Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 106: Historical Records (Professional Establishment)

After moving her body at night, Shaoyu hugged Lily and turned over on the bed.

Later, it was written that in the middle and late second era, the human life was extremely difficult. Although there are three powers that can be applied, the beast can be violent. Many people practiced and died. The devil soul is mysterious. Many people become inexplicable when they feel the devil soul. Vegetative people may be mad, and the invention of steam has many limitations such as sophisticated operation and cannot be applied on a large scale.

At the end of the Second Epoch, the epidemic wave appeared, and hundreds of races were affected, but they did not pay attention to it. At the same time, the seven human race heroes were born.

The seven heroes traveled together in the mainland, the sage sorted out all the demon soul training methods, changed to four elements, earth, fire, water and wind. This is the origin of magic.

The sword sage among the seven heroes has improved animal power. This is the origin of grudge.

And the wise men in the human race created a steam that can float in the sky, which is also the origin of the sky series.

By the time all ethnic groups discovered the harm of the epidemic, it was too late, the mainland was in chaos, and all ethnic groups were in a crisis of survival.

The birth of the human race dispelled the epidemic and unified the entire continent.

Seeing this, Shaoyu took a deep breath.

This is like a brief introduction, and everything happened. According to the population at the time, how did the human race unify the continent, and where did all the races go? Shaoyu couldn't help thinking of the seal under the water pool.

Thinking of this, Shaoyu fell asleep holding Lily.

Early the next morning, they appeared on the top of the fort and continued to watch.

Shaoyu was a little addicted to it, like reading a novel.

As a result, the latter is a bit boring. After reading the ancient books, the manuscripts in the latter are considered to be some important events.

It records the training methods of so and so and what has been improved.

So and so, what new magic elements have been discovered.

Who and who, and what professional branch was created.

So and so, and deciphering the legacy of which race.

Listening to Lily's reading, Shaoyu summed up herself.

The human race is unified and the hundreds of races disappear. This is the beginning of the third era and the golden age of the human race. Remains of various races, various researches, various inventions, various discoveries and improvements.

In addition to earth, fire, water and wind, magic also discovered light, dark attributes, etc., while the sages among the seven heroes researched compound attributes, lightning and ice, etc. The magicians also discovered some derivative magic attributes. Such as the phantom poison system and so on.

In terms of fighting spirit, the sword master is already in service, but there are also a few people who have reached the height of the former sword master and combined together. They found that the children they gave birth were born with fighting spirit. The child's grudge, and some special abilities, just like the original talent of the orcs, this is also the origin of the warrior's blood.

In the early period of the Third Age, the goblin airship was successfully replicated, the underground dwarf mining machine was improved, and various weapons were developed in a constructive manner, which also gave the Sky Series a super combat effectiveness.

At the end of the early third age, the battle between magic and the sky began.

This was also the first civil war since Human Race became the master of the mainland. No one can escape from this civil war.

In this battle that swept across the human race, instead, various professions formed their own belonging.

The establishment of the capital, the sky city soars, and the soldiers have their own guild. War is the best way to promote the advancement of human force. The detailed differentiation of each profession, specific training, and levels are all divided.

In this battle, the outcome was not determined because the epidemic has reappeared.

The second epidemic wave, if it were not for the curse of magic, the blood limit of the soldiers, the giants in the sky, the human race was almost annihilated.

Since then, it is the cultivation of health and the rest, and more new occupations continue to emerge.

The following are the current professionalization points and levels, and various abilities.

The first recorded above is the mage. The seven mainstream mages have been assessed by the law. Among them, the element mage, majoring in the six elements of earth, fire, water, wind, light and dark, is more than one type of element mage. They can combine different elemental masters. The power of magic is greatly improved.

The magic array mage, they use magic to build magic arrays to use magic, divided into many types, each magic array mage is a turret.

Battle mage is a melee spellcasting profession, which is the rarest profession among mainstream mages, but they have powerful melee combat capabilities and single melee spells.

The law mages and conjurers are more peculiar, and they are considered to have evolved from orc sacrifices and shamans. Among them, magic scholars are the most. Many new types of spells were developed by them. But don't underestimate their combat power. Among them, the Law Wizard attacks by concussing magic elements, and the Curse Wizard is known for cursing and blessing.

This introduction made Shaoyu a little confused. He could understand the curse of the curse. He must have used a lot of curses when playing the game, but Shaoyu couldn't understand the concussion magic element.

God treats the wizards more like ascetics. Legend has it that they possess magic words and their power is unknown.

And the last summoner, this mage itself has no offensive power, and can summon many creature projections to attack. However, they are affected by the balance of nature, so other summoners from the Master of Magic have a chance to summon only one animal with no attack power.

This made Shaoyu stunned for a moment. How did he feel that, in addition to the elements and magic arrays, these seven mainstream mages were actually a bit non-mainstream!

