How did it become like this... It's not a bad thing to enter the divine sword into the body. Those purple breaths are repairing and strengthening the meridians! This was the conclusion that Shaoyu reached the next day after looking inside. The holes that were broken when he absorbed the fire element last time have been repaired.

But he couldn't control the divine sword in his dantian, nor could he control the purple qi that it produced.

It's not a bad thing, and Shaoyu didn't think much about it. He just thinks that he needs to replenish his body. The loss of blood for seven consecutive days has made him weak and unable to even practice and can sleep in seconds.

Shaoyu suddenly thought of the few bottles of potions that Mentor Eve had given him. He felt that if it was thanks, the potion would not be too low. Maybe it would be able to replenish blood.

So he asked Lily to take out the medicine... when he was angry and didn't earn the ring.

The potions are all packed in glass test tubes with the thickness of the index finger. There are four in total. Shaoyu took out one and held it in his hand and muttered to scan.

Little S gave a cry when he started scanning, the incomplete genetic adjustment fluid?

Shaoyu was startled. This was not a mechanical answer, it was Xiao S's voice. He hurriedly said: Little S, have you recovered?

Little S said: Please rest assured that the host has basically recovered.

Shaoyu couldn't help being overjoyed. He was always worried that something went wrong with Xiao S and would never see her again. He said: Little S, don't call me the host all the time, so that we have an extraordinary relationship, so just call my name.

Good host

Just call me Shaoyu or Xiaoyu.

Know the host.

Shaoyu was a little dizzy. I didn't expect Xiao S to do this, so he didn't bother with this question and asked: What do you mean by the incomplete genetic adjustment fluid, Xiao S just now.

Little S’s voice immediately sounded: Gene adjustment potion is a kind of gene that can adjust organisms. Depending on the quality of the potion, the genetic arrangement in organisms is optimized and adjusted to awaken those potential excellent factors, so as to control the effect of evolution.

When Shaoyu listened, he felt Niu B, but Xiao S went on to say that the quality of the genetic adjustment fluid in the host's hands was insufficient and was a defective product. Unconsciously shook the glass test tube in his hand and continued to ask: Can the incomplete one still be drunk? Uh, is it good for the body to drink it?

Little S said directly: Analyzing.

While sending the potion, Lili opened her eyes wide, watching Shaoyu talking to herself in confusion, she didn't ask any questions, Shaoyu liked Lili very much. He beckoned to Lily, and she approached and leaned against her side.

Shaoyu organized a few words and joked to Lily: He is communicating with God, and it takes some time to let Lily do something else.

Lily nodded after listening, turned around and tied an apron on her body and began to tidy up the room.

… Stupid girl, Shaoyu, who was half lying in the chair, looked at Lili’s cute and cute figure, and felt that she liked her more and more…Even this recliner was in the situation that Shaoyu didn’t say anything. Lily went from the manor Moved here.

Xiao S’s voice interrupted Shaoyu’s thoughts. She said that after the scan was completed, the successful optimization rate of this genetic modification solution was 69%, and the adjustment rate was 7%.

Shaoyu didn't understand too much, so he asked: The success rate is so high, isn't it a defective product.

Little S said: The success rate of the lowest-level gene adjustment solution is over 95%, and the adjustment rate is over 30%. And more advanced ones can add some special gene fragments to users.

Only then did Shaoyu understand that what he was holding was really defective.

But he asked again, why was Xiao S so surprised just now?

Xiao S said: Judging from the current information, this is not a scientific and technological development route, and there should be no gene adjustment solution.

Shaoyu didn't know what to say, but he still had a way to ask Eve directly.

Could it be that I saw Eve and her mentor immediately today, as if her mentor was discussing with Owen about transforming the castle. Just when her mentor was talking with Owen, Shaoyu called Eve.

Eve was also shocked when she saw the genetic adjustment fluid in Shaoyu's hand. She said to Shaoyu very enviously that she didn't expect her instructor to give him this.

She said: This is the highest-level medicine that the instructor can dispense. Not only the materials are sky-high, but the failure rate is extremely high. At this point, her mentor also called Eve, and finally before she left, she reminded Shaoyu that this thing can only be used once, and it will hang up after drinking it the second time. After speaking, she turned back and stuck her tongue out and said, if you If you can find a master alchemist or wait for me to advance to a master, you can consider selling them all.

Shaoyu was a little dizzy, it was actually made by her teacher.

And what's the situation when it can only be used once, Shaoyu asked Xiao S as he walked toward the room.

Little S said that genes are complicated. This kind of low-level use may cause gene collapse once, and the second time it will inevitably cause gene strand breaks.

Dare to die if you fail? Shaoyu felt that the potion in his hand was very hot.

Later, she met Leah on the way back to her room. She also saw the potion in Shaoyu's hand. Shaoyu asked curiously how much it was worth. Leah was very excited and told him something that Shaoyu had never heard before. He said he didn't understand, so Leah told him directly that he could buy half of the abandoned capital.

Four bottles are two cities? ! This value shocked Shaoyu. Is this the legendary priceless? He immediately felt that the alchemist became cute, and he even gave away four bottles of such a valuable value!

However, the potion in my hand seems to be hot, so I took it carefully and asked Xiao S, if it succeeds, what is the specific use of this thing? Well, let’s just say, how much can my status or attributes increase.

Little S also said directly to him: The state will be restored to the best, the vitality will be increased by about 10%, the attributes will be increased by at least three points, and some genetic characteristics may be obtained.

At this moment, Shaoyu decided to drink.

