Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 112: Heaven falls

Beginning with the yelling of Versace, to the two wizards chanting the spell, their voices echoed in the air, resounding through the entire abandoned city. No matter which floor of the abandoned city, people got out of the room, looking at the mages in the sky in horror, even the nobles on the fourth floor.

Shaoyu clearly saw that the falling sparks fell between the first and second layers, causing a blazing fire.

Following the spell of the Red-robed Mage, the gems on the front of his staff became brighter and brighter, turning into a light ball of beating flames. The Red-robed Mage’s spell was high and fierce, and soon he completed the spell.

I saw fireballs flying towards the tower following his wave.

And Fansyk also completed the spell, and a circle of apertures that looked like words flew out of the tower. These apertures did not fly to the red robe mage, but stopped at the side of the tower. As more and more apertures joined, this The aperture became huge, and Shaoyu felt like a shield in this world.

A series of fireballs hit the shield, and the explosion sounded.

The red robe mage sent out nearly a hundred fireballs. In the end, he held his hands forward, and the red light at the top of the long battle turned into a beam of light and shot towards the tower.

Shaoyu had already used scanning, and the result was that the combat effectiveness was unknown.

Little S said that what she can analyze now is the star warrior and the high-level mage below. In this way, this red robe mage must be a high-level or even a magician. Of course, the possibility of a magician is unlikely, if it really is, it won't be a challenge.

Judging by the knowledge obtained in the book, the general mage who is close to a certain element will definitely wear a robe of similar color. Judging from the magic he used, this mage should be an element mage, majoring in fire and minoring in wind.

Because the book says that only the wind element can fly at high levels, and other elements must be magical or above to be able to fly in the sky. The wind system is also a minor choice for most mages and elemental mages.

Hundreds of fireballs exploded on the shields of the towers, the fire was blazing, sparks flying around fell from the towers, and the houses on the streets caused a big fire. For a while, those at the bottom of the tower were eager to escape and were busy fighting the fire. Countless shouts and shouts. Many people ran down the ramp to the fourth floor, and the sparks flying down from the flight could not fall on the fourth floor parallel to the top of the tower, and the guards that originally existed on the fourth floor could not stop so many people. .

As the beam of light ended, the tower covered by the firelight also appeared.

The shield character is intact.

Shaoyu looked at the fire in the city, he felt that the situation was not optimistic.

According to the book, the magic tower has a huge bonus to the mage. Although this tower in the abandoned city has almost no magic fluctuations, it used to be the royal city. This tower is also the former magic tower in the city. Hub.

Although it has been abandoned, if there is no effect, the Necromancer and Versace will not stay in it forever.

With the bonus, Versace was also defensive from the beginning, and did not have the two magical attacks and defenses mentioned in the book.

As the red robe mage in the sky chanted the spell again, the sky above his head was faintly dyed red.

At this time, Shao Yu finally determined that this was just a high-level mage, or a high-level mage who was quickly advancing to a magician. Because it is stated in the book that if the magician casts a spell, it will cause elemental fluctuations... Simply put, there are some visions.

At this time, it seemed that the red robe mage must be preparing a powerful magic. Next, either Fansike continued to defend, or he took action to interrupt the Red-robed Mage, or attacked. Shaoyu felt that Fansack would mostly interrupt the Red-robed Mage. Once he stopped the spell of the Red-robed Mage, it caused it. With his magic backlash, it is possible to win.

There was also a curse in the tower, but this time it was a clear voice. Shaoyu knew it was Niss's voice, and her curse was short and rapid.

As her spell was completed, cyan wind blades shot out from the tower and shot towards the red-robed mage in the air.

The red-robed mage and Ben ignored these wind blades. While he was in the air, he dodged the wind blades from left to right. The curse in his mouth was still so high and intense that they were not disturbed by these little wind blades.

Niss was also inside, but Shaoyu didn't accidentally happen, but Niss actually made a move.

This is a battle between two fast-advanced magic wizards. Regardless of whether she is still an apprentice or a magician, she has the same low strength and even intervenes in the battle.

In Shaoyu’s closer vision, the red robe mage’s face was full of anger. After dodging for a while, the ring in his hand lit up, and a few spheres of flames spouted from the ring, which drifted away from him. , Burning suddenly around his body, turned into a curtain of fire.

