Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 118: Re-dissection

Sanye City became lively from the empty city, and most of the guards and civilians who returned were busy fighting the fire and cleaning up the wreckage.

Looking at this scene, Shaoyu felt that the people here were used to it.

This time I drank the invisible potion, and took advantage of the chaos to sneak into the low tower by the lake... I dashed all the way from the stone statue by the bridge, standing under the mage tower before the potion effect disappeared.

Shaoyu walked around the mage tower, he thought silently, the tower is easy to enter, but you will be discovered as soon as you enter, and there is also the magic gate! He can't crack it.

Then don't enter the tower, Shaoyu has already figured out a countermeasure...this is the location, this location is a small dead corner of the guard tower on the lake island, at this time the red robe mage defeated the foreign magician and guarded the emptiness.

Yes, Shaoyu is going to climb directly from the wall to the top of the tower.

With the help of the blur effect of the elven cloak, there are about six levels of certainty that will not be discovered. Who would have thought that someone would climb up the mage tower from outside.

Taking off the belt and unfolding the upper claws, Shaoyu directly took out the unicorn.

So, he slowly got up.

At this time, the sky was dark, the moonlight above the head was blocked by clouds, only the unextinguished firelight in Sanye City was shining, and a vague black shadow was slowly rising along the mage tower.

Shaoyu climbed very carefully. He bit his horn with his mouth and used the claw belt to climb up with the help of the stone cracks in the tower wall. When a gust of wind came, Shaoyu had to stabilize his figure to avoid being blown off. The gaps in the walls of these towers are very small, and sometimes Shaoyu had to use a single horn to open it, or even cut it out by himself.

The unicorn was divided into five. He now has two, one for Lily, and the other two. One is lost in the cannibal mountain range, and one is lost in the waste and has not been recovered.

In the jungle, Shaoyu has already become a good climber. The only thrilling thing is that a single horn falls... The top of the tower is a platform. Standing on it, the night wind blows Shaoyu's cloak high up. Here you can see the entire Sanye City and everything around it.

There was a wooden door in the center that could be pulled up, and Shaoyu stood in front of the wooden door, meditating and regaining his strength, and called to Xiao S.

After a long while, Shaoyu took out a bottle of healing potion and drank it, with his right hand beckoning the divine sword, his left hand stretched out and said softly: Range scan.

The range scan is only ten meters in height. Shaoyu knew that this could be adjusted a long time ago... While feeling the map formed in his mind, the surroundings instantly became slower. With a force on his feet, the wooden door burst and fell down.

The strong fluctuations of the range scan will definitely be perceived by Slug, but Slug will know it when entering the mage tower, so he chooses the closest place to Slug to accurately position.

As the wood chips flew, Shaoyu had fallen into the mage tower. He squatted on the floor, exerting force under his feet, and people rushed forward. The only spot of light in his mind was right in front, less than ten meters away from him.

Summon the Excalibur, charge up and swing it fiercely.

As the rubble flew, Shaoyu saw the Hongpao Mage.

Sla had just sat up on the bed at this time and was copying the Fajang with his left hand into his hand without even putting on the red robe.

Shaoyuren's sword was unified, and he clearly saw that the surprised expression on Slah's face turned into horror, and his sword reached Slah's chest.

A red light hood flashed and was actually bounced back.

Shaoyu felt like he was stabbed on an oily iron plate. The strong impact and slip force caused him to roll on the ground with an unstable center of gravity. After two laps, he steadied his body and spewed blood. Looking up, it turned out that one of Sla's right hand was broken.

This bracelet stores a spell called deflection shield! This spell belongs to the special ability system of the Sky Series, and is actually used to deflect physical long-range attacks...It can be regarded as Sla's last protection.

Shaoyu's attack was not without effect, the red light cover was broken and the mage was also injured! He stood up, swaying three steps from side to side, preparing for a sword and Sra. In a rush, he heard Sla spit out a syllable and took out a short staff... The intense heart palpitations almost stopped beating. Do not

A black and red flame rushed towards Shaoyu. He first thought of the death of the Fiery Mercenary Captain Demon Warrior and then went blank, but his body instinctively took a step diagonally to avoid it.

Just as it was then, the magic warrior rushed towards Sla and was burned into a dead bone by the torrent of black and red flames.

Sla's expression changed from horror to hideous, but immediately turned into astonishment again.

In front of the black and red flames, Shaoyu twisted his body and raised a foot, as if skating in a funny posture, sliding to the right for nearly ten meters and hitting the wall.

Shaoyu leaned on the wall with one hand and gasped for breath, his body was screaming because of the forcible wrong force.

He stepped as he pleased and saved his life.

In the final battle with the five-star knight, the knight's dying blow, he also inadvertently used his own pace to avoid it. Later, he also studied for a long time, and he couldn't use it. He didn't expect it to be the same today.

