Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 101: Mutation (Added to Shao Zuo)

The battle was over. Shaoyu was bounced for nearly 20 meters, but he was not injured at all. He was caught by Beta.

Come back with Beta, besides Leah, there are also the sister paper who has been holding the pot and her mentor.

When the wizard saw the instructor holding the pot girl paper, he stopped casting the spell, not only taking the initiative to salute, but also showing respect.

Shaoyu thought they knew each other and guessed what their origins might be, but only later learned that the sister paper holding the pot was an alchemist and her tutor was an alchemist.

The sister paper holding the pot was very excited to see Shaoyu, she ran up to learn that Shaoyu could listen and talked a lot... so that Shaoyu not only knew her name, but also the profession of alchemy.

Her name is very long, and Shaoyu uses the old method to reduce it to two or three characters for easy memory, called Eve.

At first he imagined alchemy as a doctor in this world. They also dispense many medicines to enhance their abilities, and then they would do some weird things.

Shaoyu didn't know much about it, but Eve was very enthusiastic, and she also flaunted that she had become a true alchemist.

In this way, Shaoyu also learned about the level of the alchemy profession, which was graded by a specialized academy in every royal city.

Apprentice Alchemist, Alchemist, Alchemist, Master Alchemist. According to Eve's words, don't think that there are only four levels. The items that can be refined from each level are different.

There are only two alchemists on the entire continent.

While talking, over there Owen, Leah, her mentor and the wizard also had a conversation, and everyone had a meal together.

The matter was solved in this way, Owen asked Leah and Beta to invite Eve and her mentor to sit in the abandoned city...The mage actually stayed in this place and lived in the tower.

During the meeting, the mage removed his hood. This mage is estimated to be as cold as Eve's mentor in his thirties. Owen had a kind of infectious power, and soon made the mage speak a little more.

The mage explained that the dead necromancer had only communicated with each other when everyone was a magic apprentice, so he stopped by to take a look. The name of this mage is very simple, it is called Versace, is a mage.

Shaoyu learned from the book that those with very long names are the multiple names passed down from the people or nobles who had been passed down from the mainland in the previous generations, but those without these multiple names are basically civilians. A commoner became a mage and a special language mage. He felt that this Versace must also be a person with a story.

The rank of Versailles is only a high-level mage, because of his professional characteristics, he can use the magic tower. However, the biggest reason he stayed was that he wanted to get the potion formulated by Eve's mentor to break through and become a magister.

Owen and Leah immediately spread the news, and the magician became a friend, the city lord asked him to guard the tower, and the alchemist was in the abandoned capital. This allowed the abandoned capital that had almost become an empty city to regain its popularity, and the nobles also ran back, especially the fat man, who began to run into the castle every day.

Shaoyu can see that as long as he has high-end shocks, everything is easy.

Beta called back some soldiers for training all day long. Leah seemed to be managing maids and belongings. Eve and her mentor occupied most of the room in the castle, but there were always no people. Niss seemed to always go to the tower, Owen He was more busy running to the fourth floor every day, as if every nobleman was banqueting him, Owen sometimes took Leah and Eve with them.

Lily still slept more and moved less. After reading it, Eve said that it was because she consumed too much and was weak, so she had to take a good rest to supplement.

Suddenly, Shaoyu thought of the little fan group that broke into his spiritual world. It must be Lily, which made him feel sorry for Lily even more.

Eve's mentor had found Shaoyu before and gave him a few bottles of potion. Her mentor is an aunt in her fifties who is very old and always has a dead face. She coldly said to Shaoyu: This is a thank you for helping Eve, Liangqing. Before Rong Shaoyu could answer, he turned around and slammed the door and left.

Shaoyu was a little speechless, but didn't have the energy to care about these things.

Of course, he was a little unwilling to be bounced off during the battle, he naturally chatted when Owen got down.

Owen told him in detail.

This is mainly the suppression of low-level masters by high-level mages. This is not only the magic distance, but also the spiritual gap. On that day, Fansike just used mental pressure to make them frightened... Fortunately, he blocked... Pressure is not effective for Shaoyu, as long as it is aura and aura, he ignores his talent, at most it feels The air is heavy.

Owen also bluntly said: The master of speech is like a monster among the masters, and the high-level has the spiritual coercion of the master. Later, he laughed and said that he was too weak, he was an enchanter made by burning money from his family, and he was not very useful in fighting and could only throw scrolls.

The two chatted for a while, mainly because Owen was talking, he was too eloquent, he could say everything and was humorous... and talked about Niss. Owen said that Niss is talented but doesn't work hard. Then he talked about Shaoyu. If he didn't know him a little bit, he really doubted whether he was a monster or a mixed race left over from a hundred races.

Shaoyu was taken aback and asked Owen how to say that.

Owen took out two bottles of wine and said that at the beginning of Petrochemical, you could understand yourself, and you could live in the legendary cursed jungle, and ignore the spiritual coercion. It was not a monster, and he threw a bottle of wine to Shaoyu.

Bitten off the cork from the bottle and shook the bottle. Shaoyu was a bit speechless, he really didn't know how to explain it. About Owen was also joking and didn't ask deeply.

