Eve's expression was calm, and the cousin who drew the sword on one side seemed to be suppressed.

Iina did not speak for no reason, Lily floated between them and did not move, Shaoyu walked forward step by step with Eve in his red eyes.

When I was approaching Lily, my cousin shouted: The different race and ours are not the same heart, Shaoyu, don't be deceived. After speaking, white light appeared on her body, and she stab Lily with a sword in both hands.

Shaoyu held Eve with the sword in his right hand. He roared and summoned the divine sword with his left hand. The sword body of the Excalibur hit the tip of the cousin's sword. Because it was a left-handed sword, Shaoyu's mouth shattered, so the Excalibur in his hand was let go. However, he also blocked the cousin's sword. The cousin wanted to swing the sword again, and she was about to cut it off as soon as she held her hands above her head... At this time, Shaoyu's left hand changed to claws, and she grabbed the cousin's throat.

With effort, the cousin's feet hung in the air and the sword fell. But she struggled for a while and looked straight at Shaoyu.

Under the calm gaze, Shaoyu's fingers that had touched the throat gap were relaxed... he sensed someone rushing from the back. He didn't fight back because it was Lily, she cried and said: Let them go.

Shaoyu's nerves relaxed... Eve in his arms fell softly to the ground, and the cousin fell on the ground, clutching her throat and coughing loudly.

Iina walked over unhurriedly and helped Eve up.

Shaoyu didn't care about her, Eve shed some blood, but he still made his move relatively well, and neither trachea nor blood vessels were injured.

Hugging Lily, almost lost only to realize how valuable what once had was.

Shaoyu wiped Lily's tears and said softly to her, stop crying. Lily didn't speak, her big smart eyes seemed to lose their look and turned into a dead gray, but she kept crying.

Lily struggled suddenly and said: Let me go.

Of course Shaoyu refused to let go and said: I like you, whether you are Human or not. Lily just struggled as if she hadn't heard him at all. Shaoyu is like a mess, don't know what to say, what to say, and seeing Lili like this makes his heart very painful. Suddenly Shaoyu shouted, I will marry you, just now.

Lily stayed, and stopped struggling.

Shaoyu let go of Lily, knelt down on one knee, then held Lily's hand and asked softly, would you marry me? Lily's eyes gradually recovered. She looked at Shaoyu's eyes and said: I am not a human.

He hugged Lily to his feet and said loudly: I like it, I do. Lily buried her head in Shaoyu's arms and said softly: I am willing too. Hearing what Lili said, Shaoyu laughed loudly, and he took a look. The cousin sat on the ground blankly, Eve stood behind Iina, and Iina just watched them quietly, the old housekeeper and his granddaughter were cleaning up the mess.

Shaoyu was about to speak, Iina smiled and said: Remember my story? The favor I owed you is paid off. After speaking, he was about to leave, he suddenly screamed, wait, you come to be our witness! Iina was taken aback: The witness? …….

The original intention of the alchemist cannot be verified, whether he wanted to help his cousin or... But one thing is certain, because she was injured, she wanted to verify the relationship between the two fiercely... The result of the verification is her tendency.

Lily blocked Shaoyu, and Shaoyu didn't care about everything, let Inna...

Shaoyu didn't expect that he would get married this day, so he decided to follow the customs of the earth. First, I explained to Iina what a witness is, and then explained the arrangement of the old housekeeper and his granddaughter. On the way, Eve also ran to Shaoyu and said: She doesn't blame him, it's just that Shaoyu started the fire so fiercely... Then she also helped, but Shaoyu was very guilty when she saw the bandage on her neck.

The actions at the time were completely instinctive, and he didn't make any heavy moves. As for the cousin, she didn't know when she left the manor. Iina still said: It is better to owe her personal love, and she will solve it. Only then did Shaoyu know his cousin... he naturally didn't know what to say, so he let it go first.

Everything was arranged, and seeing Lily standing aside, bowing his head and pinching the corners of her clothes, Shaoyu felt wronged to her. He even imagined waiting for Lily to grow up and get a grand wedding. He strode over, picked up Lily, and secretly said to her: Go to the room and show it to us.

Lily was taken aback, showing her true shape? Shaoyu said as he walked, isn't there a lot of tails? Lily wrapped Shaoyu's neck and looked at him with big eyes and said, this is her true shape.

Yep? What's the difference! What race are you from... I'm the Ivoda... Ivda? Is there no difference in body structure? ……Ok? No...what an alien! ! !

The two went to the bedroom while chatting. Shaoyu looked at the bed and asked: Lily, then you can't eat. Lily looked at Shaoyu: Eat? Suddenly she seemed to understand, her face flushed again, and she whispered: Many of them have babies. No wonder Shaoyu is already familiar with it.

At this time, the old butler ran in and said, according to the rules, the bride and groom could not meet before they visited the hall. Shaoyu was taken aback. He had told the old butler, yes, this is now being taken care of. Shaoyu smiled, kissed Lily's face, and said in her ear, let's talk slowly tonight, it will be very long tonight.

When I walked out of the bedroom, it was just a matter of time. The old housekeeper did not know where to find a pile of red cloth. Shaoyu was stunned for a moment, wondering if the old butler had already prepared.

But he thought it was impossible, this is a world similar to the West! Moreover, the TV he moved here is regarded as the old set of courtesy marriages.

Half a day was too stressful, and the old butler muttered beside Shaoyu more than once.

