Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 119: Kill card (origin)

When it was just dawn, Shaoyu returned to the residence, Lily took the stool and sat by the door as usual, waiting for him to return.

The blood stains on the autopsy were washed away by the lake. Perhaps the strange fish was slaughtered last time. The wizard hasn't added it yet. This time he came back from the bottom of the lake and was not attacked.

Lily waited for Shaoyu to come back, helped him undress, and after a check, she went to eat with peace of mind. In this battle, except for the bruises caused by climbing the tower and the sprains caused by wrong force, she suffered no trauma.

He was very excited at this time and couldn't sleep with Ben because the ring was full of loot.

When Shaoyu had eaten it, he checked it out. In addition to the lounge, the Mage Tower has six rooms. He took whatever he saw until he filled the ring.

One of them contained all books, but Shaoyu didn't drop any of them. These books filled half of the ring. Then it was equipped with equipment. Shaoyu found four rings, a necklace, two red robes, and three scrolls in these rooms. Of course, he hadn't let off Sla’s battle, and he found him by accident. The dwarf sword in the tower and a bunch of warrior equipment, Shao Yu visually observed that these were left by the fire mercenaries.

Finally, he also found a treasure chest. After Shaoyu's second sword cut and unlocked the lock, the treasure chest suddenly emitted a red light, emitting extremely high temperature. He jumped away and after the red light disappeared, he found that the contents of the chest were burnt to ashes. Maybe it melted into pieces, which made him very annoyed. He was unwilling to pull in the ashes and solidified pieces, and accidentally discovered that a piece of paper made of animal skins was intact.

Shaoyu put the trophies on the table. He only picked up a few pieces of the warrior's equipment, because he couldn't fit them. He scanned the table of trophies...this rice-sized crystal, this was the most important harvest.

Little S said, this is called a soul stone, which can only be extracted from the corpses of the special powerful creatures he killed. The specific origin, Xiao S said that the information is missing, but she remembers the function of the soul stone, one can upload resources for exchange, which is a proof of killing powerful creatures, and the other is for the host to absorb.

In the process of absorption, energy attributes can be absorbed, and there is a certain chance of obtaining original biological characteristics.

Of course Shaoyu asked what is energy attribute and what is characteristic.

Little S said that energy is produced in powerful organisms... and different energy is its attributes. This soul stone mainly contains fire attributes. As for the characteristics... it is the characteristics produced by the evolution of the organism. Finally, Xiao S said, this soul stone is not even a cosmic unit, don't expect to be able to absorb the characteristics, it is completely accidental that she has extracted it now.

Although Xiao S said that, what Shaoyu thought was that he could absorb soul stones to practice Ice Fire Sword Yuan. After sorting out things, he also felt tired, and went to bed after climbing into bed.

This time he only slept until noon, and Shaoyu was awakened by himself. He suddenly thought that if the Nicholas family found out that Sla was dead... it wouldn't be good to be so comfortable on someone else's land. So Shaoyu woke up Lily who was holding his arm around him, tidied up, and went directly to Owen.

There was a little trouble on the way to Owen. The guards in the noble district didn't believe that he was a friend of the abandoned city lord and the magician, and refused to let him in. There was almost a conflict. Fortunately, they encountered Beta who had returned the cavalry.

After finding Owen, Shaoyu said that he had killed Sla and avenged Niss. They all looked unbelieving, until he took out Sla's weapon and robe.

Then a group of people were overjoyed and then panicked. Leah went to inform Versace who lived on the other side, and Beta hurried out of the city. There was another accident when he notified Versace, and the lord of the City of Three Leaves was hosting him.

Obviously, this banquet did not call Irving and the others, it was soliciting Versace. In desperation, some people went out of the city first, and Beta asked the cavalry to prepare...Owen and Shaoyu were waiting in the street, and then they left the city of Three Leaves with Versace who was confused.

After the two horse-drawn carriages merged with Baiqi, the Bailai cavalry outside Sanye City actually chased up and surrounded some soldiers, making everyone nervous.

When Versace was preparing to cast the spell, Owen calmed down instead, he said to look first.

The result was a false alarm... With the fifty riders that Beta brought, the Nikubeck family cavalry stationed not far away naturally found it, so they surrounded it first and notified the Sanye City Lord to catch up.

Sanye City Lord was haha ​​for a while. After chatting with Owen very enthusiastically, he asked why he left suddenly. Owen anxiously said that there was an abnormal movement in the Cannibal Mountains, so he rushed back to arrange.

After chatting for a long time, Sanye City Master glanced at Versace and said, after he welcomes frequent exchanges, he let go of the encirclement.

While rushing, Leah said, luckily, she almost couldn't go back without finding it.

Owen said very solemnly that he was not sure to keep us and let us go.

For this, Shaoyu deeply agreed. When Sanye City Lord spoke with Owen, his eyes were fierce. He looked at the Mage Tower several times, and he let him go after a long delay.

After midnight, everyone stopped to camp and rest.

With the protection of cavalry, you are not afraid of accidents along the way, and you don't even need to do it yourself in the camp.

Two carriages, one for Versace, and one for the second sister to sleep.

