Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 129: Underground Palace (Adventure Diary)

Shaoyu turned around and looked at each other with Versace. Shaoyu didn’t see any surprises in Versace's eyes, but solemn. Shaoyu knew it after thinking about it. The last layer not only contains treasures, it must also be forced. The closer they enter the underground palace, the more dangerous it is.

He has already explored the way ahead. Not only are there magic traps and guards in the underground palace, but there are also many dead ends or maze-like passages. Starting on this floor, some doors appeared on the walls of the passages.

Then Shaoyu learned to distinguish the real door from the fake door and the magic door.

The little bit of luck played a big role, shaking like Mu Bong.

The false doors were mainly physical organs. This time Shaoyu finally saw the physics traps such as flying arrows and side knives as he wished. After he opened a false door, the dwarf sword suddenly attracted a strange force to the ground. Versace said that this is a disarming trap, the function is to make the target lose the weapon in his hand. Shaoyu was stunned for a moment. Many false doors here have lost their function. The only power is this disarming trap. Versace also said that the most commonly used trap that thieves will arrange today is the disarming trap.

As for the magic door, it is almost the same as the real door. There is nothing to open it, but as long as you go in, you can't get out. The magic gate is composed of illusion, enchantment, and destructive magic. The magic doors here almost all lost their function. Shaoyu went in for the first time, opened the door and saw that there was a big stone room with a bed and a table inside, and found that it was like a concave wall.

The utensils and other items in the stone room behind the real gate are very strange, and they are not for normal humans. They found three places in Shishi, where most of the magic traps were destroyed and there were no necromantic guards.

On the empty first floor, everyone looked at each other a little bit, as if this place had been hurriedly visited first.

And Shaoyu obviously thinks too much, he said it wasn't him.

The alchemist said impatiently: He recognized the savages who even dared to enter the magic gate.

The magic gate is the sixth level of the magic trap. The little bit of luck has no hint of the invalid trap, and Shaoyu feels that he must be blushing.

He was speechless all the way, until he found the entrance to the next floor, and after a glance at the entrance at the end of the passage, he turned back and called for Versace and the alchemist.

There was a situation here. There was a person sitting at the entrance, a corpse to be precise.

The corpse was sitting against the wall, head down. He is wearing heavy armor and a helmet with a cover, holding a long sword in his right hand and inserting it into the floor, and holding a pen in his left hand and an open notebook.

Why is he a corpse? There was a big hole in the top of his helmet, and there was a large pool of coagulated blood under him.

The three dared not move in vain and stopped to observe from a distance.

Shaoyu didn’t get close either. First, he felt heart palpitations when he saw the corpse. Second, he called a teammate in this situation. Third, the long sword that the corpse was inserted into the floor made him feel like he was surrounded by Slightly distorted. Fourth, the blood is not completely dry!

After a while, I only heard the trembling scream of the alchemist: Twisted Blade! He called back and took three steps back.

Shaoyu was taken aback, and he followed the alchemist back a few steps, and Fansike didn't react slowly at the sight, and then backed away. After the alchemist screamed, he shouted loudly: What are you back?

Shaoyu was speechless, glanced at Versace, and Versace also glanced at Shaoyu helplessly.

Acridine, what are you screaming, if you don’t retreat, I will retreat! Of course, this was Shaoyu's mind, and he did not say it. Seeing that Shaoyu and Versace did not speak, the alchemist calmed down his excitement and slowly said: Seeing the artifact, it is inevitable to lose his temper.

Shaoyu was taken aback, but Versace first underestimated it: Twisted Blade, and then also shouted: Is this corpse a respected Time Traveler? Damn, I should have recognized it. He was not missing, but he died here. Shaoyu said a few words calmly when he saw Vansike no matter what.

In fact, he was also a little excited, an artifact! But he didn't understand all this, so he was the most calm.

Versace spoke for a while, then fell silent, as if he was thinking about something, and the alchemist did the same. At this time, Shaoyu was so anxious that he wanted to acridine, but you are talking about it.

