Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 122: Contract (fallen)

Back at the manor, Lily jumped into Shaoyu's arms, and Shaoyu was happy to see that she had recovered.

He ran to the kitchen with Lily and took out the corpse of the beast in the ring. The old butler said that this was the fiercest beast in the mountain. Hearing the introduction from the old butler, Shaoyu was like a liger on the earth. He felt that this was for ordinary people. Speaking of being ferocious, a two-star warrior can pick it up casually. After the old butler finished talking about it, Shaoyu didn't even remember the name of the beast. He asked the old butler if Owen had sent him any manpower. The old housekeeper said that the young lady was firmly opposed.

Shaoyu looked at Lily in surprise. Lily nodded and said that she didn't want to live in the manor. Shaoyu said that I eat a lot now, which will exhaust my Lily. Lily smiled and said, anyway, there is nothing to do, so she will not be tired, she will cook a lot, and she has to watch him finish eating.

After talking for a while, he saw Lily insisting, so he decided to do this first, and said that when he found that Lily would be tired, he would look for someone important to Owen.

Sure enough, this dinner was so much that Shaoyu was completely full. As for the beasts that came back, Lily said it won’t be available until noon the next day. Shaoyu felt his belly secretly and thought, what should I do if I'm outside, I haven't had to eat so much before.

In fact, this is a big increase in strength. In addition, the body is damaged, so a lot of nutritional supplements are needed. Moreover, the food here is too far from the jungle, so you need to eat a lot.

It's useless to think too much. After eating, I want to help clean up, but Lily asks him to do something else. She said that this is not something Shaoyu should do, and the old housekeeper also said that these things are not something the owner should do.

Seeing Lily who was busy and smiling, Shaoyu decided to take a walk and then practice.

The manor in the night garden is very quiet, except for a few lights, only the undulating insects. Shaoyu strolled around in the manor. Only the three of them were very empty here, but Shaoyu still felt a sense of home. He was dazed by the starry sky, and walked on the roof a few steps.

Sitting cross-legged on the roof, he intends to guard his dantian and looks inside.

In ordinary actions, there are some small light spots entering the dantian from the top of the head, but not as many as when focusing on meditation. And Shaoyu discovered that these small light spots were added to the green ball representing life, and the gray ball representing death occasionally had a light spot supplemented. He didn't have a chance to try the sword today, but he had thought about what would happen if he was called out by the green ball attached to the sword. Would it be possible to cut someone else's sword and add blood to others?

Without knowing it, Shaoyu sat in the middle of the night. He felt that tomorrow he would have to ask the old housekeeper where there are monsters. On the one hand, he could try his sword and on the other hand he could add food.

After returning to the room, Lily hadn't slept yet, she seemed to be thinking about something while sitting on the bed. Seeing Shaoyu coming back, she jumped over. After the two had a conversation, they fell asleep.

When she woke up the next day, Lily was already making breakfast. When Shaoyu had breakfast, she asked the old housekeeper where there are Warcraft.

The old steward said that after the establishment of the abandoned city, this piece of monsters had already been hunted, and he didn't know where it was. Finally, Shaoyu thought about it for a while and decided to go to the cannibal mountain range to try his sword.

After telling Lily that he was going to practice, Lily prepared a bunch of food for him and asked him to come back early for dinner. God knows how Lily could make so much food, Shaoyu put it in the ring and set off.

This time he wears a confinement bracelet. The body is the root of everything. This time it is not injury or attribute reduction. There are no brackets behind it, which means that he has lost these attributes forever and he has to practice back as soon as possible.

The cannibal mountain range diagonally spans the entire border area and consists of countless undulating mountains. If you start from the manor, you can run for more than two hours to get close to the peaks.

After a certain distance, the cannibal mountain range appeared in front of Shaoyu.

Not every mountain here has cannibals. Only the mountain like briquettes is the gathering place of cannibals. The change of the mountain is because of the cannibals' residence. The Nation of Lis once sent troops to clean up the cannibal mountains, but because of the inconvenience of marching and the incomprehensibility of the situation, the loss was heavy and they could not retreat.

The above is what Shaoyu knew, and he saw it accidentally in the Library of the City of Thorns.

He just came to try the sword, just want to find some cannibals quickly. As a result, I hadn't found anything after climbing over several mountains. It was noon at this time, but Shaoyu didn't feel hungry. He feels that he can eat a lot when he eats. If he doesn't eat, he can bear it for a while.

This is actually the five digestive structures in the variation that change the slow digestion of food and are working.

So Shaoyu continued to climb a mountain, and finally found a mountain of briquettes on the slope.

As he was observing, there was a sudden gust of wind above his head, and Shaoyu looked up and saw a big white stick hit him.

He was shocked. Since the martial artist in the Snake Forest trained to control the distance, even the five-star assassin could not sneak on him. As a result, he didn't hear the wind this time, but the bone stick hit his head.

Shaoyu escaped this dangerously and dangerously with a lazy donkey. He saw that there was a cannibal standing behind him. He quickly drew the dwarf sword and pointed it at the cannibal.

