After leaving Tsunade and Shizune.

Yu came to the room inside Konoha Shinobi Hospital and closed the door of the room heavily.

Entering the room, he was greeted by various sophisticated medical equipment and instruments around him, as well as a computer-like instrument.

"It's been a long time since I came back here..."

"It looks like there hasn't been any change here..."

Seeing that the placement of these medical instruments and equipment in front of him hadn't changed much from before he left Konoha, Yu Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

The air opens the door! !

While speaking, Yu opened the door of the realm king's different space and took out four transparent glass test tubes from the inside.

One of them is the Wood Style cells of First Hokage Senju Hashirama collected from Danzo when he killed Danzo, and the other three are blood samples of Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Khan Rin and Kaguya Kimimaro.

"First, extract the genes first..."

Although extracting genes from cell and blood samples is a technical task, as the leader of Konoha's medical team, it is not difficult for Yu to use medical knowledge to operate these sophisticated medical equipment.

"Okay, the extraction is complete..."

After half an hour and a professional operation, Yu finally extracted the genes from the blood samples of the three people of Senju Hashirama's Wood Style cells, Youyu Chiba Sasuke, Uzumaki Karin and Kaguya Kimimaro.

After carefully comparing the genes of the four under the instrument, Yu found out that Ni Duan-Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Xiangrin, and Senju Hashirama's gene chains not only coincided with each other, but also tended to complement each other.

However, Kaguya Kimimaro's gene chain seems very strange, and it actually matches part of the gene chain of the first three people, but not all of them.

"As I expected, is it true..."

After looking at the genetic comparison in his hand, Yu couldn't help muttering to himself a little absent-mindedly.

Sure enough, the same as his original diagnosis, Kimimaro's hematogenous disease was caused by his incomplete genetic chain, and there was some incompleteness. There was no problem in the usual situation, but the more frequently he used his own hematogenous boundary—— Dead Bone Pulse, the more serious the illness will be.

What is the limit of blood succession? To put it bluntly, it is a genetic disease passed on to the next generation through blood relationship!

In the setting of the Hokage world, every ninja has the opportunity to awaken and obtain an ancestral phenomenon and ability. For example, the people of the Uchiha clan have the opportunity to awaken Sharingan-the ancestor Indra's ability, the Senju clan and the Uzumaki clan. People have the opportunity to awaken the body of the immortal-the ability of the ancestor Ashura.

The same is true for Kimimaro. The Kei Yoruichi tribe is a bloodline passed down from the family of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, the ancestor of Chakra in ancient times, but by the time it was passed down to the Kimimaro generation, the ancestral gene in the bloodline has been minimal.

It can be seen that in this generation of Kei Yoruichi tribe, except for Kimimaro who awakened the Dead Bone Pulse and inherited the appearance of Kaguya Ji, all other Kei Yoruichi tribes have black hair and no The mind only knows about fighting, killing and destroying.

In contrast, Kimimaro obviously has more room for rational thinking and is closer to Kaguya Ji’s appearance, which shows that his reversion is more obvious, but the incomplete bloodline gene and premature awakening of blood inheritance limits have led to The outbreak of Kaguya Kimimaro's hematological disease.

This is why Yu did not try to take him to Tsunade for treatment, because this in itself is not a problem that medical ninjutsu can solve, and Yu’s current medical ninjutsu strength is almost the same as Tsunade, and he can’t solve the same problem Tsunade can solve. No more.

"In this way..."

"Kimimaro's situation is more complicated than I thought..."

After putting down the genetic sample in his hand, Yu thought for a while, and finally clarified his mind, "His hematological disease should only be combined with the Uchiha clan, Senju clan, Uzumaki clan, and restore the complete blood of Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo..."

"Then combine the genes of the Hyuga clan and the Ōtsutsuki clan on the moon to restore the complete Ōtsutsuki Hamura bloodline, and finally combine the two to restore the bloodline of Kaguya Ji, and it is possible to fill his genetic chain defects and awaken a complete Dead Bone Pulse-Killing the ashes..."

It sounds very complicated, but after Yu Yu's tears and cocoons, at least he has found the only way to cure Kimimaro.

"Now we have the genes for the Uchiha, Senju, and Uzumaki clan..."

"The genes of the Hyuga clan are not a problem, so the next thing is the genes of the Ōtsutsuki clan on the moon!!"

After thoroughly analyzing the solution to Kimimaro's blood follow-up disease, without further ado, Yu Jiang took four genetic samples into the king's different space, and the whole person instantly disappeared in the Ninja Hospital.


"In other words... the country of fire is so big..."

"It's really like looking for a needle in a haystack..."

Within the fire country, in a forest tens of kilometers away from Konoha Shinobi village, Yu couldn't help but complain.

After leaving Konoha Village, he, Shiro, Kimimaro, and Hinata had been looking for three or four days in the forest within the fire country, but they still had no clue.

According to the setting in the Hokage Ninja theater version "The Last", the mysterious cave that is suspected to be the ruins of the Ōtsutsuki clan should be located not far from the Konoha Shinobi village in the country of fire, with a dense forest in the middle. Huge river and waterfall.

"If I remember correctly..."

"It should be near here. Why didn't you find anything? It doesn't make sense."

Fully launching Observation Haki to search around, Yu couldn't help letting out a long complaint.

"Although I don't know what Master Yu you are looking for..."

Bai unhurriedly followed Yu, still with a gentle smile on his face, "But we have been wandering in this forest for several days..."

"Sorry Hinata, but I followed the three of us here for so many days..."

Taking a look at the girl Hinata who was silently following her, Yu said to her a little apologetically.

It’s not that he has never tried to use Sky's Path to fly into the sky to search, but in the Hokage Ninja theatrical version of "The Last", it is obvious that Hinata and Naruto are sitting on the eagle drawn by Sai's ultra-pseudo-beast, and he can find a place nearby. But I have been searching here for so many days without any clues.

"No, it's okay..."

Hearing Yu's gentle voice, the shy Hinata's face turned red, and she said, "As long as it can help everyone..."

"Wait a minute... is that?!"

At this moment, I heard the faint roar of waterfalls in the distance, and Hinata who turned on Byakugan seemed to see something, and suddenly opened his eyes, "Brother Yu...found it!!!"

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