Only then did Shaoyu discover that the big man belonged to the blood giant clan!

Those who besieged him were also ogres, but those eyes were crazy.

Is this a battle between cannibals? The big man of the blood giant clan looked at Shaoyu and the others with red eyes, and then ran away with a howl. Shaoyu looked around and found that they were also on a hill, not far from the Blood Giant Honeycomb Mountain.

Shaoyu opened his left eye and zoomed in. Obediently, he saw countless cannibal heavens attacking the blood giants. The big men of the blood giants were desperately resisting, and they had almost retreated halfway to the mountainside before they entered the crack in the ground.

He also saw the figure of Leah standing on a rock and shooting a bow and arrows. He then reacted, yelling for quick support, and jumped off the cliff on one side... It turned into a black shadow and smashed down the mountain. The briquette hill ran away.

A large group of ragged cannibals gathered at the foot of the honeycomb mountain, and he looked like a piece of black.

Shaoyu rushed to the edge, and as soon as he knocked down a cannibal and grabbed a bone knife, he heard the wind whistling over his head. It turned out that Versailles flew over his head. I saw magic arrows condensed in front of Versace's staff, which could shoot through several cannibals in one shot. The alchemist also stepped on the disc and flew over. She threw the alchemy gems casually, and it was a sea of ​​fire, and the burnt cannibals howled miserably.

With these two big killers opening the way, Shaoyu rushed to the mountainside without seeing any blood while holding the robbed bone knife.

Owen is not here, only Leah and Lily are still here waiting for them. Just when Lily ran over and was about to pounce on Shaoyu's arms, Shaoyu only felt that there was a twist in her surroundings and disappeared on the spot.

Lily fell to the ground, Zhang's hands were still pulling, she was crying... Shaoyu appeared again with the wound, helped Lily to wipe her tears away, and then fell into a coma while holding Lily. in.

Disorderly time is not about pulling the future self to fight together. It just divides the two timelines...Imagine dividing a line into two sections, and then the two sections are cut into two halves, and the two lines are exchanged in half....

Time travellers have said that using disordered time, soon after the battle, you will return to the battle at that time, and there is no way to determine the time of return. Maybe the next second after the battle, maybe a few days later.

Shaoyu himself didn't expect that when he saw Lily, Disorder Time pulled him back to the fight. She opened her hands and was about to meet Lily who rushed forward, but she almost hugged the thinker. Turning her head in a daze... Versace was in a coma in the corner, Iina was hung in the air by her tentacles, and the other herself was about to be enveloped by the thinker's beam of light.

Without hesitation, he directly summoned the Divine Sword, and the green light flickered on the sword. He stabbed a sword first, but found that he couldn't pierce the thinker's body like eyes, so he kept attacking.

The thinker turned around screaming in pain, his small eyes flying towards him.

The other himself seemed to be in a coma and stood there blankly. Everything is the same as then, but now Shaoyu fully understands the development of things.

He guided the other himself to use the human sword to unite, when the sword tips collided in the thinker, when the life and death swords met, when the thinker exploded, Shaoyu nodded and smiled at himself and disappeared on the spot.

Waking up from a coma, he found himself already lying on the big bed in the manor. Turned over and sat up, thinking for a while. Using Disorder Time allows him to fight with another himself, and also allows him to experience too many different things, and too many puzzles.

He clearly saw his own battle, and when the sword of life and death converged, huge power was generated....

When summoning the Divine Sword, he unexpectedly discovered that there was no gray Sword of Death in his body. What if one day, he used disorderly time and the other one he brought in died! Or didn't bring the other one over at all, does it mean that he is dead?

Shaoyu thought, he glanced at the disorder value with a wry smile, which was exactly one hundred o'clock.

The magical skill, unfortunately, can only be used once in 200 days. Thinking of this, Shaoyu's thoughts drifted into the ring somehow...on the jewel condensed from the swirl of the time traveler's brow.

At this time the door opened, and it was not Lily who came in, but Inna.

Seeing Shaoyu sitting on the edge of the bed, the alchemist stood by the door and said, "Savage boy, now you owe me one more favor." Shaoyu was taken aback, and said with a wry smile: Just call me Shaoyu.

Yinna looked at Shaoyu, and Shaoyu somehow remembered that she had transformed her almost inhuman body. She only felt the creeps she was staring at. After watching for a while, she said: Hurry up and owe me something and favor. I want you to pay it off immediately.

At this moment, Lily rushed in and threw Shaoyu down on the bed, and her mouth came up, Shaoyu's Yu Guangzhong alchemist turned and left...the door was also closed.

Lily kissed Shaoyu's desire..., Lily's soft lips actually stretched out soft.

Shaoyu only felt that the pink tongue was the best delicacy in the world, and then Lily kissed him jerky all the way down. He felt that he was a saint, and he grabbed Lily's two small hands that were tightly grasped. , Pulled her up.

With this grip, Shaoyu's fire disappeared. He looked at Lily's right hand in surprise and asked, is this an alchemist?

Lily's face was flushed, and there were splashes in her big eyes, and Shaoyu's heart was stunned when she saw it.

