Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 121: Jian Yuan (Part 2)

Shaoyu would not know what happened later.

There was no hole in his head, it was just an illusion. As soon as the gray energy rushed to the top, it opened up his Baihui, and then it was replenished. Some small gray particles entered from the top of the head, slowly expanding the gray energy.

At this time, the green energy rushed into the air, but it was supplemented by the small eye pliers, forming a huge green energy and falling.

It seemed to be a decisive battle, and the battlefield of the decisive battle was in Shaoyu's Dantian.

At this moment, in Shaoyu's spiritual world, the sphere formed by Qi body began to vibrate again, and a burst of purple energy shot straight into the dantian from the sphere.

The purple energy shot into the small sword that didn't move in the dantian. The small sword seemed to wake up and plunged directly into the battlefield of the two energies, and then began to spin.

With the rotation of the small sword, a huge suction force was generated, and both energies were rotated.

After a long time, the little sword fell silent, and the gray energy and green energy turned into a small ball and circulated in the dantian with the little sword.

Shaoyu felt that it was a miracle that he could wake up. He didn't know how long it had passed, but he felt very weak, his hands and feet heavy, as if there were several mountains pressing on a plate... he couldn't move, and he was very uncomfortable.

Looking at the attributes, the sword folded into the universe energy actually has 0.4, can it be said that you have the sword element? The vitality is fully restored, but it's all a big drop! ! ! Then he hurriedly looked inward, and was surprised to find that the gray energy and the cyan energy had all turned into a small ball, spinning around the divine sword in the pubic area, and the divine sword actually followed the path of the ice and fire sword in the pubic area. Cyclically.

After thinking about it, he knew why he felt like his hands and feet were crushed by a mountain. Shaoyu moved his right hand with difficulty to touch the bowl of his right hand. When the hand moved on his body, the bones on his body crackled.

It was a confinement bracelet, and it was too heavy for him to drop attributes.

After removing the bracelets on his left and right hands and feet, Shaoyu quickly stood up. He tried to operate the Ice and Fire Sword Element, and was shocked to find that Baihui among the five main veins had been opened up, and then he was even more surprised to find that he could not control the movement of the Ice and Fire Sword Element.

Shaoyu really wants to curse, why does this happen every time he practices.

The guardian of the Royal Sword was trained to become a divine sword and could only be used as a temporary weapon. It was completely impossible to grasp the step at will, and the Ice Fire Sword Yuan inexplicably absorbed some energy and turned on its own.

After Shaoyu made a stay, he comforted himself and said that if he survived, he made a profit. He couldn't help but feel a little frustrated, his full attribute drop mental power was only 6.3, and he was farther and farther away from the path of the mage!

The loss of the nervous system is all ten points less, the reflex is 60, the induction 25 is coordinated 33, and the loss of the cell line is large, all down by fifteen points, and the intensity is 55 and the activity is 40 and the regeneration is 5. However, the combat power actually became 42, which went up by 16 points. I really don't know how to calculate it.

In addition, the construction of the spiritual world has been reduced by eight points, and it has become 29.7%.

After moving for a while, he felt a little uncomfortable. Not only did he lose his strength, but he always felt a little out of shape.

Attempting to turn on the slower state around it, it was able to turn on, which made Shaoyu more relieved.

Immediately, he summoned the divine sword in his hand.

This call made Shaoyu stay.

During the summoning, the small gray ball in the dantian suddenly attached to the divine sword, and was summoned by him. Now the entire body of the sword radiated gray light.

Trying to stab the table by the wall, the sword came in, visible to the naked eye, and the table began to rot where the blade was inserted.

With a pull of the Excalibur, the table fell over and fell into a pile of rotten wood.

Then another sword pierced the wall... the basement was used to avoid the curse wind, it was very strong, this sword Shaoyu didn't use much power, and the sword tip only pierced in a little bit.

But with force, the sword was pushed in a little bit, and the wall was slowly corroded out of a hole

Shaoyu could put an egg in his mouth, and after trying for a while, he realized that the gray energy attached to the sword possessed corrosive power. He remembered that when this grey energy wandered through the body, the meridians and organs were harmed, and he felt that he was looking for someone to try the sword.

Too much, no wonder the combat power has increased so much, Shaoyu casually dragged his hand, and the sword returned to his Dantian.

Hey, at this time, Shaoyu discovered that he only spent five minutes at most.

Looking inside, he found that the gray energy ball had become a little illusory, and it seemed that there was insufficient energy.

Shaoyu walked around with his hands behind his back, and he tried to summon again... the divine sword remained unmoved.

Sitting cross-legged and sitting still for a long time, he could not control the movement of the Ice and Fire Sword Yuan, but he found that from time to time there were light spots entering from the top of the head, replenishing and strengthening the Ice and Fire Sword Yuan.

Shaoyu sat quietly, observing inwardly and contemplating.

It seems that this is no longer the Ice Fire Sword Origin, although I don't know what happened, leaving the gray energy in the pubic area does not damage his body. Green energy and gray energy can coexist, and the divine sword also joins the cycle. It seems to be a good thing, although it can't be controlled, at least this energy can be used, and this energy is still growing.

The gray is death energy, and the green is life energy, which will be called the Sword of Life and Death in the future. Shaoyu opened the door of the basement, took a deep breath, and muttered.

When she walked out of the room, the sunlight outside made Shaoyu feel dizzy.

After getting used to it, he saw Lily holding a stool outside the room and carrying a box with some food.

