The 100-meter giant took it with a palm at a very fast speed.

It's not that Shaoyu didn't react, but could not move.

Just when it was shot with a palm, a powerful imprisoning force also emerged in the magic space.

Shaoyu recalled a classic line.

Tian Can stepped on a nail.

But the giant's palm was too thick, he didn't penetrate it.

Then his eyes changed again, and he returned to the white bear's back.

Simply inexplicable!

Seeing that not far away, Dou Qi Zhan and Huo Zhu had already destroyed the bones of this Xiao-rank beast technique!

It seems to be an illusion!

If it wasn't for the system to prompt him to get a little divine and seven divine powers!

Guthroan was also a little at a loss, he died directly? !

Check out these Moya fighters.

It's not that they passed out in a coma, they all died.

The specific reason is because the soul is annihilated.

Guthroan is not a mage, he judged by his contact and battle with fallen mage over the years.

Only the two of them and the white bear were left in the entire outpost.

Even if there are a thousand words, Guthroan can return to Moya with only two corpses....

Of course, the two talked for a while.

Guthroan is here to lobby the Moya tribe, he is an envoy on behalf of the Human League. It has been half a year since the Moya tribe has initially gained their trust and recognition of the human tribe.

Shaoyu also simply said that the Southern Continent opened the portal, and their adventure group and teams from various countries and forces came to investigate the situation.

Just a few words.

After Guthroan left, Shaoyu sat on the sentry tower while recovering and analyzing.

The first is naturally that the human race has formed an alliance.

Although he didn't know the exact location now, he had flown out of the South Morie Mountains for several days, and it was actually the territory of a hundred races.

The second one is that he understands Zeluo. With Her Zeluo's ability, she must have held a great deal of power, and she has said more than once that inhumans must have different hearts, and she is an absolute humanist.

But the Human Alliance actually sent Guthroan to Moya.

It can be seen how bad the situation of the people in the northern continent is.

But there may also be differentiation and tactics.

The third is that Guthroan has spent a lot of effort to gain the respect of the alien. Of course it's not just preliminary trust, this kind of obvious humble words.

Then Shaoyu recalled what happened just now.

What's the matter with the Xiao-rank beast technique, and it's not something that kills monsters that will be violent, and it's not how he got divine and divine power by killing!

Don't want to doubt that Xiaomiao gave an explanation.

It was God's drop just now.

The giant one hundred meters high is the incarnation of a god!

God is so weak? Although Shaoyu was puzzled, he knew that this was the case.

It may be that Guthroan killed too fast, causing the opponent's magic space, or it was not a magic space at all but something else. In short, the arrival requires a carrier, the carrier disappears, and the connection is interrupted, resulting in a part of the divine and divine power. Here is him!

Not Liushen.

It can also be determined that the orcs really have gods.

Although he had guessed for a long time, it was only now that he was sure that the orcs had gods...If there were no gods to protect them, how could they have fought a human race supported by at least two gods.

Soon afterwards, Guthroan returned, along with a group of Moya fighters.

In the beginning, he regained his defense with just a few teams, but Moya's team could hardly see the end on the guard tower.

Did they bring a legion here?

Perhaps more than one. He not only saw a team of slingshotmen wearing leather armor with a slingshot on their waist and carrying pockets, but also a team of berserkers carrying an axe almost as big as theirs.

There are also a lot of white bears!

Is this preparing to fight the orcs?

Guthroan said: "The Moya are too irritable. They sent three legions."

Shaoyu asked, "Go to war with the orcs?"

"Can't fight," Guthroan slowly said, "There is no orc camp here."

It was learned from Guthroan that the Moya tribe had enmity with the orcs. Almost all the orcs among the hundred tribes had hatreds, but they were not big enough to fight desperately.

There must be an elves at the top, and Moya also wants to ‘tribute’.

Shaoyu said: "The elves are the shield from the orcs."

Guthroan agreed with his statement and said: "Although the elves are powerful, their population is too small, and the orcs hide too deeply."

The two stood on the sentry tower watching the Moya leave some people to expand the camp, and all the rest went forward. Shaoyu couldn't help asking, "Which kind of territory is in front?"

"It's a barren, they are like this, whether they have it or not, they rush over first."

"This..." Shaoyu was speechless, and he immediately asked: "Are you here alone?"

"The team has stayed in Moya's base camp" Guthroan responded, and then asked: "How is the situation in the Southern Continent?"

"Drunk life and dream of death," Shaoyu sighed and said: "We opened the portal, and only one-third of the forces sent teams over, most of them were random people."

"You won't be in a hurry if you don't hit their lord." Guthroan smiled bitterly. "The same is true here. The kingdom has lost two-fifths of its territory, but they actually said it was a commoner. When it hits the noble area, how will these nobles resist?"

"They are afraid that they can go to other countries because of their minds" Shaoyu disdain.

"In less than ten years, maybe even shorter, the orcs will definitely explode," Guthroan said solemnly.

"Then the Northern Continent will fall completely within ten years," Shaoyu continued. He admired Guthroan. Guthroan has not experienced another period of time, so this is entirely his sight.

"Unexpectedly you are so pessimistic, can you talk about the strength of the orcs?" Guthroan was surprised.

Even at this moment, the Human Race Alliance is still optimistic.

"Did you say that the Moya people make wine?" Shaoyu asked suddenly.

"Haha, they don't make it, but I did bring it." Guthroan laughed after a moment of surprise.

"There is a story when there is wine" Shaoyu also smiled.

Gesluoan brought Shaoyu to a tent, which was also Gesluoan's own tent. He often wandered around the Moya camps, so he had an exclusive camp.

Shaoyu sat down with Guthroan, and then he talked about the experience of the orcs.

The four great orcs.

Strong Orcs, Fallen Orcs, Steam Orcs and Necro Orcs.

Guthroan was taken aback. The only ones that the orcs had been exposed to were the strong orcs and some fallen orcs.

Each battle is dominated by strong orcs forming a legion. Although there are some strange weapons in the legion, they did not expect to be another Orc clan.

He had never seen Steam Orcs and Necro Orcs.

Or to put it another way, they think that the orc wizards are the fallen orc, and most of the orc wizards on the bright side are also elemental, and they have not exposed the dead.

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