Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 120: Jian Yuan (Part 1)

After scanning, the small S said that it should be classified as a legendary weapon. It has very strong attributes and two abilities. The first one is to bless 50% of the power, which can be used once a day. The second is a condensed one-sided magic shield, which can resist attacks less than 100 combat power. The light shield will not disappear if it is not higher than this attack value. It can exist for ten minutes, but can only be used once in seven days.

When Shaoyu heard it, he felt that this simple value was an artifact, with offense and defense! After a try, the light shield was slapped big, and he almost vomited blood. The strength blessing is fairly reliable and can last for one minute.

After returning to the abandoned city, Owen plans to take the city of thorns. The Sla of the Nikko Bech family is dead. They have lost their magic, and their foundation has begun to shake. The only thing that worries about is their strength... the four cities.

On the way home these days, Owen has been talking about this. Niss's teacher only owes their family favors and promised to sit in the abandoned capital instead of taking the initiative. The city of thorns is full of fertile fields. If it is too destroyed, it will lose the meaning of occupation, and how to defend the attack of the other three cities after occupation.

Shaoyu just listened to them discussing and discussing. He was a little curious about whether the city lord of the kingdom of Lis could start a war and occupy the city at will? However, he didn't ask Owen. He now wants to return to the abandoned city quickly, and there is a safe place to absorb soul stones.

The divine sword in the dantian no longer exhales purple energy, the meridians have been repaired, and the energy in the attributes has also become 0.

Since the body cannot provide energy, after scanning the equipment, Xiao S fell into a deep sleep state and slowly recovered energy. Without the energy support in the body, with the current physical fitness of the small S function, it can be used again for five days.

He tried to absorb the fire element by himself, sitting in front of the bonfire and sitting overnight, he could absorb enough fire element, but the energy attribute did not increase a little.

Looking at the empty Dantian, Shaoyu felt that he would have to practice for ten years only by meditating.

The waiting time is always long, and the journey of a few days is extremely long.

After returning to the abandoned city, Shaoyu couldn't wait to move to the manor, where it was quiet and no one disturbed him to practice the Ice Fire Sword Yuan.

Said it was a move, in fact, there was nothing to bring. The manor was all ready-made. Shaoyu took Lily to say hello to Owen, but Owen told them to wait.

Shaoyu thought it was because the manor had not been vacated, but instead gave Owenra to let the eagle bird recognize the breath, and also dealt with the spoils by the way.

Owen also asked Leah to prepare a large cart and several maids for Shaoyu to take to the manor.

Shaoyu thought it was too much trouble. Fortunately, Lily took over all of this. She helped Shaoyu push away all the maids and only picked a few things to take. The two of them got in the carriage and went to the manor.

After arriving at the manor, Lily and the old housekeeper of the original manor were busy setting up everything. Shaoyu told them not to disturb him and went into the basement.

Shaoyu calmed down for a long time before taking out the soul stone.

In his mind, he recalled the cultivation method of the Ice and Fire Sword Yuan. The Ice and Fire Sword Yuan absorbed the Ice and Fire Spirit Yuan between heaven and earth to cultivate his own Ice and Fire Sword Yuan. As explained above, ordinary water and fire can also be used for training, but if you need to refine, or find a kind of ice or fire, you can also learn to practice.

Binghuo Jianyuan has no hierarchy, only Xiaocheng and Dacheng. The little sword is named Jian Yuan Chong Xiao, and to put it bluntly, it is to let Jian Yuan get through to the top of his head. The Dacheng is the sword that connects all channels, in fact, the five main channels are opened by the intersection of ice and fire.

These five main veins all start from the pubic area, and they are Baihui up to the top of the head, the labor palace of the hands, and the spring of the feet.

Xiaocheng, the first thing he needs to get through is Baihui above his head. This process is the most dangerous, but after getting through it, he can pour the essence of ice and fire into his dantian. As long as the top hundred will get through, the remaining four channels will definitely get through without deliberately.

After Dacheng, the whole body was refined by the element of ice and fire, and the foundation of sword element was cast.

After Shaoyu's meticulous memory was over, he was ready to absorb the soul stone. He didn't know what a spiritual thing was, but this soul stone had a fire attribute and should be able to replace it. On the way back, he thought about it a thousand times, even if the soul stone can't be used to cultivate the sword of fire, nothing will be lost, Xiao S can still use it... if he doesn't try it, his heart is itchy.

After taking a deep breath, Shaoyu put the soul stone on his brow.

Shaoyu who has practiced Qi is very proficient and enters the state. Qi training uses his nose to breathe Qi into the body circulation, while absorbing Jian Yuan uses the small S to absorb the soul stone into the spiritual world and then turn to the body circulation. The two are actually very similar. .

Little S said that as long as the soul stone is attached to the center of the eyebrows, it can be absorbed by itself. If the absorbed energy is not compatible with the host or the host cannot use it, it will be converted into her energy.

When a burst of fiery energy was generated, Shaoyu carefully guided it. This energy Dao is very pure, even higher than the purity required by the Ice Fire Sword Yuan. He slowly guided the fiery energy out of the spiritual world into the body. Then Shaoyu was almost excited and couldn't maintain his inner vision, so he could use a soul stone instead.

