Eight days later, Shaoyu returned to the manor. He missed the qi body a little, how cool it was when the qi body gathered up and all the dust disappeared.

In random thoughts, Lily rushed over, ignoring that Shaoyu was covered with dust.

Holding Lily around a lot, smelling the familiar smell and feeling the tender body. Shaoyu thought she missed her too much, until the old butler said that the bath was ready, he stopped and gently said to Lily to wash together.

Eve didn't go out a few days before the manor, but the old butler took a granddaughter to live in the manor to help him take care of the manor. Shaoyu looked at it, a girl who was generally very introverted.

I haven't seen it for more than half a month. Lily has grown a little taller, and Little Apple seems to be ripe, but Shaoyu knows that she is only under 14 years old.

The days became peaceful, and as the days passed, the days became cold in an instant. Owen and the others have never returned to the abandoned capital, and the eagle bird did not send any more letters. The meat of the top-grade monsters was delivered on time every month. Eve also returned to the manor a few days after Shaoyu's return.

Shaoyu somewhat likes such peaceful days, practicing qigong every day, reading books, accompanied by Lily, and occasionally teasing Eve.

Listening to the sound of rain outside, sipping the wine Lily helped to pour, and turning over a page, he felt that it would be pretty good to live a lifetime like this.

On the first snowy day, a warrior with three swords ran to the manor to challenge. At that time, Shaoyu was riding a horse and holding Lily outside to enjoy the snow. After returning, I saw Eve crying that her puppet was broken by this soldier.

Shaoyu glanced at the messy Qianyuan, and he knocked the warrior to the ground without saying a word. This is a three-star professional warrior. The so-called three-sword style is that he can wield three weapons. Two are in hand, and one uses the weapon between the hands to draw strength and kick and infuse martial energy, which is very special. It's a pity that Shaoyu didn't give him much chance to use it. A few moves directly pierced his shoulder with a sword, and then kicked him to the ground.

The warrior wanted to leave when he lost. Shaoyu confiscated his weapon and asked Eve to supervise him to repair the manor before letting him leave. The warrior began to call this an insult to him. After a few more feet, the warrior Just be honest.

There was someone who was inexplicable and ruined his good mood. He wanted to leave as a vegetable garden after playing.

Lily listened to Shaoyu muttering and fell to one side covering her mouth and smiled. Shaoyu looked at Lily, who was getting more and more beautiful, and her heart burst into flames. She slapped Lily on the shoulder with a bow.

After patted twice, Shaoyu heard Lily as if crying, and put her down in a hurry. Lily giggled, turned around and ran. Only when Shaoyu realized that she had been fooled, she ran after Lily to the bedroom.

The two had a fight, and in the end, Shaoyu pressed Lily to the bed and patted her buttocks a few times. Seeing Lily blushing and lying on the bed, with her round buttocks, her slender legs hitting the ground, he could not help but roll off the sheets if the trouble went on.

Back in the hall, Shaoyu sat in front of the fireplace holding Lily, and the two chatted. While chatting, Shaoyu was in a daze, he suddenly thought, what would he do if Lily were not there. Immediately, he slapped himself in his heart, thinking about nothing.

The weather was already cold, even Shaoyu who had Jianyuan began to add clothes.

The improvement in strength was not large, and the attributes did not increase much, but the swordsmanship became more and more rounded, and the weight barely carried two imprisoned bracelets. The only thing I can see is Jianyuan, and Shaoyu feels that he is not far from getting through his legs.

Shaoyu has not dared to sleep with Lily now, but they have formed a habit with each other. Therefore, he would always meditate until Lily was asleep before daring to lie down, which was also one of the reasons for Jian Yuan's rapid growth. As long as Shaoyu lay down, the sleeping Lily would get into Shaoyu's arms, and the second Shaoyu always woke up holding Lily in his arms.

Could it be because of another world that Shaoyu always felt that Lily matured very quickly, her body was curvy and exquisite, but her face became more and more pure and beautiful, and sometimes Shaoyu didn't dare to look directly at it, and she would react immediately.

On this day, there was heavy snowfall, and two carriages stopped at the manor in the evening.

Iina suddenly came to the manor, along with her cousin. Shaoyu felt a pity that the alchemist returned to that old face.

Eve was very happy and kept telling the alchemist about some of the alchemy things he had recently completed. The cousin first blamed Shaoyu for leaving alone, and then talked about what happened next. Shaoyu no longer remembered his mood at that time, and was a little embarrassed.

When Lily came in, the cousin was obviously stiff, and Shaoyu had a vaguely broken feeling.

Then the cousin said that Owen had returned to the family, and the family was full of praise for Owen's performance, but the attitude of the owner of the family was still somewhat unclear. She came back this time to take Shaoyu back...From the description of her cousin, Shaoyu felt that she was following the capital and going to the capital of the country of Lis.

Shaoyu was a little moved. The cousin looked at him expectantly, but looked at Lily from time to time, a little unnatural.

Lily buried her head a little bit shy, and Xiaoyu saw that Iina also looked at Lily from time to time, which made him feel a little puzzled. I thought to myself, would all alchemists compare?

After chatting for a while, Shaoyu found an excuse to run so fast.

It was getting dark and it was time for dinner.

The cousin walked in the manor a little wandering, but hit Inna at the corner. She saluted and said: I'm sorry, my honorable alchemist, I didn't see you. The alchemist stared at his cousin for a while and then said: Is it because of Shaoyu and the woman outside the wall? The cousin was taken aback, nodded subconsciously, and then asked: Outside the wall! Interracial woman? That Lily? Iina nodded and walked past her cousin to the restaurant.

Your alchemist, foreign race... If you can control him for a while... I will be responsible for sending you the thing you want. The alchemist stopped, she didn't look back and asked, can it be done? The cousin gritted her teeth and said, swearing in the name of the commander of the dark knight...

Shaoyu, Lily and Eve are waiting for them to arrive. Helped them pull the chair away, Iina said as soon as she sat down: Shaoyu, do you know that Lily is not a human?

Shaoyu also said that alchemists would also make jokes. He turned his head and saw that Lily, who was sitting on the side, became stiff. He knew it in his heart, I was afraid that what the alchemist said was true.

Before he could respond, Iina said again: Why don't I pay your favor now? After speaking, he took out a short battle, and a beam of light shot at him. Shaoyu recognized that this was the kind of short battle used by the alchemist to control the huge boulder from the sky in the abandoned city. Shaoyu didn't expect that Yinna would do it. As soon as she subconsciously pumped the sky sword, the beam of light came in front of her eyes. Then Shaoyu saw Lily leaping on him, being dragged by the beam of light and moving towards Iina.

Shaoyu immediately judged that he lifted the long table and took a step, but instead of chasing Lily, he turned Eve sitting on the other side into his hand, and put the long sword on Eve’s neck, calmly big. Called: Send Lily back, or Eve will...

While the cousin took out a long sword as if she was about to slash Lily who was being pulled over... Lily was wrapped in a beam of light and could not move at all, but her eyes were full of desperate tears. With Shaoyu's cry, Lily stopped moving, and the alchemist said, you won't hurt Eve.

The sky long sword was retracted inward, and the blood on Eve's neck quickly dyed the body of the sword red, Shaoyu yelled frantically, do you dare to see me?

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