Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 115: Inside the tower (below)

Soon Shaoyu stood in front of the tower, and this mage tower, which was fifty meters high and covered a vast area, gave him a heavy pressure.

The description of the mage tower in the book flashed in my mind.

Magic traps, puppet guards, followers of the mage, and the mage himself who has unlimited magic power in the tower.

He came here on the stone beast, did not walk on the bridge, and did not arouse the operation of the magic circle. Standing at the dark entrance, Shaoyu watched as several towers on the island sent figures to move here, using the range scan directly.

A powerful wave spread outward, and soon formed a map in his mind.

The danger behind the door seemed to be resolved. On the map, several light spots were walking upwards. Shaoyu found that the height of the range scan was only ten meters, except for the first layer, he did not know the above situation.

This was completely beyond Shaoyu's expectation. He gritted his teeth and prepared to step in.

As soon as he was about to enter, Shaoyu heard a sharp whistling sound. He looked back and saw that in a corner of the City of Three Leaves, something similar to a rocket rose into the sky.

Stopped his figure, thinking a little unbelievably, why let him go back now?

This rocket is a way to communicate with Leah. She does not interfere in the operation, but when the plan changes, she will fire a rocket to inform him to retreat as soon as possible.

Shaoyu's thoughts turned, why did he suddenly retreat? Thinking of the scene of the burning boulder falling from the sky, he felt that this opportunity was a rare opportunity, at least he could figure out the situation in the mage tower.

After a pause, he stepped into the Mage Tower.

The first layer is no longer dangerous, and Shaoyu stepped through the black mist at the entrance, and all the face paintings on the first layer were presented before his eyes.

This is an empty and dark hall on the first floor, except for the four pillars, there are only two corpses and a fragment of a puppet.

Obviously, these puppet fragments are the guards of the first level of the mage tower. From the time they entered, many puppet fragments were scattered and spread out. These puppets were shattered by a powerful force, and when they reached the center, there was one that fell backwards. A huge puppet remains, and two corpses are entangled with it.

None of these puppets have feet. A square shaped like a chassis supports a pillar-shaped body and two thick arms. The material seems to be made of a solid wood.

The first floor is twelve meters high, and the puppet in the middle is nearly nine meters high.

Shaoyu couldn't help thinking, it must be the two fighters entangled with his arms one left and the other right, and then the fatal blow launched by the demon warrior, the captain of the Fire Mercenary Team. But the power of this huge puppet was too strong, and the two soldiers were strangled to death on its huge body by its arms.

The power of these puppets is the crystals installed on their bodies, and this is their weakness. As Shaoyu walked up the stairs, he looked at the result of the red fragments in the grooves flashing through the many puppet remains.

He walked up the spiral staircase cautiously, and from the second floor came the sound of killing.

Shaoyu looked at it. The second floor was slightly shorter. There were four strip-shaped rooms along the arc of the tower. There was also a hall in the middle. At this time, the doors of the four rooms were wide open. The people are fighting fiercely with the Agni Mercenary Team.

It is no longer appropriate to say that it is a fierce battle, it should be the fire mercenary team that is chasing and killing these mages.

The Agni Mercenary Team escorting them had a total of seventeen people. Except for the dead and those who chased into the room in groups of three, Shaoyu discovered that there were more than 20 Agni Mercenary Teams in the hall.

It seemed that they were preparing to wave for a long time, and besides the escorts, some had already sneaked into the city of Sanye.

Shaoyu watched from the corner of the eye...If they were discovered, God knew if they would listen to the explanation, maybe they would solve him first.

Watching these people make up for a dead wizard or guard...

Soon, they rushed to the third floor.

I don't know if the compartment between the tower and the tower is done too well, and I believe the guards below too much, there is no resistance on this floor.

On the third floor, there are many rooms, long arc-shaped rooms, one after the other, one over the other to form a passage. The fire mercenary team was divided into two groups, one left and the other right, breaking, attacking, killing, screaming...

Shaoyu waited quietly, waited until a room was completely quiet before he touched it in.

Some of these rooms are filled with boxes, some are full of bunk beds, and some are like laboratories. Nothing happened to the Fire Mercenary Team, they just killed people. Shaoyu looked at these things with great interest, but didn't think there was anything worth putting in the ring.

Following the way led by the magic warrior on the left...to follow must be the boss.

Shaoyu looked at the first two rooms with the expressions of astonishment on those people before they died. He felt that there wasn't even an alarm or anything in the mage tower... the people inside didn't even know their arrival.

This is inconsistent with what the book says, the mage tower is the mage realm.

The two last rooms encountered decent resistance. The Fire Mercenary team suffered casualties, and a corpse was left in this room.

After fighting in the last big room for a long time, Shaoyu couldn't help touching the door and peeking. The first thing he saw was the splash of blood, and then he saw the situation in the field.

This big room is guarding the entrance of the fourth floor. Shaoyu calculated the position in his mind and found that the two roads that went around were actually all to the center of this big room... the tower.

The entrance on a few steps is two wooden doors, the door is covered by a layer of red light, and there is fierce fighting in the field.

The splashing blood is from the soldiers of the Fire Mercenary Team, and there is only one enemy here. An earth element surrounded by them.

This earth element, which is more than three meters high, has some red light flowing in its dark yellow body, which has a strong sense of oppression. The body condensed by magic elements is chopped on it by a sword filled with vindictiveness, only cracking small gaps. , Bows and arrows are even more useless.

