Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 108: 109th murder

It's a failure, and you want to charge?

Shaoyu stepped on the head of Naide's mount in a few steps. Naide, who was shocked, held the sword in both hands and waved vigorously. A burst of white light appeared on the sword, and the sword arrived before the strong wind.

Try it with your heart, and meet with a sword.

With only a sound, Naide rode his mount and continued to rush forward. Shaoyu was hit into the air, turned over and fell to the ground, his sword shattered.

I saw Ned rushing forward and wanted to turn his head, but the mount under his feet wailed and fell to the ground, Ned was also pressed under the mount.

Shaoyu recalled the scene just now when he and Ned fought a sword. It was no difference. With the rebound force of the two fighting, he dropped to the ground in an somersault, but the sword in his hand could not withstand such a collision. Completely shattered.

The growth rate of the only three stars' grudge is actually comparable to the strength of Qianjin.

The abilities of the knight star are very few, there are only two, one is Charge Slash, the other is Leap. The charge cut is a full cut with the impact of the mount. The faster the speed, the stronger the power.

Fortunately, it was in the hall. If it were in the wild, Shaoyu estimated that he would not be able to handle this... was knocked into the air, and then squashed by the mount, and there was no room for somersaults.

As for the mount, the weakness of this similarly reduced triceratops is also on the head, the strongest place is to protect the weakest... the piece behind the corner is its brain, and a few steps are not for nothing.

The sword in Shaoyu's hand only had one hilt, but he felt it was enough. Seeing the chaos in the hall, Naike also wanted to escape from the side door. He rushed a few steps and pierced it with one sword.

The body and the sword are unified, flying and stabbing.

Just when Shaoyu's residual sword was about to touch Dak's body, he only felt a chill behind his back, and felt a sharp object pierce straight on his back. Shaoyu's body shrank in the air, turning slightly and then turning into a stab.

I saw a **** light, and a transparent figure appeared.

Professional? I saw a hoarse voice coming from the mouth of the figure that appeared.

Shaoyu smiled secretly, assassin, waiting for you for a long time.

The information stated that there was an assassin secretly protecting, how could Shaoyu not defend it? When he felt chilly, he summoned his dantian divine sword, and the warrior sensed that he came back and attacked Ben Fearlessly.

Shaoyu hadn't realized that in the Snake Forest in the jungle, the absolute martial arts domain was the nemesis of all assassin classes.

As for the divine sword that can run out of the dantian, according to Shaoyu's character, how can he not call it like a finger arm.

This sudden turning back sword hit the assassin severely, and a huge wound from his shoulder to his chest was spraying blood continuously. Although the assassin opened the grid with a dagger, it was only at the end of Shaoyu's sword power that he forced the sword to deflect.

Like turning back the sword and returning the carbine, this is a surprisingly unavoidable move to survive.

This supposedly powerful assassin died very aggrieved.

And Rick was kicked directly to the wall by Shaoyu, only to hear him fall to the wall unwillingly, what to say to Shaoyu, give him money, treasures and the like.

Shaoyu still didn't say anything, a sword struck his throat, pulled a sword flower, put the sword behind his arm, and turned away.

Those few swords and shields ran away early, and the hall was empty except for the fallen Triceratops.

When he came out, Shaoyu was taken aback. There were many cavalrymen waiting at the door with bows. When he saw that the cavalry trained by Beta was the leader and his deputy, he wanted to go straight through.

Unexpectedly, this group of cavalry raised their lances... actually wanted to catch him.

Shaoyu thought for a while, and let these people take away without resisting.

They didn't tie Shaoyu, nor did they uncover the cloak, they just brought him a jewelry that looked like a bracelet.

On this thing, it caused Shaoyu to eat a pound. He only felt that this thing was super heavy, and he couldn't even maintain his balance without all his efforts.

He was locked in a cell on the side of the castle. If he hadn't been locked in, he really didn't know that there was a dungeon dug into the mountain on the top of the mountain.

Soon, Beta and Owen came together.

Only then did Shaoyu take off the bucket hat on his head. Owen looked surprised and said that he didn't expect you to do it so soon. Beta also said that it was his mistake and did not inform the soldiers of this.

But Shaoyu is very open,

Shaoyu murmured, didn't he say not to reveal his identity, so he said to them: Isn't it better to do this, you don't need to reveal your identity. Then he thought about why they didn't care. He was afraid of revealing his identity but even the sword steps he used in the ball last time were useless.

After muttering, he raised his hand and asked Owen what this thing was.

Owen and Beta were surprised again, and asked Shaoyu if they could actually raise their hands, and Owen directly asked Shaoyu what rank.

Shaoyu was stunned. He was also fascinated by the stage position, but he couldn't move this thing with him?

They said that this is a confinement bracelet, which is specifically used to lock warriors and wizards. But Shaoyu was stunned. Beta said that after wearing this thing, the fighting energy and magic power in his body stopped running. The loss of fighting power and magic power is no different from ordinary people, so it can’t bear the weight of this bracelet, basically only Can't afford to sit down.