...Do you have to remain unconscious!

It was Sla's curse that awakened Shaoyu, because he was about ten meters away from the red robe mage.

Sla stood by the bed and chanted loudly with a crazy face, and pointed the law straight at Shaoyu.

It was too late to rush over, but Shaoyu didn't panic. He took out a vial from the ring and smashed it. What even Shaoyu didn't expect was that the vial smashed into Sla's face.

The bottle exploded, Sla's spell was completed, and he saw a cloud of red light condensing before his law battle.

But in the next second, the red light shattered, turning into red dots and dissipating in the air, while Sila foamed from his mouth, trembling all over, fell on the bed, and all the magic weapons in his hands fell to the ground.

Shaoyu stepped forward to make up a sword, and the red-robed mage opened his eyes wide and died unwillingly. He was a little silent. Is he lucky? This small bottle of dispersing potion was broken in Slug's mouth... Some wanted to laugh, and felt a little unreal. Originally, he just wanted to weaken Slug's magic power so that he could be charged with magic. past.

Dispelling potions were originally meant to disperse magic elements, and being drunk by a mage is more painful than drinking poison.

Actually, this is not lucky. If it weren’t for Shaoyu’s surprise attack, Slug wouldn’t have time to deal with it. Otherwise, with the protective magic on the robe, it would be impossible for Shaoyu to throw the dispelling potion into the red robe. By the mage.

It can also be said that Sla's relaxation, he never thought that after defeating a magician, someone would dare to attack him. The red robe mage was too careless, thinking that with the function of the mage tower, he could detect even if an enemy came.

Just as Shaoyu drew the sword from Sla's body, Xiao S's voice suddenly popped out and frightened him.

Ask the host to dissect the current organism to help collect data and analyze it.

Ah, Shaoyu was taken aback for a moment, then asked little S again, and little S repeated Shaoyu again to confirm what she said.

Why do you need an autopsy, Shaoyu asked.

Xiao S said that precise anatomy can analyze many things, such as biological diet, habits, composition, characteristics, energy operation, weaknesses...Shaoyu heard a lot of words from Xiao S, and his head hurt and quickly called to stop.

Shaoyu looked at Sla's thin, ugly body, and asked Xiao S: Can you not dissect it?

Little S is very strong and said that the opportunity is rare...that is, no.

Shaoyu was a little dumb, and then agreed. Since Xiao S is so persistent, there must be her reason. He looked at Shita, thought about it, and decided to do it here. There is only one light spot on this level. No one would come here without Sla's permission. They didn't make any movement just now.

I'm afraid that in a few days, someone will find that the Red Robe Sorcer is dead.

Shaoyu gestured with the sword, and asked Xiao S: Why didn’t he have an autopsy before? Xiao S said: He hadn’t evolved enough before, and she was restricted from performing analysis. When he got this answer, Shaoyu used the sword to pull up. Pull the chest.

Little S suddenly yelled, what is this?

Shaoyu shrugged and said, Anatomy, didn't you open your chest first? He was a little surprised that Little S was a little too human today.

Xiao S angrily said a lot more, what kind of anatomy is this, it completely destroys biological tissues, precision anatomy is..., Shaoyu quickly raised his hands and said, stop, stop, I don’t understand, you say, I press Your instructions come.

Xiao S stopped talking. Shaoyu was about to start his hand, but the sword disappeared. He was stunned for a moment to remember that it was time to use the divine sword.

Had to take out another sword from the ring.

Following Xiao S's instructions, Shaoyu dissected Sla's body bit by bit. In the jungle, he dissected a corpse in order to understand the world, but this time is completely different.

Little S's precise anatomy started entirely from the epidermis, peeling off the body little by little. The left eye opened automatically, and many light beams shot out from the left eye, following Shaoyu's dissection, walking around Sla's corpse.

Shaoyu also asked Xiao S, what is this? Little S said that this is to guide and analyze the spectrum. Is there any guide for beginners! But it's really easy to use, just follow it step by step. Then he asked, this also uses energy, can it withstand such high-intensity energy excitation? He used range scanning today. Xiao S said, no, but it was worth it, and told Shaoyu not to use his power for the next three days.

The middle of the night passed, he was so busy and sweaty that he was not so tired in fighting, and in the end he only got 30 points from the small S. Sla became a pile of fragments on the bed, among which many bones were chopped into pieces under the command of Little S.

Maybe the average person can't stand it, but he has long been used to it in the jungle. Shaoyu couldn't care about wiping the blood splashed on his face, he stared at the floating crystals blankly.

This is a crystal the size of a grain of rice, which was pulled out by the combined force of several beams of small S in Sla's brain. He looked at the crystal in his hand with some dignity, collected it into the ring, then swept the mage tower, turned into a black mist and jumped into the lake.

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