Youdao is the most difficult to repay the debt of favor. Of course, it depends on who is speaking. Only those who value commitments will think that humanity is very important. And Shaoyu felt that the alchemist's must be super difficult to pay.

After arriving in the abandoned city, Iina had prepared a carriage and waited.

Yinna didn't let him get on the carriage, and Shaoyu didn't just get on.

Where do you go! totally no idea.

On the avenue, a man ran behind a carriage.

Shaoyu observed as he ran, the carriage was a bit huge, twice the size of a normal carriage, and completely occupied the entire avenue, and the carriage had no coachman. He took a closer look at the two horses and found that they were not the same. Although they looked no different from ordinary horses, the breathing of the two horses was like a jet, which made him feel a little strange.

While Shaoyu was observing by the carriage, Iina suddenly said in the carriage: This is adjusted. The speed and endurance are several times that of a normal horse, but only seven days of life.

Shaoyu immediately thought of Inna's modified body. The alchemist went on to say: Speed ​​up, seven days are a bit tight.

At this acceleration, Shaoyu saw the muscles and blood vessels burst out from the two horses, which was very hideous. Shaoyu almost released the bracelet from behind! Although he had already ventured together once, he felt that the profession of alchemy still had too much mystery.

This way, I didn't try my best to rush... Iina would stop from time to time, but she hadn't gotten out of the car, she had no regular rest, and she didn't know what she was doing.

After several times, Shaoyu couldn't help but ask what he wanted him to do.

After asking, I heard that there was no movement in the carriage. Just as the wandering started again, the carriage door opened and Iina walked down.

Shaoyu almost looked dumbfounded, the former alchemist was like an old witch. Now the one who opened the door and walked down was a girlish beauty. If it weren't for the iconic alchemist dress, you would know that there was no one else in the carriage...

Inna seemed very satisfied with Shaoyu's reaction, and asked whether it was beautiful or not.

Shaoyu was still stupid, listening to Yinna's old voice only reflected it, a little bit. He carefully observed the current alchemist, and only felt that he was somewhat similar to Eve, but several times more beautiful than Eve. If Eve is so beautiful, he might have made a mistake. After thinking about it, Shaoyu leaned in his heart, and he once again remembered Inna's modified body.

At that time, the alchemist had not been awake. Versace took out the potion and the scroll, and Shaoyu helped to move the alchemist to take the medicine. During the movement, she felt very strange. She found that there was a layer of scales on her body under the neckline. Sai Ke said no, she had transformed her body and could only wait for her to wake up. After unbuttoning the cloak, Iina was still covered by clothes, but the body under the tights was twisted.

When Shaoyu thought of this, his mind was taken away, and the alchemist seemed to be more satisfied with Shaoyu's performance. She said: The appearance is illusory and deceptive. When I returned to the carriage, I added a sentence: This is what I looked like when I was young, and it was useful.

Calling the monster in his heart, he heard the alchemist continue to say, Didn’t Owen say that Sanye has a wizard again? I want you to kill that mage and the one who comes afterwards. Even if you have completed the promised things and favors.

Shaoyu was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't expect that she actually requested this. He guessed in his heart, it seems that the focus is on the people who will come later... this look, maybe it's a lover when he was young. After letting their thoughts go for a while, they continued on the road.

The alchemist gave Shaoyu a bottle of potion, saying that it was a magic similar to Wind Feather, which had a certain effect of reducing weight and speeding up. He wanted to stay, but he could only do it in Iina's eyes.

In two days, Sanyecheng appeared in front of him, and the traces of the previous mage battle had completely disappeared. After opening his left eye and looking into the distance for a while, Shaoyu was about to ask how to act, but Iina in the carriage yelled: Get out of there.

Shaoyu felt that there must be a sound reinforcement device in the carriage. Shaoyu's ears were painful with this shock, and suddenly he didn't hear the name clearly. Shaoyu saw a commotion in Sanye City after Iina finished shouting.

Soon he saw some soldiers gathered at the city gate and came to protect a young mage.

Wearing a gorgeous robe with ten rings on his fingers, the young mage walked an arrow away and asked loudly: Why do you call the teacher's honorific name directly? Are you a friend of the teacher?

Shaoyu secretly said, this kid is quite educated. Then he heard Iina say, who are you from Ed! Shaoyu saw the mage with a big chest and said: I am the best disciple of the teacher. who are you? Is the teacher's old friend?

Yinna didn't use sound reinforcement this time, but said to Shaoyu: Get him here.

Shaoyu smiled bitterly, and rushed forward immediately.

Of course he had observed that the hundreds of soldiers on the opposite side were just ordinary civilians who had been trained. He opened his left eye and spoke to the mage.

The voice of Little S appeared: As a result of the detection, a high-level human mage with a combat power of 51, Shaoyu must have a heart.

At this time, Shaoyu had already rushed into the soldiers, and the sword in his hand pointed directly at the mage.

