Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 130: The 131st Underground Palace (for collection)

Originally, he intended to become a mercenary. From the book, he also fully understood the process and system of the mercenary guild... Now it is indeed the world of mercenaries, with a strict point system and perfect task release. He also saw from the book, The most powerful mercenaries have established the country.

While waiting, he also took out a book in the ring and read it... This was one of the ones he got from Sla's mage tower. After Lily sorted it out, he took the book to take a look at it.

This is about the mage tower...

He only learned from the book that Sla’s mage tower had just completed a prototype. Strictly speaking, it was not a true mage tower at all, and even 15% of the functions of the true mage tower were not achieved.

For the real mage tower, not to mention breaking through the wall, the connection will be sensed.

This time, Shaoyu didn’t use his left eye to record. Just kidding, his left eye will still be used for a while. Moreover, the left eye’s input is just to save the contents in the database. He has to remember it if he wants to understand it~www. wuxiaspot.com~ time flies quickly, during which they have a meal. Just as Shaoyu picked up the book again, Fansek called for preparation.

Shaoyu looked up and saw that the original invisible force field had disappeared without knowing when, and a cloud of black mist was pouring upward.

The alchemist first threw a light alchemy gem.

The black mist exploded beside the corpse, and a bunch of dead spirits fell out.

In addition to a bunch of bones, the undead also had three ghouls and two armed skeletons wearing armor and holding two-handed swords. When Shaoyu saw it, he felt that the undead appeared more and more powerful.

When the three ghouls fell from the black fog, they turned over flexibly, landed firmly on the ground, and then rushed towards Shaoyu and the others. Shaoyu stood at the forefront of the passage with a sword pointing at the ghoul.

Unexpectedly, these ghouls had just ran for two steps, and when they were about to take off, the armor of the corpse suddenly emitted a soft white light, and the white light condensed on the chest, and a bright white light shot towards the armed skeleton that had not yet risen. The ray of light passed through two armed skeletons, passed through a pile of bones, turned around, passed through three ghouls, and then disappeared.

The three ghouls froze during the take-off, and then lay silently on the ground, while the two armed skeletons fell apart directly, and a bunch of them stopped shaking, and did not turn into bone giants.

Shaoyu looked back at the alchemist and Versace. Just listen to what the alchemist said, the soul is exiled.

Shaoyu felt that she was going to become a curious baby and had to ask 100,000 why. Fortunately, Versace went on to say that this is a skill of the Soul Armor of the Divine Artifact, which exiles the soul into the turbulence of time and space. Shaoyu already felt that the Realm of Time was invincible, and he didn't expect there to be even more invincible. Versace went on to say that this has little effect on living beings. Everyone's soul is under the protection of the body, and only the undead whose souls are exposed will be directly exiled.

The three of them moved forward slowly, and Shaoyu kicked the ghoul's body away and asked. What are the skills of the Eternal Helm, Shuttle Dagger, and Twisted Blade. He wanted to understand clearly that the time domain had disappeared for no reason, but they had to get the artifact and diary. It would be ridiculous to hang up inexplicably if I did this again.

He only listened to Versace saying solemnly: In fact, these were recorded in the Book of Sacred Tools after observation on the battlefield. Only by getting the Sacred Tool can you know the function of the Sacred Tool.

When Shaoyu heard it, what was the book of artifacts?

Fansack knew that Shaoyu didn't understand, so he paused and continued: All the artifacts on the mainland are recorded. These can be seen in the book of artifacts, but they are basically one-sided, and more only have name records. According to records, the shuttle dagger can travel at will, ignoring all armor and defensive spells. If you are hit by the Twisted Blade, you will be trapped in a twisted timeline that will bring you back a few minutes. As for the Helm of Eternity, it is unknown.

When Shaoyu heard this, this was invincible again. Don't think it's useless to go back a few minutes ago. For example, if you want to put on a magic spell, you just chanted a spell, but you go back all at once. Or after applying some BUFF or something to get you a few points, yes, no.

The three of them stopped in front of the time domain. To tell the truth, the artifact Shaoyu really wanted it, but he said that he came down just to find out, don't need anything, he can't slap himself in the face! He sighed bitterly, if only he could eat back what he had said.

Just as Shaoyu sighed, the alchemist spoke up: If you go, the artifact will count for you and give you priority.

Shaoyu was taken aback, glanced at Versace, Versace nodded to him, and backed away a few steps, Shaoyu immediately understood, Damn, no wonder they stopped here!

He stopped because he said no, so he was not the first one to get it... Now it seems that it is still dangerous! ! !

Shaoyu asked: Is there any danger that wants me to go first and still be willing to divide my artifact?

The alchemist said something he didn't know, and Vansek smiled bitterly at him and said: I really don't know what else is dangerous. Then cast a spell to add some magic to him. And the alchemist also handed over something.

