Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 128: Underground Palace (for subscription)

There is not a trace of light in the underground palace. The lantern alchemist added it once. This magic lantern uses gems as fuel. Versace said that one day had passed outside and it was time to rest.

Only then did Shaoyu realize that twenty-four hours had passed, and his hunger pand out.

Poor Lily is still waiting for them on the barbecue, hoping not to worry about them too much. Fortunately, Shaoyu likes to prepare everything. Of course he has a lot of food in his ring.

There is actually the next level! Although he took a lot of food, he couldn't stand his stomach. So he asked how many floors Versace had here, and Versace also said that he didn't know, but the alchemist said that after her calculations, combined with today's exploration and the floor area of ​​the building, the maximum is four floors.

Shaoyu is a little dumbfounded, fourth floor! Then he thought, save the things in the ring. Three people might eat for about three days. Have pity on his stomach, and speed up after resting.

After discussing it, they chose the passage that had just been cleared. The several level four traps here were not removed, just as a precaution, so they prepared food and rest.

There is nothing to burn in the underground palace, except for the bricks which are dead souls. Shaoyu took out the meat of the beast for a while, but there were torches in his ring, but only two. Just in a daze, Shaoyu saw the alchemist take things out.

Versace didn't have the space to equip him, and he watched the alchemist take things out with his mouth dumbfounded.

What kind of oven, tables and chairs, food, even moved out of a bed.

Shaoyu couldn't imagine how big this alchemist's space was equipped! ! ! Just as the two of them were about to sit on the table to fetch food, the alchemist stopped them, and drew a circle on the table with his hand and clicked on it.

Shaoyu understands, gold coins! But why do you ask him for money! Cheating! Good teammates! But he didn't say it, obviously it was useless. Versace asked the price on the side, it was dark. Forbearance, Shaoyu wanted to be full and didn't want to eat raw, so he took out gold coins to pay for the right to use the oven, and grilled the meat of the beast.

To say that Owen's premium meat of Warcraft is really good, he sliced ​​and grilled three big pieces and was full. After eating and activities, he practiced swordsmanship and set up some traps.

Versace finished eating and rented a bed. Of course, he was in debt. He also arranged some small warning magic on the two sides and fell asleep.

It was the alchemist who rented the bed to Versace and curled up in the cavities on the side. Shaoyu couldn't see it and gave it to her a piece of animal skin. The alchemist took it for granted and there was nothing to say.

Shaoyu didn't know how long he slept, he was awakened by heart palpitations. After a bewildered look, there was no movement from the bell tied with the rope, so he was about to fall asleep again. Just closing his eyes, he vaguely saw a shadow floating towards him, passing directly through another rope, and Shaoyu suddenly opened his eyes. , Jumped up at once.

Is there really a shadow floating here, ghost?

Shaoyu shouted a warning, drew his sword and rushed towards the ghost.

This ghost is a dead human female, her face is blurred, like a hologram floating in the air, the lower body of the ghost is twisted.

The ghost seemed to wander aimlessly, as if inadvertently broke into their resting place. Shaoyu pierced it with a sword, and then he heard the ghost scream and disappeared into the air.

Shaoyu was stunned. At this time, the alchemist and Vansek also woke up. He happened to see this scene. He saw Vansek roll over from the bed in the recessed wall and walked over and took the law battle. After a heavy chop to the ground, a white light spread out, and the ghost appeared on Shaoyu's side and almost hit him.

A step is a sword, and the sword passes through the ghost's body without any effect. The ghost raised his arm like he waved it, but Shaoyu could only jump another step to avoid it.

How to play this? The physical attack is invalid again! While Shaoyu was thinking of a solution, Versace took out a short battle from his body. He lifted the short battle, and a white light flashed in his hand, like a streamer swimming down the body to the top of the battle, a white ball of light. Quickly hit the ghost.

The ghost screamed again, and as Versace continued to shoot white **** of light in short battles, the ghost cracked like a mirror and shattered in the air. Versace breathed a sigh of relief and closed the short battle. The alchemist said why it was so troublesome, and went back to sleep after looking at the magic hourglass. Shaoyu had a stomach problem, he saw that Fansack had no intention of going back to rest, so he asked him.

I learned from Versace that ghosts such as ghosts can only be hurt by fighting spirit or magic, and ordinary slashing has no effect. Shaoyu thought to himself that this thing is not easy for him to rectify. It is true that the physical attack is ineffective, he has no grudge, and Jian Yuan is out of control, so I don't know if it will work. Vaseke said that the attacks of ghosts are also very special. Sometimes they are attached to objects, such as hiding in a wall to attack, and they are also invisible, and their attacks can cause curse-like damage very troublesome. Shaoyu was even more distracted, well, to hide in this wall, he has to dig the wall, and the ghost of digging the wall will also run away. Fansack didn't know the broken thoughts in Shaoyu's heart. He continued to say that ghosts and other dead spirits would only wander around in the underground palace as long as they were not controlled. When Shaoyu heard this, he asked, meaning they are not aggressive? Versailles nodded, saying that it is best not to provoked him, because his Holy Light War was not used much.

