Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 1012: Hundreds (intelligence)

It's far more than that. There are only two magic masters and dozens of magic guides in the Orcs. Just now Shaoyu said that it was a Xiao-rank beast technique. Guthroan was surprised at that time and didn't ask much. After that, it was too easy to beheaded. It is reasonable to say that even if Xiaojie's mage is beheaded, there will be remains.

Because Xiaojie's elementalization is already a change in the essence of life, the body has long been subject to elemental changes, even the water element will not be burned to ashes by the pillar of fire.

Of course Guthroan asked carefully at this time.

Shaoyu also spoke in detail about their several days of chasing, naturally speaking of the number of orc wizards.

When he learned that there were at least ten magic masters, two Xiao-ranks, and a Wan-rank beast art, Guthroan couldn't help putting down his wine glass and standing up for a walk, indicating that this news must be known to the Alliance.

Then he said that Shaoyu said that Xiao Tier's beast method was wiped out in ashes, and the reason might be caused by God's descending.

As for whether the surrender was interrupted by Guthroan's attack, or because he did not shoot to death, or something else... I don't know.

Guthroan was taken aback again when he heard that the orcs had gods.

If the orcs have many mages, even ten thousand ranks, it is not unacceptable for the humans, because they have long inferred that the orcs have more than two magic masters.

They attach great importance to magical power.

But the orcs have gods.

Guthroan first asked what evidence was there other than this surrender, and then smiled bitterly.

What evidence can this be.

But there is still a way, pray to the gods at the altar, and let the six gods prove it.

During the conversation, Shaoyu suddenly remembered the Sword of Li Min, and said that several teams had climbed over the mountains. The leader was a mercenary team called the Sword of Dawn and asked Guthroan if he knew.

Guthroan hasn't returned for some time and has not received any news. He said that he would release the eagle bird to question.

After that, Shaoyu talked about the fertility nest. Although Guthroan was surprised, he also said that the mages inferred that they had a way to spawn orcs, but they did not expect it to be in the form of a nest.

Then Guthroan followed along and talked about the Legion that the Orcs were out of now.

The army of the Hundred Clan still uses the arms system in the Hundred Clan Era.

However, this time was of course different from the Hundred Races Era. The Bull Fighters and Trolls had indeed perished. But when it was different, the strong orcs produced blood.

This surprised Shaoyu.

There are five legions of the strong orcs outside, but they learned through Moya that the orcs actually have ten legions.

The first level is still composed of slaves and hard labor. Now the orcs have also added prisoners of various races, and the essence is still cannon fodder.

The second tier is also an infantry, an orc warrior with iron plate armor, a left arm shield and a knife in the left hand.

The third rank became a fighter. Instead, he became an orc wearing leather armor and using long-handled weapons. However, compared to iron armor, apart from their weaker defense, the leather armor protects the whole body, unlike the iron armor, which has only a few parts. The attack is indeed stronger, and it seems to be made specifically to restrain the human cavalry.

The fourth order is the original third-order wolf rider. The wolf seems to have undergone a great change, becoming larger and more fierce.

The fifth-order strong orcs have not changed, but these strong orcs possess spell-like abilities and are also called orc warlocks. Of course it's not a real warlock.

The sixth-order orc assassin, Gu Zhizhi said that this assassin was slender, but he had never seen it on the battlefield.

The seventh-order orc fallen

Eighth-order orc magic hunter

Ninth Orc Dragon Warrior

Tenth-order beast envoy.

The latter four basically have no information. Guthluoan combined with Shaoyu's words and felt that these should be the other three orc army groups.

Shaoyu faintly felt that there was still a problem...

Then Guthroan said that the Human Race had also modeled on a military system, and the result was noisy, and finally it was a mess when it was reluctantly divided.

Regardless of the local legions, the main legions have their own characteristics. How should this be divided? Is the invincible legion a twelfth tier? Shaoyu couldn't help laughing when he thought of these quarrels or something.

There are even a number of legions fighting in order to wait for the ranks. As they become more and more fierce, they still want to make a game. Each legion will have ten to a hundred people to fight.

This behavior of internal friction was eventually stopped by Xing and Hergelo.

The human race is not a hundred races, there are no multiple branches under the race, the legion is not suitable for division by arms.

However, in the Hundred Clan Era, the early human races were indeed divided by arms.

The Zoima, Kyaru, and Ling Boer are actually arms multiplication.

At that time, the arms of the sky occupied four positions.

As the human era enters and the sky dies, it is impossible to establish a system of arms.

Shaoyu again mentioned that the orcs have got the remains of the sky, so there will be steam orcs.

Then they talked about their steam-explosive machinery, and then also expressed their doubts, why the orcs' arms, even if they are tiers seven to ten without intelligence, are not like an army of steam orcs.

Especially in the territory of the Steam Orcs, he has at least seen the Steam Warrior and the Gunner who have become organizations, as well as the Gunner and the Giant Beast.

Guthroan expressed surprise again. After asking in detail, he sighed that there were a lot of sky debris in the wasteland. He didn't expect the orcs to be able to study it. He suddenly raised his Jiuhuai and drank the whole time before asking Shaoyu to return.

Guthroan seemed to be a little drunk, he said a lot.

The big idea is that now is the time of human danger, personal grievances should be put aside.

After he finished speaking, Shaoyu returned for a long time.

The big meaning is actually very simple, that is, he has established a sect in the Southern Continent with thousands of apprentices, and there are brothers in the adventure group, he can't leave these behind.

Guthroan actually knew this, and he wanted to say something when he was interrupted by Shaoyu. Shaoyu said that he would not sit back and watch the orcs. If the northern continent died, it would be the southern continent's turn. They came to investigate because of this.

The orcs must be strangled.

Guthroan also agreed.

"After the recovery, I will return, and then I should unite with the Southern Continent to send a legion... then we need to cooperate." Shaoyu finally said.

"I'm willing to be a soldier in front of the formation and charge ahead." Guthroan stood up excitedly, and then he muttered for a while: "The Human League is afraid it will be difficult to send a legion over. This is not a prevarication, because there is still a gap So many races...".

"In fact, you are enough to be worth a thousand troops." Shaoyu was half joking, half serious. He also knew that it was a bit impractical for the Human Race to send an army, and the base camp of the Orcs was in the mountains.

After a toast, Guthroan said: "I will do my best." He excitedly said that after returning home, he would pull out a team consisting of at least ten strong men and several powerful wizards.

Shaoyu thought for a while and took out a crystal and several sword charms to him.

Sword charms are naturally used to communicate.

The crystal is a photocopy crystal, which summarizes the actual situation of the orcs recorded by each team. After seeing it for the first time, Guthroan said that there should be more help with this thing. Shaoyu knows that Guthroan is not doing well. He must have been a member of Zeluo who wanted to kill Zeluo at the beginning. Otherwise, he is powerful and has the commanding ability of the army that is not inferior to Herzeiro. Will he be sent as an envoy?

The two drank for a day and a night, and they were both drunk afterwards and they also talked about some interesting things that year.

The first time I met Guthroan, he also went after Herzel...

Shaoyu couldn't help but think of Guthroan not appearing in the final battle when the second soul descended.

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