Obviously, the battle between the two wizards is not a secret. The tavern talks about it, and Sanye City also shows signs of nervousness.

Teams of knights entered the city from all directions, and the gates were inspected and the guards patrolling the streets were much tighter.

The library cannot be mixed in now, and Shaoyu can only practice swords in the room all day, and occasionally go to the tavern to sit and sit.

At noon on the sixth day, the eagle bird flew into the city. Leah wanted to ask Shaoyu to go out of the city to meet him. Shaoyu refused, so she left the city alone.

Remembering that Leah was a little unhappy when she left, Shaoyu sighed, thinking that she should not openly appear with Owen.

The streets of Sanye City were full of people, and he led Lily among them. Everyone was very interested in the coming, mysterious, powerful and noble wizard. On the two sides of the city gate, there were a hundred soldiers standing in a welcoming formation. Some nobles were standing at the city gate on horseback. Not far away, there was a square formation of nearly a hundred cavalry.

Shaoyu saw everything in his eyes, especially when he saw the phalanx formed by the hundreds of cavalry. His eyes shrank. Although these cavalry were not well equipped, they were definitely on the battlefield, standing in the entire phalanx. Give out a momentum. He resisted the idea of ​​wanting to detect, and he estimated that if he rushed into these cavalry, he could kill a dozen or so of them at most.

In the tavern he heard that this team of cavalry was made up of elites from the Nigubec family. And Shaoyu also knew that in this border land, and the city of thorns, their family occupies four cities.

Thinking about it, there was a cloud of smoke outside the city, and Shaoyu looked at it with his left eye, and it turned out that it was Owen and the others.

Beta also took forty or fifty light cavalry to protect a carriage galloping.

As it approached, the soldiers at the gate were a little nervous and many drew their weapons, but as the cavalry led by Beta slowed down and stopped, these soldiers returned to normal.

In the end, Beta approached Sanye City with a ten-riding carriage.

During the contact between the two sides, Shaoyu found that Owen and Leah were also in these ten rides. It seemed that only Versace and Nis were in the carriage.

After a long time at the gate, Shaoyu didn't care what they were talking about, and the residents around were very excited to guess. Afterwards, the soldiers at the gate entered the city and stood on the main road to maintain order. The carriage entered the city and drove all the way into the tower bridge by the lake.

Versace came down. He was wearing a gorgeous silver-patterned mage robe today, with seven rings on his fingers, and he not only held a staff but also a book in his hand.

Shaoyu zoomed in with his left eye, and saw that some runes appeared to float out of Fansack's body, but he couldn't see these runes when he looked closely. He knew that this was not an illusion. Versace must have advanced to the magician. This is a sign of the manifestation of mental power, and it is also a symbol of the magician.

After getting off the car, Versace first glanced at the mage tower in the lake, and then slowly floated up. He was chanting a spell, and the book in his hand was naturally spread flat in his left hand, and the pages of the book were rapidly turning. With the end of the spell, he pointed at the magic war, and a fist-sized rune condensed on the tip of the war, rushing to the mage tower quickly.

The fireball flew out from the tower and greeted the rune. The magic collided. The face-sized fireball did not explode, but seemed to have melted, shrinking the rune in a circle, and continued to fly towards the tower.

A series of fireballs flew out and burst into flames. Obviously, the rune disappeared.

Versailles did not cast any spells, because the red-robed mage Sla appeared outside the mage tower.

The residents of the city ran a clean run when Versailles floated to the sky. Owen and the others also rode horses and didn't know where they went. Shaoyu was stunned. The residents were far away from the lake, and many even left the city.

Is this just looking and running?

It is said that the Shita block is already in the lake, more than a thousand meters away from the nearest house, but Sanye City has almost become an empty city. This is the power of the wizard or the magician? At this time, standing on the street is a little eye-catching, Shaoyu thought for a moment, and pulled Lily into the tavern.

He remembered that he could see the Mage Tower here.

There were still a few people in the tavern, and the boss did not run. Shaoyu spent some gold coins on the sleeping place on the second floor... In fact, most of the taverns and hotels are integrated.

Looking out from the window here, you can just see the magician's battle.

After some time wasted, the two wizards were banging at each other. He watched while drinking, while Lily poured him wine. Shaoyu actually felt like a master.

Shaoyu, who seems to be watching the game leisurely, is actually a little worried. According to the truth, the magician is stable against the high-end. After the advanced magician, not only the magic power is greatly increased, but more spells can be cast, and the more powerful mental power is for magic. The control of the elements is more handy, and the most important thing is the condensed magic signs.

Although I don't know how Versace broke through from a serious injury to the magician, if he did not condense the magic symbol, he would definitely not come out.