Irving said that only high-end players can resist with their own abilities, but they will also be affected, so they are so surprised.

Shaoyu was surprised, no wonder the cavalry were so polite to him that he didn't even dare to reveal his cloak... He said that he was special. In fact, Shaoyu thought, Dou Qi Magic is a p, he doesn't have these things at all.

The three chatted for a while, and Owen told Shaoyu that maybe the next goal would be delivered to him soon. Shaoyu nodded and asked Owen for a few imprisonment bracelets. Owen looked at Shaoyu a little weirdly and said that there is only one pair in this city. He figured out a way, Shaoyu also wanted a few one-handed swords, and, to Owen, I was not at all polite when I asked for the manor.

Hearing that Shaoyu wanted the manor, Owen was stunned for a long time before agreeing to him.

Then Shaoyu explained to him, one is to facilitate his training, and the second is to facilitate the hiding of identity and actions.

Owen said that he had to wait for him to clean up the manor before telling Shaoyu to move there.

This is also in line with Shaoyu's intention, the training in the waterfall channel has not yet been completed.

Back in the room, Shaoyu found that Lily was sitting by the door waiting for him, and did not fall asleep. This made Shaoyu feel very warm. Lily also prepared some food for Shaoyu, even bandages and other medicines.

Shaoyu hugged Lily and asked, do you know what he did?

Lily said: He felt faintly disturbed when he left. This made Shaoyu startled, feeling it? Shaoyu squeezed Lily's small face and asked her what it was like. Lily said: It was cold and uncomfortable. She didn't like it. After speaking, she whispered, as if she was crying.

Shaoyu panicked again, and quickly comforted Lily, but Lily suddenly laughed and ran away. Only when Shaoyu realized that she had been tricked, she hurried to catch this cutie.

The two had a quarrel for a while. When they were sleeping on the bed, Lily entangled her. She whispered to Shaoyu, don't worry about her, but remember to protect yourself, but you promised to marry me when I grow up.

Shaoyu didn't speak, but mixed feelings in his heart.

The next day, he went to the river to practice qigong again early in the morning, but the confinement bracelet has not been removed. With this thing, there is no need to wear iron bars all over the trouble.

Shaking his sword against the fierce current, Shao Yu thought, when will he have sword aura.

Several battles seem to be won with lightness, and the three-star warrior's vindictiveness can stand with his strength!

As he thought about it, Shaoyu marched firmly in the river one step at a time. He hadn't noticed that every time he swiped a sword, the purple energy gushing out of the small sword in his dantian was so fast that his meridians grew by one point.

Not knowing how many swords he swung, Shaoyu stepped on the air and fell into the depths of the water. He swung his sword intently and fell into the small pool washed down by the waterfall.

This small waterhole reminded him of the waterhole in the jungle...The impact is still not as powerful as the bottom of the small waterhole...

The undercurrent here is just a vortex formed by the water flowing from the waterfall from top to bottom.

Shaoyu held his breath and stayed still, rotating with the current of the water until he stepped on the bottom of the pool.

In the center of the whirlpool at the bottom of the pool, the power of the current was very strong, and he couldn't stabilize his figure at all. He was turned on his head and feet, and took a lot of effort to unlock the restraint bracelet before pulling the rope and struggling to land. .

After landing, Shaoyu had already lost his strength, he thought, this is the place for new exercises.

After seven days, from the beginning he couldn't stand a foothold until he was familiar with the rhyme of the current. He barely stood at the bottom of the pool and made his sword. Several times he had to drink a lot of saliva before he climbed up. Shaoyu fully focused on it, and he gradually gained some insights.

Owen sent someone to inform Shaoyu that the manor had been collected and could be moved there. At the same time, he also sent him a copy of information.

There are three names on it, as in the previous information, all the situations are clearly written.

Only one is the nobleman in this city, and the other two are right and left hands of a certain nobleman. Only two stars with the highest strength!

Shaoyu was a little lacking in interest...but he set off that night.

This time he also encountered a group of patrolling cavalry on the road, but this time the cavalry did not see him at all, and ran by one side.

The first goal went smoothly. Shaoyu entered through the main entrance, killed four one-star warriors, and directly killed the main master.

The second goal is smoother, with his left hand scared to death in the room.

But the third target escaped in a carriage, and Shaoyu chased him for two days and finally killed him. This battle caused Shaoyu to be slightly injured. I didn't expect to encounter a mercenary squad on the way, and the nobleman paid a high price to ask them to guard.

This mercenary team has only three people, one apprentice mage, one two-star archer, and one four-star sword and shield.

At first, Shaoyu jumped directly over the sword and shield, cut off the mage, and broke the wheel. Unexpectedly, the shield wall of the four-star sword and shield caused Shaoyu a big trouble. His two swords did not break, the sword in his hand shattered and was entangled by the noble guards, and the archer took the opportunity to shoot him in the arm.

With the third sword, Shaoyu summoned the sword in the dantian, and used the sword step, and finally divided the shield with one sword, solved the four-star sword shield and archer, and killed the target and the guards. .

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