An invisible wave radiated, sweeping everything along the way, forming a plan of lines in his mind, and there were many small light spots in it.

Shaoyu took a closer look and understood. .

This is like a small map opened when playing a game! Those light spots represent people.

The scope is a one-hundred-meter circle with him as the center.

It was too awesome, and Shaoyu was amazed again. This range scan completely ignored the wall, just like opening up.

But after using it, Shaoyu felt sore in his left eye and dizzy in his mind.

Can't you use it more! Especially when fighting, you have to confuse yourself, that is, delivering food, and the movement when using range scanning is not small.

Lily woke up, looked at her dazedly and fell asleep again, and Shaoyu also lay down.

I couldn't sleep for a while, so when I recalled the elementary fire magic book I had just read, the function of the left eye became more and more powerful. He thought this time that every character in the book reappeared in his mind.

But Shaoyu couldn't learn, because this book only recorded three magic spells.

According to the book, to learn magic, you must first learn to meditate, feel the magic elements, and then learn how to guide these magic elements, and control them, build a magic model, and then learn spells, and use the resonance of the spells to cast magic .

The steps are omitted.

All these known conditions have caused Shao Yudan to suffer for a long time, and his enthusiasm for magic has faded a lot... He still wants to cultivate both magic and martial arts.

After another three days, Owen and the others returned to the abandoned city, and they gathered together. As usual, Versace and Eve's mentors did not attend.

This time they mainly communicated with neighboring cities, because most of the food in the abandoned city was supplied by neighboring cities.

The exchange this time was not good. Irving didn't talk about the specific reason, but everyone didn't have any worried expressions and finished the meal very happily.

After the meal, Beta gave Shaoyu four sets of imprisonment bracelets, a cloak, and a sword.

Shaoyu Labeta continued to drink, just to find out what happened this time. Drinking and drinking, Beta took the initiative to talk about the reason for the failure of this communication. Because last time at the ball, Shaoyu killed the third son of the city lord. This time they were humiliated. The neighboring city refused to trade food, asked them to hand over the murderer, and threatened to send troops to attack.

Shaoyu asked, isn't the situation terrible.

But Beta said excitedly, when they proposed a duel, he chopped off the head of the neighboring city guard, and Vansek singled out three wizards. After talking about Beta, he took a big sip of wine and said: It's a pity that Shaoyu didn't go, and didn't see that the city lord's face was blue. It really shocked them so severely that the neighboring city agreed to continue the transaction.

The two drank for a long while, but in the end the servant helped Beta back.

Shaoyu looked at the thing he had sent. The imprisoned bracelet was a good thing. He took two more. Feeling the heavy pressure, he looked at the other two things.

The cloak and sword sent, heard from Beta said that Irving bought it from another big city for a big price.

Both are weapons left over by hundreds of ethnic groups.

The dark gray cloak belongs to the elves, and the sword belongs to the dwarves.

Shaoyu scanned the two pieces of equipment and got the exact attributes.

There was a name displayed, and he didn't remember where he had seen it.

Elf shawl, with weak magic resistance, also has a permanent obscurity spell on it, which affects the opponent's sight and improves dodge... It turns out that it is a shawl, not a cloak!

The dwarf sword is 30% stronger...Well, the dwarf sword is a one-handed sword in our hands!

Shaoyu had broken twenty one-handed swords before and after. There is a time limit for the divine sword in the dantian to be summoned. It can only be supported for half an hour before it will automatically disappear and return to the dantian. With this dwarf long sword, Shaoyu doesn't need to worry about the embarrassment that there is no sword available in the battle. He also thought about bringing a bundle of swords in the ring.

The shawl was also made so long, so Shaoyu naturally wanted to put it on and try it out. Looking in the mirror, he found that this cloak was very useful and could be put on the original gray robe! After putting it on, I think I am vague, and at night, it looks more like a ghost.

After many more days, practicing swords in the waterfall, Shaoyu finally got used to the impact of the water and was able to stand firmly on the stone. He chose a piece of bluestone, carved eight footprints, and stepped on these footprints to practice leaning as he pleased.

However, he has never been able to understand. The eight footprints are evenly distributed in eight directions around the body, and there is no order and consistency at all. Shaoyu thought hard for a long time, and simply stepped out of the sword at will according to these footprints.

On this evening, the third document came over.

Shaoyu was taken aback.

Because the goal this time was to let him rob the caravan that came to the abandoned capital, and there were some manpower arrangements.

The information is also written in detail... He has only now figured out that the neighboring city that used to supply food is called the City of Thorns.

The reason is that the food delivered from the City of Thorns is not only shoddy, but also mixed with a lot of garbage.

According to the information, the main force of this transport is the thorn bird caravan in the city of thorns plus 30 soldiers. The Thorn Birds caravan has one five-star knight, three three-star knights, two three-star archers, four three-star swords and shields, and one two-star scout.

The caravan will depart early three days later.

