No matter where he came from, Shao Yu couldn't help being respectful because he knew so many foreign languages ​​and could see so many things in one line.

Young man, can you tell me how to pronounce these words?

Shaoyu only said two words, guess!

Just kidding, how embarrassed this is to say, can it be said that this is actually a term for robbery!

Hearing Shaoyu's words, the old man turned to the tree and took out a magnifying glass to look at it.

Shaoyu felt a little speechless. At this moment, Shaoyu felt the vibration of the ground.

He turned his head to look at the end of the road, where a convoy was approaching.

From a distance, I saw a famous knight riding a small triceratops mount walking in the forefront. There were two carriages at the front, and a three-horse cart in the middle. There were bags of things piled on top, some wearing armor. People walking on the other side cannot see clearly behind them.

Shaoyu opened his left eye directly. This was his goal this time. There were seven horse-drawn carts, and there were two knights at the back of the team.

The old man also noticed the group of people on the opposite side, but he only glanced at it, then stared at the words on the tree, and only listened to him murmur: How to explain this word, according to the Elvish pattern? No, according to the stone shape of the mountain? No, right...

Shaoyu was a little speechless, it was too late to hide now, which was different from what he thought.

...Want to throw oil into the fire.

He sighed and stood directly in the middle of the road. He looked at the team and said to the old man: Old man, there is going to be a fight in a while, you should leave first.

After waiting for a while, he didn't hear anything. He looked back. The old man took a look and said: Young people are free. I will study for a while and I will definitely be able to come up with a solution.

Shaoyu almost covered his head. He said: Old man, you will know how to read these words right away. After speaking, he stood still on the road.

The team soon arrived in front of Shaoyu, and saw the knight made a gesture on the mount, and the team stopped far away from Shaoyu. I saw a person rushing out from the opposite side of the bush, shouting that there are two people here! Without ambush, this group of talents continues to move forward.

! Forget it, Shaoyu waited for the group to approach, before the knight could speak, he shouted directly: I drive this mountain and I plant this tree.

After shouting, it was quiet. Not only was the knight stunned, but the entire convoy could hear the needle drop quietly.

Shaoyu thought, is this so powerful?

it is good! Shaoyu was startled, because the voice came from the old man behind him.

He hurriedly turned his head and saw the old man walk over quickly and said loudly: It turns out that these words are read like this, they are really broad and profound, and contain profound meaning, young man, I hope you can teach me.

Shaoyu felt that he was hurting...face, I saw the old man walk up to him, looking at him sincerely.

Shaoyu scratched his head: Old man, this Chinese is very difficult to learn, and it is not the time now. You should leave now, there will be a battle soon!

The other side also reacted, and saw that the second horse behind also ran to the front, they drew out their weapons, and seemed to be charging.

I saw this old man, holding Shaoyu's hand with both hands, and he said: I am not afraid of any difficulties, please teach me.

My hands were actually caught for some reason, and I didn't get rid of it after I used a lot of effort! ... Shaoyu's egg is broken, how do you tell him to fight, seeing the opposite side will rush over. He shook his hand and said loudly: Go away, I won't teach you.

What's going on... The old man didn't finish speaking, only an arrow shot from behind him, through his chest.

Shaoyu was taken aback, looking at the point of the arrow emerging from the old man's chest, the old man fell softly to the ground.

What about an expert? Just got hit by an arrow? He couldn't help being a little dazed, and subconsciously helped.

I saw blood from the corners of the old man's mouth, and said weakly: Please teach me Chinese.

Shaoyu nodded and looked at the old man smiling and closing his eyes, an anger burst from the bottom of his heart.

He directly unlocked the three imprisoned bracelets, opened the surrounding slow state and rushed directly.

It was not until the end of the battle that Shaoyu calmed down from his anger.

The guard tower collapsed during the battle and fell right in the middle of the road, covering the old man's body.

With the blazing fire behind him and the corpses all over the floor, he couldn't help being a little silent.

If it weren't for the anger and let Shaoyu rush forward regardless of gains and losses, the battle would not be so easy to fight.

He rushed up and took the sword of the five-star knight, and with the same force, it flipped over his head and rushed into the convoy directly. The price was that the other two three-star knights slashed his back with a big sword one left and one right. Big X.

Although they didn't let them charge, this sword was too reluctant.

The arrow was shot by one of the three-star archers, and Shaoyu swiftly strode past to solve an archer, but unexpectedly another archer ran into the convoy that was ending up.

The so-called formation means that the carriage is centered, and the pallet carrying grain is formed into a circle for defense. This is the strain of the convoy after encountering an enemy.

Shaoyu didn't care about the soldiers at all, chasing the archer into the circle.

Unexpectedly, a mage holding a magic weapon emerged from the carriage, and a mage was hidden.

