There are many things Shaoyu doesn't understand. He doesn't understand why hatred can completely change a person and give tremendous power.

If that is what Iina looked like when she was young, with such a beautiful person, she could have many beautiful lives. The person who hangs from a tree is the dumbest, he concluded.

At this time, Shaoyu didn't know what love and hatred was. Although he had been close to 30 years, he just lived according to his own ideas and came to another world, and he just wanted to play happily for a lifetime.

After practicing swordsmanship, Shaoyu wanted to meditate. However, it is better not to enter the city gate that is blocking Sanye at this time!

Meditating is just a habit. It must be the most efficient to operate and control the energy in the body during meditation.

He doesn't know how many sword yuan it takes to get through the meridians of the legs.

After the meridians of both hands were unblocked, Jian Yuan became 0.6 and increased by 0.2. These values ​​are all units based on the basic energy of the universe. The energy in his body has completely surpassed when he had a Qi body, but the power of time of 0.7 was something he could not practice. The disorder value has passed more than this month, and now there are 34 points. The recovery was too slow, and Shaoyu couldn't help but think of dissecting the time traveler in the ring and getting the pineal stone condensed by the swirl of his brow.

After the soul stone was dissected in the underground palace, it failed to absorb unexpectedly, the time energy was completely lost, and Shaoyu didn't get any characteristics, so he didn't want to mention it at the time. But Shaoyu was not too disappointed. The unexpected windfall that had been given to me was fortunately lost.

In addition, the attributes have not been restored up to now. On the contrary, when they first came out of the jungle, they had the origin. Obviously they could be locked and used actively, but now they have become passive...

Shaoyu thought about his own strength, because he knew that Ed would be difficult to deal with... He just slapped his thigh when he thought of this, fucking, and I have to ask Iina about Ed's level tomorrow, and how did he forget it.

Sleeping overnight, he already knew that he had touched a lot of people in all directions. But at the moment they raised the torch together to show that they were surrounded... Shaoyu was a little nervous, put the tent away and approached the carriage, he was wearing a gray robe and an elf cloak.

As soon as Shaoyu opened his left eye, although most of them were surrounded by ordinary soldiers, there were already cavalry archers and some star warriors among them.

Near noon, the army gathered more and more, and the encircling circle kept shrinking. Shaoyu has a long sword in his hand and is always ready. He just thinks that this time it seems to be a big game. There are thousands of people.

There was still no movement on the carriage, and the atmosphere became more and more tense. When arrows finally began to shoot, a long scream came from the carriage. Shaoyu only heard a guy like the leader riding a horse yell, stop, don't hurt Master El. Shaoyu changed his mind and shouted: Back away, back away, and if anyone dares to attack, just wait for the body to be collected.

Another shadow appeared beside the carriage, and then moved away...

At this time, Sanye City Lord also yelled on horseback: If you have any requirements, please mention it, just don't hurt Lord El.

Shaoyu thought it was like a police movie, so he said nonsense that he wanted a lot of gold coins and artifacts, how to say it outrageously, anyway, delay the time, wait for Ed to arrive. I thought to myself, this Ed has arrived, is it possible to pick up the bill of lading on the terms of his son?

Perhaps it was Shaoyu's nonsense that frightened these people, and saw them discuss it, saying that these conditions are impossible to achieve, at least there is no way in this place. Shaoyu shouted, then find someone who can handle it, otherwise... A scream came from the carriage very cooperatively, and Shaoyu wanted to give Inna a thumbs up.

They discussed again, and decided to see Lord El. Iina heard it too, and opened the car door, revealing the naked wizard. Shaoyu saw that the young mage had no wounds at all on his upper body, as if he had not been tortured, he was just insane, screaming for help, and then the car door closed.

Finally, the encirclement was pulled out of a stone, and Shaoyu leaned against the car and breathed a sigh of relief. Iina said through the car door, she did a good job. Shao Yu even asked what to do after Ed came and asked him to single out? The alchemist smiled again and said, let's talk about it when it comes. Shaoyu immediately asked Ed. Then she said: Ed, is the chief court magister of the kingdom of Liss. In the end, she didn't even think about it. All her things were stored in the basement of the abandoned castle.

Shaoyu didn't understand, but he thought, Magister, this time the enemy is a true Magister who has been advanced for a long time.

Versailles told Shaoyu that he was not actually a real mage under the magician. At that time, Shaoyu was still stunned, wasn't even the apprentice of the mage honorable? Vaseke said that it refers to ordinary people. In the eyes of the mage, a real mage can only be regarded as a spiritual space and a magical altar built in it.

Vaseke said that spiritual space is the foundation of a mage. When the spiritual power is enough, a space will be formed in the mind.

The formation of spiritual space will not only change the quality of spiritual power, but also build a magical altar. The magical altar is completed, and the magic resonance can be controlled. Not only the magic recovery is several times the previous, but with the construction of the altar, the spiritual space will gradually expand, and the magic power is several times the previous. The spells engraved on the magical altar are all instant... and will become more powerful as the altar accumulates. When the altar gets higher and higher, the spells on it can be combined into a compound spell.

