Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 107: Goal (seeking collection)

After three days of rest, it was a great relaxation. Now it's time for tension.

Shaoyu just watched those handwritten notes with Lily at night, and listened to Lily talking about many things that were not in the handwritten notes. In addition to practicing swords in the river during the day, he also tied iron blocks and jumped between the rocks.

I basically saw the last part of the handwriting, which tells about some special occupations.

Like the alchemy separated from the sky series, the enchantments and runes in the magic series, the craftsmen and glyphs in the warrior series.

Among them, alchemy is a profession that combines sky and magic. This profession is widely known for refining various potions. According to this handbook, alchemy also has a strong combat power.

Enchanting Shaoyu understands a little bit that Owen is an enchanter. The above said that this is the direction of apprenticeship change for mental powers. Even high-level mages cannot advance to the stage and eventually become enchanters.

And rune's requirements for spiritual power are very scary, and the requirements for magic power are also very high. In fact, it can be regarded as a manufacturing profession after a high-level mage. This profession can make many useful rune stones.

The craftsmen in the warrior department also create professions, specializing in creating various weapons.

Then there is this glyph. Shaoyu thinks that this profession is a bit unimaginable. It says that the profession of glyph is handed down from the First Age and is almost lost on the mainland. They can carve special patterns on the human body and give them Glyphs have various talents. Legend has it that each of the seven heroes has carvings.

Is this a tattoo? !

In the past month, Shaoyu has turned to the river channel closest to the waterfall, and the water here can put pressure on Shaoyu.

The reconstruction of the castle has also been completed, and the internal structure has become extremely complicated. I heard that a basement was dug under the mountain.

I don't know what Eve and her mentor are doing, there is always a loud noise every few days deep in the castle.

And the soldiers trained by Beta have taken shape, the city guards nearly a hundred, half of them are cavalry... When Shaoyu and Beta drank, they learned that the cavalry in the abandoned capital was once very famous on the mainland. For the White Feather Riding and Shooting Group...it just so happened that Owen found a way from the family hand... Now he recalled and trained these knights according to the standards of the year.

The castle has nearly twenty guards, and Owen also spends a lot of money to equip them with full-body armor, and the weapon is also a large axe and spear, which looks extremely imposing.

Then there were some servants and maids...there were some recorders or something, Shaoyu didn't understand.

Leah was also busy and barely saw anyone, and heard that she was going to collect taxes for this year.

Niss had found him a few times and was rejected, and then stuck with that Versace.

It was just a month, and finally, Owen sent a copy of the information at a partner.

This is an extremely detailed target, and it seems that the investigation was very careful.

Shaoyu took this information and walked to the top of the fort to watch. A sketch was written on it. Noble... Rick, a Quijo, started reselling, donated to become a noble 20 years ago, and hired a large number of soldiers to start trafficking in human beings and collude to die. Spirit Master, recently joined a group of nobles to pay taxes.

Qimingmian has one three-star knight, one two-star assassin, six one-star sword and shield warriors, and a well-trained slave hunting team.

Secretly suspect that there is a five-star assassin close protection.

There is also a portrait next to him, this person Shaoyu has seen, that is the nobleman with a strange face.

Finally, it is written above, to solve Rick without revealing his identity as much as possible.

After reading it, Shaoyu burned this information, the slave hunting team! It turns out that the Necromancer was also brought by him! He deserved to die no matter what. Of course he knew how Owen they found him. Lily was almost taken away by the slave trapping team.

Shaoyu went back to the room and said to Lily that he might not come back to sleep if something happened today! Lily didn't ask why, she quietly helped Shaoyu put on the cloak, and watched him go out.

To be honest, Shaoyu doesn't like killing people because he thinks it is cruel to end a life. Every life has to go through many, many things, and to kill it is to end all of this. But he doesn't mind killing bad people. Such people are wasting their lives and destroying the lives of others.

There is no psychological burden to kill such a person.

Shaoyu also thought about how to do it. If he can touch it, he will directly touch it and do it. If he can't touch it, he will do it. At this time, the state was restored to its peak, and he was confident that his cards would be exhausted. Even if a five-star assassin protected him, he would be dead.

According to the information, Rick was in the west area on the fourth floor and would return to his manor in a few days, so Shaoyu left directly.

The fourth floor is the noble area, and the west area is the noble area among the nobles. The streets here are very wide, and the big houses are very brightly lit. There are no pedestrians except for the occasional carriages that pass by.

Shaoyu completely hidden himself under the cloak, holding the long sword in his hand, and walking step by step, he was brewing, brewing the killing intent in his heart.

When he walked to the door, Shaoyu was taken aback for a moment. This house seemed to be holding a dance party.

But he didn't hesitate and walked in directly.

This house is not as luxurious as a fat man. When you enter it is the main hall. Shaoyu finds that it is not a dance party. It seems that there are many gatherings together. The ten-meter rectangular dining table is almost full.

After entering, the welcoming maid was also stunned. Anyone who saw a person who was all under the cloak and exuding coldness would be stunned, and then he called the guard.

