Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 123: Cannibals (the gods)

When Shaoyu heard it, he was so advanced! Has the contract been worked out? He was very curious, but he didn't know whether to believe in this old cannibal. Everything is so different from what he sees in the book.

But curiosity still prevailed, and Shaoyu didn't touch the blood-colored light ball directly with his hands. He stretched out the dwarf sword and touched the scarlet light ball a few times, without any reaction at all.

Shaoyu felt that this should really be a contract. If any magic was touched so many times, it would have been triggered or dissipated long ago. He looked at the old cannibal. The old cannibal just watched Shaoyu quietly and didn't speak, but the bloodletting cannibal next to him started to heal.

Shaoyu gently touched the blood-colored light ball with his left hand, and a message rushed directly into his mind.

Blood Contract: The contractor enjoys the body of a blood giant. Obtain its ability, in exchange to help the blood giants find a breach. The contract between the two parties must not attack each other. If the above is violated, the blood will boil for seven days and die.

Shaoyu ghostly drew a small sword at the signing place, and then the blood-colored light group burst into a strong red glow. The cannibal who was healing his wound roared, and a plume of blood spurted from his chest into the blood-colored light. In the group, the old cannibal hurriedly shouted when they saw it. The cannibals on the side bleed one after another. After a large amount of blood was injected, the blood-colored light group shrank into two and sank into the bodies of the old cannibal and Shaoyu.

Whatever the trouble, this scene is a bit scary. He subconsciously wanted to avoid the blood-colored light group, but he didn't have time to react. The blood-colored light group turned into a small dot and fell into the center of his eyebrows. Is the contract completed? Shaoyu only felt that there was a feeling of incomprehensibility.

Looking at him, there was no change, he hurried to check the attributes.

Nothing has changed in attributes. Just when Shaoyu was about to ask the old cannibals, he unintentionally saw an extra feature column under the mutation and talent, and there were some changes! ! !

Variation The fifth article changes five: digestion structure changes. Food digestion is slow, meat intake is improved, and eating human flesh will not change the physiology and affect the spirit.

Talent six: fallen friends. (Blood Force)

Features: When eating a whole corpse at one time, it inherits attributes by percentage and has a chance to gain abilities. Note: It is invalid to eat again during the digestion process.

This is dumbfounded, the mutation is actually okay...but how can you eat human flesh! The five talents have not been shown yet, what does the sixth talent mean, the fallen friend. There are also new features, Shaoyu spit out in his heart, is this forcing him to take the cannibalistic route? First anatomy, small S lifts the soul stone, can get energy, but also has its characteristics. Then eat it all, you can inherit the attributes and abilities.

What's wrong, only these three words remain in his heart.

It took a long time for him to get back to his senses. Didn't he not move the body of the blood giant, how did he get the power of blood? However, after thinking about it carefully, he realized that there was a full stop after the corpse of a blood giant! Thinking of this Shaoyu, I discovered that if this is the ability of cannibals, how can I say that they are not cruel in nature, but it is a powerful method!!!

But this is too inhumane...just forget the anatomy, eat it! Shaoyu didn't plan to take this route.

After thinking about it, taking a look, the height of the surrounding cannibals has shrunk, and the cannibal who bleeds the first blood has fallen to the ground. He hasn't spoken yet. The old cannibal spoke up. He said that he didn't expect your power to be so strong, and you would need a huge blood power to make the contract stand. After speaking, Shaoyu should go to them to discuss the content of the complete contract.

Shaoyu was still a little dizzy, his head was messed up, and they were signed not to attack each other, so he followed. On the way, he learned that not all cannibals are the same. The blood power inherited by their group calls themselves blood giants. With the power of extreme blood, the height can reach seven meters. Shaoyu thought to himself, no matter how great his power is, his light height is seven meters, he can really be called a giant. And there can be a mage in their blood power. Hearing this, Shaoyu was taken aback, Blood Mage? He felt that the old ogre must be a mage. I didn't expect this old ogre to say that he was seven meters tall before, but unfortunately he was old after being injured.

