Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 1009: Hundreds (strength)

Shaoyu flew very high in one breath, almost reaching the void. The height and ‘depth’ here almost blocked all chasing soldiers, except for a Xiao-rank orc mage.

This Xiao-ranked beast technique is not advanced for the undead, he should be an advanced elemental mage capable of transforming into a wind element.

But what it presents is different from the human Xiao-rank mage, it is a beast-like elemental form of wind on all fours.

Specific strength.

On another timeline, for hundreds of years, Shaoyu naturally had a set of divisions and judgments on strength.

It was not based on the combat power setting of the Star of Hope. The combat power value that Xiao S had done back then, and the mages' crystals, he still didn't understand.

Not that complicated.

In terms of combat in the corps, it is the type of arms, military quality, equipment, logistics, morale, and command.

Personal combat power is attack, defense, and speed. What is fast, accurate, fast, agile, and exercises are all serving these things. At the higher levels, there are also limitations, that is, control and spiritual will. The spiritual will can be said to be a little higher, power and domain.

Master Xiao’s combat effectiveness.

Let's talk about defense first.

The elemental body of the opponent, the ordinary flying swords and giant flying swords refined by Shaoyu were directly ignored by the orc Xiao Mage. When the flying sword cuts or stabs his body, it begins to melt into **** upon contact.

Countless rotating wind rings crush everything like a bone crusher.

After being able to elementize the body, there is no physical weakness in the general sense, and no fear of melee combat. Every Master Xiao Mage may not have studied the melee skills, and they don't need to study it, just jump on it.

As a mage, of course he is more powerful in attack. Raising your hand is a piece of wind blade, these seemingly ordinary teal wind blades have super magic blessings with piercing armor.

In the instant spells, there are directly one or two kinds of super magic.

Fortunately, Shaoyu is not afraid of such ‘ordinary’ attacks.

The same magic ray is also difficult to break his defense, unless it is continuously hit to one part and the most vulnerable eyeball. At the very beginning, I saw a magical ray ‘sticking’ on him all the way, shattering his armor.

Fortunately, it was body training. Shaoyu's defense was so high that Master Xiao had to sing and bless a variety of super magic high-level spells to break the defense.

As long as it is not controlled!

In terms of restrictions.

Shaoyu almost didn't. This was also his weakest aspect. Yi Xing sword formation might be counted, but he didn't have a sword to use now. It is not so easy to cast Yi Xing Sword Array to a Master Xiao, not only may the opponent resist, but also a competition in fate.

Xiao-rank Mage has a lot of controls, but He Shaoyu is too resistant, ordinary controls are difficult to hit to take effect, powerful controls need to cast spells or set up magic arrays, can not be used in extremely fast flying pursuits.

Of course, Xiaojie's mage still has one of the strongest methods.

Magic space.

As long as not being swept into the magic space by the opponent.

The last is speed.

After the elemental wind, Master Xiao can lock onto the time- and space-jumping Shaoyu with only ordinary flight.

After ascending into the sky, the wind elementalized Master Xiao's speed increased.

The flying speed of Shaoyu's Royal Sword was nearly one-third slower than the elementalized speed of Xiao-Order Beast Art. Fortunately, the elementalization of the opponent could not be maintained. Whenever Xiao Mage is elementalized, he will continue to jump in time and space, and the interference of Xiao Miao and Xiao Ling barely maintains the speed... Xiao Miao can only entangle Xiao-rank beasts for a period of time, Xiao Ling will not be able to do it at all. The elves were inaccessible by Tianke.

Until the other party lifts the elementalization, he has the opportunity to ‘rest’. Shaoyu tried to use time and space to jump while the other party was recovering the animal body, but the other party would also chase after elementalization again after teleporting.

In the end, it was Shaoyu who couldn't hold it. The previous battle was too expensive.

How to get out.

According to the previous timeline, of course, Shaoyu had more than one Master Xiao-rank. Speaking at this time, although the insight and memory are still there, and he still has a sword intent that he didn't have before, but the hard power is really not up to the previous height with the heavy repair and lack of retreat.

Compared to the original timeline, it's a bit worse.

In particular, the flying sword was also recast... It was originally for the sword formation to increase its lifting power, but I did not expect that the sword wheel was completely lost in this battle.

Every time I think of this Shaoyu, I feel very distressed.

In addition, Master Xiao of the Orcs may not be treated with the common sense of the Humans.

What are their spell systems, what spells they are proficient in, and their spell-casting habits...

If he was allowed to rest and recover, he would be able to fight in two hours, less than half an hour... Unfortunately, the opponent would not give him such a chance. In the battle of several days, Jian Yuan had been exhausted long ago, and now it is almost the time and space power that recovers a little and jumps, and Jian Yuan recovers a little, and then the sword!

After flying for a long time, I saw the World Crystal Wall in the void again, and Shaoyu flew along the crystal wall for a while and thought and did not fly out.

The mage also has a deep understanding of the void, especially after Xiaojie will explore the void. After Ten Thousand Ranks, the Journey Ranks traveled in Xinghai to explore the world... and if Shaoyu really flies into the universe, the attribute template will change. When the time and space power cannot be used, I am afraid that he will be blinded.

Fortunately, a large number of chasing troops from the necromantic beasts were thrown away, and only this Xiao-rank beast technique remained.

Then this chase and escape lasted for several days.

The direction was also forced to deepen towards the northern continent.

With a haggard face, he wanted to ask this Xiao-rank beast technique several times, what is the point of chasing it like this.

As long as he keeps being swept into the opponent's magic space, he will be fine at all.

This Xiao-rank beast technique also just immersed himself in chasing after trying various methods! There is a feeling of chasing to the ends of the world.

Of course Shaoyu will not collapse, and even has a mentality of winning.

But now it is really dying.

He believed that the other party was not going well, Master Xiao hadn't been elementalized again for a day, Shaoyu's sunken eye sockets were bleak, Xiao Miao was also in the spiritual world as pale as the shadows, and she couldn't get out with excessive consumption of divine power. Xiao Ling is better, but she can't even delay her coming out.

Now it's longer than anyone else.

Shaoyu believes that he is the one who wins.

Flew away from the territory of the orcs long ago, as long as they encounter the strong human race, this overdraft Xiao-rank beast technique is a dish.

Then he met a hundred people!

A patrol team of the Moya tribe among the hundred tribes.

There is a heartbreaker in this patrol.

The Heartbreaker is the strongest of the Moya tribe and the eighth-level arms in the era of the hundred tribes.

He was about 1.3 meters tall and dressed in heavy armor. He jumped into the air for more than 30 meters and knocked Shaoyu down from the air with a hammer.

Shaoyu didn't expect to be finished like this.

If it is not too much consumption and flying too low, how could it be shot down.

Shaoyu fell to the face and smashed a big hole, and his thoughts were slowed down by the overdraft for many days.

What kind of trump card he had, and then saw Xiao Tier Beast Art fall to the edge of the pit.

Xiao-rank Beast Technique waved his staff, a sense of being locked in.

This is the magic space.

Shaoyu remembered many ways to avoid it, but unfortunately he couldn't move now and got stuck in the stone and had no energy to pull it out.

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