Before the guards came, Shaoyu directly roared out the words in his heart many times: Rick, die.

There was only silence on the court, loud laughter rang out.

... Many years later, when Shaoyu recalled this experience, he couldn't help but laugh.

Just so stupidly broke into other people's homes, shouting in the public to kill the target.

But such behavior is also in line with the sword in his hand.

After Shaoyu roared this sentence, amidst the roar of laughter, the guard at the door was the first to pounce. Two big men in leather armor and holding short swords.

Ignoring, he searched for the target, and soon saw Rick holding a wine on the side of the table.

Rick is sitting in the chair, about thirty-seven steps away from him.

With the sound of the wind on the other side, Shao Yu took a step forward directly, his figure shook, and the sword in his hand was wrapped around him.

With only two plops, the guards who jumped from the left and right covered their necks and fell.

Holding the long sword still dripping blood, Shao Yuping walked towards Rick's position step by step.

Now the needle drop in the hall can be heard, several screams sounded, and some people left the meeting in panic and wanted to leave.

Now, no one thought it was a joke anymore.

Duck was actually very calm. He shouted, and the aristocratic aristocrats calmed down a bit. Following his yelling, eight people ran out from the side door.

These eight people are all a set of half-length armor, a large shield that is half a person in one hand, and a sword in the other, rushing to Shaoyu quickly.

Shaoyu knew that this must be his sword and shield warrior.

Those two guards were just ordinary people with strong bodies, and Shaoyu didn't care at all. He was more attentive to these fighters, because he had never fully understood the strength of this world fighter.

The written word is a statement, and the real fight is a complete statement.

Shaoyu visually observed that if their half-length armor belt shields were all solid iron, they would at least have hundreds of catties.

It directly started the state of slowing down all around, seeing these people running a few times, there was a tacit understanding between the steps, and the closest to him was already a few steps away.

I saw that the person first shrank his body, almost his entire body was hidden behind the shield, and then slammed into it suddenly, while the other people circled around him as if to surround him.

Shaoyu couldn't help but recall the attack methods of the sword and shield pros. He said in his hand that the sword and shield can master three or three abilities in star level, namely, shield charge, shield attack and shield wall. Their offensive power is very poor, but the defense is solid, and many people can form a shield.

Shaoyu had seen such a move, and encountered a soldier who lifted a shield when he escaped the checkpoint and was hunted down.

Shaoyu stopped his figure, he closed the sword with his left hand and stretched his finger on the sword. With a crisp sound, the sword stabbed out.

This stabbed directly on the oncoming shield, and Shaoyu's figure was shocked. The shield soldier was unstable in holding the shield and took three steps back.

Shaoyu clearly saw that when the tip of the sword collided with the shield faction, some white light flashed on the shield, which offset the power of his thorn. He looked around and saw that most of the sword and shield warriors had formed an encirclement around him, and they had thrust their shields into the ground.

With this thorn, Shaoyu already understood the strength of these sword and shield warriors, and was not much higher than those soldiers without the armor.

He curled the corner of his mouth, stepped forward, still a sword, and once again pierced the sword and shield that stabilized his figure and forced it.

This time, Shaoyu did his best.

Hearing a clicking sound, the shield shattered into several sides. The sword shield looked at his broken hands in amazement. Before he could react, he saw the sword light flashing by and lost consciousness.

The armor is good, but the gap is too big.

Shaoyu solved the sword and shield, turning around and slashing, which happened to hit a shield that was advancing towards him.

This split actually only caused the person to fall to the ground without breaking the shield, which surprised Shaoyu slightly.

Shaoyu was just surprised by the defensive power of the shield wall. After his body recovered, he practiced swords in the river for more than a month, and each of his swords broke a thousand jin. Although there was no accurate data, he cut down with a single sword, and the rocks all responded. And broken.

Although he didn't cut off the shield, the man was already a sword and shield and fainted.

The remaining sword and shield warriors were already a little scared and stopped moving forward, and did not advance to Shaoyu's side.

They didn’t attack, it didn’t mean that Shaoyu wouldn’t. Shaoyu took a big step forward, and saw the sword and shield warrior screamed with his feet lowered. No one could see the blood from seven holes, no one could see that his chest had been lost. Yu Shengsheng collapsed.

Shaoyu glanced away and saw that Naike was still drinking very calmly. But the sweat coming out of his head has betrayed him.

Ignoring the sword and shield behind him, he made another two swords, and after removing one sword and shield in the route, he continued forward.

When there were still ten steps before him, Shaoyu stopped because there was a person standing in front of him.

The man was holding a two-handed sword and said to him, Samsung Knight Ned, is there any misunderstanding.

Shaoyu didn't answer, and started to move forward step by step.

Seeing that Shaoyu didn’t answer, Naide, the Samsung knight, didn’t speak either. He put his hand in his mouth and blew. The kind of miniature triceratops rushed into the hall from a side door, and Naide jumped over. He jumped up and rushed towards Shaoyu.

To be honest, Shaoyu was still a little surprised. In the hall, he could still see the knight on the mount attacking him.

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