Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 105: Not by (professional origin)

Shaoyu only felt that his old face was slightly red.

The man's swordsmanship was not good, it seemed that the sword was heavy, but the ten thorns and nine emptiness were powerless. It was completely blocked without even turning on the slower state around it, but why would the sword shatter and the clothes would be pierced, skills? Grudge? Was that person deliberately?

It must be deliberate, if it attacks the body, it will be alert!

Shaoyu looked around and saw all laughter. Many aristocratic women were pointing to his tattered clothes and laughing. Except for Owen, even the sister he helped smile.

Looking at Na Kabomi again, I saw him holding his hands and squinting at Shaoyu. The young man behind him clamored: "The sword is gone, you will die next."

Shaoyu only felt that his whole body was hot. It was a shame and shame!

In the ridicule and discussion, Shaoyu lowered his head and trembled all over.

……It is ashamed and embarrassed, not dare to look up at all.

Suddenly, a buzzing sound rang from Shaoyu's belly, the sound getting louder and louder, and gradually overshadowing the laughter of everyone in the field.

Cen, a clear sword chant sounded, and a sword appeared in his hand.

It was quiet all around, but Shaoyu had actually calmed down a long time ago, and there was no wave in Gu Jing.

When he was on earth, he was very face-saving, and he came to this different world, from the jungle to this public humiliation, but turned from anger to quiet.

After calming down, he felt the vibration of the small sword in the dantian, and his body also shook involuntarily.

Following the shaking of the body, Xiaojian actually swam out of the dantian and disappeared into the body.

Then, the sword appeared in Shaoyu's hands. Touching this divine sword that has always accompanied him, this sword has been restored to its original shape, so simple and noble. He raised his head and looked at Nakabomi with sword-like eyes.

Kapomi swung a few rapiers in a panic.

Shaoyu entered a state of slowing down all around, and the long sword in his hand pointed directly at the opposite side.

Na Kabomi took another step back, stabs his body in a circle.

Shaoyu opened his left eye, and he could see clearly when he was fully open. It turned out that many of the heavy epee shadows were split from the white light on Kabomi’s sword. The white light was extremely dim, and it was completely checked under the bright light. Can't notice.

With every sword he stabbed, several sword shadows pierced straight out with his sword, and the sword shadows separated from his sword disappeared extremely slowly.

Shaoyu understood, he waited.

In everyone's eyes, Kabomi's sword pierced more and more urgently, as if it had pierced hundreds of swords, and it was completely invisible. And Shaoyu seemed to be shocked, and made him rush to him.

Just when Jian Ying touched Shaoyu's body, she moved.

The movements were extremely slow, everyone could see very clearly, only to see Shaoyu raise his foot, and when his foot fell, he passed the sword in his hand forward, and then appeared behind Kabomi.

This sword, like a flash of light, shattered Kabomi's hundred sword shadows.

Kabomi seemed to be staying, maintaining the shape of a stabbing sword, and Shaoyu pulled a sword flick behind his arm and walked back to Owen.

The scene was quiet, and Kapomi fell on the ground, blood spurting from his neck.

There was a lot of discussion all around, and Shaoyu looked at those people very calmly, and it was natural if there was no wave in his heart.

Soon, a servant came to pick up the corpse, and the young man was no longer able to find a figure. With the sound of music, the nobles gradually dispersed and began to dance again.

I don't know why, looking at these laughing people, he is a little tired.

Irving mentioned the dancing girl who had just caused the trouble with the average interest.

The sword in his hand disappeared and appeared in his dantian after he received the arm with the flower.

A servant came to lead Shaoyu to change his clothes, but he stepped on without any reason, and went back to the table to meditate.

That sword was the result of Shaoyu's hard work for many days.

With the help of the impact and pressure of the water, a shoveling straight stab seemed to be slow and fast. To put it bluntly, Shaoyu pierced and pierced with a sword very quickly. It's just that this one-and-a-half movement is very rapid, giving the nobles the illusion of a slow start but suddenly disappeared and appeared behind Na Kabomi.

This trick is practiced and can be practiced deeply.

But what he meditated on was the power of Nakabomi.

Is there any special significance in the two-star professional fantasy sword reported by Kabomi? It's not that Shaoyu wouldn't think that this group of nobles had never seen a star warrior.

What you want to say is really a phantom sword, but the sword shadows that have been transformed are not lethal at all. They are okay with torn clothes. They really hit the body. Shaoyu estimates that with his physique, at most he will not shed blood.

But how did the sword in his hand break? Although it was a rapier, the quality was good. Of course, Shaoyu tried it, and he didn't cut it off when he tried hard.

Shaoyu swept around, and Owen was very interested in inviting many girls, women and young women to dance, the girl who invited him to dance a dance unexpectedly came over.

She said to Shaoyu, "Why don't you eat it anymore, your sword was so handsome just now, what's your name?"

The girl said a lot, and Shaoyu didn't care.

After being silent for a while, he stood up, found Owen who was inviting a young woman, and said to him: I feel sick and need to go back.

Owen's eyes sank slightly, but he still smiled and said to Shaoyu: Okay, let me tell the master.

It took a long time to say goodbye, and all the Fatty's family came over.

