Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 135: Underground Palace (return)

Perhaps seeing Shaoyu rush out of the group of columns, the flame in the lich's eyes throbbed, as if to say something. Shaoyu didn't have time to listen to it. The divine sword in his hand didn't know how long it would last.

Shaoyu buried his head and charged. The Lich stopped talking when he saw it. With a long finger in his hand, a black ray shot over. At the same time, the black aperture under its feet expanded sharply, and the aperture bounced across the bones and carrion on the clearing. ...Two armed skeletons and three ghouls appeared in its aperture.

Shaoyu didn't understand when he saw this scene, the reason for the endless spirits here was because of the call of the Lich.

...Too tired, forcibly entering a state of slowing down in the surroundings, but the divine sword in his hand did not block the black light, Shaoyu roared with the shield in his heart, and a palm-sized circular light shield appeared on his wrist, dangerously blocking the shot. The black rays of Xiang Shaoyu's eyebrows.

The light shield ruptured, and Shaoyu's figure struck by these rays stunned, and then rushed again, ignoring the undead who were rushing towards him.

This open space only occupies a very small space in the stone room. From the pillar group, Shaoyu is only fifteen steps away from the Lich. After rushing for four steps and stopping for a while, Shaoyu rushed for two more steps, chopped at his foot, and the sword and the man flew directly.

In the dark stone room, only a long sword dyed with gray light flew towards the Lich, and Shaoyu held the sword in both hands and the whole person and the sword length became a whole.

The entire body was also glowing with gray light, he couldn't believe it, just pierced the body of the lich!

Shaoyu fell to the ground, rolling several somersaults against the wall before stopping.

Turning his head to see, the Lich fell from mid-air and fell to pieces.

It seems that the lich is stitched together by many threads! ! !

...The armed skeletons around it also fell apart in an instant, the ghouls turned into a pile of carrion, and even the black warriors who appeared from the pillars were scattered into armor.

Shaoyu panted, thinking, is this a lich? So easy? After resting for a while, Shaoyu turned for a second turn, and entered the passage unexplainably. The top undead wouldn't even open a shield for this stuff?

The Excalibur hasn't disappeared yet, I don't know if it's because of absorbing energy or something, but it's another problem that I can't figure out. Shaoyu who walked to the end of the passage found that there was no door here!

Dead end? Impossible, Versace mentioned that even the magician's teleportation technique can't transmit people to another space. Every time the magic power reaches a level, the more yards can be transmitted! Isn't it teleportation? Shaoyu pierced the wall at the end of the passage with a divine sword. It had the attribute of corrosion, and the wall was slowly corroded out of a hole. When Shaoyu saw it, it was completely solid, and it didn't seem to be sealed.

Shaoyu turned back and thought, suddenly remembering the lines on the Lich's body somehow. After inspection, I found that these wires were all like steel wires, and they were all pure black... Shaoyu remembered what the time traveler wrote, the thinker's tentacles.

As lightning flashed through his mind, Shaoyu understood why there was no way in front of him, and the lich was so watery. He also understood why the time traveler would write in the end that the devil can summon and control the necropolis.

Iina was still a little puzzled when she saw it. As far as she knew, the relationship between the devil and the undead was not good, and she had never heard of a demon that could control legions of different races.

This is a Lich controlled by the Thinker. All the people who summon and control the undead are this Lich. Not only did the Lich's control strength decrease, but also the Time Traveler was seriously injured.

As for where he was... Shaoyu climbed up a pillar and penetrated the ceiling. Sure enough, he was only teleported a few meters down.

As soon as Shaoyu got up, he saw a few small eyeballs floating around him. He turned his head and saw that Fanshaik fell in the corner, Iina floating in the air, and there was a huge eyeball floating between them.

thinker! ! ! As soon as Shaoyu opened his left eye, he saw that Yinna was originally hung in the air by countless black wires. Not far behind her, a huge puppet stopped in place, surrounded by dead souls. Before he was allowed to take a closer look at Versace, the small eyeballs floating over gave out a thin yellow light, and Shaoyu dodged two, but was shot by several other small eyeballs.

