Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 133: Underground Palace (ten)

After reading the diary and supplementing food, everyone slept four more ticks. Shaoyu absorbed the soul stone of the time traveler by taking a break, but as a result, he didn't want to mention it again.

Now it has reached the third level.

According to the diary, four rooms must be passed through to the hall on the third floor.

Before coming down, Shaoyu asked Iina boldly why she didn't assemble the alchemy puppet. Inna said: When it comes to the fourth room, the assembly will begin. I'll explain it later... her puppet is too powerful and its kinetic energy is limited.

Of course, Shaoyu put on the Glory Soul Armor. The artifact is the artifact. After putting on this dark plate armor, it can automatically adjust the size. Shaoyu slashed it with the dwarf long sword, and it didn't even leave a mark.

Except it's a bit heavy! It's like wearing a load-bearing shirt. After putting it on, the body still feels warm, and the specific attributes can only be scanned after going out.

The leather pants belt and shoes on the time traveller were all damaged, which they checked.

After walking down the stairs, Shaoyu saw a big eyeball floating in front of the passage, and in the blink of an eye, the eyeball disappeared. Of course, Shaoyu would not think it was an illusion. Versace said: It seems that thinkers already know they are coming.

The ten-meter-long passage has no traps, and there is a door at the end. Versace cast a shield on Shaoyu's body, and Shaoyu went directly to the door.

When the first room opened, Iina threw a few alchemy gems in. In a sea of ​​flames, a ghoul jumped out. The ghoul was obviously bigger and greenish. It was like a mist covering its body, exuding an incomparable stench.

The elite ghoul, the so-called elite is that its soul is particularly powerful, and it will take a long time to survive to advance. The elite is not only three times the strength of the ordinary necromancer, but also gives birth to a little wisdom, and the risk of backlashing the necromancer is very high. Shaoyu's words flashed in his mind, and he slashed with a sword in his hand.

Of course Versace was not idle either, a light flashed from the law battle and hit the elite ghoul first.

The magic arrow, a general spell of the mage, is regarded as an advanced stage of the magic ball. It uses magic power to flow through the magic war, forming a light arrow with the same magic attributes as the mage himself.

After reading the diary, they discussed tactics and explained their own strengths. The devil was extraordinary, and even the alchemist re-told Shaoyu about her abilities.

The power of a magic arrow depends on the caster's magic weapon level and its own magic power. Generally speaking, it is not very powerful. The ghoul that was hit by the magical arrow of this Taoist ghoul rolled around with green energy, and his figure shook in the air.

With this meal, Shaoyu stepped forward and stabbed three swords in a row, directly causing the ghoul to fall down, and Fansike's second magic arrow arrived again...

After dismembering this elite ghoul, the flames gradually died out. Shaoyu looked around and saw that most of the dead souls in this stone room were burnt to ashes, and only a skeleton mage was left standing in the corner with a magic shield on.

Magic shield, a general skill for mage, is commonly known as eggshell. In fact, the power of general-purpose skills is average, and the magic shield is easy to break, except for the slightly stronger magic resistance, which only has a small physical resistance.

Shaoyu just saw the Necromancer's magic shield rupture, and it swung a magic arrow over. He wanted to dodge, but he wanted Versace and the alchemist to be behind him, but he cut it up with a sword.

It was only when the surroundings were slowing down to see the path of the magic arrow. As a result, a sword slashed up, the dwarf longsword broke, and the shield on Shaoyu's body that the magic arrow hit was rippling. The skeleton mage uses the magic arrows of the necromancer, and the more common effect of the necromancer in the dark is decay.

Before Shaoyu had time to heartache, he rushed forward. The interior of this stone room was a square. At a glance, Shaoyu estimated that he would have to run ten steps to rush to the front of the skeleton mage. This was enough for the skeleton mage to release a second magic arrow.

As he ran, he wondered if he was going to build a shield to block magic. Thinking of the shield, he feels SB, isn't there a shield on his wrist! It's a pity the dwarf sword.

This skeleton mage is also an elite. The average skeleton mage can only use magic arrows and magic shields, but after Shaoyu ran two steps, this skeleton actually released a black mist with a single shot... this black mist is dense. It was like ink, so that Shaoyu could not see the skeleton mage. Fortunately, Versace was not idle. After two syllables, the black mist was dispersed. And Iina directly turned an alchemy gem into a stone, and Shaoyu ran over and broke it with a sword.

Somewhat relaxed! Shaoyu sighed, he always felt his shortcomings. If the mage pulls the distance, he has no good way except to play his hole cards, he can only rush to death.

It was still a ten-meter passage, and at the end was the second door. There was a trap on the second door, which was actually a five-level acid mist trap.

The three of them returned to the first stone room, and Yinna took out a bow and arrow to let Shaoyu directly violently break the door, and Shaoyu blushed again. He can't bow and arrow! It's easy to open the bow and you can't find where the arrow goes.

In the end, Versace wasted his magic power and fixed the door. At the same time as he broke the door, he saw many dark green acid spots filling the passage. There was a stench in the air, and a huge figure appeared behind the door.