Shaoyu discovered that the girl who had invited him to dance was Fatty's youngest daughter, and Owen was his eldest daughter who helped out.

There was some silence on the way back. Owen, who was sitting in the horse car, still smiled, but the two did not talk.

Shaoyu broke the silence and said: Don't ask me to come to any dance party in the future.

Owen was still smiling, but his smile was obviously stiff.

Shaoyu went on to say: Don't think that I grew up in the jungle and didn't understand anything. I understand many things.

After listening to Owen, his face changed.

Then, Shaoyu looked into Owen’s eyes and said: I want detailed career information, I also want a quiet environment, a good diet and even some drugs and special things.

After Owen listened, he just wanted to say something when Shaoyu interrupted him again.

Shaoyu only said one thing, and Owen's expression improved, and he agreed to all his requirements.

Shaoyu said: I will help you kill.

Back at the castle, Shaoyu got out of the carriage first, when he heard Owen suddenly say something.

We are friends! But I really need...

Irving didn't finish his words, Shaoyu stopped, he looked back at Irving, and saw Irving looking at him very sincerely. A warmth flashed in Shaoyu's heart, he nodded, turned around and got out of the carriage.

Shaoyu didn't blame Owen, he could see that Owen was a great man. And now he needs everything Owen provides, not only for himself, but also for Lily.

He didn't go back to the room directly, but came to the top of the fort, looking up at the starry sky, and a word came out of his head, he couldn't help being in the rivers and lakes.

Just thinking about it, Lily ran up. It turned out that she hadn't slept. When she heard the movement, she knew that Shaoyu was back, so she came up.

Lily didn't ask what happened to Shaoyu's clothes, and the sword was gone. She quietly nestled in Shaoyu's arms and sat with him on the top of the fort.

Shaoyu thought for a while and found that Lily was actually asleep in his arms. He laughed a little, picked up Lily and went back to the room. He felt that he was thinking too much, and it would be better for him tomorrow.

The next day, Shaoyu did not get up early, and stayed asleep until Owen personally sent a lot of information.

He sat down and looked at these things. Except for an old book, many of them were manuscripts... Irving said that these records were all internal materials, which were passed down from generation to generation in their family.

Shaoyu looked through it roughly, and this was the detailed occupational information he wanted, but he found that he didn't know many words. Lily lay on the side, explaining Shaoyu's confusion.

She said there were divine words, hundreds of ethnic languages, and some nomadic words.

Shaoyu is a bit big, he is going to start from where he can understand. But Lily said that she was in the plenum and could read it to Shaoyu. Shaoyu couldn't help being overjoyed, he really felt that there was a little Lili like a treasure.

So Shaoyu carried the recliner, went straight to the top of the fort, and watched Lily in his arms.

At this point, it was a whole day. Noon and dinner were delivered directly to the top of the fort by the servant. At first, Shaoyu watched with Lily. Later, he was completely lying down, listening to Lily reading to him.

Those who copy these things must have spent a lot of effort in collecting and sorting them. Not only are they very detailed, but they also contain many different opinions.

These materials have been cataloged, and the old book began to tell the origin of warriors and wizards.

It says that at the end of the second era, the first human was born. At this time, the orcs were one of the most powerful races. There were countless populations within the race, and each had hybridization, and many new races were divided. But because human beings are born weak and small, although the population is growing larger and larger, they are completely ignored. Later, the orcs discovered that humans have a strong reproductive capacity, so they were designated as captive species and restricted the population.

At this time, the number of humans had reached a huge number. Many people were unwilling to be kept in captivity and resisted failure, so they began to learn the abilities of the orcs.

After several generations of research, finally, the abilities of the orcs were improved by humans, which is the origin of the beasts.

In the mid-term, the second resistance was also suppressed. Those with advanced human beast abilities can fight against individual orc upper races, but compared to the many higher races in the orcs, and the power of the orc talents, they are completely defeated.

After being slaughtered by most of the population, humans are more tolerant.

This time, they set their sights on the abilities of the elves.

Not everyone can develop animal abilities, and the natural ability of the orcs is completely impossible to learn.

The elves were also the most powerful race at the time, and their power system was completely different from that of the orcs.

At this time, it had reached the middle of the second era, and the various ethnic groups on the mainland were fighting from time to time.

After several generations of hard work, the abilities of the elves have begun to be mastered by humans. This is the origin of the devil soul.

So the third rebellion broke out. In this rebellion, the human race went to seven or eight, but the human race completely got rid of the control of the orcs and fled to the corner of the mainland, and the human race has been able to stand since then.

At this time, the human race was not ranked among the hundred races at all. If it weren't for hiding in the corner of the mainland, and with the help of several natural and peaceful races, not only would it be chased to death by the orcs, but it would also not survive.

During that period, not just a few strong men could change everything.

During the long period of cultivation, people in the human race who were unable to cultivate animal powers and were unable to meditate on demon souls began to learn the techniques of goblins and dwarves. This is also the origin of the steam element.

Beast energy, demon soul, steam, this is what Shaoyu has gained in one day. He can't help but always imagine the struggle of those ancestors in that era.

Shaoyu couldn't help wondering what it would be like if he appeared in that era.

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