crisp cracking sound, and the Konoha Shinobi present were shocked to see the ceiling above their heads, the ground under their feet, and the surrounding walls were all cracked by the collision of the fists between Tsunade and Yu!

"Is this Tsunade Hime's weird power..."

"Sure enough..."

Blacken's fist in his hand and Tsunade's fist of strange power collided fiercely, and he felt a huge force that continued to flow like a raging wind, and a strange color flashed in Yu Amber's sharp eyes.

Except for him, apart from other combat abilities, Tsunade is definitely the first among Kage-level ninjas in terms of physical strength, and Jiraiya, who is as famous as her, can only be compared with her unless he enters Sage Mode.

"How easy is it to take over my strange power?!"

At the same time, feeling the overbearing power constantly transmitted from the fist of Feather Blacken in front of him, Tsunade's delicate body couldn't help taking a step back slightly, and his face was full of horror, "This kid...what? possible?!"

Relying on a strange power to cross the Ninja world, but now he is thrown back by the handsome and thin Yu, Tsunade can't believe his eyes.

"Master Tsunade! Are you okay?!"

Seeing Tsunade who was in front of her was slammed back by Yu's punch, Shizune hurriedly stepped forward to support her, and at the same time looked at Yu with a gentle and quiet face, "The strength is even bigger than Master Tsunade...What's that? possible?!"

Although he has personally seen Yu's powerful ability to kill Bei Liuhu, Shizune did not expect that Yu's physical strength would be even more exaggerated than the invincible Tsunade.

"Okay, let's stop here..."

After blasting Tsunade back with a punch, the Armament Haki of Blacken in Yu's hand dissipated and stood still.

The voice fell, and before everyone present could react, the person had turned into a splendid electric arc and disappeared in place.

Although Tsunade's strange power is indeed unique, it is almost the same as Cloud Shinobi Fourth Raikage's power overall. With Yu's current physical skills combined with the enhancement of the second stage Armament Haki, it has already completely surpassed her.

"Damn it...what a shit guy!!"

Seeing Yu disappeared and disappeared with a punch back, the unconvinced Tsunade suddenly gritted his teeth, but a pair of beautiful eyes could not help showing a strange brilliance, "But then again, Shizune, this guy is still What a funny freak..."

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