The earth element is heavy and the action is a bit slow, but as long as it is hit by the fist of the earth element, the warrior with his whole body armor and holding a shield will immediately dent a large pit in the shield armor and vomit blood when he retreats. Those with light armor or leather armor will be directly beaten away. The ground flew up, bloody. And as the battle continued, the crack in its body was slowly recovering,

The members of the Agni Mercenary Team were not afraid of death, desperately inflicting damage to the earth element, and making up one immediately, but almost all they did was useless.

There were still two people in the field that didn't move. One was the captain of the Agni Mercenary Team, and the other was an archer who could shoot fighting arrows. They were talking. Shaoyu listened intently, and heard that the archer seemed to be asking the captain. The magic warrior said something no...some conversation was heard intermittently... At this time the earth element hit another warrior. The warrior's screams and roars covered their conversation. When they could hear him clearly, the warrior said, he What kind of trick to use to solve this elemental guard, I hope they are lucky enough to be able to kill the enemy.

Hearing their conversation, Shaoyu analyzed several points. One is that there are two doors on this floor, one is a trap, and the other is the real way to the top floor... the location of the red robe mage Sla. But if this elemental guard is not resolved, the real door will not be revealed. If someone is sent to try it, the magic door cannot be returned, so there is no way to know which is the real door. The second is that this magic warrior has a trick. It was originally used to deal with the wizard, but it had to be used here. Third, the Fire Mercenary Squad and the red-robed mage Sla have an enemy.

In a heat wave, the earth element seemed to feel the threat, and wanted to rush over. The soldiers of the Fire Mercenary Team desperately blocked it, and even the archer took out his short blade and surrounded it.

Shaoyu is now sure that this magic warrior is a professional.

The magic warrior is probably a special class, which is not in the information given by Owen. On the road, Liya had said that she said that this is a new profession, which is a combination of warrior and mage. Shaoyu asked her, isn't that the same route as the battle mage? Leah said no, this was a warrior trained with the power of magic. She didn't know exactly what it was.

The best way to identify professionals is to store professional weapons in different spaces.

The demon warrior thrust the big sword in his hand to his side, and as his body lit up with a red light, another big sword appeared in his hand.

This sword is about six meters long. The broad sword has a dark red pattern like many symbols. The magic warrior carried the huge sword on his shoulders, the red light around him beating like flames, and the temperature in the room rose straight.

At this time, the soldiers of the Fire Mercenary Team suffered heavy casualties and could no longer stop the earth element. As it took a step, the ground would be shaken.

It was very close to the demon warrior. The demon warrior drew out with a loud shout. He held the hilt in both hands, and the dark red flame floated out of the symbol first, quickly igniting the fighting spirit of the demon warrior. In the flame, Shaoyu only saw The magic warrior bowed his body and threw the sword out.

As the giant sword left his hand, the field suddenly lit up and then returned to normal.

Shaoyu could clearly see that the demon warrior's giant sword was removed from his hand, but it did not turn and spin, but shot at the earth element at lightning speed. The earth element threw a fist, and the giant sword passed directly through the earth element's fist, passed through its body, and also passed the bodies of two flame servant soldiers, and disappeared.

What kind of skill is this, Shaoyu has been dumbfounded.

The earth element instantly disintegrated and turned into a pile of dirt. The two warriors who had been brushed by the huge sword were directly swallowed by the dark red flames on the sword and burned into ashes. The magic warrior was full of blue smoke and almost collapsed to the ground. He held the big sword inserted to the side and did not fall.

Shaoyu was still shocking the power of the magic warrior's move, the red light of the wooden door on the steps suddenly fluctuated, and the red robe mage Sla unexpectedly appeared on the steps.

Sla stood on the steps with a long battle and looked down at the field, then stretched out his left hand from under the wide mage robe. On his left finger, a few blue wind blades dodged the fire mercenary team. The team members became corpses.

The members of these fire mercenary teams, because they desperately blocked the earth element, almost all were seriously injured, and there was no way to resist.

The archer was even more focused on taking care of him, and was torn apart by several blades... The only one Sla let go of the magic warrior, he laughed wildly.

Somehow, Shaoyu felt cold in his heart and couldn't help but touch the hilt.

Seeing the death of his teammates, the whole body of the demon warrior shook, and the corners of his mouth shed blood.

After Sla laughed wildly, he walked down the steps step by step. He said: I knew that a few clowns came, what a wonderful night, not only helped me clean up the useless things in the tower, but also played such a grand show. comedy.

The demon warrior didn't speak, maybe he couldn't say a word at all, he dragged the sword and moved towards Sla step by step. The red robe mage didn't care about the approach of the demon warrior at all.

He continued, he didn't expect that the little mouse who ran away would come back for revenge in order to grab the old man's notes. Both of these gates can become traps and passages, but I can't wait for you to fall into the trap. After speaking, he released another wind blade, which hit the demon warrior's body, cutting off a large piece of meat from his shoulder.

But the demon warrior was still moving mechanically, his eyes staring at Sla as if they were burning.

Seeing that this was ineffective, Sla was a little angry. He only heard him yelling, screaming, begging for mercy, and fleeing again. He quickly released wind blades.

The demon warrior was cut into flesh and blood, but he still didn't stop. Sla suddenly realized that the distance was a little closer. Although the clown on the opposite side had exhausted his fighting spirit, overdrawn his martial energy, and was weak, he was a little uncomfortable. .

Not knowing what Sra thought suddenly, a cruel smile hung on the corner of his mouth, so he started to chant.

Along with the sound of the curse, there was a roar. The demon warrior held a sword in both hands and slashed towards the red robe mage.

This distance is indeed a bit close.

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