After crossing this mountain, they came to their gathering place. Walking along the way, I didn't know if it was a contractual relationship. He felt that this group of cannibals was not that hateful, but a little cordial. He kept talking with the old cannibals, and the group of soldiers did not speak. The old cannibals said that after becoming a blood giant, they are very irritable and lose the ability to speak until the blood power reaches a certain level.

When the bonfire is lit, the old cannibal is going to help him barbecue the corpse himself. Both corpses were carried back, and Shaoyu quickly refused. The old ogre said it violated the contract. Shaoyu's head turned, he said he wanted to eat according to his own recipe. The old ogre was surprised that he wanted to eat it raw? Shaoyu didn't answer, he called little S and began to dissect the corpse.

The autopsy did not reveal a soul stone, but Shaoyu found out that the blood giant actually had three hearts, but one was the size of a walnut, and the other had not yet grown. The old ogre stared at it and said, boasting that Shaoyu's magical technique was magical, and he was a little speechless.

This corpse is human-shaped, so it doesn’t need to be guided by light. This time Xiao S gave him 65 points... and accelerated the analysis speed of the humanoid origin by ten percent.

Finally, Shaoyu packed the broken pieces and prepared to throw them away at that time.

In addition, Xiao S also analyzed that the cannibals grow very fast, but they only have a life span of 30 years. It is estimated that the life span can be increased after the assault.

After solving the matter, Shaoyu asked to take a look at the crack. It was late, and with some psychological factors, he wanted to leave earlier.

So the old cannibal walked up the mountain with Shaoyu while talking.

According to the old cannibals, they moved here from other places. The mountains and rivers are good, and the prey is rich. But one day a big hole suddenly opened in the mountainside, and many dead spirits emerged from the hole, causing them heavy losses. For some reasons, they cannot move again now, so I hope to find out what is in this hole to solve this problem. This cave is not suitable for their most powerful fighters to enter, but the weaker fighters lost their voices after entering.

When Shaoyu went to the place to see, two blood giants over five meters high were guarding the entrance of the cave. The entrance of the cave was exactly the size of one person. He himself had to shrink before. Shaoyu stood at the entrance of the cave for a while, only to feel a gloomy wind blowing out, he couldn't help shivering. So Shaoyu told the old cannibal that he had to go back and prepare for a few days. This is not a violation of the contract.

The old cannibal said that Shaoyu can still prepare for a few more days, and he must prepare well for entering such a dangerous place. The old cannibal was saying that Shaoyu could still use his companions...As he said, a black mist floated out of the cave entrance, and the old cannibal immediately became alert.

As soon as the black mist dispersed, a dozen skeletons and a few zombies appeared at the entrance of the cave.

Shaoyu didn't do anything, and the two blood giant bone sticks guarding the hole smashed these dead spirits in a few strokes. The old cannibal said that this time it was all low-level undead spirits. Last time only a high-level ghost came out. They sacrificed a powerful talent to end the battle.

Shaoyu felt that he was in a big trouble. How did these dead spirits get out? The hole was so big, it seemed that the black mist was the key. Thinking of this, he returned to the manor.

Back at the manor, the sky was completely dark, and Lily had already prepared food for him. Shaoyu had a good meal, and chatted with Lily about today's experience while eating, and decided to go to Versace and ask about it early the next morning.

In the morning of the next day, Shaoyu hadn't left yet, but Owen came first. He took out the necklace and said, it was full of good-quality beast meat, he had sent it specially from the family, and it would be supplied on time in the future. When these pieces of meat were placed in the ice cellar, Shaoyu mentioned the matter in the cannibal mountain range, but Owen was very interested in asking repeatedly. Shaoyu talked to Owen completely except for the section where he got the ability. Then Owen asked about the appearance and combat power of the blood giant in detail, and then he said that he was going to find Versace and Eve's mentor now.

Shaoyu was taken aback. Is it necessary to make such a big move? Near noon, not only did Versace and Eve's mentors arrived at the same time, even Leah also came here in armor and carrying a bow and arrow.

