Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 114: Inside the tower (top)

Early the next morning, a team of mercenaries set off with them.

This team of mercenaries called Agni is really good, with tacit cooperation, well-equipped, and a complete set of professional matches. Shaoyu probed the leading mercenary and found that he was actually a five-star magic warrior.

Little S said: Suspected professional.

But Lia got in the car and saw Shaoyu blushing, and she had been hiding in the cubicle and did not dare to come out.

The reason is that when she came back in the evening, she didn't find Shaoyu and Lily in the bath, so she soaked in without clothes.

It wasn't until Shaoyu drew a grid on the paper and carved out a piece of wood to teach Lily to play chess, she couldn't help but crawl out with curiosity.

The seven-day journey was not uneven, but fortunately the fire mercenary team was outstanding. Several times when Shaoyu heard the movement, the mercenary team resolved the battle.

Their style is efficient and concise, with only one word...kill.

Shaoyu kept making some chess and cards along the way, which made Lili and the others very happy and almost indulged in them. This is the result of drawing some chessboards for self-entertainment without playmates in childhood. It's just a three-step retreat, two-step advance, and so on. The opponent must evade the other three steps after attacking, or stay for one round after hitting the petrochemical.

Soon, Sanye City appeared in front of them, a city built on a large lake.

The city is built on the lake, with a mountain range in the northwest that is slightly higher and extends in a leaf shape to the south.

The three-leaf-like city is spread among the mountains and rivers with a lot of fireworks. The urban area is divided into three parts, neatly planned, and the streets are clearly layered. The ten-meter-high city wall surrounds the three areas.

The three urban areas are like three leaves, and the intersection is like a branch extending from an island in the lake.

The most striking thing is the tall tower on the small island in the lake, looking at the city by the lake with a look of attitude. From the bottom of the tall tower, a bridge connects to another ten-meter-high tower by the lake.

After reading it, Shaoyu unexpectedly found that the captain of the Fire Mercenary Team, the Demon Warrior, squeezed his fist and looked at the tower.

That was the Tower of Mage, Leah said to Shaoyu.

Shaoyu opened his left eye and carefully observed the tower. There were some small bunkers around the tower. A huge truck was installed on the bunker to monitor the surroundings of the island. Apart from the connecting bridge, there was no other way to enter. That high tower.

He couldn't see anything other than that, his heart was a little heavy.

Soon, the carriage entered the city gate.

This time they went to not a hotel but a private house. Leah paid a big price to let the original family move out. She smiled and said to Shaoyu: You have to do things, not suitable for staying in a hotel.

Then Liya said that when she gets things done, she will concentrate on taking care of Lily. You might as well take Lily around the city first, and then go to the pub to have a drink.

Shaoyu knew it, and changed into local clothes. Lily also wore an inconspicuous skirt, put on a sun hat and went to the street.

After half a day, they walked through the two leaves and returned after seeing the bridge connecting the towers in the lake.

The folk customs of the City of Three Leaves are simple and friendly to strangers. Of course, the leaf area belonging to the nobles did not enter, and there is no need to enter.

There is a curfew in this city, that is, no one is allowed to wander outside at night, and they are found by patrolling soldiers.

There were not many guards in the city during the day, but the tower by the lake was guarded by a whole team of soldiers. Shaoyu observed for a long time and did not find anyone entering the tower to cross the bridge.

This bridge connecting the two sides can barely run a carriage in width, and there are some stone statues of various shapes on the side of the bridge. There was no movement of the tower in the lake.

In the afternoon, Leah came back and Shaoyu went to the tavern.

The tavern was very lively. The drummer kept beating many small drums, and on the side there was a bard singing some legendary stories with a high and frustrated voice.

Shaoyu had been drinking and hearing about the curfew before turning back. He felt that he had gained a lot.

The next day, Shaoyu took Lily around for a long time, and in the afternoon he went to the pub again.

Unexpectedly, I saw a group of people from the Agni Mercenary Team sitting in a corner drinking quietly. He thought about spending money to ask these people to rush to the Mage Tower, but after another thought, it's better to have less contact now, and later...

There was the most news in the market, and Shaoyu learned that the curfew had only started recently, and the real reason was that someone rushed to the Mage Tower. As for the final result, there are many different opinions.

Shaoyu thinks that the most reliable is the statement of a resident closest to the lake.

He said that he saw countless nightmares waking up in the dark, rushing on to a group of assassins who stepped on the bridge, and tore them to pieces. This resident was obviously frightened, and has always been drunk.

After collecting a lot of gossip, Shaoyu pondered for a moment and decided to act tonight, so he should also approach the mage tower to take a look.

It’s just not because of the soldiers and numerous agencies. According to the book, the mage tower is like the body of the mage, and every mage is like a straight palm. If you really put it like this, can he sneak in?

