Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 127: Underground Palace (Trapology)

This pattern also occupies about one meter of the floor. It was very easy to jump over. After rushing over, Shaoyu kept moving forward. The sound of those skeleton archers shooting arrows came. At this moment, he was only five feet away from the first skeleton. Step away.

Skeleton Archer, the bone arrow shot is very powerful, penetrating is also good, and when shooting is silent, very suitable for sneak attacks in the dark. However, he believes that as long as he is close, these skeletons are not enough to cut.

When he rushed to the first skeleton, he found that he had stepped on another pattern. Before he could react, he rushed to the front of the first skeleton archer. The arrow of the skeleton archer was about to shoot, and Shaoyu swung his sword. Shattered the head of the first skeleton archer. Only then did he think, how does the pattern show any effect? ​​Is it malfunctioning?

As he thought about his body, he didn't stop, rushed a few steps forward, opened a bone arrow, and smashed the second skeleton archer.

Just as Shaoyu rushed towards the third skeleton shooter, he heard a rumbling sound. Shaoyu stopped and took a look. It turned out that a cobblestone was rolling over from the passage in front of him, leaving no gap at all. .

As soon as Shaoyu’s scalp exploded, he hid in the cavity without even thinking about it. As soon as he stood inside, he saw a pattern appearing on every wall in the cavity... Suddenly he palpitated, he stepped out quickly, and saw Three fire lights lit up in the cavity, and red flames gushing out of the cavity.

After taking a step back and just calming down, I saw that the boulder was already in front of me.

This rolling boulder almost occupies the entire passage... He gave a strange cry, turned and ran, ran a few steps and grabbed the lantern in his hand. Here he suddenly thought, damn, how could he forget the blue fog under his feet.

Sure enough, a blue mist came out, and Shaoyu's speed was greatly reduced, and he ran two more steps. He turned around and saw that the huge boulder was behind him again. At this time, Shaoyu calmed down instead. He threw away the lantern and the dwarf long sword, took a deep breath, the divine sword appeared in his hand, stepped forward, and the human sword joined together and sprang up.

With only a touch, a burst of rocks flew, and Shaoyu actually broke through and passed through.

Shaoyu was stunned while holding the divine sword. Although it was indeed his most powerful sword, how could this huge boulder feel so brittle... or three bone arrows awakened him, and he took a few steps back before stopping.

Looking at it with concentration, the stones on the ground are slowly disappearing? He thought for a moment, first jumped over the blue mist, stepped on the pattern, chopped up three skeletons, and broke open the rolling cobblestone again.

The stones on the ground disappeared, and Shaoyu secretly said in his heart that, sure enough, this was the trap inspired by the pattern. It was a soil ball that was condensed by magic, not the unstoppable solid rolling stone he had imagined, crushing everything.

After figuring it out, Shaoyu discovered that what he summoned this time was a green ball attached to the sword, and a burst of green light flickered on the sword. He thought that the life represented by green was not the nemesis' nemesis? No wonder the few skeletons just cut so easily. Shaoyu felt it. The green ball was attached to the divine sword, which obviously took longer to use than the gray ball. With a thought, the divine sword disappeared from his hand and he sent it back to Dantian.

Picking up the dwarf sword and lantern, the end of the passage was divided into two. After looking at it, I studied the patterns on the ground. After stimulating a few times, Shaoyu only recognized the pattern, and felt that he had to ask Fansike and the alchemist to understand, he didn't understand this stuff.

Shaoyu went back and took a look. Fansek was sitting on the ground with a blanket while the alchemist was standing on the disc with his eyes closed as if he was standing asleep. When he approached, they both opened their eyes. Shaoyu said to them that there were choices on both the left and right sides, and then he described the traps and skeleton shooters encountered on the right side, waiting for their judgment.

Both Versace and the alchemist said to go to the right first, and then looked at Shaoyu with a monster-looking look, which made Shaoyu extremely unnatural. As they walked, Versace said to Shaoyu: I didn’t expect you to be so strong. In this case, you should come back and call them, and then he said: Although you know that you don’t have any common sense of adventure, you dare not even remove the magic trap. Launch a charge, really, really...

Shaoyu didn't know what to mean, so he asked after he laughed, magic trap?

Versailles said in a serious tone that there must be many lost magic traps in ancient underground palaces like this. Now, not to mention the power of traps deployed by thieves, they are much worse in terms of connectivity.

Shaoyu thought about it. This trap was really linked to the skeleton shooter, scaring half of his life away, so he asked.

At this moment they had reached the first trap, and Shaoyu still put the lantern there. He saw the alchemist sprinkle some powder, and the pattern appeared. It was a pattern with some dots in the circle. She said a frost trap.

Versace said: This kind of magic trap activation can produce a kind of magic similar to ice fog. He first judges the power by looking at the strength of the trap. The alchemist walked towards the second trap. Shaoyu didn't mark this trap, but the alchemist sprinkled some powder and found it by herself. It was a square pattern. She said something about the trap of soil.

After watching for a while, Versace preached that the strength of this frost trap was level one, and it could only release some ice mist, which was not powerful. Then he also checked the soil trap and said that it was a secondary trap, which could condense a soil ball at a not far away point and roll forward, and as the soil ball rolled, it could continue to gather soil elements.

