Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 126: Underground Palace (rules)

Shaoyu had already walked into the passage and was almost buried alive.

After he ran out, he looked at Versace and the alchemist in confusion. Didn't these two say that this would not happen in this passage? The alchemist chuckled, Versace looked very ugly and said that something in the underground palace didn't want them to go out.

When Shaoyu heard it, he first took out the shovel and digged into the passage. After digging for several meters, he found that the passage was completely buried. At this time, Versace said, this is a magic shock, and the passage has been destroyed.

Versailles went on to say that there were teleportation formations in ancient underground palaces like this, and as long as they were found, they would return to the ground.

Yes, I have to explore this underground palace, right? Shaoyu retracted his shovel and saw that the alchemist had actually walked into the gap in the wall, and seemed to be ready to enter first.

Shaoyu couldn't help but his face went dark, and he was just discussing it together. Are you ready to act again?

He and Versace hurriedly pursued, but saw the alchemist smearing something on the crack in the wall. With her smearing, the wall seemed to be corroded and widened a large hole that could allow a few people to pass through. Then she looked Xiang Shaoyu them.

Only then did Shaoyu realize that she was not acting alone, but opening the way. However, he always felt that this alchemist was not very reliable, so Shaoyu said: Since everyone is trapped underground, to explore this underground palace together, do you have to understand each other and cooperate easily?

Fansack nodded when he heard it, and the alchemist nodded after looking at Shaoyu a few times.

Shaoyu just said with the mentality of giving it a try. Versace would definitely cooperate. Unexpectedly, this alchemist looked weird and uncomfortable, but actually agreed...it seems that this team can be formed.

Seeing that they didn't speak, Shaoyu didn't know how to express it. After thinking about it for a while, he said that he could see things clearly in a dark environment, and could independently deal with undead spirits like bone giants. After speaking, there was no response to both of them, and I didn't know how to continue.

At this time, the alchemist smiled, she said to Versace, she didn't believe that Owen said that this was a wild boy who ran out of the cursed land, but she didn't expect it to be true.

Shaoyu didn’t know what she meant, so she also looked at Versace, and saw Versace smiled and said to him, like when organizing a temporary team, you only need to report to the ranks and what abilities you have mastered. , Can be responsible for what, what is needed, and then wait for everyone's approval. After speaking, he said to the alchemist: Lord Alchemy, now this situation is free.

Shaoyu's face was red, and he didn't know that there were still these rules. When Versace finished speaking, he said hurriedly: I am a warrior, the rank should reach the level of the name, the ability to master is not easy to say night vision, sword skills... Responsible, responsible for path detection and killing monsters, as for the needs , I don't need anything, just explore here and return to the ground. After speaking, Shaoyu looked at them seriously.

Unexpectedly, this time not only the alchemist was laughing loudly, but also Versace.

Shaoyu touched his head, this time he really didn't understand why they were laughing again.

Fansike smiled for a while and said to Shaoyu. He didn’t understand. First, the name is fundamentally different from the rank. Second, the skills he mastered. To put it like a shield warrior, he only needs to say that he has mastered Shield wall, let everyone know that he is a qualified defensive fighter. Third, pathfinding is generally done by thieves and vanguards. As for killing monsters, it is our mage's business.

Shaoyu was taken aback for a moment, and thought to himself, then he is useless! This is impossible! Just as he was about to speak, Versace went on to say: You can kill Sla in the Mage Tower, so you don't need to doubt and introduce your strength...If you walk in the front, be careful. As for himself, he said, don't think of him as a true magister, only a few spells of the language system barely reached the level of magister.

After Versailles finished speaking, the alchemist also spoke. She said that it would not be introduced according to the rules. She only said that her alchemy bomb was controlled very accurately, so there was no need to worry about accidental injury, and then she stopped talking.

Make me play! Shaoyu secretly said in his heart, but after this conversation, the atmosphere eased a lot, and he didn't feel as strange as he was at the beginning. Everyone was preparing in front of the wall hole. In fact, it was mainly the alchemist who fiddled with some things. Shaoyu took a hand lantern and held a sword in one hand. He would suddenly ask Versace what your language spells are.

Hearing the words, Versace was taken aback, and he paused and said that he now only mastered three languages, namely, relaxation, shield, and shackle. After speaking, looking at Shaoyu's blank face, he said that Shaoyu had seen these few words. The one that holds the ghoul is the shackle, and the slow bone giant is the relaxation.

Is the shield let go in the magic tower? Shaoyu thought for a while, how did he suddenly discover that these were all auxiliary spells, but it was wrong to think about it, didn't he let go of some other spells? So he asked Owen.

Owen smiled bitterly. He said that those spells were only general magic spells for wizards, and his spiritual power reached the standard of magical power, but his magic power had not reached it. Moreover, he had not opened up a spiritual space yet, and he had not even built a magical altar.

When Shaoyu listens, spiritual space? Altar of magic? What is this again? Just as he was about to ask shamelessly, the alchemist smiled and set off.

He turned his head and saw that the alchemist had fiddled with it for a long time and made a small disc and stood on it. This small disc is about an inch thick and black all over, about one meter in diameter, and floating half a meter above the ground.