If the mage tower can't be touched, how can I solve the red robe mage?

There will be results tonight.

When the night was quiet, Shaoyu put on leather armor, put a potion in the belt, put on a robe and a cloak, checked and set off.

I don’t know if it’s God’s help. Tonight’s gloomy moonlight is a good time to act. He always feels a touch of blood when he moves along the shadow of the house.

Shaoyu was surprisingly lucky without encountering soldiers on patrol.

But soon, he knew that this was not luck, and that blood was not his illusion.

The soldiers guarding the tower by the lake have all turned into corpses.

To say that these soldiers are also a powerful obstacle to entering the tower in the lake. Shaoyu observes that these soldiers are full of armor and armed with heavy weapons. There are groups of five people, which is not easy to deal with. The second floor of the tower also holds a longbow against the window here. The soldier of, he originally wanted to slam the past.

After checking it, it was found that these soldiers had been pierced into the gaps in the armor with a sharp object. The people who started the attack were clean and neat. These soldiers basically maintained the posture they were in before they were alive.

The soldier's wound had a faint scent, which was poisonous.

Entering their guard tower, there are also some corpses in the tower. These corpses are in some blind spots. The location of these people makes Shaoyu understand that the sound of the slamming must not move all the guards in the tower. After boarding the second floor, he glanced at the window and the three dead soldiers with bows walked out. Outside is the bridge connecting the two towers.

Then, he saw a group of dark shadows running fast across the bridge.

Shaoyu learned from the tavern that there are wizards in the lake who have some monsters. Those who want to enter the tower from the water will become the snacks of these monsters. The only way to enter the tower is this bridge.

At the end of the bridge is the entrance to the high tower. There is no door or guard. The entrance of the black hole is like a giant mouth of a beast, devouring all intruders.

Shaoyu knew that there must be a trap on the bridge. Combined with what the local resident who was frightened and could only use alcohol to anaesthetize him, Shaoyu concluded that the traps were the stone statues used as guardrails on both sides of the bridge.

It's nice to have someone find the way.

The bridge is about five hundred meters long. There are some simple patterns on the bridge. Every few meters there is a short pillar beside the bridge. The pillars have statues of monsters of different shapes. They act as barriers and are not obvious. There is a strange harmony with the whole bridge without pier support.

The group moved very quickly without making a single sound.

Shaoyu estimated that it took them some time to solve that when the guard was stepping on the bridge, he happened to follow him.

When Shaoyu came to the tower, they just ran into the bridge.

At this moment, the bridge surface lit up with a little light, and the lines on the bridge seemed to be alive, emitting a faint blue light instantly. The group of people in the bridge was also shocked by this accident. They stopped randomly and charged up without any reserve to speed up after a meal.

But it was too late at this time. As the lines glowed with blue light, the stone statues on the bridge moved as if they were alive.

In the first second, I could hear the sound of the armor crashing when the group of people were running, and in the next second, it was covered by the roaring and shouting of various animals.

For a while, some stone statues flew into the sky, and some stone statues jumped onto the bridge and surrounded the group of people.

Shaoyu had already seen clearly that this group of people was the Agni Mercenary Team.

They were not in a panic. Several soldiers were behind, and the captain of the Fire Mercenary Team formed a formation in front, pushing forward while attacking the surging stone statues.

Shaoyu feels that there is nothing to say about the tacit understanding between them. These stone beasts are very hard. The remaining four-star warriors can't cut one with a few strokes, but with the cooperation of his teammates, they often pounced on one. , Just break one of them together, or just bounce off a few....

But there are archers to solve the problem of flying in the sky. There are not many flying stone beasts, and the stone beasts on the bridge are not as hard. One of the arrows shot by the archer always has a dim light. Only, hindering the movement of the stone statue in the sky, this archer will shoot to pieces.

The demon warrior who rushed to the front was even more impressive. He saw a huge flame on his two-handed sword, and one sword could chop off a stone beast.

When they rushed to the entrance of the magic tower, only two people died.

The dead are the soldiers in the rear. People are not machines. There are always mistakes.

At the entrance of the magic tower, the magic warrior hesitated, and the torch shot in his hand was thrown into the tower to only light up a small area. But he didn't have much time to hesitate, because the stone beasts at one end of the bridge were still rushing over. He gritted his teeth, made a gesture, and rushed in first.

In Shaoyu’s left eye, there seemed to be a layer of black yarn at the entrance of the tower blocking all prying eyes, but as the magic warrior entered, the corner of the black yarn was gently lifted, as if he saw a pair of red eyes. .

As the fire mercenary team entered, the stone beasts on the bridge did not chase the tower, but returned to their original places and turned into statues.

Shaoyu felt that they had entered the belly of a giant beast, and there was no sound, and the giant beast opened its mouth wide, waiting for him to enter.

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