When Shaoyu saw the food, he felt his stomach gurgling. He picked up the plate and ate it fiercely. Lily still didn't ask anything, she helped Shaoyu pile up the vegetables.

After eating a plate, Shaoyu felt like a bottomless pit in his stomach, without the feeling of filling in anything at all. So he ate the dishes again, and Lily stayed for a while and turned around and trot all the way, bringing out some more food.

At the same time, the old butler also appeared. He said that seven days had passed. If the lady hadn't been guarding and insisting that he couldn't disturb you, he might have notified the abandoned capital.

Shaoyu thought while eating. It turned out that it was not an illusion after a long time. It was seven days. He just tried to absorb it. He didn't expect so many variables. It was difficult for Lily to remember not to disturb and stay by the door, otherwise if someone came in, the result might be different.

Even though he thought so much in his mind, Shaoyu didn't stop talking, he still felt hungry.

Lily has transported food back and forth three times, and the old butler has also helped to bring out a lot. In the end Lily moved out all the steaming buckets and said to make it now.

After eating this meal until the evening, the old butler looked at Shaoyu with the look of the monster. When he was full, the old housekeeper said that he had eaten up the one-month food in the manor. Shaoyu didn't want to listen to this now, because Lily fainted at the table the last time she delivered food. The old butler also said that the lady had been guarding the door endlessly, she must be exhausted.

Shaoyu rushed Lily back to the room and found Eve overnight.

After checking it again, Eve said that Lily just hadn't rested well, she just had to sleep for a while because of excessive weakness, and then Shaoyu was relieved. Eve dispenses the potion on the spot for Lily and then lives in the manor. She was embarrassed to say that something happened to him for help.

When he got up the next day, Shaoyu only felt energetic. After eating five breakfasts prepared by the old housekeeper, the old housekeeper said that he was short of staff and had to bring in some food. Eve was also surprised by Shaoyu's appetite. She said that those warriors with titles are also very appetizing and have to eat some special food. She also said that she didn't believe it when she heard that Versace told you killed Sla, but now she believes it.

Shaoyu can't laugh or cry, is it great to eat more? But he is very interested in the special food Eve said...especially the food she made in the jungle...Add attributes!

Eve said that there are many kinds of special foods, such as magical monster meat, synthetic pastries, and some specially cultivated crops...

Shaoyu is in pain when he hears it. Can Owen provide it? He suddenly thought of the pot that Eve brought in the jungle, so he was curious to ask her, why don't you bring that pot now...Is that what it did?

After hearing this, Eve blushed suddenly. She said that it was an alchemy tool given by the teacher, not a pot, and it was just her personal hobby to make some delicious food. Then she said that of course she had brought it, she was in the professional space, and she was now an alchemist.

Shaoyu couldn't help being a little funny, and he asked Eve if he could help.

Eve said that the teacher asked her to collect some alchemy materials. It is dangerous to go alone and needs someone to **** her.

Shaoyu thought...Is this a strong man arrested? ...Why don't you look for soldiers and the like or Beta them in the abandoned city!

Eve said that after Lily drank the potion, she would recover after sleeping one day and one night. She was not far from collecting materials, and Shaoyu decided to set off now.

After seeing Lily, Shaoyu told the old butler to wait for Lily to wake up and tell her that he would go out for two days at most. Then let him go to the waste city to find Owen, let him provide food, ask him if he has any special kind of food, and ask Owen to send some people over... A maid shouldn’t be a failure in the first place... Busy Lily .

After finishing the equipment, Shaoyu and Eve set off. Eve rides a horse, he uses a runner. Eve wanted to ride together, and Shaoyu said that it was convenient to run... he couldn't ride a horse.

So Shaoyu only wore leather armor this time, and didn't wear a robe or shawl. The wristband was rewinded. As for the imprisonment bracelet, he could bring one now, but he took it off for inconvenience. He also thought to himself that he could try his sword this time and kill some monsters along the way to bring it back, otherwise it would hurt if he didn't have enough food in the future.

The place that Eve is going to this time is near the cannibal mountains. She said that she would only know the place after she got the place.

It took the two a long time to find a place, Eve collected the materials, and he took the wind and chatted with her.

When Shaoyu watched Eve's collection, he used a small shovel to dig up some plants with the roots and soil, and then weighed them with a pot...very boring.

The road was calm and quiet, not to mention the beasts, even the beasts were not seen, nor the figure of the cannibals, and the idea of ​​letting him try the sword was also lost.

At noon, Shaoyu ate some food that Eve brought to fill his stomach. In the afternoon, Eagle Bird found Shaoyu and brought a letter.

This letter was written by Owen. He said that the grain had been delivered to the manor, but the special food was not available. He would find a way to get some. After reading it, Shaoyu was a little relieved that he got a reply so quickly, and he still used the eagle bird to transmit the letter. It seems that Owen regarded this as a major event.

After running a few places, some horses couldn't get on, and the road was very difficult, so Shaoyu carried Eve on his back. Eve said he was much better than the guards under Owen, which made Shaoyu dumbfounded.

One day later, Eve's collection was completed, but on the way back, a beast suddenly attacked. Shaoyu fought against it and caused Eve to scream again and again. She was very excited and said that she would be accompanied by Shaoyu next time. Parting on the road to the abandoned city.

Shaoyu was very speechless. What kind of battle would be a beast, and it would be solved with a few swords, but it was better than nothing, and there was always some gain.

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