At this time, he thought of the last time he was injured in the Cannibal Mountains, and he also lost the absolute control distance of the martial artist. Is it because of the sharp drop in attributes this time, he completely lost it?

Shaoyu's guess is not wrong.

To make the surrounding area slow down, the martial artist's absolute control of the distance is a kind of perception. Although he once had it, it can't work without the support of attributes.

This cannibal is two meters tall, and the white stick in his hand is a huge bone. It was a little different from the cannibals I've seen before, it actually had a coat of animal skins, and it was not very messy.

Shaoyu was still observing, the eyes of the cannibal on the opposite side became redder, and he strode over and hit it with a stick. Shaoyu raised his sword, and his body sank before he squatted down and held the sword in both hands to resist.

With so much strength, a dead cannibal smashed it down with a bone stick high up. Of course, Shaoyu would not wait for it to attack anymore. He stood up straight under his feet and pierced its heart with a sword.

Hearing a roar, the cannibal held the sword that pierced its chest in one hand, and the bone rod in his hand continued to smash against Shaoyu.

It's a solid body. He only used six points of strength. It was obvious that the point of the sword pierced the cannibal's chest without piercing the heart. Although he lost the absolute control distance of the martial artist, the attack speed of the cannibal was too slow and obvious. Shaoyu was just a sideways, and the bone stick hit the ground against him.

A stick smashed into the air, the ground was flying, the cannibal also bent slightly, and the two were almost face to face. Shaoyu was waiting for this moment. He released the sword in his hand, quickly grabbed the cannibal's ears, pulled hard, and at the same time, one knee was pressed against the hilt.

Hearing a puff, the dwarf sword penetrated through his chest, the cannibal screamed wildly with both hands, and died a full minute later... Shaoyu had already jumped aside and hid.

What a tenacious vitality, Shaoyu felt that this was not the same kind of creatures as the cannibals he had encountered at the beginning, and Shaoyu had the mind to dissect. After having energy in the body again, the small S can maintain it for a long time. Shaoyu was about to ask Xiao S if it was worth anatomy. Suddenly there was a sound around him, and then a group of cannibals appeared around Shaoyu.

Damn, being surrounded, he hid it because he was afraid that the cannibal roar would attract other cannibals.

Unexpectedly, there will be so many! Can't hide it at all.

There are at least a dozen cannibals surrounding them. They are all about two meters tall, burly and sturdy, surrounded by animal skins, and carrying weapons made of bones. Two of their hands also hold bone knives. Obviously Open forward.

Shaoyu felt that this was what the book said, a savage who had no wisdom and acted only by instinct.

As these surrounded him on the hillside, there were other cannibals appearing one after another, and Shao Yu looked roughly, there were at least thirty or forty. The eyes of these cannibals were red, but they did not attack. Shaoyu didn't panic and was obsessed with the dwarf sword. He wanted to see what these cannibals wanted to do... The big deal is to jump off this hillside and get out with the help of shadows.

After waiting for a while, the cannibals got together more and more, getting closer and closer. They are getting more and more violent, and if they are two steps closer, Shaoyu can't help but shoot first. At this moment, the cannibals roared collectively, and Shaoyu almost stabbed him with a sword.

After the roar, the restless cannibals calmed down, separated the encirclement, and a figure walked out of the cannibals.

Shao Yu stared at it and couldn't help being taken aback.

From the outside, he was a short human old man. He staggered, the muscles exposed outside the fur coat were slack, and half of his face seemed to have been splashed with sulfuric acid, the flesh and blood had fallen off, and no eye was in the eye socket. His other eye seemed to have sadness, revealing deep helplessness. He spoke: Young and powerful warrior, why kill my people.

Shaoyu was very puzzled, and he asked back: Are you not cannibals? He wondered if he made a mistake? It shouldn't be!

Unexpectedly, the old man nodded and said, we are the so-called cannibals in your mouth, but can you kill my people at will? As the old man said so, the cannibals around him roared.

Shaoyu replied: I just passed by here. Your clansmen attacked me, and I fought back and killed him. Is this wrong? Was he afraid that he was only interested in this unique cannibal, and wanted to try to talk about it.

The old cannibal sighed and said, but he didn't expect that there would be humans coming in here. Without me, the people could not suppress the restlessness in their hearts. After speaking, he went on to say: Well, you can eat this tribe, but young and strong fighters, you have to give us a little help and promise to never invade us.

Shaoyu suddenly felt ridiculous. This old cannibal said so sincerely that he didn't know how to respond. Then he saw the old cannibal squatting down and starting to write something, a cannibal slashed open his chest with a bone knife, and a large amount of blood flowed down like water.

The old cannibal was stained with blood and wrote, and for a moment a blood-red light floated up and flew towards Shaoyu.

Shaoyu was startled, and jumped back two steps, but saw the blood-red light drifting very slowly, and stopped at his original position. He looked at the old cannibal suspiciously.

The old cannibal stood up, he nodded to Shaoyu and said, touching this contract, you will see the content. If you do not agree, leave the body of the tribe and leave.

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