Then, Fansike told Shaoyu some ancient and modern pitfalls.

Versace said that the magic traps in the ancient underground palace were all based on the magic power in the entire underground palace as their source. If not removed, this trap can be repeatedly activated.

Suddenly, Shaoyu secretly said, Damn, he meant that after playing so many times, why didn't his power weaken or his energy ran out.

Then Versace said that magic traps are divided into ten levels, like this kind of flame burst traps in the recesses are also second level. He said that at his level of adventure, he can only remove magic traps up to level three, and it is extremely costly. time.

Shaoyu listened, what is the level of adventure? What kind of stuff was this, but he didn't ask any questions, first listened to Versace talk about traps.

Versace continued to tell him while demonstrating how to remove the trap. Magic traps are generally not visible with the naked eye. Only when they are triggered, patterns will appear, and patterns are a way to understand magic traps. He paused and said to Shaoyu, "Don't talk about this first, and show you the book when you go back." He said that for a while, he will bless you with a detection magic. As long as it does not exceed level three, you will be warned and the pattern will appear when you come to the magic trap.

As soon as Shaoyu heard it, it was right, this is not the time to talk about this, so go out quickly. He saw that Versace first sprinkled some powder to make the pattern visible, and then drew it with his fingers along the pattern. The pattern slowly disappeared as he swiped it.

Versace said that the correct way to remove a magic trap is not to destroy it, it will only stimulate it, but to follow the pattern of the magic trap, which is the removal of magic lines. When Shaoyu heard it, he asked, does that require magic? Versace said, this can be solved as long as the order is correct.

Shaoyu asked in a daze, can I?

Fansike had already lifted a flame burst trap, Shaoyu recalled it for a moment, and started painting according to the other side of the concave wall. Unexpectedly, the pattern disappeared as soon as it was applied.

Fansack was taken aback and took a few steps back. After Shaoyu finished the solution, he looked back and saw Fansack muttering about monsters, and the alchemist also looked over. Shaoyu's face turned black. What's weird? He is a genius, just imitating it.

He didn't know that to dispel magic traps not only was to know the sequence, but also to be very stable, even a little bit would activate. Shaoyu practiced sword control and his hands were naturally very stable.

Fansack lost his mind and said to Shaoyu: Don't misunderstand the magic trap, a little mistake will cause some changes or triple activation. He was also taken aback when he heard it, but he didn't care, completely feeling good about himself. Then Versace said how to distinguish the levels of magic traps, and Shaoyu summarized it himself. Like the first level magic trap, there is only the simplest graphic border, the second level graphic will have some embellishment-like patterns, and the third level will have a cross pattern. The more advanced the magic trap, the more the graphic complex.

Shaoyu understands that it seems that he can solve it casually for the first-level, and he has to learn for the second-level. Versace gave him a bag of Visible Powder... After he tied it to his waist, the alchemist intervened, and she actually lent Shaoyu a piece of equipment.

In the words of an alchemist, Shaoyu is so capable, so he can clean up and call them back, which saves trouble, and the magic of Versace is precious, so there is no need to waste any magic.

This sounded uncomfortable, but Shaoyu knew this somewhat weird alchemist.

The piece of equipment she gave was called Xiao Budian's luck, and it was actually a famous piece of equipment.

This little lucky piece is like a reduced version of the sole, about half the size of a palm. When she threw it over, she said coldly, with this, if you encounter magic traps below level 7, it will vibrate. The closer you get to the trap, the stronger the vibration.

She just threw it so casually, she turned around and studied something again. Shaoyu almost didn't react and caused this powerful name equipment to fall to the ground. After getting it, I saw Versace looking at him with envy, but Shaoyu muttered, this is not a gift, just borrowed.

After putting the paste in place, Shaoyu took a scan and was shocked. The little bit of luck was obviously not as simple as the alchemist said.

There is actually a lucky plus one.

To be honest, Shaoyu didn't want to pay it back! Lucky things, but the alchemist believed him so much and borrowed it casually. He gritted his teeth and suppressed his evil thoughts of harming others and leaving treasures.

Continuing to explore the path, there were many branches on the road behind. Shaoyu found out one by one, and cleared a lot of traps... When once again encountered this kind of passage with traps and skeleton shooters, the alchemist did not follow. Same as said, let him clean up by himself. Her alchemy gems are like throwing grenades, exploding one piece at a time, and the control is precise, and the flames don't occupy Shaoyu a bit.

Little luck is really a good thing. It’s really awesome to remind the trap...There is actually a fifth-level trap here, a magic trap that sprays acid around. Shaoyu tried the power of the fifth-level trap. With some green acid, the sword body was corroded and almost wasted. The attributes became ten percent stronger, and it dropped ten points! Shaoyu was heartbroken.

In this passage, in addition to the skeleton shooter and a bunch of ordinary skeletons, there is actually an elite skeleton shooter. This shooter almost made Shaoyu suffer a dark loss. Not only would he move back and shoot, but he would also shoot a kind of curved bone. With a little turning, when Shaoyu finally rushed in front of it, it would actually smash him with a bow.

After clearing this passage, there is actually a downward staircase at the end.

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