He thought about abstinence in his heart, Lily was still young.

Lily nodded, and Shaoyu grasped her little hand and opened her left eye to observe. Only with multiple levels of perspective can we see some of the scars, bones and meat! Her right hand was completely restored.

That's how the alchemist said owing favors. Shaoyu felt that ten of them would do. Lily finally didn't have to keep holding her hands and wearing gloves. Shaoyu lifted Lily happily, stepping on the bed and turning around, Lily also giggled.

The two had a fuss for a while, and Shaoyu suddenly asked Lily who they learned from.

Lily was stunned for a moment, then lowered her head and blushed and said that she had taught her while she was waiting for him.

Shaoyu almost rolled up his sleeves to fight Leah, isn't this acridine teaching bad kids.

Seeing Shaoyu gritted her teeth, Lili hurriedly said: This is what she asked Liya to tell her how to give birth to a baby. Shaoyu almost vomited blood, he squeezed Lily's face and said, you are still young.

Lily's big eyes began to splash again, and the Yangtze River was on the rise. When Shaoyu saw her, she hurriedly said to her that it's not all like this. The main reason is that your belly is too small to hold a baby.

Lily looked at her stomach thoughtfully, and compared it.

Finally, Shaoyu mixed up, and he actually had a sense of greatness. Shaoyu thought to himself, to put the earth early... Now, he is thinking about the future.

Lily went to cook, but Shaoyu didn't leave when he saw Versace in the hall. Seeing Shaoyu appear, he enthusiastically gave a hug, which made him very uncomfortable.

The two chatted for a while, and Versace said that one thing owed to him is not needed for help. This time, thanks to him, he can come back safely, and he has also obtained the artifact and the power of time. With this artifact, he will definitely be able to exchange it for the method he uses. An artifact like war.

Shaoyu felt that Comrade Fansack still had a high ideological consciousness, but he didn't have a good intention to borrow the Twisting Blade. Everyone said that he was going to change the equipment he could use.

After a full meal, the sun was shining outside the window, and Shaoyu felt that God treated him well.

After this adventure, I had a good relationship with Versailles Inna. With Little S and Sword Classic, strength will increase, and also the magical skill of Disordered Time... Hey, Lily is definitely a beauty when she grows up.

Life, strength, and beauty seem to have it all.

Thinking of this, Shaoyu did not unexpectedly give birth to a kind of joy, he wanted to swing his sword.

So Shaoyu summoned the divine sword and wielded the sword to walk around in the manor. At this moment, he completely ignored the routines, the swordsmanship, and the combination of the sword, just to open up.

Shaoyu's sword danced more and more urgently. Gradually, in the reflection of the sunlight, only a cloud of sword light was seen wandering. When the divine sword disappeared in his hand, he was sweating profusely, and he could not help but let out a long roar.

After the long scream, he yelled coolly. Shaking his head and shaking his head, he couldn't help but read a sentence, life is proud and happy. Then Shaoyu was stunned here, what kind of feeling it was just now. Is it refreshing or invigorating? Is it freedom or...

By the way, this is both enjoyment and comfort. In fact, there are two words to summarize, happy.

There is no worries, no sorrow, no baggage of the past, no confusion in the future, this is happiness.

Just as Shaoyu was stunned thinking about the meaning of Xiaoyao, there was a cough. Shaoyu looked up and saw that it was the old housekeeper. He smiled. Then I just listened to the old housekeeper saying that he should send someone to repair it.

Shao Yu looked up and saw that the manor was destroyed by him in a mess, not to mention the flowers and plants had been flying into debris, and even the walls had been poured...

Damn, he slapped his head, he just took care of it, how did he cause such a big damage.

Thinking of this, Shaoyu was stunned again, he said and so on, regardless of the old housekeeper's reaction, he looked all the way from the sword dance route.

How could it have caused such a large amount of damage? There shouldn't be any attributes on the Excalibur just now. Could it be... Is it sword intent? Shaoyu couldn't believe it, opened his left eye and looked all the way.

It's a pity that there is no one-handed sword in stock in the ring, and the divine sword can't be recalled for a while, but he estimated in his heart, holding the wooden stick and making gestures, the damage just caused was a bit scary.

A sword cut is at most two breaks or leaves a sword mark, but the damage just caused is the house demolishing. Is this really a happy sword intent? Not like it!

Seeing the end all the way, Shaoyu sat cross-legged on the ground, only to find out when he could control the life and death sword, and the meridians of his hands were also connected.

It turned out that this was the case. Jian Yuan could be attached to the sword through the meridians of both hands. Shaoyu experimented with the wooden sticks. As soon as he turned the dead sword into his hands, the wooden sticks broke into wood residue.

Shaoyu is overjoyed, his idea is feasible. I have to ask Owen to send the sword, oh, yes, the manor needs to be repaired.

At this time, Shaoyu had forgotten the sword intent a hundred and eight thousand miles away, and all he was thinking about was sword aura. It's just that he never thought that being happy in life is not a kind of joy and happiness at all.

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