Owen was really good. The longer she was in contact with Shaoyu, the better he felt that Owen was. They talked until midnight, giving Shaoyu some intuitive understanding of the Magic Department.

Shaoyu concluded that the mage uses a special magic language to cast spells. Their magic power is not strong, but they all cast fast and are very special, and it is said that breaking through to the wizard will make a big change.

...This is already Shaoyu's seventh day of bleeding. Lily slept very little. She was heartbroken while waiting for Shaoyu to finish bleeding before coming up to bandage his wounds.

Whether it is blood or essence blood is enough, the divine sword still does not respond, and Shaoyu is also a little confused about how to sense his sword.

I was a little weak, and after a little activity, I started to read a book.

There is a larger study room in this castle, but it is filled with books such as miscellaneous notes.

Shaoyu read it quite interestingly. There is a book about the relationship between mages, warriors, and archers and assassins. As mentioned above, a long time ago, these types of professions such as Archer Assassin were not all part of the warrior system. There was also a dedicated Archer Assassin Guild on the mainland, because Archer Assassin was the nemesis of the wizard.

The early wizards lacked protection, and an ordinary archer could shoot the wizard. Later, the appearance of the magic shield changed this situation. Although the archer is also improving, most archers cannot break the wizard's shield on the battlefield, so The archer is no longer the enemy of the wizard.

It is also difficult for mages to win against warriors of the same rank, and they will die at close quarters, but the emergence of various slow-down control and shock spells has changed this situation, and the mages have a large number of followers, and warriors of the same rank are not troubled.

Assassin is the most troublesome profession for wizards and even all professions, because when the magic power is always exhausted, the assassin will give you a fatal blow. With the emergence of spells like detection traps and magic arrays, the assassin slowly declined. A Detective Eye can hang around for four hours without consuming additional magic power.

Although various demon-breaking weapons and armors appeared later, they were scarce and could not pose a large-scale threat to the mage.

Shaoyu watched it slowly, not reconciled after thinking about it, and finally rushed to the mage's side, and flew back back after a shock, so how could he hit it? He couldn't help but think of the Qianjin Chuan in martial arts. If he could fix his figure with that kung fu, the battle would definitely have to be rewritten.


In fact, it is not that Shaoyu wants to struggle with failure. He is still open-minded, but he has a good heart to understand this special mage, but every time he sees Versace, he ignores Shaoyu, and his indifferent and arrogant attitude also makes him Some unhappy.

Shaoyu thought about it, and couldn't help but explode: Damn, why the Qinglian sword is for women to practice.

At that time, it was not that I missed it, but the sword of Qinglian was not allowed to be seen at all. The above was just a brief introduction saying that the sword of Qinglian was suitable for women's training.

... After holding the book for a long time, Shaoyu felt very tired, so he pulled Lily to sleep.

It's not that Shaoyu is too beast, sleeping with Lily is completely natural.

Shaoyu was completely compassionate towards Lily. Lily had suffered too much with him, and she had no complaints, she was still so cute.

This night, I woke up naturally, gently pulled out the arms that Lily was entangled in and got out of bed.

Without a good rest, the whole person was still groggy, but he suddenly felt a mysterious feeling.

Shaoyu came straight to the long-necked earthen jar, Mingming felt that the sword was calling him.

The guard of the sword said that in only three days, he had used it for seven days, and the sword did not respond at all. At this moment, the sword was still like this, and it was so quietly inserted in the earthen jar.

Shaoyu picked up the earthen jar and walked all the way to the top of the fort.

There are not many stars in this world, so Shaoyu just hugged the earthen jar and looked up. He thought in his heart that he had encountered Divine Sword for the first time since he came into this world.

The divine sword descended from the sky, and the vision led the green wolf away, letting him escape. Attracted by the divine sword, he rolled down the sword pit and landed on the head of the giant beast. The beasts disappeared, and the divine sword would not let him touch. The sword spirit appeared, the divine sword got in his hand, he practiced the sword to understand the sword, all kinds of past events passed through Shaoyu's heart.

With Shaoyu's memories, the earthen jar in his arms began to vibrate.

Shaoyu entered that wonderful realm again, as if his soul was out of his body, looking at himself in the air.

The crock in his arms burst at once, without a drop of blood spilling out, it was completely absorbed by the Excalibur.

As the earthen jar burst, the divine sword inside soared straight into the sky.

Shaoyu looked at the divine sword that had restored its original style, and the air it was flying in the air was heavy, and the surrounding wind was surging. After a while, it seemed to have had enough fun and swooped towards Shaoyu.

It was surprising to see the tip of the sword, without panic, watching the divine sword hit the abdomen, and then disappeared into the body.

Shaoyu was shocked. He looked down and saw that there were no holes in his clothes. It seemed that it was just an illusion. If it were not the clouds above his head, and the bricks and stones on the ground, he would really think it was there. Sleepwalking.

He thought for a moment, sat cross-legged, looking inside.

At this glance, he found that the divine sword that had been shrunk countless times was hovering within his dantian. As the divine sword circulated, the body of the sword exuded a trace of purple and began to wander among the veins.

Shaoyu was a little dumbfounded, Yujian Bodyguard is not like this! ! !

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