The information also stated that this time it was mainly to destroy the food convoy.

After Shaoyu finished reading, he burned the materials.

The caravan lineup is really strong, this is also inevitable, the wild is not very peaceful...not only there are robbers and the like, there are many monsters in the mountain collar, but also along the cannibal mountain range.

Legend has it that the cannibal mountains are the pollution left after the epidemic, and there are countless people who lost their souls who only know cannibalism are hidden in that mountain forest.

After thinking for a while, Shaoyu rejected the manpower...just sabotage...and he thought it was convenient to be alone.

……Now that you understand everything clearly, the first step is to choose a good terrain.

There is a road connection between the two cities, and the caravan must be taking the big road. Where it was damaged, Shaoyu went to investigate early the next morning.

He ran all the way, and after some inspection... he chose a place.

There is an abandoned guard tower here, and the lush vegetation on the two sides of the avenue has covered the road, forming a forest.

The sentry tower was built during the construction of the city. The two-story gun-like sentry tower was dilapidated. There were cracks everywhere on the tower, and many plants got in from the cracks. However, Shaoyu praised this road constantly. I really don't know how it was built. I heard that it was also paved when the city was built. Although this section of plants has been covered, the road is intact and smooth.

Later... Shaoyu returned to the abandoned city and asked Beta for some materials... After a leisurely day of waiting, on the third morning, under Lily's eyes, he left the city and came to the guard tower.

In this watch tower, looking at the green eyes, Shaoyu feels a little back to the jungle.

However, the thickest tree here is surrounded by one person, and the tallest is only about two meters.

He wanted to take the Ertan oil can from the ring and put it on the tower. The stairs had already broken down, and Shaoyu climbed up from a tree on one side. Originally, he wanted to wait at the top of the tower, with a good view from above, and he could see far away. As a result, the sentry tower shook a bit after going up, and he still obediently lay down on the tree.

He didn't want to be buried by the tower before leaving the school.

I didn't want to wait for a day. Those people still didn't come. Shaoyu pulled a hammock all night, and the tent was lost on the side of the road last time.

Bored in every possible way the next day, he used a dwarf sword to engrave on the tree.

Shaoyu carved on the tree on the left, this mountain is mine and this tree is mine.

Engraved on the tree on the right, if you want to pass from now on, leave money for the road.

Shaoyu used Chinese characters to engrave. He felt that he was quite talented in writing with a sword. The engraving of this character was upright and generous. After the engraving, he laughed twice, touching the familiar marks on the tree, and he couldn't help being silent.

Unconsciously think of the previous life.

After thinking about it, Shaoyu couldn't help but sighed. By all accounts, he was almost twenty-nine. In a blink of an eye, one third of his life had passed, and he had become an uncle in this unknown world.

He was thinking about some problems in a mess, but he didn't expect a personal voice suddenly appeared on the side.

What are these languages?

Shaoyu was startled, his voice was approaching on the left, and he drew his sword to look at it. He didn't know when, on the left side of the mountain, I opened this tree and under the tree I planted, an old man stood.

When the old man was young, he must have been a fierce man. When Shaoyu looked at it this way, the old man was now a little rickety with a figure of 1.8 meters, and he did not see his face when he turned his back to him.

The old man was wearing a gray cloth coat and a gray cloak. Holding a wooden branch that was picked up everywhere in his left hand and a magnifying glass in his right hand, he stood in front of the tree and carefully watched the words that Shaoyu drew up with his sword.

Shaoyu was a little startled. He put the sword in its sheath and stood under the tree to see what the old man wanted to do.

The old man watched for ten minutes, and suddenly he said: young man, can you tell me what language this is?

Shaoyu said directly: Chinese.

The old man’s voice was very loud, and he asked: Chinese? I haven't heard of it, what kind of family is this?

Shaoyu didn't answer, so he looked at the old man with his hands.

After a long time, the old man finally finished reading, he put away the magnifying glass and turned to look at Shaoyu.

Only then did Shaoyu see that he was upright, his face was very masculine with distinct lines. It is a pity that he is old now, his face is full of wrinkles, and he has a gray beard. He is 60 or 70 years old by sight.

Shaoyu also observed. The old man didn't wear any weapons on his body, and he didn't have a ring on his hand. The clothes look like ordinary cloth, but how did he appear.

Although the old man looked at Shaoyu, he kept thinking straightforwardly. It was impossible. What language is there that I haven't learned. God language, chaos language, dragon language, elven language, goblin language, animal language, highland language, pastoral language...

Shaoyu listened to the old man's constant muttering, the more he listened to him, the more frightened he became, joking, is there a complete set of languages ​​of a hundred nationalities?

The old man read it for a long time, and he muttered to himself: From the shape of the Chinese character, it can be seen that it is a sound cultural system, which has been passed down for no less than a thousand years and has profound meanings, but he hasn't even heard of it. .

An expert is definitely an expert, and Shaoyu can't help feeling.

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