The position of the spiritual world is at the center of his eyebrows. This time he did not enter the spiritual world, but used his mind to guide this red energy. The fiery red energy produced by the soul stone is like a red line in the huge spiritual world. Just as the first fiery red energy entered the dantian and transformed into a fire element, the sphere formed by the Qi body locking the sword spirit suddenly vibrated and rotated. As if a violent wind was drawn in the spiritual world, the red line was blown and broken.

Shaoyu screamed with a splitting headache. He wanted to remove the soul stone on his brow, but found that the soul stone seemed to be stuck to it and couldn't take it off. Energy is still being absorbed, but as soon as it enters the spiritual world, it will be blown away and disappear.

...... The head is ‘strong’ after being tortured. Although I feel that my head is stretched a bit, I can barely maintain clarity in the pain.

Xiaoyu yelled a few small Ss, but there was no response at all.

Just as he was about to fall into a coma, the sphere formed by the Qi body suddenly stopped spinning, the pain disappeared, and Shao Yu was stunned.

It turned out that the soul stones have all turned into powder on the fingers, and they have been consumed.

Shaoyu sighed and put down his arms. It appeared to be a failure. I don't know why the seal formed by the Qi body suddenly turned. Could it be that the sword inspiration should have come to Huo Yuan and started to make noise? Fortunately, harvesting a trace of pure fire element should make it cyclically grow. Before he finished thinking about it, a gray energy suddenly appeared in the spiritual world, rushing into his body like lightning, and rushing to the dantian, but Shaoyu didn't reflect it soon.

This gray energy was formed by the last powder of the soul stone, and as soon as this energy entered the dantian, the fire element was completely driven out. At this time, Shaoyu was trying to guide this pure fire element into a cycle. After the gray energy expelled Huo Yuan, it actually circulated according to the guidance.

Everything happened so fast that Shaoyu didn't reflect it at all. When he woke up, he was surprised to find that the gray energy had actually completed the cycle and wandered in the dantian.

Shaoyu stood up, opened his mouth wide, staring at the gray energy blankly.

What is this, what is this! Completely at a loss, after staying for a long time, he thought to take a look at the attributes.

The attribute energy item has a percentage again, and a new item is really opened, sword 0.1.

That's okay, what exactly is this thing? Shaoyu, who was still thinking, suddenly felt a little pain in his stomach. First, there was a slight pain, like eating a bad stomach and wanting to go to the bathroom, and then it became more and more painful.

Shaoyu felt that something was wrong, so he sat down cross-legged and went inside again. It turned out that as this grey energy wandered, not only the meridians gradually shrank, but also the distant organs and internal organs were affected... as if they were exhausted.

With the gray energy circulating, Shaoyu sweated profusely, and he could no longer maintain his introspection.

Shaoyu pressed his stomach and tried to stand up, but his feet were soft and he fell directly to the ground. It was like stirring the knife in the belly, pressing the belly and couldn't help but roll.

With the passage of time, his vitality was rapidly declining, and his body became weaker and weaker. He had gradually no longer felt the pain, and the shadow of death enveloped Shaoyu.

His vitality fell below twenty, and Shaoyu's thinking was dull. He didn't know if he had fainted. I want to stand up, I want to call Lily, I want to squeeze her face again. When his vitality was lower than ten, he felt that he had already floated up, drifting higher and higher, as if he had seen a blue planet, the earth.

When the vitality was below five, a cool feeling made him sober.

A burst of green energy poured straight down from the top of the head and began to wander through the body. As this green energy wandered, the body regained consciousness little by little, and the vitality began to rise slowly.

After the green energy travels around in the body, it finally reaches the pubic area, the route of the gray energy cycle.

When the two energies met, Shaoyu suddenly felt as if his stomach exploded.

The green energy clashes with the gray energy in the pubic region. The gray energy causes the meridians to contract and organs fail. The green energy expands the meridians to repair the organs.

Shaoyu felt that he had fainted, but his vitality was clearly around ten o'clock, but he was very clear and kept looking inside. The green energy is not the opponent of the gray energy at all. After the collision, the gray energy is almost not consumed, and the green energy is reduced by half. In the cyclical route confrontation, the green energy is exhausted all the way, and the gray energy is only a little bit less.

But there was another green energy injected into the pubic area and replenished it.

Shaoyu reflected it at this time, it must be small eye pliers.

This green energy is the energy of life! Then this grey energy is death energy? Shaoyu guessed while watching the battle between the two energies. He couldn't move anyway.

Whenever the green energy is not supported, a replenishment will be injected from the top of the head, and the gray energy is consumed bit by bit. It seems that the victory of green energy is only a matter of time.

Just when Shaoyu felt that his life was saved, he thanked him for the small eye pliers that he had almost forgotten. This grey energy seemed to feel that the fate of destruction suddenly broke away from the circulation route and rushed all the way up.

The green energy was chasing after it, maybe because the small eye pliers weren't too much energy, and it didn't send out another energy in time, so that the gray energy rushed to the top.

For a while, Shaoyu only felt that someone had opened the top of his head, and a big hole must have been broken in his head. He was shocked and finally passed out into a coma.

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