And those wind blades that constantly shot from the tower hit the fire curtain and immediately disappeared.

At this time, the red robe mage's curse was over, and he pointed to the tower for a long time, but nothing happened.

But Shaoyu only felt that the air was heavy, and a whistling sound became louder and louder.

With his left eye, he quickly saw that from the clouds above the red robe mage, a huge boulder with flames passed through the clouds and hit the tower, and Shaoyu's eye pupils shrank.

what is this? Summon a meteor? !

As the boulder approached, the howling sound became louder and louder, and a panic filled everyone's heart. Everyone looked up at the sky, staring blankly at the smashed flame boulder, and then the whole was waste. confusion.

Now even the nobles on the fourth floor panicked, screaming everywhere.

The **** from the third floor to the fourth floor was even more chaotic, but Shaoyu stood here holding a sword, he had a mighty power, but no one dared to bump into it.

Facing such a magic, for the first time Shaoyu felt the horror of the mage, is this still magic? Facing the flame boulder falling like a natural disaster, Shaoyu thought what to do. Shaoyu glanced at Lily. Lily looked at him leaning against him with big eyes, without a trace of fear.

This boulder that fell like a meteor is bigger than the most luxurious house in the noble area on the fourth floor. You must know that the most luxurious house in the noble area is the fat man's house. Counting the area deep into the mountain is enough to be the size of a gymnasium.

Although it is less than two or three percent of the entire abandoned city, the impact from the sky can at least destroy the abandoned city by half, or it can cause the collapse of the mountain and destroy the entire abandoned city built on the mountain.

Is this still a high-level wizard's spell? Shaoyu didn't know, but he looked pale when the red-robed mage finished casting the magic, and he kept taking out some small bottles and pouring it out, and when he saw the huge boulders falling from the sky, he was still in a daze.

Obviously, he also called out his surprise.

But then the red robe mage flew a long distance away, and smiled happily.

Obviously, the mage didn't care about the lives of everyone in the city.

Shaoyu glanced at the city. The City Lord of Thorns, who was in his armor, was desperately fleeing outside the city gate. There were too many people fleeing. After hitting a group of people, he blocked the city gate and was slashing with his sword.

I didn't see Owen and the others, the city was too chaotic.

After a glance, Shaoyu thought, what should he do. The throbbing in his heart hit his chest for a while, unless he could fly, he couldn't escape. The only way he could think of was to use the beam of his left eye to attack the falling boulder.

As for Huaying jumping out of the city alone, he didn't even think about it.

Is it useful? The light beam penetrates the boulder at most and cannot stop it for a moment.

As the flame boulder smashed down quickly, the air became heavier and heavier, and a wind pressure was slowly generated.

Shaoyu couldn't think much, just as he was about to turn on the beam, he saw two people flying up in the sky.

The two men stood on a circular plate and flew up to meet the falling boulder.

Shaoyu saw clearly at a glance, this was Eve and her mentor.

I saw Eve's mentor holding a short battle in his hand, and a stream of white light was continuously sprayed from the short battle.

The white light quickly touched the falling flame boulder, and the flame on it disappeared as the white light spread, and the boulder slowly stopped, just floating above their heads.

I saw Eve's instructor waved the short battle hard in his hand, and the huge boulder on his head smashed towards the red robe mage.

The red robe mage flew upwards desperately with a horrified face, and avoided the huge boulder that was not fast. With a thud, the boulder fell just outside the city gate.

Then, the short battle in the hands of the alchemist turned into a pile of powder.

When the red-robed mage saw Eve's mentor, he flew over with a look of uncertainty.

Shaoyu could only see the expression, he felt that he had to learn lip language.

As they talked, Shaoyu saw that the red robe mage's expression changed from uneasy to panic.

Then he took out something and gave it to the alchemist, then with a gray face he took off the gems on the top of the battle, and gave it to the alchemist, and then flew away.

This disaster ended, Owen soon appeared on the fourth floor, he comforted the nobles, and Beta took the soldiers to clean up the mess.

Shaoyu was very strange. After Versace condensed a shield character, there was no response. In the end, the shield character disappeared, and only Niss took the action.