Just as Shaoyu was about to rest, someone outside the tent called him, and he came out to see that it turned out that Versace invited him to chat on the carriage.

Before getting on the carriage, Shaoyu was still thinking, could it be his idea of ​​fighting for loot?

This Versace carriage is a bit luxurious, it is full of animal skins, and it has a table, a bed, and a bookcase.

Sitting face to face with Versace in the carriage, the two of them were speechless for a while, because he didn’t know what to say to Versace, who was always very arrogant, but Versace struggled for a long time, and suddenly he whispered a thank you .

Shaoyu was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't even react... After Fansack said thank you, his expression calmed down. The more he spoke, the smoother he said, and he said a lot to Shaoyu. At first he listened, and then he started to talk, and Vansek brought wine from the cabinet, and the two of them gradually opened the conversation and drank until midnight.

Versace is actually a very good person, and his arrogance in appearance is actually an expression of unkindness and sophistication.

I kept saying thank you Shaoyu for revenge for Niss and asked Shaoyu what she wanted. He said many times over and over again. Originally, Shaoyu always said that Niss was also his companion and that revenge should be done. Later, Shaoyu really couldn’t help him and said that he didn’t need to thank him, as long as he knew more about the mage, Versailles Kecai stopped.

So Fansack talked a lot about the mages. Shaoyu asked some questions while listening. As he talked, Fansack talked about some of his adventures. Shaoyu also talked about encountering Owen and the others in the jungle. , The two chatted very happily.

It wasn't until Shaoyu felt that the conversation continued, that he would definitely be out of energy tomorrow, and stopped the chat. Owen drank a little too much, and after Shaoyu got out of the carriage, he heard him shout from a distance: If you need anything, just tell him.

After returning to the tent, Shaoyu found Lily curled up inside and asleep. He shook his head. The girl was not sleeping in the carriage, so she hugged Lily and fell asleep.

The next few days are all boring journeys, this time there is no need to detour to the city of thorns, but it will take seven days to return to the abandoned city.

After three days of rest, Little S reminded that the analysis has been completed, and if you encounter such creatures in the future, the time of origin appears 10% earlier.

Shaoyu asked the origin in confusion? What origin! Little S said that the growth of all things has a foundation and level, and the actions of all things have a sequence and regularity. She can use incomparable calculations to analyze the locked things and find the basic origin.

And mark the level, the weak points and sequence between the modes, and the connection points between the rules.

Shaoyu's head was so big that these words said he didn't understand.

Little S hated iron and said that when he stared at something with his left eye, she would mark the object or the origin of this creature with white dots.

Shaoyu remembered the scene in the jungle where he beat the giant spider beast from the ground, and then he suddenly realized that the white spot in his left eye was this thing. Origin helped a lot in his many battles. Then he asked again, why...this origin can no longer be used.

Little S said that in the jungle, he only acted after observing for a long time, so that she had enough time to analyze, and then he had enough energy in his body to allow him to shorten the time lock.

The attribute drop is naturally insufficient to support the fast calculation of the small S.

Shaoyu suddenly said again: What about now?

Little S said it was related to his injury in the Cannibal Mountains, and he could not actively use lock to show weakness.

Does that mean a passive skill? ! How many minutes does it take for the origin to appear? Have to stare all the time? Shaoyu continued to ask.

Xiao S said that she must be in sight before she can analyze, but it depends on what it is.

Shaoyu asked, let's talk about the red robe mage, how long will he have to stare at to find his origin.

Little S said, three minutes.

Shaoyu was a bit speechless. After staring for three minutes, the magic was thrown away. This was still 10% ahead of time after the analysis.

In this conversation, it was Xiao S who let him evolve quickly to the end, or that Shaoyu's evolution was not enough. He was very entangled and wanted to come soon, but how fast!

The only bright spot in the journey is the identification equipment.

I appraise three pieces every day, and when I return to the abandoned city, the appraisal of the equipment is completed.

The four rings are to increase a certain amount of magic damage, increase a certain amount of spell power, and increase a certain amount of mental power. Shaoyu understands that it means that even the value of one is not reached, and Xiao S cannot be scanned accurately yet. The last one was a magic storage ring. This Shaoyu had seen it was a ring on a wall of flames. Little S said there was no energy in it.

The necklace has no attributes, and the small S-scan is classified as jewelry.

The two red robes are exactly the same. Xiao S said that with the combat power of Shaoyu 33, it takes a full blow to exhaust the magic protection contained in the robes.

At this point, Shaoyu asked Xiao S how to calculate this combat power, is it possible that other people's swords and soft cotton swords can be the same? Xiao S said that combat effectiveness is a set of standards, a score that is obtained by combining all his data attributes. She said that this set of ratings is extremely accurate, but the specific origin cannot be told due to missing data. Again, Shaoyu was extremely helpless.

The soldier's equipment he picked up a set of full-body armor. This set of full-body armor was very gorgeous. After being scanned by Xiao S, it was turned into decorations, which made Shao Yu dumbfounded.

The last wristband surprised him. The warrior's equipment was piled up in a mess. The only thing was that the gorgeous full-body armor was supported on a shelf, and this wristband was placed on a small table.

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