Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 134: Underground Palace (Lich)

The passage of the third stone chamber allowed Shaoyu to see various magic traps. The alchemist stepped on the disc and drifted all the way, sprinkling a lot of powder...showing these trap patterns. Here appeared a seven-level magic trap called Cold Eye. In the end, all were cracked by the mage's remote brute force. For this reason, Versace drank another bottle of back potion.

Walking through the bombed passage, this door is a real door.

Shaoyu looked at the floating alchemist, took a deep breath, opened the door, and rushed in. At the same time, two fire alchemy gems flew into his side.

Shaoyu rushed into the stone room and stood in place with a sword. Except for the floor where he was standing, he was plunged into a sea of ​​fire. His task is to attract firepower and block the rushing necromancers, among which the mages and archers will be controlled and killed by Versace and Inna.

This stone room was five times the size of the first one, and the sea of ​​fire formed by alchemy gems did not cover all the space. As a result, Shao Yu concentrated that the third stone room was actually empty, with nothing. Upon seeing this, the alchemist added another alchemy gem, and the flame filled the entire stone chamber, but the alchemist actually controlled it precisely.

In the heat wave, Shaoyu thought there would be invisible monsters! As a result, when the flame went out, the stone chamber was still empty. Shaoyu couldn't help but glanced back at them, only to see that they were also confused.

At this time, a figure came in the passage leading to the fourth room. Shaoyu saw that it was an old vampire wearing a robe of a mage. The magic weapon in his hand seemed to be constantly sucking the surrounding elements. Shaoyu swung his sword and rushed. He saw the old vampire gown fluttering, a black halo suddenly appeared under his feet, and a piece of skeleton appeared in the stone chamber.

Before Shaoyu who was in the skeleton could react, the old vampire waved his magic war again. He only felt that his eyes were dark, and the sky was spinning... a familiar sense of teleportation!

I don't know if it was because of resistance, Shaoyu recovered right away, and then he discovered that he actually appeared in a room full of columns... Shaoyu observed.

There are countless two people in this stone room that can surround the pillars. These pillars are scattered, leaving only one person to pass through between the pillars. Then Shaoyu looked forward and found that his vision was blocked by the pillars inside. He passed through the columns of the first row and found that the same was true for the second row. There was only a gap between the two columns for one person to pass, and then his vision was blocked by the columns inside.

Shaoyu passed through several rows of columns and found that these columns were staggered together.

......Although the teleportation technique is also a general skill of the wizard, only the magician or above can teleport others. Shaoyu thinks that vampire is actually a magician?

After walking for a while, he found that the pillars seemed to be endless, and they might lose their direction between these pillars, so he planned to make a mark. When I was engraving the mark with my sword, there was a gust of wind above my head. He looked up and saw an elite ghoul leaping from the pillar.

Shaoyu stepped back and stabbed with his sword, but the ghoul swerved flexibly in the air and jumped behind him. Shaoyu did not move, raising his left arm slightly, and stabling his right wrist back from the armpit as soon as he turned. This sword pierced the claws extended by the ghoul, and then turned back, Cun Jin stretched his arms and continued to stab, piercing the eyes of the ghoul.

The ghoul's eyes were pierced, and a green fishy liquid came out, and a light smoke corroded the one-handed sword. The undead didn't feel any pain, it continued to stretch its claws forward, but Shaoyu could only retreat and draw his sword, and then slashed.

But the ghoul actually stopped advancing, it turned around and fled.

Will run away? ! Shaoyu's body and sword combined and flew into a straight stabbing, nailing the elite ghoul to a stone pillar not far away.

...Broken, not only was the one-handed sword in his hand damaged, but also the direction was lost. Is the wisdom of elite ghouls so high? Will he deliberately lead him lost? Ordinary one-handed swords chopped up these dead souls with rotten blood, and after a while, the sword body was pitted and unusable.

There are two or three in Shaoyu's ring, so I can stay steadily... Judging from the columns in the first row, the space of this stone room is similar to that of the third stone room. It is not that big. I will find a way out with Versailles. After they got together, they borrowed the artifact to play.

Fansike and Inna should be fine. Thinking of the old vampire, Shaoyu was a little anxious, and he hurried to find a way out.

Shaoyu didn't know how long it took to turn inside, and Fansike and his shield had disappeared. Versace said that his shield defense is only average, but the duration is very long, if it is not broken, the duration is half a tick.

If it weren't for the Armor of Glory Soul, Shaoyu might have been seriously injured by the Skeleton Archer. Whenever he felt that he was looking for the right way, there were always some skeletons and ghouls coming out and had to solve them, and then they would reappear and be taken inside again.