At this time, a black mist floated out from the entrance, and Shaoyu saw a force field visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared around the body, and the black mist hovered in the passage for a while and disappeared.

Time domain! Versace murmured. Shaoyu almost didn't get out in a hurry, and couldn't help but ask what all these were.

I didn't know that Vansek and Ben ignored him, and started to chant the spell after taking out the magic battle. The alchemist had been writing the calculations for a long time. Shaoyu wanted to find a stone and wanted to throw it over. When the alchemist saw it, he shouted: Don't move, stand aside.

After hearing the words, Shaoyu stayed decisively against the wall and stood up, and then watched Versailles's battle, and an invisible wave rushed towards the corpse. The invisible force field reappeared, and a strong wave recoiled towards Versace.

This volatility was so fast that it directly shook Versace back three steps. Versace rubbed his temple and said to the alchemist, sure, this is the realm of time. Shaoyu scratched his ears and cheeks, only then did Versace notice him.

Versace said sorry, he was too excited just now, this was a mental test, and it was really reversed by time.

Shaoyu thought, what time domain? Time reversal! He asked, is this the space-time system? The time traveler just mentioned is this corpse?

After looking at the alchemist, Versace told Shaoyu the story of the time traveler.

This is a legend who appeared in the second wave of plague. The specific origin is unknown. Whenever he appears in a battle, it is a turning point in that battle...

He claims to be a time traveler...Wearing the armor of the shining soul, the helmet of eternity on his head, the shuttle dagger in his left hand, and the twisting blade in his right hand, all pieces are artifacts. In the beginning, many scholars argued about his profession, because he had incomparable skills, but he always had a strong aura of magical elements all over his body, and only later learned that he had mastered the power of time and space. Versace also said that he only read about the Space-Time Department from very few books, and could only tell him what he knew.

In fact, most of them are stories of time travellers!

For example, in this realm of time, whenever the Light Traveler fights, there will always be a realm of time around him. According to the book, the realm of time can reverse all attacks against him, and can form a blockade, becoming a decisive battle. place.

Shaoyu was stunned when he heard it, he couldn't help looking at the corpse, covered with artifacts! ! ! He had just watched the reversal that Versace said, and he felt like he had transferred back the attack from Versace himself intact and a little bit stronger. But he couldn't understand the blockade and the decisive battle, so he asked Versace.

Fansek said that this is a kind of enchantment. Once the blockade is formed, the two sides in it will fight to the death and will not be disturbed by the outside world until only one person survives.

After listening to Shaoyu, he was pondering. It was obvious that the traveler was dead at this time, and the time domain still exists. If they don't crack it, not only will they not be able to get the artifact, they will not be able to enter the next layer to find the teleportation array.

Wait, he suddenly thought of a few questions and asked why this time traveler died here, and it seemed that he was suppressing things on the next level. Was it the thing that led them down to let them destroy the suppression of this time traveler...?

In other words, they were actually brought down by time travelers....

At this point, the alchemist finally finished his calculations, took out a few gems, and had to act.

Shaoyu hurriedly shouted and waited, so he expressed his worry.

While Versace frowned and thought about it, the alchemist paused for a moment but he laughed. She asked Versailles what the underground palace was built with.

Shao Yu was taken aback, and Versailles suddenly realized that this is an underground palace built with pebble stone. He lamented that if the problems here are solved, just digging this underground palace would be a huge wealth.

The alchemist didn't wait for Versace to finish, and he took a few steps forward with the gem and was ready to do it.

Shaoyu didn't understand, and he was about to stop the alchemist, but Fansack pulled him and said: Pyroxene contains the light element and suppresses the dead. Although the content of these masonry is very small, the whole is enough to be a seal. Shaoyu understands, it turns out that this underground palace is a seal. Therefore, time travellers will not release dead spirits when they move, and the lowest-level dead spirits cannot use the teleportation array.

The alchemist took a few red gems and went outside of the invisible force field. Versace explained that the realm of time can reverse a single spell, but it cannot completely reverse a group spell. He pulled Shaoyu out of the channel. . Shaoyu knew that this red alchemy gem could form a sea of ​​fire, and the alchemist must have planned to burn the body of the time traveler. If the body is gone, this time domain will definitely disappear.

