Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 116: Untitled (for subscription)

Sla's cursing stopped abruptly, he only spit out two syllables, and drew out a short staff from behind, a torrent of black and red flames rushed towards the leaping magic warrior, seeming to be casting a powerful magic. The red robe mage actually chanted magic with two spells.

It's a magic item... This is an activation spell, used to activate a spell stored on the short magic.

Shaoyu clearly saw the magic warrior moving forward in the torrent of flames. His armor melted instantly, and his flesh and blood disappeared into the fire. The one that fell in front of the red robe mage was a blood-red skeleton.

The red-robed mage turned the skeleton around, chanting a spell.

Shaoyu didn't know what kind of flame had such a powerful power but didn't burn the bones. He doesn't like to do things that are uncertain. As shown in the book, powerful wizards have some magic accessories that can be activated instantly or automatically.

At this time, the Hongpao Mage was facing him, although Shaoyu was confident that he stabbed with a sword across the wooden door. But there is always an inexplicable feeling of palpitations in his heart... this is not tension!

Shaoyu feels that he has always been very cautious...This doesn't conflict with his adventurous love, so every time he wants to take a risk, he will think about it... Opportunity waits for no one. Gently drank a bottle of healing potion, unfastened the imprisoned bracelet on his body, pulled out the sword and closed his eyes, calmly.

Although he didn't use his peripheral light to peek, he silently counted the opponent's footsteps, and now Sla just turned around again, with his back facing the wooden door, only six steps away.

So Shaoyu moved, and with a bang, a big hole was broken in the wooden door, and the swords of others were combined into a long sword, which penetrated the wooden door and pierced the back of the red robe mage.

Hearing the sound, Sla looked back slowly, his eyes were not surprised, but he looked at the fast approaching sword with a playful look.

Shaoyu's heart sank, and then he pierced a light curtain.

Magic barrier! He knows this spell, which is a middle-level magic, which requires a magic circle to be used on the battlefield. Spells like this that are often used on the battlefield are also the most widely spread, so they are mentioned in the book.

This sword pierced the light curtain. The piercing was not a puncture. The sword passed through the body but could not penetrate the light curtain and was bounced to the ground. The long sword was also ‘hanged’ on the light curtain.

The sword actually pierced Sla's back, and as a ring in his hand shattered, a layer of stone ‘grown’ behind him blocked the sword. Sla was pushed forward and turned around with an ugly face and waved the magic weapon, a wave of fluctuations directed at Shaoyu.

This wave of volatility fell through. In Sla's eyes, the assassin bounced like a fish when he fell to the ground, turned and ran. He was furious, chanting a spell in his mouth, and chased the assassin with big strides.

Does the mage really know everything that happened in the magic tower? Seeing the magic barrier, I knew it was for him.

Shaoyu fought with a carp, got up and ran for his life, passing through the rooms, dodge the magic of the red-robed mage and dream about these questions. He went hand in hand to pour cloth items in the room to block the door of the house or add obstacles to the red robe mage.

There was a bang behind, and getting closer, these obstacles did not stop Sla at all.

It's not that Shaoyu didn't want to come back again, but the red robe mage actually put on many protective spells for himself.

Sla's heart became more and more angry, but the surface became more and more calm. He Kong waved his left hand to cast the hand of the mage and swept away everything blocking him, but his spirit was firmly locked on the escaped assassin. To catch up soon, he wants to let this clown wailing in his **** flames for a hundred years. Passing through this room is the downward staircase, but he has already sealed off the mage tower. If this clown dared to step into his magic door, he would die instantly.

It couldn't be that simple, it was too cheap, the clown who scared him out of a cold sweat, so Sla accelerated the casting speed and finally caught up. But what made him even more angry was that the clown stood in the last room and looked at him, so he said aloud the magic spell of **** flames.

Slug was not afraid of the assassin's attack again, because he had enough protection. Although the power of that sword was a bit too big, the distance gave him enough time to cast...As the spell was completed, Slug desperately wanted to hear the misfortune. Howling, howling.

Sure enough, the clown moved again, but the direction seemed wrong, and then he couldn't believe his eyes, the clown actually penetrated the wall of the magic tower.

When Shaoyu ran to this room, he was still very leisurely. There was almost no damage from the impact and shock. The casualties in the jungle were heavier than this, not to mention the healing potions. He stood for a while before seeing the arrival of the Hongpao Mage. Then, he picked up the divine sword that he had summoned while running, and a few swords broke through the wall and jumped into the lake.

Behind him came the angry shout of the red robe mage, and then the magical flames illuminated the sky, and he had already got into the bottom of the lake and walked towards the shore step by step.

Although the range scan only works on one level, he already knew where the mage tower was the weakest.

In the beginning, Shaoyu only wanted to leave the Mage Tower with the speed of unlocking the imprisoned bracelet. Later, after tracking him all the way, he thought of and confirmed this method.