He only felt numb in his body. At this moment, the Thinker turned around and a huge yellow beam of light shot over. Shaoyu was anxious. He didn't expect that the place above was where the Thinker was, and he was completely unprepared. Then he was rubbed aside by this yellow beam of light, only to feel completely paralyzed and unable to move.

The thinker written in the time traveler's diary is a huge eyeball. This demon is good at manipulating his spirit, and can split some small eyeballs. And thinkers have a kind of halo, as time traveller records, within the scope of this halo, not only the thought will change slowly, but also the thought will be confused for a long time until it is controlled. The time traveler's diary also wrote that pay particular attention to the spiritual light (yellow) emitted by the thinker.

Originally, their plan was to let Inna's puppet face the Thinker directly, Fansike attacked from the side, and Shaoyu cleaned up the dead. It seemed that after Shaoyu disappeared, they solved the vampire and cleaned the fourth room to deal with the Thinker.

When Shaoyu saw the Thinker slowly turning around, the beam of light in his eyes almost completely covered Shaoyu. Shaoyu only had time to yell in his heart, disorderly time, and then plunged into darkness.

In the darkness, I felt I was falling all the time. Slowly, my memory appeared a little while falling, but a little bit forgotten. Just when Shaoyu was about to forget who he was, he suddenly woke up.

The beam of light was interrupted...

Shaoyu shook his head, his thoughts were still a bit dull, only to see a green long sword stuck in a huge eyeball, a scream of sharp ears made him cover his ears.

In the harsh sound, I only felt that the elapsed time was long. The green long sword and its owner were very familiar to him, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it. Instinctively, he took the long sword in his hand and took a look. It was a gray long sword, and then the memory returned to his head.

Damn, because of the disorder value, the other can only last for a minute, how long has passed now.

Shaoyu strode forward, and he saw another himself attacking the Thinker desperately behind his back. The Thinker's huge eyeball-like body was very hard. The divine sword could not pierce its body, but he could see that every green light flashed. , The thinker always screams, it hurts.

The Thinker was turning to another Shaoyu who had attacked him, and even his small eyeballs flew past.

Shaoyu stepped forward quickly, stabbing the thinker with a sword.

The huge eyeball suddenly stopped, and a yellow halo emerged from its body, and then the halo spread, and both Shaoyu and the other Shaoyu were shot out.

Shaoyu only felt his whole body soft, and a sense of weakness surged into his heart. He bit the tip of his tongue and just saw another Shaoyu sword pierced in the past, but he was hit by the beam of his eyeballs and was frozen in the air.

Shaoyu slapped his head. Was he affected? He only knew how to attack stupidly without using his most powerful sword. With a loud roar, he chopped his feet, and Heyi also pierced through.

Yinna fell to the ground, and countless wire-like tentacles pierced Shaoyu.

This full-strength sword was also his last strength.

This sword pierced the huge eyeball, and saw the huge eyeball falling to the ground, spraying water-like liquid from the punctured place. It was still struggling, trying to do something, but was interrupted by the beam of light, and another Shaoyu who resumed action was stabbed.

The sword of life and death met in its body, and Shaoyu only felt that a huge force came from the tip of the sword, his huge eyes bulged and cracked. In the clear water in the sky, Shaoyu saw the other himself nodding and smiling at him, then turned into a light spot and disappeared into the air.

Sit down on the ground, the sword disappeared in his hand.

He recalled the battle just now, the other one himself did not wear the armor of the glorious soul, but he could use the sword of life to summon the divine sword. What is the truth!

After thinking for a while, his physical strength recovered a little, and Shaoyu struggled to stand up. Inna fell on the ground and Vansack in the corner never reflected, and they didn't know if it was dead.

As a result, he just stood up, and only felt light on his body, and there was a burst of intensive cracking sound, and the Glory Soul Armor was broken to the ground.

A thought flashed in Shaoyu's head... Damn, it was a loss.

I don't know whether to cry or laugh. The one who should cry is that the artifact is ruined, and the one who should laugh is that there is a artifact, he is fine. He knew how the helmet of eternity was broken, and those tentacles could actually penetrate the artifact. Glancing at the fragments, they were all destroyed by dense small holes pierced into dense tentacles.