After waiting for a while, they saw the alchemist standing outside the force field and watching for a while, but didn't do anything, and turned to greet them.

Shaoyu and Fanseke stepped forward, and the alchemist pointed to the time traveler's left hand and said, he is an adventurer, that is his adventure diary, if she casts a flame, this diary will definitely be burned. Shaoyu doesn't understand, isn't it from the Time System? How come he has become an adventurer again. When he was wondering, Fansack took the initiative to say to him: No matter what profession you are in, you can register as an adventurer.

Fansek explained it, and Shaoyu understood that, for example, the profession of assassin is not only the thief and assassin, but even the mage can become a assassin, just like registering as a mercenary, regardless of profession.

In thousands of years of human history, the adventurous ancestors have left a lot of fortunes. Strictly speaking, the seven heroes are the first adventurers. When the human era began, the scholars among the Seven Heroes established the Adventure Guild, which officially became the most important, neutral, and fairest guild on the mainland.

You will definitely become an adventurer, this is the slogan of the time.

At that time, the ruins of a hundred races and countless unknowns were waiting for human beings to explore. The Adventurer's Guild has a complete adventure system, providing all the adventure knowledge, dividing the relic level, transmitting the adventure information, and providing you with a specially made adventure diary.

Ruins and mazes were conquered by countless adventure diaries.

When an adventurer falls, his diary is picked up by later adventurers. His experience, his story, and his experience will be passed on with this adventure notebook until the final conquest.

Shaoyu's blood boiled over, but at the end, Fansyk sighed. Now the Adventure Guild has fallen. Shaoyu was taken aback again. He suddenly thought that the ruins are not infinite. When there are no ruins and no adventures, then there will be no adventure guilds.

Versace said that the adventure diary is actually like a magical protective product, which is extremely difficult to destroy by fire and acid. To burn the corpse, the alchemist prepares to use flames, otherwise it is impossible to burn the corpse under the artifact, but in this way, the adventure diary cannot be kept.

Shaoyu was taken aback for a moment, what was the fire? He doesn't understand too much!

But this is not the point. He asked first, can't you enter the realm of time?

The alchemist interrupted: How about you try!

Versace said: He doesn't know what effect will be after entering. The book records that when the time domain is locked into a decisive battle place, the enemies in it will be old or become young.

When Shaoyu heard that, he still wanted to try it. If he got this diary, he would not only know what's on the last layer, but maybe he would know many secrets! But this time domain effect is too overbearing!

When the alchemist was about to throw the alchemy gems, Shaoyu suddenly said a word, and everyone fell into contemplation.

Shaoyu said, how did the black fog escape!

It was very obvious just now that the black mist was suppressed, but they also encountered black mist on the ground and in the passage, so it was certain that the realm of time would lose its function for a certain period of time before the black mist would escape.

After Shaoyu finished speaking, he figured it out. It was obvious that the alchemist and Versace were not stupid. They also figured this out, so the three planned to wait here.

At this time, he asked Versace what the fire is. Versace told him that ordinary flames like making fire and burning wood can reach a temperature of several Baidu to thousands at most. Like a fire spell, the lowest is several thousand. The Yan system, an advanced system of a fire system, can reach a temperature of tens of thousands of degrees. He also said that not only there are many flames in the magic system, for example, the dead have a kind of cold bone fire, like the dragon's breath of a dragon, and the white flame of the phoenix. Most of them have reached tens of thousands of degrees.

Shaoyu knows that he thinks he has to learn too much and his head is big.

At this time, it was only six hours after they entered the second underground palace.

The alchemist took out a bunch of things again, and Vansek continued to owe money to rent with a wry smile, then took out a book and read it, while the alchemist wrote on a table.

Seeing all this, Shaoyu's mood changed a little agitated. He thought back to the adventurer, the Adventure Guild, that Van Seck had said. He likes to take risks, and he wants to be an adventurer... As for the decline of the Adventure Guild, go back to the ground and find a book.

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