Shaoyu was stunned when he heard it, but he thought that he also had a spiritual world. He didn't know if it was the same thing, and could he play like this.

Two days later, more and more people gathered, as if people were coming from several surrounding cities, and Shaoyu actually saw Owen and Beta coming with cavalry.

It's just that their position is a bit strange, which made Shaoyu think for a while. He just thought that Ed didn't care about his son, and after another day, he was a little anxious.

Fortunately, it is estimated that it will take a long time this time, and I brought a lot of meat, but I eat meat every day...the days when there are more and more people around, and people are watching! Shaoyu watched their bosses drinking and making things. He had an idea and shouted to deliver wine and food. Of course, Shaoyu was not stupid. He said that everything he sent would be fed to El first.

There was an accident when sending things over. There were several assassins rushing into the carriage.

It's a pity that the alchemist's carriage is not ordinary. The assassins showed up as soon as they approached. Before Shaoyu could do anything, the carriage showed a magic circle, and several flashes of lightning reimbursed the assassin. After calming down, there was still another finger flying out, with a ring on the finger. Of course Shaoyu knew that it was Naer's.

Iina actually wanted a barrel of the wine. Just as Shaoyu was eating and drinking, all around suddenly fell silent. He opened his left eye and saw. Not far away, he was galloping over with a group of men and horses with great momentum... This is an elite group with only twenty horses. This group of cavalry is not only wrapped in armor and holding a shield and the other. The two-meter-long cavalry still maintained a position while running, protecting the few people in the middle who wore the robes of the mage. These cavalrymen had star-level strength by sight, and Shaoyu estimated that the master had arrived.

Sure enough, before the team approached, one of the wizards flew straight to the sky and quickly approached the carriage.

In the left eye, this is a man with white sideburns, and time has made him more attractive. Shaoyu murmured, Shuai just eats. The man said while flying, who dared to move my son.

Shaoyu yelled unwillingly: Laozi's Nigubec family.

One of the leaders of the group only felt that his eyes were dark, and hurriedly shouted: Lord Ed, this person is not our Nikobec family.

Shaoyu laughed loudly: Patriarch, anyway, he has reached this point. With only one puff, Shaoyu saw that it was Eve from the other square who laughed, and she was covering her mouth. Ed was suspended at a distance of 20 meters from the carriage, he also smiled slightly and said: Your joke is not funny, let's talk, what do you want.

Seeing Ed's smile, Shaoyu said he was even more charming and very unhappy and said: Okay, I'm here to take revenge. I'll be singled out and let go if I win.

There was a lot of laughter around this time, and some people shouted, singled out with the mage, and let the mage come down from the sky.

Shaoyu was a little depressed, Damn, there is no way to fight this ash in the sky.

Ed descended from the sky and landed not far from Shaoyu. He just listened to him very grandiosely saying, okay, if you win, you will let my son go? Now Shaoyu felt that this man was quite heroic.

Just when Shaoyu didn't know what to do, the carriage door opened. The alchemist got out of the carriage step by step, she did not put on the hood of the cloak. Ed, as if being hit hard, retreated several steps, and cried out in surprise: Iina.

At this time, the twenty riders also arrived. They protected Ed, and the knight's long spear was facing the side. One of the wizards said: Your lord...

Iina interrupted the mage, she slowly floated up and said Ed, if you beat me, let your son go.

Ed also floated up, and his face was gloomy and said: Iina, don't be like this, that's your son too!

Shaoyu was taken aback for a moment, and was quiet.

I just listened to Iina's crazy laugh and said: Yes, I know that you don't need such a son. After speaking, she snapped her fingers, and the carriage suddenly ran up and rushed towards the encirclement.

Quick, stop the carriage, Ed yelled frantically, ten rides out of the twenty rides rushed to the carriage, and the encircling circle shrank.

Just as Shiqi approached the carriage, the carriage rushed into the encirclement, and only heard a loud bang. The carriage turned into a huge fireball, and Shiqi and the army were all blown into a piece of debris.

Just listen to Ed’s crazy yelling, his face distorted and rushed towards Inna, the two of them flew higher and higher, and along the way came the voice of why you did this and hahahaha, and then the voice went further and further, listen Not anymore.

Before Shaoyu recovered, he saw all around him, oh, three weeks of people rushed towards him. Shaoyu said dry, dodged a fireball, raised his sword and rushed towards the nearest ten cavalry.

Did this sell him! Shaoyu didn't think about it yet, he only knew that if he didn't rush into the crowd now, he would be able to eat a pot if he shot a random arrow, and there were still mages in those ten rides. After solving the mage, there is a chance to run away.

Before Shaoyu rushed into those fine tax knights, Shaoyu saw a rain of arrows shooting at these cavalrymen. All of these ten riders are okay. Although unexpected, they also hold their shields to block. But the mages among them were miserable. These mages were obviously taken care of. Although they were protected by knights, they were killed by some special arrows.

Shaoyu said in his heart that it was so, the flying feathers that Beta brought had always been outside the encirclement. At this time, the soldiers who had reached two hundred archers were opening a volley.

There was chaos in the field.

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