When Shaoyu saw that this was a good thing to avoid traps, he didn't have to walk on his own. After watching him, he stepped into the wall first.

The floor of the underground palace is also made of white bricks like a wall. After Shaoyu stepped in carefully, he felt as if his body had entered another space. There was originally a small spot of light entering from the top of his head. The moment he entered, The spot of light that hadn't entered Baihui Point was gone. Shao Yu was taken aback for a moment. After stopping, he felt the Jian Yuan. The small sword in the dantian was not affected in any way.

When Fansike saw Shaoyu stop, he might have seen why he stopped, so he said to Shaoyu that this ancient underground palace had the effect of imprisonment, and the magic and grudge would not be supplemented.

Shaoyu leaned inwardly, this had no effect on him. Anyway, the divine sword can only be used for a while. It is estimated that it will not affect the alchemist much, but it is a very serious problem for Versace. . After thinking for a while, Shaoyu continued to move forward. After walking a few steps, he was surprised to find that there were three roads ahead.

The entire underground palace is built with this kind of white masonry. After entering, there is only one passage for two people to walk side by side. After going out of this section, the front passage is divided into forward, left and right three narrow and one person wide. road.

Shaoyu stood at this three-way intersection, looking back at Versace and the alchemist.

Versace also brought a magic lamp in his hand, naturally saving his magic power and extinguishing the light on the magic war. He watched the lamp at the intersection for a while in advance, and said that he did not know which way to go, and the alchemist stood on the disc and did not speak. .

Shaoyu thought they had a way to know which way to go. He took a look and decided to move on. After two steps, they found that they had not followed up, so he realized that this was for him to find the way first.

After walking cautiously for a while, only to find that this is a dead end. So he retreated, talked to them and leaned to the left.

The road on the left was divided into two passages. Shaoyu made a mark and retreated. He decided to look at the passage on the right.

Beyond the five-meter illumination range of the lantern, everything is hidden under the darkness. Of course, this is for them, under Shaoyu's night vision, everything will appear delicately. Shaoyu walked for a while in the passage on the right, and suddenly stopped, because he suddenly discovered that a bone arm was exposed outside more than 20 meters away.

As soon as Shaoyu opened his left eye and zoomed in, he found that there was a groove in it, and he could barely see half of a skeleton... A closer look at the welt turned out to be a skeleton holding a longbow! This is a skeleton shooter? Then I kept looking into the distance, I saw this passage, and there were some recessed places on both sides, and there were some skeleton shooters inside.

He couldn't help thinking, if you really rely on this lantern to provide vision, you can't be shot into a hedgehog after walking. After pondering, he put the lantern on the spot and swung his sword and rushed up.

Just as he rushed for two steps, he found that something seemed to have appeared on the white masonry under his feet, and then a burst of blue mist suddenly appeared.

It was so cold, Shaoyu shivered in the mist, and the speed was much slower.

At this moment, a bone arrow pierced through the blue fog and shot in front of the eyes. Shaoyu has entered a state of slowing down around him, swinging his sword one square. Obviously I felt that the speed of my shots had dropped a lot, but he still shot the arrow.

With so much energy, he only felt a shock in his hand, watching the arrow being pushed aside by him, and letting it be inserted in the white masonry.

Then Shaoyu heard a creaking sound of bone rubbing, and two bone arrows appeared in front of him again. He took a step forward, first opened the bone arrow from the left, flipped his wrist, and hit the other bone arrow with the hilt.

Just as he took another step, five bone arrows shot out of the blue mist this time.

Shaoyu was terrified and stepped **** the ground with his feet, and quickly backed away. While retreating, he blocked the flying bone arrow.

After five steps back and forth, when Ge flew all the bone arrows, the blue fog disappeared. Shao Yu calmly saw that he had returned to the place where the lantern was placed.

After there was no blue fog, Shaoyu saw the skeleton archers and did not continue shooting, and retreated back into the cavity.

When Shaoyu looked at his body, it was full of water, and when he touched his face, the eyebrows seemed to be covered with a thin layer of frost. He decided to figure out what was on the ground first, and what would make ice mist appear. If there is only a skeleton shooter, there is no problem rushing past with swordsmanship, but this blue mist has greatly slowed his speed...

Two steps forward, this time he paid attention to his feet, and as expected, a pattern appeared on the floor.

Shaoyu jumped back quickly, and the blue mist filled the passage again. He calculated the distance and waited for a while. No bone arrow shot out. The blue mist disappeared after ten seconds.

Is this a trap? This time, Shaoyu stopped in front of the floor where the pattern would appear. After several trials, the pattern would not appear without stepping on it. After a few times, the blue mist did not consume any consumption, as if it could not be used up. He also tried to slash with the dwarf sword, which would also be aroused, he wondered if he had to dig this whole piece down, Shaoyu turned his head and he just jumped over it.

Shaoyu just thought about it, he didn't believe that he couldn't detect this channel. Strange guards should be the right way. So he put the lantern in front of the trap, backed up a few steps, and rushed.

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