This is still a weak demon who has been trapped for so many years! ! !

Immediately Shaoyu discovered that Iina and Fansack were just in a coma and did not die! This made him feel much better.

After resting for a long time, mainly because he didn't know how to treat it, Fansack woke up, he was demented for most of the day, and then he came back to his senses as if he had just woke up from a big dream.

Versailles took out medicine and scrolls to treat Inna, and the two found out that Inna's body...just remained in human form, but in fact it has undergone a lot of transformation...I don't know how to treat it. After cleaning up the mess, Iina woke up by herself, but she seemed to be madly punching and kicking nonsense. Versace concluded that it was because the thinker wanted to control Iina. However, after Iina went crazy, she actually recovered. She silently put the puppet away and went into a daze, without saying anything.

The teleportation formation was in the next room, and Shaoyu didn't want to stay too much for a moment, but Versace said that it would take some time to recover the magic power to activate the teleportation formation. Under careful questioning, Versailles was mainly because his body was too weak, and he had also developed resistance to the magic potion, so he had to rest for a while.

While waiting boringly, Shaoyu asked him what happened after he was teleported away. The two found a clean place to sit down. Under the faint light of the lantern, Versace and Shaoyu took some food and ate and talked... That vampire was a vampire elder, and they took a legendary staff. , And this vampire also has the profession of Necromancer, standing up countless skeletons from its dark aura.

Fansike gave Shaoyu a detailed account. He said that the alchemist was showing great power, and he assisted in solving the vampire elder. After searching for it, she couldn't find Shaoyu, so in the third stone room, the alchemist master assembled her puppet king, destroyed the fourth stone room directly, and then saw the devil.

Shao Yu asked, what puppet king? After killing the Thinker, Shaoyu saw a puppet. When the puppet squatted on the ground, it was nearly four meters high. Its body looked like a rock with some lines on it. It has long hands on the ground, no weapons in its hands, and its face has rough features, but its eyes are fine and the eyes are two big gems.

Versace said that the king of puppets is a general term for powerful puppets. Only a puppet who can put gems in his eyes and possess magical power can be called the king of puppets. According to Versailles, the eyes of the king of puppets can shoot out magical rays of ice and fire attributes.

Magic ball, magic arrow, magic ray, these are the most commonly used magic of all wizards, and they are also common spells and levels. Even Versace did not master the magic ray now.

Sure enough, invincible! The king of puppets is not only powerful, but also hard to defend, immune to most negative magic, and according to the runes, there are corresponding abilities, Shao Yu is very envious.

Vaseke said that later the king of puppets was surrounded by necromancers due to insufficient kinetic energy, and he was stunned by the small split eyeballs of the thinker. He woke up to see Shaoyu solve the thinker.

Shaoyu calculated the time, and felt that many things should have happened after Fansack passed out. I don't know how Iina's situation is now, thinking of this, he subconsciously turned to look at the alchemist. It turns out that in the dark, the alchemist is actually picking up the small eyeballs split by the thinker.

Fansack carried the lantern in one fell swoop and followed Shaoyu's gaze. He was taken aback and took out a scepter with a serious expression to face Iina and walked over slowly...

Shaoyu stood up for a moment. He thought to himself, Versace reacted so fiercely for Mao, is it because I was afraid of Iina being controlled? No, thinkers are dead.

He stepped forward quickly, but saw the alchemist squatting on the ground turning his head and looking at them, then said: Don't make trouble, these can be made into potions, and when you go back, you will have a copy.

Versailles relaxed and said, Honorable Alchemist, you just recover.

Shaoyu stood aside and didn't know what to say. After the alchemist had cleaned up these small eyeballs and filled a lot of clear water from the thinker, after fiddling for a while, the three of them stood in the teleportation formation...

With the familiar dizziness and a trance, Shaoyu returned to the ground. Due to the spatiotemporal resistance, he did not have motion sickness as before, and he recovered the fastest among the three.

Shaoyu moved his ears and found a big man by a tree not far away being attacked by some ragged people.

Before I could distinguish it, I saw that the alchemist threw an alchemy gem, and a pillar of fire burned the ragged people to death.

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