Shaoyu gave the mage a sword in a hand, but the mage didn't react at all.

At this moment, the five-star knight roared something, and jumped into the convoy directly with the mount, shaking off Shaoyu who was about to stab the archer.

The other two knights circled around, one from left to right.

Shaoyu also circumvented the convoy to try to solve the problem first. Without thinking, the dwarf long sword passed through the body of the three-star knight and nailed him to the mount. Only the hilt was left, and he was pulled out quickly without coming. Another three-star knight approaching from behind was knocked out.

At this moment, even with the protection of reverse work, Shaoyu turned a few somersaults on the ground and almost fainted when he hit the tree.

When he was awake, he saw some soldiers coming around from the right. The Samsung Knight turned his mount and rushed in front of him. There were also archers and scouts who stabilized their feet and shot out a lot of arrows. The five-star knight also knocked over the food transport board. The car chased from behind.

If it weren't for Shaoyu's heart-blessing and spiritual use, I would just hang on the spot.

He rushed out of the encirclement and rushed into the tower.

Turn over the top of the tower and directly take out the oil and set it on fire.

When one of the oil cans was thrown in front of the archer, he shot it in the air with a longbow. When Shaoyu threw out the torch, the three-star archer and two-star scouts covered in oil rushed directly and burned to death.

Upon seeing this, the five-star knight slammed into the tower with a roar, and the tower collapsed suddenly, hitting the place where the old man died.

Shaoyu jumped to the tree early, and ran directly with the tree, rushed down from the midair with the summoned Excalibur, and solved the inconvenience of the three-star knight who rushed to the woods to mobilize the mount. Then he rushed into the convoy that was burning with raging fire. , Slaughtered those soldiers.

The grove was quickly lit together, the beasts were afraid of fire, and the triceratops that the knights were riding on were not afraid, but the food bags filled with garbage burned up and smoke was everywhere.

Shaoyu cheated.

He opened the range scan and solved the five-star knight who was summoning soldiers to defend.

In this battle, only a few soldiers who entered the woods escaped. Shaoyu's elven cloak was opened with a big cross-shaped mouth from behind, and the hazy effect was lost. The dwarf sword was also inserted on the opponent's mount and was not retrieved.

If it hadn't been for Beta to see the thick smoke coming with the cavalry, he would only be afraid that it would take a long time to come back.

Apart from the cross wounds on his back, there were dozens of wounds on his body.

...In the jungle, fighting with monsters and monsters, green wolves are the main force, and they have no wisdom. Shaoyu’s flexibility has a great advantage. At that time, training also brought him strong resilience and Infinite energy.

And now, although the Excalibur has recovered, it has a time limit and lost its sharpness.

Afterwards, Shaoyu thought more and more wrong.

Beta came back after cleaning the battlefield and sent the dwarf longsword back to Shaoyu. He said that after clearing the fallen tower, he did not find any corpses of the elderly.

Shao Yu was silent, he even learned from Beta that the mage that was killed casually was an element mage, who was the apprentice of whom, and was invited by the Lord of Thorns to fight against Versace.

He had originally planned to wait for the caravan to pass by hiding in the tower to take the opportunity to set fire, and wanted to use the small bushes to get rid of the caravan. If there is more of this mage, not only will the fire not be released, but a slower or the like will make him unable to escape.

For Eve, it was a pleasant surprise for Shaoyu to be able to repair this fairy cloak.

Seeing Shaoyu's injury, Lily burst into tears in her big eyes. Shaoyu smiled and said that such a big person still kept crying. She said that she didn't want to cry, but her heart ached.

Shaoyu hugged Lily. He liked the feeling that someone cared about you and someone hurts for you, which made him feel warm.

Life was calm for six days, and Shaoyu's injury quickly recovered.

This day the Lord of Thorns came to visit.

The Lord of Thorns, a brawny man of three big fives, a handsome horse riding in a knight armor, can't see the true face, and there is a ride with him.

It was a mage in a flaming red robe, holding a two-meter-long magic battle with a fist-sized gem that kept flowing red.

Shaoyu didn't greet them with them. He stood on the ramp from the third floor to the fourth floor, looking from a distance, Lily was also beside him.

After only a few words from the other side, Shaoyu saw that the mage in the flaming red robe floated up from the horse and flew into the air. During the flight, he flew to the tower with a finger of a huge fireball.

The tower is where Versace lives. Shaoyu only heard a loud shout from the tower. The fireball exploded as it approached the tower and scattered into sparks and fell down.

From the first floor of the abandoned city, the red-robed mage flew directly to the top of the tower, hovering several tens of meters in front of him.

In the tower, there was also the sound of Versace chanting a spell.

Is this the battle of the mage? Shaoyu took Lily's hand and opened his left eye.

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