Shaoyu only learned about the magic signs from the quotes in the book. He only knows that this thing can use the magic tower to transmit the sign information. The original words in the book are like this. Having a magic symbol is like a nobleman holding a clan emblem, which not only represents strength, but can be passed on.

The sky looks like a brilliant firework, but the obvious fluctuations and traces of destruction indicate that this beautiful scene is dangerous.

From hearing the news to when the red-robed mage flew out of the magic tower to fight, Shaoyu felt that Versace might lose.

This is not just intuition, the Mage Tower has a huge bonus to the Mage, but Sla flies out of the tower and fights magic with Versace in the air.

But isn't Versace a magician? Could it be that Sla is also advanced?

At this time, Sla and Versace went from floating in the air and fighting magic to a game.

Versace now has the upper hand, chasing Sla to attack, Sla dodges in the air and counterattacks, he ignores Sanye City and throws the fireball casually.

The two moved over the city, generating and casting magic one by one. After their magic was offset or missed, they caused huge damage to Sanye Ju. When Shaoyu heard the movement, it was obvious that the last few people in the tavern had all run away.

Shaoyu estimated the distance, and it was far enough, so he decided to watch.

After the magic attack and defense for a while, they stopped chasing, each stopped in the air to protect themselves.

Every time Fansek drank a word, a rune lit up all over his body, and Sraffa pointed, several stones floated from the ground and burned around him.

Immediately, the entire city of three leaves fell silent, and at the same time two kinds of curses sounded throughout the city.

Seems to be a showdown? Shaoyu couldn't help standing up too.

Versace's spell was completed first, and he saw his magic warfare with a finger, like a silver beam of light rushing past. In Shaoyu's closer perspective, this silver beam of light was composed of many runes.

Sla first blocked the beam of light with two burning stones. There is no doubt that the silver beam of light is powerful, and the stones can only be shattered after a little block.

A slight block gave him time to complete the spell, and he saw a red light from his body. Following his finger, a dark red flame floated out of his magic weapon, and then it exploded suddenly. A torrent of flames appeared, and the entire sky seemed to turn into a sea of ​​flames, instantly flooding Versace.

Shaoyu stared at the red flames emerging from Sla thoughtfully, and when he saw Vansek being submerged by the sea of ​​fire, he was still nervous, but immediately saw the runes on Vansek appearing quickly to support him. In a safe place, these runes were bleakly burst by the flames, and some new supplements would be generated from him.

Versace's attack didn't stop either, and the silver light of his law was not extinguished, and the silver beam of light dashed out a path in the dark red fire. Sla pressed his hand against the last burning stone, like a shield against the silver light.

Now it becomes consumption! The burning stones couldn't stop the silver light, and Sla seemed to inject magic power into the stones. And Versace had to resist the fire.

The time from where the silver beam of light was emitted from Versailles to the opening of the sea of ​​fire may be extremely long for the two wizards, but Shaoyu seemed to be only a short while, and the sea of ​​fire disappeared immediately after it expanded to its limit, and the impact of the silver beam of light Maintained for an extra second.

But it was Versace who fell from the air. Although he stabilized his figure when he fell to the ground, he did not fly into the sky again... and Sla flew back to the Mage Tower with a big laugh and a roll.

Versailles was defeated, but Sla couldn't kill him outside the mage tower...

Shaoyu watched Owen and they rode towards Vansack. He glanced at the fire and the ruins in the city, and took Lily downstairs.

Leah bought the house, because it was close to the city gate, so it was very intact. The leaf in the noble area was basically unharmed, but the other leaf was mostly destroyed in the chasing of the two wizards.

After going back and sitting for a while, Beta came and brought Shaoyu into the noble district.

This is the place where the Sanye City Master, the Nigubec family has arranged for the abandoned city master and the noble magician. Following the loud words of the servant who led the way, Owen appeared in front of him. The first thing he said was: Niss is dead.

Shaoyu was in a daze, and even a little unacceptable, so he roared and asked.

Owen didn't expect Shaoyu to react so much. He said with a sad expression: Because she attacked the red-robed mage Sla and suffered a great mental backlash, eventually the spirit was exhausted and died suddenly. After a pause, he said, Versailles also got the potion from the master to break through to the wizard because of her. At that time, his injury was not healed, and the confidence of breaking through was actually not great.

Shaoyu didn't hear what Owen said later, and he calmed down.

Niss, this mage girl who took care of him after he was injured, one-night stand, has a heroic plot, just left.

I returned to the house I bought and just sat there.

Shaoyu thought a lot, not a memory. He is not sad, but very sad. Niss chose to be with Versace, and Versace did not disappoint her.

So... a fire slowly burned in his heart, and everything was the red robe mage.

As soon as he stood up, he saw Lily standing aside with the fairy cloak, she helped Shaoyu tidy up, and then said, come back early.

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