Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 125: Underground Palace (Alchemy and Undead)

From Versailles, I learned that alchemy has two combat abilities from the beginning, the first is alchemy gems, and the second is alchemical puppets. Although they have only these two-line combat skills to the top of their professions, alchemy gems can possess various attributes...The one that has just dispelled the black mist is the light-based alchemy gem, and the one that causes the fire is the fire-based alchemy gem. The alchemy puppet is even more a heaven-defying ability. Versace said that although he doesn't know the principle, he knows that the puppet has a certain fighting wisdom, can carry weapons, and can also inlay gems and crystals, and insert runes. And he learned from the book that advanced alchemy puppets also possess magical abilities.

While listening, Shaoyu thought, this alchemist has an invincible rhythm. Not only can he throw grenade wildly, but he can also have a robot to help fight. When Versace finished speaking, Shaoyu asked: What was the disk they stepped on that day and what was the short battle that controlled the falling meteorite.

Fansack was taken aback when he heard it, and said he didn't know. He said that there were too many alchemy items that could be made by alchemy, and there was no comprehensive record in the book. Only then did Shaoyu remember that Fansek had already fainted in the magic tower...something he didn't know.

Just as he wanted to ask something, Versace suddenly looked into the cave with an expression.

Shaoyu also followed his gaze to look like a cave, but found nothing unusual. There was only a pile of loose bones in the cave. Just as he was about to withdraw his gaze, he suddenly noticed that the bones scattered on the ground were shaking slightly. Afterwards, this jitter became bigger and bigger, and many bones joined together instantly when they jumped up.

A giant made up of countless bones appeared in the cave.

Bone giant, in trouble! Shaoyu heard Versace say so.

What is the bone giant? Shaoyu saw that this big guy over four meters tall seemed to be a human form made out of bones. Although it is a human form, it has no head.

Eve's alchemy puppet rushed up first, but her puppet had not been put away and kept in front.

I saw the alchemy puppet dragging the big sword and slashing it on the bone giant's leg, and the bone giant's leg fell to two bones, and then Shaoyu saw the alchemy puppet being slapped to pieces by the bone giant's slap. Eve screamed, and a few red alchemy gems were thrown out indiscriminately. In a sea of ​​flames, the bone giant continued to move forward casually.

With this attack power, Shaoyu saw the ghoul attack the alchemy puppet. It did not cause any damage to the alchemy puppet at all. The bone giant was smashed by the slap!

Shaoyu thought so in his heart, drew the dwarf sword and rushed up. The attack power was high, but he had to hit it. He instantly entered a state of slowing down around him, and just took two steps, and was surprised to see the bone giant withdrawing a bone from his body and throwing it at the oncoming.

With a faint black light on this bone, it flew to his side with a whistle. Shaoyu leaped up and held the sword in both hands and slashed on this bone. This bone was not shot at him, now he is a fighter himself, he doesn't stop, who will stop.

After cutting off this bone and landing, Shaoyu saw the fist of the giant bone magnify in front of him.

Long thighs means running fast, Shaoyu thought to himself, he estimated that this gear would definitely be severely injured by the smash. At this moment, his heart was surprisingly calm, and his figure moved to the right, lifting one foot and turning around. Dodged the punch like a skater.

Taking steps as he pleased, Shaoyu finally realized that he had a little bit of it, and he had to do what he wanted.

Without this punch, Shaoyu came to the bone giant's side, looking at the bone giant full of bones, he didn't know where to cut and where its weakness was. So Shaoyu circled around it, and the left and right swords all greeted its feet. After slashing the two swords, Versace's magic arrived. He released a huge rune to hang on the head of the bone giant. The effect seemed to be slow, and the bone giant's movements were even slower.

Shaoyu thought, Eve and her mentor should never throw alchemy gems, he can't stand the fire. Fortunately, the alchemists all know one thing. After a few laps, he finally cut off one of the bone giant's legs, and the bone giant fell heavily to the ground, breaking into pieces of bones. Shaoyu was still stunned after closing the sword, this thing is not difficult to do.

Walking back to Versace, Shaoyu looked at Eve as if he was about to cry, her mouth flattened, while Versace was arguing loudly with Eve's mentor.

Versace said, I owe a lot of debts, but there is no need to die. After hearing this, Shaoyu didn't understand what it meant, owed debts, died? Then Shaoyu listened to Eve's mentor with a grimace and said: Will my wings become hard after drinking my potion? I don’t know how much water there is. Is a magician that hasn't even built a magical altar?

Shaoyu understood a little bit. It turned out that it was the alchemist who gave Versace a drug breakthrough, but Versace was not the real magician! He felt that all this was a mess, it was obvious that Versace was not good at words and was silent. After he came back, they looked at Shaoyu together. He asked hurriedly, what happened, Versace flushed red and said: The seal below is definitely a demigod lich, but the respected alchemist insists on going down. Shaoyu heard: Hey, isn't it still uncertain before coming down? How do you know that it is a demigod now?

