It was another day before Lily could barely get out of bed. Shaoyu hugged her around the manor, and some magic traps were arranged in the manor. This was done by Iina on her own initiative, and she said something similar to a defensive heart.

After the night of the wedding, Shaoyu accidentally opened up the meridians of his legs. He didn't understand the reason at all. Is it because every bit of hard work gets a little bit! The sword element in the attribute reached 0.8 and exceeded the power of time.

Of course, Shaoyu tried to run Jian Yuan to the soles of his feet, but apart from the fact that a slash of his feet could shake a big hole and even his shoes, he did not have the light work he imagined. He tried to maintain the sword element, and wanted to learn the same way as in anime to make the soles of the feet produce suction, Nai He, even the gentle living sword element, can only make him crack the ground with every step he takes.

This has a profound sense of superiority.

The old butler asked for another repair, just this time Shaoyu asked the old butler to adjust the sound insulation of the manor.

Shaoyu didn't know what to do next after Jianyuan passed the five channels, he could only continue to grow Jianyuan. In fact, in the final analysis, it was all due to the practice, and he had the idea of ​​absorbing memory fragments again.

But this idea was not realized because of Lily.

At present, Shao Yu Gong is practicing less than before.

...No, let's go back to the room, OK, Lily shook Shaoyu's arm wildly. Looking at Lily, who had a more charming charm after being watered, Shaoyu couldn't bear it anymore.

No, it's daytime... Lily is the best, come and hold your hand here, turn around... Stand up straight with your feet... Keep your waist down....

For the rest of the month, Shaoyu only felt a little soft in his feet. He felt that the practice had been strengthened, but when he turned his head, he saw Lily who had pulled up his hair to make it more pure and beautiful, and jumped on it again.

Once Eve ran into them in the lobby during the day, he almost didn't even dare to leave, and blushed every time he saw Shaoyu. Shaoyu was cheeky and called Yi Fu Duo to accompany Lily.

Until the spring breeze passed, Shaoyu finally returned to normal.

Although I occasionally mess around, I haven't tried it right away...

The years and months here are called... February is the month of preparation. To avoid the curse of March, everyone began to repair the basement and store items. Shaoyu dragged out the bench and hugged Lily and looked at the purple flowers in the mountains. He said: Lily, we will have many children in the future, it is best to give birth to a family, and then watch them grow up, we become grandparents. Lily kept a little bit in his arms, but Shaoyu didn't see the sadness on her face.

Before the cursing wind blew, the three-sword style warrior came again. He improved and became a four-star professional. This time, outside the manor, Shaoyu asked him to do three things, and entangled with him for a while before defeating him. Shaoyu felt that there was something more in his swordsmanship, and he only wanted to understand it after the war. It was steady.

With his wife and responsibility, Shaoyu's mood gradually changed. He didn't even notice when he grew his beard. This time he didn't embarrass the soldier, and invited him to drink. While drinking, the Three Swordsmen said that he was a suitor of Labelle, and Shaoyu couldn't help feeling depressed. Finally, when the soldier left, he also said that his cousin had already let out a word, and if she wanted to marry her, he would defeat Shaoyu in the border land. The three-sword style warrior said that he was careful because of the sake of the wine this time. When the curse wind passed, it was estimated that many people would come here.

What is this! Shaoyu thought about it, and it's okay to send more training partners to avoid him getting rusty. Seeing Shaoyu's thoughts, Lily sneered while covering his mouth. He turned his head and rushed forward, Lily cried out for mercy.

The eagle bird also flew once. Owen mentioned his current situation in the letter and asked Shaoyu to take care of the border land, especially to guard against cannibals.

After receiving the letter, Shaoyu, the briquettes mountain of the blood giant, went once. He felt that the cannibal tribe, the least blood giant tribe, were not bad. He asked them to dig through the underground palace and block other cannibals who reached the manor from this direction, and the old blood giant agreed.

Shaoyu stayed in the basement and couldn't help thinking, do the cannibals avoid the curse wind? If they meet someone who is not afraid of cursing wind, they will come to the entrance of the basement and have another magic like earthquake, they will not be all done. I have never encountered a cursed wind in the jungle. Maybe the huge trees blocked it, but counting the time, whenever the cursed wind blows, the jungle will have heavy rain for the rest of the month.

After thinking about it for a while, Lily walked into the room and said that she could eat. Shaoyu rushed over and hugged her up, saying that he would eat her first and then eat.

The basement was very large, but relatively small compared to everyone in the manor. In addition to Lily..., he also learned some alchemy knowledge from Eve.

More than a month's time passed, Shaoyu felt that it was too fast, as if he blinked, he thought it would not be boring where Lily was. There was no endless talk between them, except for the time when Shaoyu was beastly, more often it was Lily's quietly lying in Shaoyu's arms, feeling the heartbeat between each other.

He is satisfied.

Waiting for the cursed wind to blow... After returning to the ground, there are really many people to challenge. Sometimes there are three or five in a day, and they are all three triangle cats. Shaoyu is annoying, the cousin of the straight road is so charming!

Shaoyu simply inserted a sign at the door. The challenger needs to sign up and pay a challenge fee of 100 gold coins (including environmental damage, food, accommodation, medical treatment, etc.), followed by a line of small characters, and the final interpretation right belongs to The owner here.