Everyone gathered in the living room. Eve’s mentor stared at Shaoyu from the moment he came in, making Shaoyu feel extremely uncomfortable. She just sat down and said, she didn’t expect that she had studied the cannibal mountains for so long and failed. But let him find a breakthrough. Somehow, Shaoyu didn't like this alchemist, and the alchemist couldn't understand him. But seeing everyone paying so much attention, Shaoyu talked about it from the beginning.

When Shaoyu said about signing the contract, Versace asked in detail about the content of the contract and the situation after it was signed. He said that this is an ancient contract handed down from the Second Age. Once it is completed, there is no way to terminate it. When Shaoyu saw that the two wizards were both present, and asked what the fallen friend was, Eve's mentor burst out laughing, very cheerful, but it was Owen, Versace and their faces very unsightly.

Shaoyu had a sudden shock in his heart, and he was going to ask them again in private. Then he talked about the rift in the mountainside and the appearance of dead spirits, during which Versace and Eve's mentors interrupted Shaoyu many times, asking very detailed questions. After he finished speaking, there was a long silence. In the end, Versace and Eve’s mentors said they had to go and see for themselves... But he had to go back and prepare. Owen also said that he thought it was a little easier, and that he had to prepare well depending on the situation. Decided to leave tomorrow.

Eve's mentor left first, and Shaoyu first asked Owen if he didn't care about Fudu and the Nigubec family? Don’t you still want to occupy the city of thorns? Owen said that it was enough to have Beta in the waste. The Nigubec family and the others have now discovered that Sla died strangely in the Mage Tower and is making a noise. As for the City of Thorns, it is still too early to capture the City of Thorns until the harvest season.

After chatting for a while, Shaoyu asked what was the bottom of the fallen friend? Why did you look bad just now?

Owen and Yali both looked at Versace, and Versace also looked at them and then spoke. He said Shaoyu knew what the system said?

Shaoyu said he didn't know. Fansack explained it in great detail, and then Shaoyu understood, and his expression was a bit ugly.

Versace first said that whether this world is magic or grudge, no matter what the source is, the nature of power represents the system. Magic elements such as earth, fire, water, wind, etc. represent the mage system. For example, fighting spirit and combat power represent the warrior system, natural abilities represent the wild system, and machinery and super powers represent the sky system. It is time and space that represent the time and space system, such as the Curse of Shadows, etc., which represent the dark system, and then the blood system, blight, disease, and other representatives of the degenerate system.

The plague is the power of corruption and darkness, and the plague is the enemy of all living beings.

Shaoyu suddenly felt that the cannibals were originally human mutations affected by the plague. He couldn't help but look very ugly. Could it be that he inexplicably became a public enemy of the world?

Perhaps seeing Shaoyu’s face, Owen said, don’t worry too much. You just signed a contract with the cannibals by mistake. You don’t have the power to fall. As long as you find equipment that can hide your breath, you don’t have to worry about being discovered, and not all places will Encirclement and suppression, but there is no way to use the altar of the gods.

Shaoyu was still in a daze, not worrying this time, but suddenly accepting too much.

Even if there is a mechanical **** in this world, what super power, time, and space! ! ! What other altars of gods.

Owen and Versace both went back to prepare. The unexpected Leah stayed. Shaoyu felt that Leah still had a special taste and kindness in wearing a leather armor and a long bow. His noble clothes gave him a sense of distance.

By this time it was noon, and Lily went to study the superior meat of Warcraft and served as lunch, the old housekeeper also went to help. So Shaoyu asked Leah what happened to Super Power and Time and Space, and the altar of the gods.

Leah said that she didn't know about the super power and the time and space system. She only knew it after listening to Vaseke today. She also sighed that the master's knowledge is profound. Then she said that the altar of the gods, she knew very well, so Shaoyu Just let her talk.

Shaoyu kept listening to her until the lunch was delivered. Leah also said that there were too few people in their manor, and even the old housekeeper had to do it himself. Then she was shocked by Shaoyu's appetite.