After listening, Shaoyu is a bunch of questions again, what is a curse type attack, and how many times the Holy Light has been used? Is it the short battle?

Fansek seemed to be a little big, he still told Shaoyu that the curse-type attack damage is a hidden attack, and it will always be attached to the body if it is continuous... For example, the curse of weakness will be weak for a very long period of time. time. He talked about some curse-type attacks, and then said that he waited specifically to return to the ground and show Shaoyu some books on this subject. Then he took out a short battle and handed it to Shaoyu. He said that this was the Holy Light War. It was a consumable to use magic power to inspire, and it was useful for him to use the light magic ball.

After what Fansike said, Shaoyu fully understood, he must have a lot of game knowledge, and curse attacks are indeed very troublesome. He was playing with the holy light battle, which was a short battle with the thickness of a wrist and only half the arm length, with some naturally formed lines on it, which gave a delicate foot feel.

Shaoyu glanced at the magic hourglass and looked at the nicks on the hourglass. He only slept for three hours. He had planned to sleep when the hourglass was turned over. This magic hourglass is equivalent to the clock. The bottle of the hourglass has precise marks. When the sand is piled up to the mark, it is equivalent to an hour. Every six hours when the sand falls, the hourglass will automatically turn over. Will leave marks in the box. And the magic hourglass is small and exquisite, easy to carry, only the size of the palm.

This was also the first time Shaoyu saw him, and it belonged to an alchemist. In fact, he has been complaining that there is no clock in this world. He can't grasp the time at all by looking at the sky and fiddling with the hourglass. After seeing the magic hourglass, he thought, if this thing is bigger, he will definitely know the points accurately, but ordinary people don't use it. Up.

After chatting with Shaoyu for a few days, Fansike continued to sleep after he cast another magic to protect against ghosts. However, Shaoyu couldn’t sleep anymore. He thought about it for a while. In fact, it was what the underground palace did to get them in. It would be fruitless if he thought about it. He planned to practice the sword, but he was afraid of disturbing them. Rest, so I went to explore first, and walked down the passage.

Downward is a stone ladder with one step and one step, and the stone ladder with a forty-five degree angle downward has a turning point, and there is no end in sight. Holding the sword, Shaoyu walked down step by step.

There were no traps along the way, so I walked down the stairs to the next level. This level seemed to be the same as the previous level. Shaoyu explored for a while, and then returned back after counting the time.

After returning, he found that Fanske and the alchemist were awake, and their faces were a little ugly. Shaoyu thought they had encountered something again, and asked quickly. However, the alchemist came faintly: It seems that the savage boy was not taken away by a certain undead, but went to find the treasure by himself.

Shaoyu was speechless, saying that he couldn't sleep, so he went to clear the way first. At this time Versace said to him, if you didn't know that you didn't have common sense of risk, the only thing that would meet him would be an attack.

Shaoyu didn't understand and was aggrieved. He said: Isn't it all his pathfinders? Is it because he didn't tell them? It's not that I can't sleep, I don't want to disturb them to rest.

Versace smiled when he heard the words. He said to Shaoyu: When we found out that you were missing, we thought you were taken away, but after checking, we found that there were no traces of intrusion, and finally looked at the footprints. I knew you were down.

When Shaoyu heard that, he was worried, so he asked: Why did you say that if you didn't know that I didn't take risks, you would be attacked when you came back?

Versace only said the word, trust!

Shaoyu combined with the word treasure mentioned by the alchemist, and he understood it in seconds.

The so-called no rules can not make a circle, it has naturally become some rules in the adventure of thousands of years. It's just that Shaoyu who came through doesn't know that there are some things that he thinks too simple. Fortunately, this unexpected adventure was regarded as a team of his own people, and let him understand this.

Versace told him a lot. For example, it was wrong for him to clear the passage alone. Under normal circumstances, he would wonder if he had obtained some treasure in the process and hid it privately.

In the process of adventurous formation of teams, especially temporary teams... everyone performs their own duties. Finally Versace patted him on the shoulder and said to him, I understand, you are really a savage.

Shaoyu couldn't laugh or cry. Everyone packed their things, but he walked in the front and entered the next floor one by one.

As for the treasures, Versace also told him. Like this ancient underground palace, the first few floors are full of traps and guards, and there will be areas such as living and living in the back. There will definitely be many things left in it, many in Things that weren't valuable in the last era are now treasures. He also said that he still couldn't see what the underground palace was for.

If the steps on the next floor are so long, this underground palace has only three floors, and the alchemist who walked out of the entrance suddenly said.

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