It is written in the manuscript that there are many types of magic and they are changing with each passing day. Except for the seven masters, many of them are not in the evaluation of the Fadu, but their ranks can be classified as apprentice, mage, high-level, magician, and master. Divided, can also be assessed, enjoy all the treatments of the mage.

Shaoyu thought it was finished, but he didn't expect that there would be a record master in the latter one.

It says that in a long period of time, under the influence of the epidemic, some wizards have fallen and created a magic system that harms the mainland. They are deadly enemies of the law.

The records above are Necromancer, Void Mage, Blood Mage, Demon Mage, and Plague Mage.

Among them, the Necromancer mainly resurrects the dead and fights with the bones of the dead. The nihilist can make himself nihil, cast magic based on the human soul. The blood mage obtains power from the blood. The demon mage uses cruel torture to gain mana and strengthen himself. The Plague Mage will cause a wide range of epidemic-like effects.

Few people have seen these dead enemies, most of them have been wiped out by Dharma, so the record is not clear.

After Shaoyu read this manuscript, he felt that he finally understood some of the characteristics of the mage.

The following manuscript remembers the warrior profession.

Shaoyu looked at the number of occupations, there were too many.

On the hand-written copy, the fighters are divided into two categories.

Melee, long-range.

Among them, there are the most melee combat, which is divided into a shield holding series, a two-handed weapon series, a thieves series, and a knight series. These departments have various subdivisions, and there are also special departments with advanced occupations. For example, there are assassins, Shadow Dance, lurking, etc. in the Rogue family, which really opened Shaoyu's vision.

The long range is divided into the shooter system and the throwing system.

There is a sentence in this manuscript that attracted Shaoyu's attention.

The above said that the teacher is mysterious, and the professionals in the fighters are all powerful.

He didn't understand what the professional meant, but he didn't expect Lily to understand it again.

Lily twisted in Shaoyu's arms, and said with a smirk: Because these professions have different training methods and skills, ordinary fighters are the most basic vindictive training, but there is no combat ability.

Shaoyu suddenly realized but was a little stunned, how could he fight?

Lily pulled out one of the manuscripts to show Shaoyu.

Before writing the above, fighting Qi has been improved by countless generations, and many versions have appeared. Each advanced training method can produce different effects for professionals, which is for combat ability.

Shaoyu understands, this is not the so-called exercise!

This manuscript says that only with professional combat ability can you be called a professional. Combat energy has one of the most basic and common abilities, which is to allow practitioners to sense a space to store professional weapons.

Shaoyu really understood this time. He looked at Lily who was writhing in his arms happily because he answered the question. He pinched her face and asked, Xiao Lili, are you a professional?

If in normal times, Shaoyu calls him Little Lily, Lily will definitely stand up and retort that she is not young anymore. But Lily nodded and shook her head again, a little sad, she forgot even the normal rebuttal.

In fact, Shaoyu felt that Lily was also very mysterious, but he didn't think much about it. He patted Lily and said: It's okay if you are not a professional, if you have a brother, he will protect you.

But Lily suddenly burst into tears, shouting at Shaoyu, "I don't want you to be a brother, I want to marry you. After Lily screamed, she curled her mouth and rubbed her eyes and started crying.

Shaoyu panicked, which is fine. He even said: The meaning of this elder brother is not elder brother, but ~ Shaoyu said after thinking about it, it means that I am strong and will protect you.

Lily cried to laugh after hearing this.

After tossing for a long time, Lily fell asleep on the side, and Shaoyu continued to watch. To be honest, he was a little restless.

He liked Lily very much, but she was too young. Does she know what love is? It's still a young and temporary favorite. Shaoyu thought for a while and felt that he was thinking too much. It would be fine when she grows up. When she grows up, she still has to marry, and he will marry.

Shaoyu slowly looked at the soldier's profession, and he could understand most of the handwritten copies.

The records of the soldiers are very detailed, what occupations have what abilities, and what characteristics are written very clearly.

Shaoyu was only half finished after seeing it late at night.

On the second day, Shaoyu and Lily went to Baoding to read these manuscripts.

After watching the warrior, the latter records the sky system.

At the beginning of the handwritten copy, the Sky One series requires very high knowledge in addition to physical requirements, and the control methods of each type of sky weapons are also different. Some weapons are extremely difficult to be familiar with, and some are more people. operating.

Shaoyu was stunned for a moment. He wrote in his handwriting and said that because the Sky City is now located in the most powerful kingdom in the North Continent... the sky weapons are in need of good maintenance and maintenance, so now the sky on the mainland is combined. Rarely.

The above just mentioned a few sky professions and weapons.

Shaoyu was really taken aback. Why did he think this was a gun machine?

Regarding the Sky Series, Lily still knew that she told Shaoyu a lot of occupations and situations that were not in the handwriting... The sky still has super powers, and Lily doesn't know too much....

Lily also said that in fact, in that war, the law won, and coupled with the epidemic, the sky suffered heavy losses and faded out of the mainland.

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