After the two had finished eating, Lily cleaned up, but the old butler also participated in the topic of the gods. He occasionally highlighted a few words to supplement what Liya said.

There are six gods in this world.

They are the **** of life, the **** of elements, the **** of machinery, the **** of earth, the **** of war, and the **** of luck.

There are three powerful kingdoms on the continent with the altars of life, earth, and war gods. Dharma has the altar of the **** of elements, and the city of the sky has the altar of the **** of machinery. The altar of the **** of luck is not fixed. It really depends on luck if you think of encountering it. As long as they are not in the dark and depraved lines, they can be sacrificed. After reaching a certain divine grace, they will be bestowed by the gods, divine abilities, divine objects, divine tools, divine servants and even communicate with the main **** to obtain the divine metaphor and the main god's clone and descend...

Sacrificing is very easy, that is, offering sacrifices. After countless years of exploration, it is no secret that sacrifices can easily get the grace of God.

The **** of life likes things that contain powerful life power, even living things.

The **** of elements likes innovative magic and all kinds of legal items, among which the staff is the best.

The **** of machinery likes all kinds of kits and devices.

The **** of the earth likes special seeds and ores.

The **** of war loves weapons and banners that have experienced war.

The **** of luck loves fish.

It should be noted that after you sacrifice to one god, you cannot sacrifice to a second god, or you will have to bear the wrath of the gods. The old steward also said that no gods have been born for many years.

This chat lasted until the afternoon. After Leah returned to her room to rest, Shaoyu suddenly thought, What about faith? Do all the gods do not want to believe in?! Also, are there no beast gods and elven gods? So Shaoyu asked the old butler.

The old butler groaned for a while. He said that in the second era, several powerful races among the hundred races had elevated the throne, but they were all wiped out by the plague and human races, such as the **** of machinery, the **** of elements and the **** of war. Only appeared in the Three Epochs.

Shaoyu digested these, and after seeing Lily, he started practicing sword again.

The next day, everyone gathered at the manor again, and this time Eve also came, carrying a box about the same height as her. Everyone set off together, and Lily followed. Originally, Shaoyu didn't want Lily to take the risk, but Lily said that he just followed him and prepared him food. Then she said, don't forget, she is actually an assassin and can protect herself well.

Eve and the others also said that they would take care of Lily, so they let Lily go together.

Seeing these sister papers resemble an outing, Shaoyu thought, he, Versace and Eve's mentors would go in.

A group of people quickly came to the gathering place of the blood giants, and then almost a battle broke out. Finally, the old cannibal appeared and suppressed his people. The appearance of the old cannibal also caused Eve to scream, which scared Shaoyu. Scared.

The old cannibal said he did not expect that Shaoyu invited so many powerful friends, he would prepare a banquet. When Shaoyu thought of the person they were eating, he politely rejected the old cannibal's idea and said that he wanted to find out the crack as soon as possible. Then he asked about the crack.

The old cannibals said that this rift has moved frequently recently, and they have lost another powerful warrior.

When he reached the rift, Shaoyu found that there was only one remaining two blood giants over five meters high, but there were two more blood giants over four meters high. He knew in his heart that it must be the one that was more than five meters high.

Everyone was very silent along the way, just listening to Shaoyu talking to the old cannibal, Eve looked around curiously. At this time, Eve's mentor spoke, and she asked what the undead appeared recently.

The old cannibal didn't kill her at all. The alchemist seemed a bit angry. When he was about to do something, a group of blood giants over three meters high appeared on the surrounding mountain road.

Everyone looked a little unnatural, and Shaoyu asked the old cannibal what this meant.

The old cannibal said, only you are our friend.

Shaoyu was a little unhappy and said: It's not that you said it's best to invite companions, these are powerful mages he invited to help you solve your problems.

The old cannibal said that because of this, he didn't do anything with these foods, but don't think about any changes.

Shaoyu was really angry and funny, and these cannibals were dead when they started. But on second thought, if there were so many strangers in his house suddenly, he would probably be on guard.

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