After a long time, Shaoyu realized that these undead spirits must be controlled by someone, otherwise there is such a high level of wisdom. If these dead spirits are left alone, these dead spirits will attack desperately, and he doesn't want to hurt himself.

Gradually, his physical exertion is getting bigger and bigger, but when he stops to take a break, there will be a sneak attack by the necromancer...It's like falling into a dead end.

This time, it was a dark warrior who appeared behind him.

Like the vampire, the black warrior is also a very special necromancer. Normal necromancers have no memories of their lives at all. The advanced and elites are simply because these necromancers have existed for long enough and accumulated enough darkness so that they can recall some memories from their lives...Most of these memories are related to battle.

The black warrior can almost retain all his memories, he was a powerful warrior in his lifetime. After his death, due to some reasons, he resurrected, and his fighting spirit was completely transformed into a dark attribute.

Finally, the black warrior's sneak attack hurt Shaoyu.

When he walked past this pillar, he didn't notice the black warrior who had merged with the darkness and the pillar. When he heard the sound of the wind and turned his head, the black warrior was holding the sword in both hands, and he was quickly snarling it from the bottom up.

Shaoyu only felt a burning pain in his waist, and there was a bang on his body.

The black warrior uses armor removal, and the general armor can only be worn on the body with a lock connection. The black warrior judged that the enemy in front of him had a heavy armor, so he used this ability.

Fortunately, what Shaoyu wore was an artifact. Except for the place where his left waist was exposed outside the armor, the blood flowed like a pillar. The attack on the connection of his armor was completely blocked by the Glory Soul Armor.

Stepping back a few steps and leaning against the pillar, only felt a black breath coming in from the wound. This breath was very domineering, violently destroying Shaoyu's body. At this time, the gray ball that was spinning around the small sword in his body moved quickly and quickly walked through Shaoyu's meridians, and the black breath was actually absorbed by the gray ball.

After drinking the last bottle of healing potion, a warm current rushed through the body, and the fatigue disappeared a lot. After a few fights with the black warrior, the one-handed sword in Shaoyu's hand turned into fragments. Unable to do so, he summoned Dantian's small sword. The gray ball instantly attached to it. Shaoyu muttered in his heart, hey, it should be the green ball to attach it now. But he had no choice, Jian Yuan was completely out of control.

The black warrior wore a dark full body armor, without even showing his face. When Shaoyu summoned the divine sword, the black warrior obviously became cautious, and the attack was no longer open and closed, and the two-handed sword played a flexible feeling in his hands.

Shaoyu didn't have so much time to grind, his figure undulated...

Unexpectedly, after the dark fighting spirit attached to the black warrior's two-handed sword collided with the Shaoyu Divine Sword, the gray sword element representing death was able to absorb these fighting energy, so that the sword element would no longer be consumed.

For a moment, the black warrior was pierced into the armor by Shaoyu from bottom to top. Its armor instantly collapsed, and a jet of black smoke emerged from it and disappeared.

Shaoyu didn't have time to take a closer look. He was struck by the black warrior on his thigh. He took out a bandage to wrap up the wound, but another skeleton shooter shot a bone arrow at him...Are you going to fight with a wheel... After killing the black warrior, Shaoyu has also become very tired, how can there be endless dead spirits here?

Is it desperate?

After hiding around the pillar for a while, there was another skeleton shooter on the other side, faintly, and there was the sound of ghouls jumping on the pillar.

How could it be desperate! Shaoyu dodges the bone arrow, stretches out his hand and yells, scanning the area. A strong wave spread around his left eye, and in a moment, a map was formed in his mind.

From the point of view of light, there were not only two skeleton shooters and three ghouls, but also a black warrior not far in front. The space of this stone room is indeed similar to that of the third stone room, but it is a trapezoid. The more you go in, the larger the space inside. The innermost piece has no pillars except for a light spot, which is a blank. Behind the light spot is the outline of the passage. .

His position was actually very close to the edge of this column...four or five rows of stone pillars, so he encountered the black warrior's interception.

With a map in his head, Shaoyu flew up, circumventing the black warrior in heavy armor that was not moving fast, and solved the skeleton shooter one by one. Without the shooter's remote interference, he rushed out immediately.

Withered bones and rotten things were everywhere in this clearing, and then Shaoyu saw the Lich.

Lich, Versailles focused on Shaoyu, because before learning about the devil, they regarded the Lich as the ultimate enemy. Lich is generally transformed by a necromancer and is considered an immortal existence. It is not only magical, but also likes to conduct various taboo research.

This lich was floating in the air half a meter above the ground. Its face was like a dead man's face that had been decayed for months. There were two blue flames in its eye sockets. Its body was wrapped in a piece of tattered In the mage's robe, a skeleton-like hand was holding a bone-made magic war, and a black light circle on the ground under its feet was spinning.

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