Early the next morning, he returned to Sanye City. He looked at the triple guard at the gate of the city with some shakiness, but took off his gray robe and cloak and put on a coarse cloth. After wiping the ash, he entered the city smoothly and returned to the place he bought.

After entering the door, he almost couldn't support it.

Damn fish, Shaoyu couldn't help cursing, but he happened to see Lily who had been waiting for him to come back.

The lake is indeed very dangerous. There are many adult arm-sized fishes. These thick fishes are not only full of mouths and teeth, but also twist and spin after being bitten. They are extremely vicious.

If it weren't for Shaoyu's good water level, he would almost never get to the shore.

Lily bandaged his wound with red eyes. After being bitten by that kind of fish, the wound was full of deep pits...Fortunately, the body was strong enough to shrink the wound and stop the blood whenever he was bitten.

In fact, Shaoyu didn't understand that when the strength in the cell exceeds 50, he naturally has the ability to control muscle contraction and stop bleeding quickly. Of course, he has always attributed to the magic of Qi training, and he has never thought about it.

Leah also happened to be back. She didn't say much, she explained the reason directly, and went out after chatting for a while to continue to listen to the news.

Versace has advanced the wizard and will challenge Sla in a few days.

Shaoyu was surprised when he heard this. On the one hand, he was surprised at Versace's advancement; on the other hand, he was surprised at how Leah knew about it.

Of course he asked directly, Leah hesitated and said: eagle bird. Then she explained the eagle bird in detail.

The eagle bird is an accidental breeding of the offspring of the griffin. Since the extinction of the griffin, this eagle bird is very precious. Its body is small and exquisite. It not only flies high and fast, but also has great strength. It can also be used to carry some small items. A eagle bird is worth thousands of gold coins and must be raised from a young age. It only eats the innards of a kind of beast, which only the nobles can afford.

From her words, Shaoyu got three pieces of information. One is that the Griffin is extinct, the other is that this world will nurture Warcraft, and the third is that there must be someone in Owen's family to support Owen.

But then shook his head, thinking more habitually, he was really interested in nurturing.

Waiting is boring. It will take at least a week for Owen Fansack to get here, so Shaoyu wanted to read a book just after his injury. He didn't tell Leah what happened in the mage tower that night, only that the wound on his body was left when he received the signal to retreat from the lake. Lily never asked more, so Shaoyu naturally didn't want her to worry.

He originally wanted to talk to Leah, but watching Leah, who was always busy and a little strange, swallowed the words into his stomach. Looking back at the various things in the tower, Shaoyu always felt that although Fansack had advanced the magic, this battle was not optimistic.

Sanye City also has a library, but in the noble district.

It wasn't that the nobles couldn't get in at all, so Shaoyu had to act as Leah's entourage to follow up.

The library here is three times the size of the City of Thorns. It is divided into upper and lower floors and is managed by a mage apprentice and several servants. It was here that Shaoyu felt like entering the library. The city of Thorns was a small bookstore at best. The library has a distinct hierarchy, and there are classifications on the shelves in each district. He is not interested in literary and historical categories. In fact, most of the City of Thorns are of this kind. Shaoyu looked at the general category. I heard that the second level also has combat and magic categories. However, the second layer not only requires gold coins, but also the status of the city or recommendation.

Shaoyu watched for three hours a day. He learned a lot of useful knowledge from general classes. For example, how to become a mercenary, the transfer process of the mercenary, the level promotion system and so on. For example, the difference between adventurers and mercenaries, such as professional assessment, and so on.

After reading the book every day, I practiced swords in the room, and the eagle bird saw it by chance one day later. It is very small, similar in size to a pigeon, but has a strong and sharp single claw half the size of its body, which is very strange, as if it were pieced together.

Shaoyu probed for a while, and unexpectedly discovered that this eagle bird, Xiao S gave the name Synthetic Bird and Beast, with a combat power of 11.

He couldn't help looking at his combat effectiveness. Since the combination of human swords, his combat effectiveness has increased to 33 points. However, he himself always felt that these data were just a reference, and who would be clear when he was really fighting. The five-star knight that was finally solved in the deserted tower had a combat power of 30, but he had slaughtered the entire team.

After reading the attributes at this time, he was on a whim and looked inside.

At this look, he found that his muscles were basically restored, and there were signs of expansion. Shaoyu couldn't help being overjoyed, but immediately realized that the little sword produced less and less purple, as if it was running out.

He couldn't keep calm during this mood swing, and he withdrew from introspection... After thinking about it, when the purple energy was all used up, it was the time to start practicing the ice and fire sword.

The combination of a human sword is a realm of swordsmanship. Having a sword element that can be used is like a gun with bullets that can emit incomparable power, making him extremely looking forward to it.

Then he thought about what it was after the human sword was unified, he couldn't help being a little at a loss.

Is it Jianyi? Thinking of this, Shaoyu felt surprised by himself.

Does this illusory thing in the legend really exist?

Then he didn't think about it. Although the road was difficult, as long as he walked, he would always find it.

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