Shaoyu only hesitated for a second and did it!

The alchemist handed over a vial with golden liquid swaying. She said this is the blood of life, drink it, it can save your life when you are fatally attacked.

...... Produced by an alchemist, it must be a fine product.

And Fansike blessed Shaoyu with a shield, and Shaoyu watched a shield fly over his head, and a mask appeared around his body. It seemed that they didn't let him die, Shaoyu decided to do it. He drank the blood of life, only to find it very bitter.

The alchemist added: The time domain does not know when it will be restored.

Shaoyu gritted his teeth and stepped into the realm of time.

Without any response, Shaoyu ran quickly. He first picked up the adventure diary and put it in the ring, then looked at the corpse.

This Eternal Helm must have been ruined. I don't know what attack directly pierced the artifact and shattered the time traveler's head. He touched the corpse with a sword, but still did not respond. So he boldly removed his right hand, which was still warm, and Shao Yu pulled out the twisting blade.

Just as he pulled out the twisting blade, Shaoyu suddenly felt a trance. He shook his head and took a look at it. He actually appeared in a starry sky.

Shaoyu was taken aback and looked around. He was still in the underground palace, but the ground, the walls, and the top of his head showed countless star-like flashes. He looked at Versace and the alchemist again, and they didn't seem to notice any strange gazes. Zhong Quan is urging.

He thought, could it be because of the twisted blade in his hand? As I was thinking, it was dark all around, and the floor and walls disappeared...It was like Rinku standing in the universe. Only heard the alchemist scream: the land of the decisive battle, and then the alchemist and Versace disappeared, leaving him and the corpse.

Damn, Shaoyu roared, the place of decisive battle? Hasn't the time domain disappeared? How could it be a place of decisive battle, who did he fight with, this corpse? Shaoyu did not dare to move, standing in the endless starry sky, suddenly an inexplicable sense of loneliness came to his heart. It seems that he is the only one left in this universe.

After waiting for a while, Shaoyu took a step, and found that the floor actually existed.

Shaoyu thought for a while, could it be that he had to destroy the body? Just as he moved a few steps to move the corpse, a small dot suddenly appeared in one side of the space, and a few colored ribbons protruded from the dot. Then these colored ribbons rotated to form a door, and a figure came out.

The figure shook a few times before standing still, and then said something, it turns out... is dead!

Shaoyu jumped back, preparing to move away, but hit something. He stretched out his hand and touched. The body was sitting against the wall, and he just moved to the side of the body. This jump happened to hit the wall. .

Cheating, the wall still exists, but it's invisible! Shaoyu hit the wall with all his strength, hitting the gold star in his eyes. When he recovered, he found that the person in front of him was very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

It's not familiar at all... This person is wearing the armor of the shining soul, the helmet of eternity on his head, the shuttle dagger in his left hand, and the twisting blade in his right hand. He is the Time Traveler himself.

Shaoyu only felt that his brain was blank. He heard the time traveler say: Humans, please don’t be afraid. The me you see now is just a divided period reserved by the timeline, summoned by disorderly time... and I, already dead. Then, he said, when the disorder value reaches the limit, I will disappear and you can go out.

Then he said to himself, Shaoyu heard him say that he was tricked into the underground palace that sealed the devil, accidentally destroyed the seal and died here when he was defeated and retreated. He sealed it with the power of time. After the passage, I hope that one day the adventurers can get rid of the demon. Finally, he waited. Although it was different from the prophecy, there were finally adventurers here.

Wait, Shaoyu heard the shout here.

There are too many things that I don't understand, what time dividing line, disorder value, what evil! What prophecy! You can't solve the legendary figures who are full of artifacts, expect them to kill the devil? Shaoyu listened and thought, already thinking about slowly digging back to the ground.

The time traveler said: Young adventurers, please don't worry, I will explain slowly, there is still plenty of time.

Wait, Shaoyu still interrupted him.

Do you have any questions? Young adventurer. The time traveler seemed to be a good-tempered middle-aged man, and was not emotional at all when Shaoyu interrupted him many times.

Shaoyu asked, you just said, humans, please don't be afraid! You are not human?

The time traveler said: Young adventurer, you are really sharp, I am indeed not a human being.

Shaoyu said: Just call me Shaoyu. In addition, you said you released the following demons? What a devil!

After hearing this, the time traveler said: The adventurer who can come to this underground palace must be a powerful adventurer, young Shaoyu, you are right, I was deceived to release the following demons. The sage said that there is a treasure to stop the plague.

When Shaoyu heard it, he shouted again, sage! Seven heroes? He didn't care what time traveller called him young Shaoyu.

Little time traveler, yes sage.

Shaoyu's head was overwhelmed, and the sage tricked him in? That's the Seven Heroes! But he didn't believe it. There was no need for this time traveler to lie to him, Shaoyu just thought there was a story in it.

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