There are many reasons why I drink it now. One reason is that he needs to recover his body. The second is that he thinks it is impossible for him to be remade by only two alchemists on the mainland. The most important one is that Xiao S said that she can purify this potion so that Shaoyu has it. The possibility of taking it again.

Shaoyu never thought about selling, and his life in the jungle for several years made him feel that money is useless!

So, just today, on a dark and windy night, Shaoyu asked Xiao S to purify the potion from four test tubes... or stick it to the center of his forehead, one bottle changed into a few drops, and the four tubes made a small mouthful.

After taking it, he went to sleep.

Little S said: The change will not be very drastic, just a tacit understanding, which can be inquired the next day.

Shaoyu woke up the next day, no pain or itching, just feeling full of energy, and the whole body had endless energy.

He closed his eyes to check the attributes, and was taken aback.

Really all attributes have risen, and it is five points.

The energy attribute appeared again, and the above equivalent of the cosmic energy was 0.6. Shaoyu felt that the extra point must be the purple energy generated by the divine sword in his physical strength.

Nerve-reflex 70, induction 35, coordination 43.

Cells-Strength 75, Activity 60, Regeneration 25.

Even the construction of the spiritual world has become 32.6%, and the change is more than that.

There are also many changes in the attributes of mutation.

The first, second, and third articles have not changed, the negative attributes of the fifth article disappeared, and the fourth and seventh articles disappeared directly... Especially the fourth article made him feel that although the toxin resistance is gone, the negative resistance to the disease is also No more.

And also, but there is one more, genetic optimization, increased vitality, and life expectancy.

All changed to good, and the voice was restored! And the life expectancy has increased.

Shaoyu looked at the talents below, and the minus one after the first one also disappeared. It seemed that luck had returned to normal, but he didn't think it had anything to do with this potion. It seemed that after the divine sword was restored, his luck was restored.

However, the genetic characteristics have not been obtained...

So now the mutation has become.

One: Nerve mutation, semi-mechanized left eye.

Two: Under the violent mental influence, the mental power is improved, and the brain domain breaks the limit.

Three: Symbiote seal body.

4: Resistance to abnormal conditions of regular edible medicinal materials increases.

Five: Changes in digestive structure slows down food digestion.

Six: Genetic optimization, increased vitality and life expectancy.


One: Terran

Two: semi-energy body

Three: The heart is boundless

Four: single star.

Five: dark

Finally, I was able to practice well, and Shaoyu was very excited, so he waved his fist in the room.

Lily also rubbed her eyes and sat up. Seeing Shaoyu very happy, she also smiled sweetly.

The body is fully recovered, and there is still a lot of improvement. Shaoyu's first idea is to go to the waterfall to practice exercises.

The waterfall hits down from the top of the towering mountain on the side, like a sky spring.

Shaoyu did what he said, and after confessing a few words, he carried the big sword directly under the waterfall...Standing in front of the waterfall, listening to the sound of the water, watching the splashing water, sighed the magic of nature.

When I passed by, I didn't feel that the water flow of this waterfall was so intense, with such a momentum, until I stood in front of me and wanted to fight, I felt that the flow went down three thousand feet, and it seemed that the Milky Way fell for nine days.

Shaoyu took a look. There were many bluestones to stand on where the waterfall was scoured vertically. A little earlier was the pool of water and the connected river. He is now located on the rocks on the side of the river, not far from the bluestones on which he can stand.

Staying by the waterfall, the moisture made my body soak for a while.

Shaoyu thought about it, then he drew his big sword and threw it in. After his attributes increased, his strength also increased a lot.

After throwing it over, the big sword didn't stick into the bluestone as expected, but fell between the two bluestones.

When Shaoyu saw it, that's okay. He stepped back two steps and jumped over with a dash.

After this jump, he immediately felt a great pain all over his body. The water flow seemed to hit his head with countless fists, and the platinum star rolled his eyes, and he couldn't help holding his head with his hands and lost his balance and fell into the pool of water.

In the few years in the jungle, Shaoyu has already learned to swim, which is why he dared to jump directly.

After falling into the pool, I found that the water in the pool was too urgent, not as calm as the small pool. Shaoyu was directly hit by the rushed body and couldn't balance with Ben. After drinking a few sips of water, he was rushed into the river.

The water in the river is not deep, and Shaoyu has stepped to the bottom several times, but the current is too fast, and he can only hold back his breath.

To be honest, practicing at the waterfall was completely influenced by the novel. Shaoyu didn't even think about what to practice. He just thought, withstanding the impact of the waterfall, it must be awesome, and practicing swords in the waterfall must be even better.

He had already tumbling and drank several sips of water, and Shaoyu had finished thinking about it. Although there was nothing wrong with holding his breath, he could not rush out of the mountain this way, but rushed into the belly of the mountain.

......Struggling in the water, and can't get back to shore.

Shaoyu desperately wanted to grab something, some small plants couldn't stand a handful of soil. Seeing that he had to fall down the mountain after turning this corner, he finally grabbed a rope.

There was a place to take advantage of it and immediately climbed onto the shore.

When she came up to see, it turned out that it was the rope that Lily had thrown down. Her face was flushed, the rope was wrapped around her waist, her hands were bleeding and she was still holding it tightly.

Shaoyu didn't understand, it was too hard and his fingers were stiff. He hurried up and released Lily's finger to bandage her.

As soon as she broke her finger, Lily cried and got into Shaoyu's arms. Shaoyu stroked Lily and said whether it was painful or not, but Lily said it was not painful, but was afraid of losing him.

Shaoyu was in a daze, he hugged Lily tightly.

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