Versace said: Those who can summon bone giants with their breath must have reached a demigod.

Shaoyu didn't understand very much, so Versace told him about the necromantic system, but the alchemist didn't speak, he was fiddling with something, and Eve was also helping her.

He said that there are many kinds of dead souls. Among them, the most common ones are skeletons, and the higher ones are zombies, ghosts, and ghouls. The higher ones are the ghouls that can only be produced in places of **** resentment. It is the bone giant, and the upper level is the very special black warrior and vampire among the undead. The highest level is the bone dragon.

He said that if under the control of a necromancer or a lich, skeletons will be very difficult to deal with. Not only will there be armed skeletons, skeleton archers, and even skeleton mages, not to mention the elites with memories or carefully crafted by them. Grade skull.

Versace just mentioned the branch in the skeleton, and Shaoyu felt his head was big. He thought to himself that this Necromancer is also invincible rhythm? Why is every profession so powerful.

Although Shaoyu didn't know how powerful the demigod was, Versace's attitude showed everything. Although he didn't speak any more, he seemed to know that he would not go any further. So they looked at the alchemist again. They had been playing with an instrument, something like a globe, and Eve took out a small notebook and wrote something on the side. Perhaps noticing Shaoyu's gaze, her mentor first smiled, and then said: After her investigation, there will be no lich underneath. Even if there is a demi-god lich underneath, it is sealed. After a pause, she said in a negative tone: Think about the harvest.

He didn't understand, he glanced at Versace, and saw that Versace began to think after hearing what Eve's teacher said, and he also took a few steps to chant a spell.

What's down there? Shaoyu's contract is to help the blood giants find out the situation below. When Versailles finished casting the spell, he walked back and said to Shaoyu that there was definitely a powerful dark power that was sealed underneath and made him decide whether to go on or not. Eve's mentor also stopped and looked at Shaoyu.

...Let him make a decision!

Shaoyu thought for a while, he didn't care about what he had gained, but he must find out! So he said: The contract signed is to explore what is here, he still has to go down. Hearing Shaoyu's words, Eve's mentor chuckled a few times, and putting things away meant that he would continue to open the way.

After taking another look at Fansack, he said: Let Fansack go up with Eve.

Eve said that she would also continue to teach, and Versace smiled bitterly and said: Then I'll go down, why do you owe you favors? Before Shaoyu could say that she only heard Eve's mentor say that Eve was really not suitable to move on, so she let her go up.

Shaoyu was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect Eve's mentor to say that. It seemed that Eve still liked this weird alchemy.

Eve pouted and took the fragments of the alchemy puppet into the box, and walked back reluctantly.

Shaoyu continued to walk in front and leaned down. This time he held a light in his left hand and a sword in his right. It wasn't that Shaoyu needed lighting, but the alchemist said it was a magic lantern, which could disperse and resist the black fog, so Shaoyu held it in his hand.

The group walked for a while without encountering any danger. Soon they went deep into the mountainside, and the passage was widened, with a broken stone wall blocking the front.

What kind of situation does Shaoyu think this is, why is there a wall? The wall is made of white jade-like bricks, and there are some symbols and patterns on it, but there is a big opening in the wall at the end of the passage. Both Versace and the alchemist studied this wall. He was not idle either. He took out the tools in the ring and dug to the two sides. Finally, he judged that it was a building buried at the bottom of the mountain, which seemed to be huge.

Versace mainly studied the symbols and patterns on the wall, and the alchemist took out a small book to write and paint after looking at it for a while. Shaoyu glanced at it as if it was a formula or something, he saw Don't understand. After a long while, Versailles said that this was an ancient underground palace, and asked Versailles what years did the ancient and antiquity refer to. Versace seemed to be used to Shaoyu’s ignorance and did not express surprise. It is said that the ancient times refers to the period of the first era, and the ancient times refers to the late first era to the early second era, and the ancient refers to the middle and late second era. Then Shaoyu asked how old an era was, and Fansaik said that an era is more than ten thousand years.

After asking, Shaoyu asked whether the ancient underground palace was a demigod lich. Fansack shook his head. He said that he used to judge based on magical elements. Now that there is this palace, he is completely uncertain, and said it is possible. Your alchemist will know.

After finishing writing, the alchemist has been fiddling with her globe-like tool, and when he heard Versace lift her, she said that she needs to bring more things in to find out.

Seeing this ancient underground palace, the alchemist also looked squarely. She said that the area of ​​the underground palace was very large, and it seemed that I had to go back to prepare for a while and then explore it. When Shaoyu heard it, it turned out that the alchemist was really writing a formula to calculate the area.

Rarely, she would also consult with someone. Shaoyu listened to her and Versacek for a while, and decided to return to the ground first, and then come to explore the underground palace after sufficient preparation. Shaoyu saw that Versace was a little excited and did not seem to be reluctant Up.

So just as they decided to return, the ground shook for a while, and the tunnel behind it collapsed!

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