Then he pulled a sword flower, received the sword in his arm, went up and threw his fists and kicks, and the hitters flew out.

There was a sudden throbbing, and he took a step as he pleased and slid two meters obliquely behind. A pillar of fire where he was standing just now, several soldiers screamed after being burned. I didn't hear the sound of chanting. Shaoyu looked over and saw that the young mage was tearing a pile of scrolls in his hand.

Shaoyu gave a strange cry, and the sword rushed towards the mage with a finger.

What's wrong, is it a rich man again? With so many scrolls, the young mage's Fireball Wind Blade splashed on Shaoyu as if he didn't need money, and he didn't take into account the lives of the soldiers around him. Shaoyu dodged from left to right, wandering among the soldiers and approaching the mage. As he approached, the young mage became more and more confused.

Shaoyu felt that this mage was a complete rookie, and the best disciple, so cruelty was enough. In this way, let alone surrounding Shaoyu, the surrounding soldiers almost became fleeing, and even a small team was left to protect the mage...Of course, this team should be the real guard. Shaoyu simply resorted to grappling, raised a soldier who was hit by a fireball in his face and threw it at the mage.

As soon as the mage looked up and saw that his face was completely destroyed by the flames, the soldiers still screaming and struggling flew towards him, unexpectedly screamed, a range of magic smashed the soldier, directly burning the soldier in mid-air. Not to mention Ashes, even the guards in front of him are within range.

When the mage recovered, Shaoyu had already stood in front of him and shook his head. Without even putting a shield on, he slapped the young mage to the ground with a slap.

Carrying this mage, Shaoyu ran back, he thought to himself, if he wants to practice riding skills, he would hang himself if he was riding a charge today! Those soldiers ran back into the city with a crawl, closed the door and did not dare to come out...

Throwing the mage by the alchemist's carriage, Iina opened the door and walked down. Shaoyu glanced at the inside of the car, only to feel that it was very empty but piled with some alchemy gems.

Iina squeezed it on the young mage's body, and gradually a kind of joy appeared on her face. Shaoyu thought that Yinna was quite seductive in this way, and then he snorted in his heart, this is all grandma.

The mage also woke up, as if he saw a beauty groping around on his body. There was no resistance at all and he put on a slutty smile. He said: It turned out that it was such a beauty invitation. Raised his hands and came by himself. Shaoyu thought to herself, if you want to know the truth, see if you dare not let her touch you.

Yinna showed a smile, and Shaoyu felt a little dizzy. She changed her voice and asked with a soft voice: You are actually Ed's son.

The young mage faintly said: Yes, beauty, let me marry you. With me... the protection of the teacher, the kingdom of Lis can go sideways. Inna smiled more, gently lifted up the mage and directly helped into the car.

Shaoyu felt that Yinna could do it without her hands. It was worth adding favor to Mao to let him go for such a simple matter? Of course he wouldn't think that Inna helped the mage get into the car to have sex.

Sure enough, after a while, Shaoyu heard a sentence, what is this, ah, save... Then there was a long scream, and then it seemed like a young mage’s mouth was blocked, and continuous whimpers came out. .

Shaoyu was a little uncomfortable. She was a little farther away, and was walking two steps. When the carriage door was opened, Iina said to Shaoyu with blood on her face and a sickly excited smile, here today. Overnight, through the gap, Shaoyu only saw the young mage as if his chest had been opened. His desperate and helpless eyes disappeared into Shaoyu's sight as the car door closed.

Sure enough, all appearances are illusory...

Some discomfort, just instinctively do not want to hear these negative sounds. Shaoyu thought for a while and smiled. He has never been a good person. As long as he is good and the people around him are good, everything is good.

Shaoyu pitched a tent not far from the carriage, but Sanye City had gathered some soldiers, but he didn't dare to come over somehow. He probably took the safety of the hostages into consideration.

He set up a fire, roasted some meat, and wanted to send something to the alchemist. The car door opened, and Iina sat down on the fire and grabbed the barbecue to eat.

The blood coagulated on her face, but she didn't care at all.

Shaoyu shook his head again and said to her: Pay attention to your body. Yinna was obviously taken aback, and she turned to look at Shaoyu. Shaoyu shrugged and put on another piece of barbecue.

Just listening to the alchemist's laugh, Shaoyu's laugh was very pleasing to the ear, and it could be regarded as the alchemist's signature laugh. After this laugh, the alchemist told himself a story to Shaoyu.

Without guessing, Shaoyu knew that she was talking about herself.

The old-fashioned love story, the hero and heroine fall in love, but because the man pursues powerful power and power, he abandons the woman and marries someone else, but the woman is not reconciled and falls into a ruin in her heart. After giving up many things, she also gains strength. Now it’s time for revenge.

Shaoyu listened quietly without making any comments. He knew that the alchemist just needed an audience.

After speaking, Iina returned to the carriage, and there were waves of voices from the carriage.

Shaoyu shook his head and sighed, why bother.

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