All the people who came have obeyed this regulation, and few people who really did not gathered together collected a hundred gold coins and gave it to Eve.

Of course, the main reason is because the most eye-catching red letter on the notice, want to marry a cousin without money? !

A house in the front garden of the manor was converted into a registration accommodation, and Eve sat in it. She not only collects money, but also has to be able to beat her puppet to be eligible to see Shaoyu.

As soon as this method was implemented, the old butler immediately surprised Shaoyu as a heavenly man. I really cultivated Eve and made money without disturbing normal life.

Iina came again. She helped Shaoyu once again arrange many deadly magic traps and left a lot of puppet materials for Eve. The fat man in the abandoned city also sent a team of cavalry to patrol and stand guard outside the manor.

After a few days of rest, the old housekeeper's daughter ran to say that someone had defeated the puppet and that Shaoyu would take action. Shaoyu was reading with Lily in his arms. He was happy when he heard the words, panicking leisurely.

Bringing Lily to the front garden, Shaoyu only felt that the front garden was very lively, and a group of people stood in the open space waiting for his arrival. When he walked into the field, Shaoyu suddenly found that the field was quiet, and those who came to challenge seemed to be stuck.

Shaoyu was taken aback for a moment and followed their gazes. It turned out that they were all staring at Lily, who was a little scared and stuck behind Shaoyu.

He felt that it was a totally wrong decision to bring Lily out. The scene was quiet for several minutes before he recovered, and a group of people clamored desperately. Shaoyu listened for a while. Some said that there are such beautiful ladies, and he even grabbed his cousin, some directly showed love to Lily, some wanted to rush up and desperately.

Shaoyu hugged Lily in his arms and drew his long sword at his feet, shouting, who passed the test. Shaoyu picked up the sword yuan with a chop, and saw that Shaoyu stepped on the bricks with a loud bang, and the floor tiles cracked. There was silence again in the court, and those who wanted to rush forward wiped cold sweat.

It was me, Shaoyu heard an old voice floating out of the crowd. He glanced at it, and there was an old man sitting in the crowd with gray hair and the old housekeeper standing beside him.

Shaoyu was almost dumbfounded, he couldn't help asking, are you here to challenge your cousin?

Although his hair is gray, he is full of energy, and his eyes have a kind of majesty. The old man stood up, his figure was a little short, but when he stood up, there was an aura of vigor that made him feel very tall. He said, I just came to see you.

Look at me, Shaoyu is even more confused. He turned his mind and said, you see now, how is that handsome?

Lily in her arms covered her mouth and chuckled, making the sound of her eyes falling. Squeezed her, and hugged her tighter. The old man looked up to the sky and laughed. His face was a little pale, and he was okay, he said. Then he said, "I've seen it, it's time to go, some people embraced him to leave, and the old butler also sent him away.

Shaoyu really couldn't figure it out now, what's going on here. He hugged Lily for a few steps and found that there was a huge motorcade parked outside the manor, heading towards the abandoned city, while the fat man was riding a horse and following a luxurious carriage, nodding and saying something.

Shaoyu asked the old housekeeper who was that old man. The old butler sighed and said that the patriarch had not been to the border land for decades. Only then did he understand that this was the patriarch of the Owen family. Shaoyu was too lazy to think about the reason. He pointed to some messy houses outside the manor and asked what was going on. The old butler said that these were built by the challenger himself. Shaoyu said that it was demolished, and within one kilometer, no buildings were allowed to appear. Someone made trouble and told him to kill him directly. After that, Shaoyu turned around and left. How could a sea of ​​flowers be so spoiled? This is Lily's favorite scenery.

The old butler asked at the back, is there a house to be vacated in the manor? Shaoyu said no. The old tube said, that room is not enough. Shaoyu said, let them shoot. The old housekeeper said later that he was going to make money again.

Back in the room, Lily took out a piece of cloth and gestured on her face. Shaoyu asked, Lily, what is this? Lily said: She will make a veil to prevent others from seeing her.

Shaoyu was moved, feeling that this little thought was discovered by Lily, so he swooped up and decided to reward her. In Lily's panic, it seemed that the spring breeze was blowing again.

After tossing in the middle of the night, Lily fell asleep deeply. Shaoyu felt that after so many times, Lily would still blush and be shy. It was... so feeling. Almost couldn't help it, Shaoyu meditated and took a deep breath. The Jian Yuan in his body is flooded with Dantian, and now the Jian Yuan who has practiced the most is the Jian Yuan.

The spot of light keeps entering from the top of the head, sinking into the dantian, and then being sucked into the small ball representing the life and death sword element, and as the divine sword swims away, the two small **** rotate, and strands of the sword element eject from the tip of the sword. Full of meridians.

Nowadays, in Shaoyu's five veins, there are flowing sword elements. The accumulation of these sword elements is flowing like mercury and tends to become solid. The energy attribute has not changed, but the power of the sword element has increased a little, which is visible.

Although the Binghuo Jianyuan became the Life and Death Sword Element, the Binghuo Jianyuan finally said that the five veins are connected, the Jian Jizhu, and Shaoyu continue to practice, waiting for that day.

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