Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 1010: Hundreds (Moya)

Just when Shaoyu felt finished.

An unexpected scene appeared for him, and the Heartbreaker who fell not far away even charged Xiao-rank's beastly!

Is this heartbreaker having an enmity with the orcs or the Moya and the orcs?

In the future, the orcs will be unified, and there will be almost no other races among the hundred races. Most of the Moya tribe will become cannon fodder and died in battle, and a few will become slaves.

It seems there is still a chance! Shaoyu's mind turned.

What happened next was supposed to be that Xiaoluo Pingyang’s heart was broken because of the excessive consumption of Xiao-rank Beast Art, but the Beast Art had clearly shattered his staff or was hit with a hammer by the Heartbreaker, and a sea bowl burst out of his heart. Big blood hole. Then, after he fell to the ground, he stood up straight again, waved his hand and cast a mighty magic spell.

The four huge pillars of fire spin quickly and burn the heartbreaker.

Not right.

Xiao-rank Beast Fa was clearly fatally injured, and when he stood up, his chest was still spraying visceral debris.

There is no trace of transforming into a necromancer or a lich!

Shaoyu only saw this, he listened to the heartbreaker struggling with Huo Zhu to drink something. Then he was dug out by several other berserkers on the patrol and placed on a white bear. After that, the berserkers met the Xiao-rank beast technique, and the bear led him to run in another direction.

what's the situation.

know him? In other words, the Moya are actually allied with the Humans? That's why I saved him?

On the original timeline, Shaoyu didn't know the changes in the North Continent, so there was no intelligence at all. But when he came over in the body of the second soul, he saw that the human race was a bit alien, so he inferred that it might be the Moya race and the human race.

Observing the white bear while thinking.

The white bear under his body is of pure color, belonging to a large bear species, and the one with a wide and soft back is fast and steady.

It seems that the Moya clan is recovering well, and the white bears have all come out, but I don't know if they can scale.

Shaoyu also knew that this white bear was the fourth-order arm of the Moya tribe, and the elite white bear could also become a mount! Adding to the other elite fighters also caused a qualitative change.

A Tier 7 heavy fighter can become a lord, knight Moya, if he has an elite white bear as a mount.

After running a long distance, it was temporarily safe, and Shaoyu only felt that he couldn't lift it up with a little strength. Lie on the bear's back while recovering, recalling the situation of the Moya tribe.

The Moyas are actually not easy to get along with. Although they are short in stature, they have a strong heart, which is several times the function of the human heart. This also caused them to be energetic and irritable. The strength of the Moya tribe is not considered strong among the hundred tribes. It is not easy for them to survive the seal.

And in terms of ethnic strength, the Moya tribe is not the bottom of the hundred tribes.

Because they are all berserker types.

As for Tier 3 bell slingers and slingshots, this kind of long-distance-sounding unit rushes up after throwing things, and many of them deliberately bring less ammunition...

They also have a peculiar Tier VI arms, poets. They are like playing rock and roll, making huge sounds to produce magical effects.

The rank 7 heavy fighters are also the top platoon among the hundred clans.

The eighth-order broken heart is the strongest.

The strongest tier eight arms.

The arms of most races must be Tier 9 plus a variety of arms to resist Tier 10 arms, but the Heartbreaker can resist alone, and can support a while under the attack of Tier 11 arms.

The eleventh order was originally an established legion such as the legendary dragon species and Beamon.

At this time, the return of the Hundred Clan, most of the ninth and tenth ranks have become legends... the big and expensive ones cannot survive in the Sealed Land.

Until he ran to the outpost of the Moya tribe, he didn't see Xiao Tier Beast Art chasing him.

On the road, he thought about it. Xiao-rank Beast Art is estimated to have extra life or some kind of artifact, so it will not die if it suffers fatal damage. Under this circumstance, the Xiao-rank Beast Technique is either a rapid outbreak to solve everything, or a quick departure to find a place to recover.

Looks like the latter?

Is it possible that a heartbreaker and five berserkers can stop the outbreak of Xiao-rank Mage! ?

While thinking, he observed this post.

The post was made up of a circle of wooden and stone railings and two wooden towers, and they had naturally seen Shaoyu on the back of the bear.

As they approached, there was a group of soldiers gushing out for a while.

They used their ethnic language, not a lingua franca. Of course, Shaoyu couldn't understand it.

But the white bear under him simply answered!

Shaoyu thought about it, too, the White Bear is a Tier 4 unit, how to become a legion if you don't understand the order.

Just when he was blocked outside the door, Xiao-rank Beast Art finally appeared in the distance.

This Xiao-rank beast technique did not fly, it was walking towards them with a new staff step by step.

The white bear roared, and the big and small rocks of the Moya clan hit this Xiao-rank beast art.

The Moyas don't need bows and arrows, their hearts are very powerful, and the stones they can use can exert tremendous power. Of course, the slingshots and slingshots are specially made stones.

These stones slapped against Xiao-rank Beast Art, and the nose was knocked down, and there was no protection.

Something was wrong, this Xiao-rank mage walked forward purely physically, with a white light in his eyes!

Is this a big trick brewing?

Seeing several teams of Moya fighters rushing up, Shaoyu wanted to leave.

But the white bear under him didn't think so, but fortunately it didn't charge! Just shouting in front of the post.

At this moment, a voice suddenly said: "Shaoyu, it is actually you"

The voice is very familiar.

A man fell from the sky, Human Race, wearing a pale golden half-length armor and a huge cloak, looking very handsome.

It's really someone he knows.


He has hardly changed. To say that there has been a change, it is probably a bit of a vicissitudes of life, but the spirit of his gestures has also increased.

"Are you finally back?" Guthroan was also very excited, and wanted to give a hug when he came up, but he resisted seeing Shaoyu.

"This is a long story," Shaoyu said with mixed feelings for a while, he braced his body hard.

She was too excited but didn't know what to say. After a second of silence, Shao Yu said, "First solve the immediate problem."

"it is good"

"Be careful, this is the Xiao-rank mage of the orc. I have been chased for nearly ten days." Shaoyu said the same quickly. After a pause, he immediately added: "The mage was injured by the heartbreaker, but he is in his current state. wrong."

Guthroan nodded and walked up with the sword in his hand.

The situation over there is quite weird. The soldiers who rushed up fell to the ground. They did not come into contact with this Xiao-level Beast Art, and the Beast Art just walked forward step by step without any movement.

I don't know about life or death!

Naturally, Guthroan didn't jump up rashly, but slashed out golden light with a sword in both hands.

Dou Qi flew past.

Following that, Shaoyu saw Xiao Tier Beast Art raise his hand and pointed his staff.

A wave of fluctuations hit him, and his eyes went dark, and when they were bright again, he suddenly found that the scene had changed.

How could it be possible to be swept into the magic space by the air!

If the other party has this ability, would he not use it long ago?

The magic space of Xiao Tier Beast Art is quite special.

There is nothing inside, just a gray empty place.

It wasn't nothing, he soon saw a huge figure condensed before his eyes.

An orc nearly a hundred meters high slapped it.

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