Shaoyu was shocked to see that the alchemist actually helped step on the disc and flew around to help hang things. Yinna said that since she was asked to be a witness, she certainly had to help, and Shaoyu suddenly felt that Yinna was very amiable. He continued to bury his head in red cloth to cut the hi character, no way, only he could. Eve was really good at clothes and hijabs. Shaoyu only drew pictures and talked to her, and she did it.

After a while, Shaoyu finished cutting and found a tumult in front of the manor. He went out to see that it turned out that the fat man from the abandoned capital had arrived. There was a wave of congratulations when he came up, and Shaoyu was stunned. The cousin said at the time that after Owen returned to the family, he continued to let this fat paper be the lord of the city. The fat man brought a lot of things and people, the old butler said on the side, please don't blame him for his own opinion. Shaoyu suddenly felt that the old housekeeper was really not easy, but he was very happy.

The arrangement was quick when there were more people, and the manor soon gave Shaoyu a sense of familiarity.

When he was strolling, Versace unexpectedly fell from the sky. He also congratulated him, and Shaoyu was stunned again and again, straight to the point where you came, and Versace said how could you miss your wedding.

Two more hours later, Owen Leah and Beta came together. They came up with another congratulations, and Shaoyu was even more stunned. Beta punched Shaoyu's chest and said that they had returned with the teleportation array after receiving the news.

The manor suddenly became lively, and Owen first said that this time his cousin was arguing about... Then he joked around: Why didn't he let him be a witness. Shaoyu secretly said that he even knew this. He also laughed for a while and said: There are male and female witnesses, and Owen was very happy when you came.

After chatting for a few words, everyone got busy separately. Shaoyu was idle, he couldn't help but sigh. He had been in another world for four years, except for the Green Wolf and Xiaofeng, all his friends came, and he was going to get married and have a wife. Just as Shaoyu sighed, Eve's clothes were also ready, and he took him to try.

In the evening, with a blessing, Lily came out with a red hijab, and Eve followed as a bridesmaid. Eve's clothes were really well made, and Shaoyu was suddenly stunned, thinking that he had returned to Earth. It was Beta reminder as the best man to recover...

Witnessed by Owen and Inna, after three prayers, an exchange ring came. Versailles did not know whether to cast a spell or something, and fired a burst of fireworks.

... Lily was sent to the bridal chamber, and Shaoyu had a drink with everyone.

After releasing a group of people, Shaoyu couldn't help feeling a little nervous as he walked back to the room. This wedding was really nonsense. Even if the bridesmaid Eve wore an alchemy suit, Beta was actually wearing it all over her body. They guessed that they understood the meaning of formal clothes... Shaoyu also heard Leah say in Owen's ear that they will do the same.

After returning to the room, Shaoyu saw Lily sitting on the side of the bed with a red hijab and trembling slightly. He couldn't help but pounced on it.

Of course, Shaoyu who made trouble in the bridal chamber didn't say, God knows what the trouble is, how can he take the beauty of the good day.

There was little snow in the night, and only intermittent voices came out.

No, there...hey, it hurts for a while if you don't get wet... Ah... bear it, it's super comfortable for a while, and then there is a burst of crying and laughing.

Shaoyu thanked *** in his heart, Teacher Wu... The enlightenment film in the past two decades has not been seen in vain. Lily's tender body leaned in his arms as if boneless. Shaoyu kept walking with his hands, he really didn't know how he could endure it before. Everything is so perfect, flat and smooth abdomen, slender legs, crystal feet. Shaoyu only felt that her leg and **** had increased a hundredfold.

During the collision, Lily yelled Shaoyu's name softly, making him so beastly that he couldn't stop. After several times, Lily almost passed out, and Shaoyu held her in pity and chatted with her sentence by sentence.

Lily said that she had come from outside, and she knew that she belonged to Ivoda from her inherited memory, and she knew only so much. I don't know how to get here at all, the memory inheritance is just a fragment. As a baby, she was taken in by a reclusive old man. Only a few years later, the old man died and Lily wandered the mainland. The old man taught her some skills and told her that if she meets someone who hasn't been able to steal it three times, follow him, maybe there is hope of going home.

Shaoyu was stunned when he heard this. Is this an expert outside the world? Thank him so much, I have to pay my respects. Just thinking about it, Lily murmured: She don't want to go home, here... Shaoyu felt his animality surging again and turned to press Lily on him. Lily struggled in panic, like a helpless little lamb.

As Lily screamed again, Shaoyu asked, do you remember what it's like to get married in Ivorda.

Lily said softly, that is to pick the stars as gifts. Shaoyu almost softened. He patted his chest and waited for his brother. He must pick the stars for you at that time. Lily's smile quickly turned into an exclamation, ah~no~.

The next day, Shaoyu got up until noon and squeezed Lily's softness. Lily moved and fell asleep again. Shaoyu chuckled slightly, and when he got up, it was only sunny outside.

Eve blushed and greeted Shaoyu and ran away, but the old butler said to the side that young people have good energy, and the entire manor can't sleep all night.

Shaoyu blushed involuntarily, he thought to himself, Damn: I have to call Versace to get a soundproof array or something.

Owen and the others sobered up overnight, Fansack had a meal with Shaoyu and left, and he brought a lot of books. Although everyone came in a hurry, they all gave a lot of things.

Iina left at the latest, staying in the manor for two days before leaving, mainly because of Lily. Inna said that Shaoyu was too foolish. Although Lili had a special physique, but... Finally, she told Shaoyu to take good care of Eve and left without going to Irving.

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