Versace said: Rune Bone Giant.

Just like skeletons, bone giants also have many advancements, including eternal bone giants, heavy bone giants, rune bone giants, etc. Each of these bone giants corresponds to many abilities. The rune bone giant behind the second gate is also made up of countless bones. It is slightly shorter than the average bone giant, only three meters tall, and the piled up skeleton is still a little slender. And on these bones, black runes flashed.

The rune bone giant stood behind the door and didn't move, as if he was also afraid of the acid mist filled with the passage, and a whisper sounded behind the bone giant. The alchemist screamed and charged, and a vampire behind it was casting and absorbing life.

After hearing the words, Shaoyu was taken aback, took out a piece of cloth toe cap and then rushed.

After discussing again, Shaoyu and Fansack decided that Division Inna would make the action. Because she is more than a hundred years old and has a lot of experience and knowledge. When Shaoyu knew that all alchemists were over a hundred years old, she felt that she was really young. The seemingly young Versace is also over forty years old. In detail, he is the youngest and his first team adventure.

The small spots formed by the acid mist in the passage burst beside Shaoyu, and when he rushed to the end of the passage, the shield that Versace applied to him disappeared, and he immediately felt that the exposed skin felt like a fire.

Shaoyu unlocked the power on his wrist, increasing his power by 50% within one minute, and the red light flashed with the sword in his hand and kept stabbing the rune bone giant. The black runes on the countless bones of the rune bone giant gave out a gloomy light, and a black eggshell similar to a magic shield appeared around it.

Shaoyu stabbed with a sword, just as if it had hit the wall, the dwarf long sword in his hand could no longer withstand such a strong impact after being corroded by the acid mist, and it broke into three pieces. The black egg shell on the Rune Bone Giant's body was smashed, and the bones on his body were flying, and he was knocked back by a big step.

The strongest blow did not cause fatal damage to the Rune Bone Giant. The Rune Bone Giant stepped back and the whole body flashed a dark light. The black eggshell appeared around it again, and at the same time, he fisted towards Shaoyu.

I didn't expect to kill the bone giant all at once... Ordinary bone giants have to be broken to get it done.

He knocked open the rune bone giant blocking the door, and Shaoyu got into the stone room as soon as he turned around. Versace's word trapped the rune bone giant in place, causing it to punch air.

After coming in, Shaoyu found that this was a stone room full of skeletons. When he bypassed the rune bone giant, he found several large holes in the corners of the pants outside the armor and took out a one-handed sword from the ring. While cutting the skeletons beside him, I watched... a handsome white middle-aged man in a high-necked windbreaker with a short arm in his hand was chanting a spell in the corner.

vampire! Everything about this man is no different from humans, except for the two fangs exposed by his mouth.

When he found the target, Shaoyu's figure halted with one foot in front and one foot behind. Standing still, as soon as he raised his elbow with the tip of his sword facing down on his chest, Shaoyu shoveled his feet short, avoiding the bone knife of a skeleton on one side, shoveling the calf of an armed skeleton in front, and then his hind legs Standing vigorously, a V-shaped sword light flashed, and the skeleton that attacked him shattered...sword step.

The skeletons around are mostly ordinary skeletons, except for a few armed skeletons, there are some ghouls among them. Shaoyu takes one step at a time, no matter what stands in front of him, he only needs to lean forward with one sword.

Shaoyu approached the vampire slowly and quickly, but this vampire was like a dead spirit who was not afraid of dying again, chanting a curse in place with no expression. When the sword was in its chest, the spell had not been completed.

The rune bone giant blocking the door was also scattered into a pile of broken bones, and the alchemist and Versace appeared at the door of the stone room. Although there are still some skeletons in the second stone room, it is no problem.

Shaoyu held the sword for a long time, and there were many gaps in the one-handed sword in his hand, and he had to take another one out of the ring. He didn't suffer any injuries, and the skeletons' attacks occasionally hit, but they were completely resisted by the Glory Soul Armor...It was because the armor was too heavy, and when he exploded with all his strength, he couldn't keep up with his physical strength.

After cleaning up the skeletons, the three of them took a rest. Versailles took out the potion and filled a bottle. The Rune Bone Giant was very troublesome, because the runes on its bones allowed it to have a lot of magic power to open the Dark Shield repeatedly. ...The power is infinite, and the King Kong is not bad. Shaoyu asked if it would take him a long time to do this rune giant alone.

This stone room is much larger than the first one, and the third stone room is definitely bigger than the second one. I don't know how many dead souls are in it!

At this time, Versace proposed to dig back to the ground to gather manpower and then come down to clean up the demons. This is not against the last wish of the time traveler. Shaoyu said that if you don't kill the devil, the power of time will go back to the ground, and Versace will not mention it.

Shaoyu lied. Although there was no contract or anything after the time traveller passed it on, he had to do his best to get the benefits. At this time, they hadn't tried their best. When giving the power of time, Shaoyu also asked Fansack and Inna about their wishes....

Versace is a good person, but always likes to retreat. As Shaoyu thought, he walked to the next stone room. He himself may retreat at the beginning, but once he decides, he will not look back.

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