It is very uncomfortable not to get answers to questions, they are all busy and there is no free time, and he does not want to go to the tower to join in the fun. After Shaoyu returned to the castle with Lily, he went straight to practice sword.

After solving the caravan, Shaoyu had some complacency, and even felt that no one could stop him. He only realized his lack of strength after the war that had nothing to do with him. Facing the life-threatening danger, he was unable to solve it, and even the people around him could not protect it.

In the evening, Shaoyu came back and unexpectedly ran into Eve in front of the castle.

Eve is very enthusiastic about Shaoyu, and Shaoyu also likes this innocent sister very much. The two talked all the way to the tower.

This was to deliver medicine to Versace and Niss, and Shaoyu learned everything from Eve.

It turned out that the three wizards of Versace who challenged the city of thorns were actually seriously injured... She and her mentor stopped the experiment after feeling the magic wave and came out of the castle, and then saw the huge boulder falling from the sky.

Only then did Shao Yu understand why Fanhanke stopped responding after only condensing his shield. Then Shaoyu asked Eve's high-level mage's magic so powerful?

Eve said that although high-level mages are powerful, there is absolutely no such powerful magic.

This is an accident.

Is there an accident about magic? Shaoyu couldn't help being surprised.

Eve nodded. She said that the mage had originally released a rain of fire from the sky, and she didn't know how to trigger a meteor. This kind of compound summoning spell has a certain chance to cause abnormal changes, and after speaking, he sticks out his tongue and says that this is what the instructor said.

Shaoyu also learned that the red robe mage is indeed the fire element, but he has the second element of the wind and earth as a minor.

Eve also said that fortunately there was a mentor, who solved the trouble and punished the mage severely.

Shaoyu asked what happened.

Eve said that if magic destroys a city, Fadu will definitely send someone to capture the mage. Then she said with a proud face that the mage was originally inferior to her mentor. If the mentor reported this incident, the mage would be miserable. He even gave the mentor the elemental crystals on the law battle. After speaking, she was very happy. Laughed.

Shaoyu also laughed, but he was a little cold in his heart, even the simple sister paper of Eve didn't take human life seriously. Only when a city is destroyed will the law govern it.

He looked down at the starry sky, this is a strong world.

While talking, they also reached the tower, and the two of them went up together.

Versace was in very bad condition. He was lying motionless on the bed. Niss was taking care of her. She was a little embarrassed to see Shaoyu. After chatting for a few words, she found that she was also pale and weak.

After staying in the tower for a while, they left.

On the way back, Eve said that although there is still this abandoned magic tower protected, Conis' level is too low, and the mental collision caused by the magic collision between the wizards is estimated to have left her unclear.

Shaoyu said that the medicine you gave can cure them.

Eve shook her head. She said that the mental damage can only be recovered slowly by herself. This is the foundation of a mage.

Shaoyu sighed and then returned to the castle. After saying goodbye to Eve, he returned to the room.

When I went back to the room, I heard Lily talk about it. Owen personally sent a copy of the information, and waited for Shaoyu for a long time.

When Shaoyu took a look, he was taken aback first, then surprised, and immediately went to see Owen.

It is written above, let him go to kill Niubecchi Ta'o Sla in Sanye City.

This just made Shaoyu stunned, where is Sanye City and who is this nobleman.

At a loss, he saw the portrait next. It turned out that this person was the red-robed mage. How could this make Shao Yu not surprised.

When he found Owen, he was waiting for Shaoyu with wine.

Before Shaoyu could speak, Owen began to speak for himself.

He first talked about the current situation in the abandoned capital, which was all developments, but Shaoyu didn't quite understand it. He has only figured out a little bit. Now the abandoned city is only a little stable inside, the population has increased a lot, and there are fixed caravans, but there are still many troubles outside, such as the cannibal mountains, such as the city of thorns and this three leaves. The Nigubec family of the city.

Shaoyu sat down, took the wine arms handed by Owen, and listened silently.

Then Owen talked about his ideals.

He said that he was assigned here by the family, and he wanted to establish a power by himself so that he could return to the center of power. Owen talked a lot, and he was also very straightforward, not hiding his thoughts at all.

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