Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 145: Summon (legal position)

After calming down for a few days, Shaoyu was called to Qianyuan again.

This time it was a young man who was a little sickly dressed in aristocratic attire and passed the test. Eve also said that he brought a small box of gold coins... at least a thousand. When this man saw Shaoyu, he said, why didn't your wife come out. Shaoyu darkened his face and thought to himself very uncomfortably, you still came to Lili.

Without saying anything, he rushed up with a sword, but saw this somewhat sick young nobleman snap his fingers, two big dogs appeared at his feet, and then two big dogs rushed up with one finger. Then he snapped his fingers again and a tall red praying mantis appeared beside him.

He kept in shape, just listened to someone yelling: Summon a mage.

It is the most knowledgeable to deal with beasts. Although these two big dogs have some patterns on their bodies, they are not the magic patterns naturally formed by monsters. He has a sword, but this red creature that resembles a mantis is a bit troublesome, and it can actually emit sparks. Shaoyu slammed into his clothes and was burned. Fortunately, it was only his coat. After he took off his coat and solved the praying mantis, the young man unexpectedly summoned a standing turtle to stand between them. As soon as Shaoyu lucked out his sword yuan, he spit out his sword with his sword, and directly cut the tortoise in half from bottom to top. Just as Shaoyu was about to rush to the young man, he hadn't thought about what lesson he was going to leave him, but saw the young man raising his hands and waving a white handkerchief, shouting surrender.

Shaoyu laughed angrily, and kicked the young man to the ground, but when he saw the young man lying on the ground, his eyes were looking straight behind Shaoyu, and he shouted that it was worth it.

Looking back, I saw that the old butler was coming from a distance with Lily. Of course, Lily did not wear the veil, which is also the result of Shaoyu pretending to be generous and not letting her wear it.

Shaoyu walked towards the old housekeeper with a smile, but when his feet passed by, the ground cracked. The old butler was already fine, and he kept making the gesture of drawing a circle and clicking. Shaoyu thought about it for a moment, and took Lily into his arms to calm down.

Afterwards, he invited the sick young man to drink. The young man returned to his normal state, showing a handsome manner, but his eyes kept drifting towards Lily. Shaoyu knew his name and family without much effort. The young man’s name is also a long list. The old steward said that this is one of the three noble families of the Kingdom of Liss. Shaoyu still simplified and only took the last part of him and called him Isaac.

Of course, Shaoyu's invitation for him to drink was not based on his strength, he mainly wanted to understand the mainstream mage profession of summoning.

Isaac didn't conceal anything about it, and he also said a lot of things he didn't master, which made him the future master of magic.

Summoning wizards belong to the nature family. The creatures they summon are all creature projections in nature, so even if they die, it will not cause any impact. Of course, this depends on the willingness of the creatures who signed the contract.

Summoning wizards have certain warrior abilities, and their summoning creatures are not infinite, which involves spiritual power, magic power, and natural balance. The so-called balance is the understanding of nature. Every time a creature is called, it affects the balance of nature. If the balance value is too high, nothing can be called.

Isaac said he can now summon hounds, rich and tortoises. Shaoyu couldn't help but smile, really a tortoise. Rich is a creature like a praying mantis, which can spray flames to burn enemies far away.

Summon is subdivided into nine series, melee summon, remote summon, guard summon. When Isaac spoke, he couldn't help saying that he was a genius, proficient in all disciplines. Of course Shaoyu didn't believe it, and Lily, who was sitting on the side, smiled slightly, and she started to daze again when she was watching Isaac. Under Shaoyu's urging, he recovered, and continued: Summoning buffs, advanced summoning, taming, fighting skills, natural coordination, spiritual crystals.

Shaoyu was very interested. This was the first time he heard someone explain in detail. When Isaac saw Lily's curious face, he was also very excited. In the meantime, Shaoyu asked: Is your guard a tortoise? After speaking, he couldn't help but laugh... The tortoise has a thick shell, which is too funny. Isaac blushed and squeaked. Shaoyu said with a wine in his arms: "Are you still young? Tell me what you have in the future." Isaac almost slapped the table and said: Yes, I'm still young...There are many kinds of guards, and Isaac has chosen a spider.

Shaoyu thought he was really strong, but he continued to ask: What's so powerful about melee and long range. Isaac took a sip of wine and said excitedly: The remote must summon a fire dragon or a three-headed snake, and he would choose Minotaur or a rock puppet in close combat. Then he described how powerful these creatures are and what abilities they possess.

Shaoyu silently received the knowledge, while persuading the wine, even Lili took a sip. When Isaac saw the red clouds flying on Lily's face while drinking, he couldn't stop talking about foaming, his elegant image disappeared, and he didn't know it.

When he finished speaking, Shaoyu asked about Summoning Gain and Spirit Crystal.

Isaac preached that the summoning gain is to strengthen the summoned creature projection. For example, increase the speed of summoning creatures, physical strength, and the like, and master them deeply. Take the hound and Richie for example. The hound will roar and panic the surrounding enemies, and the flames that Richie emits will have a continuous burning effect.

After a pause, Isaac said: Lingjing is their weapon, not only can use Jingjing to form a sharp blade, but also use Lingjing to heal himself and the summoned object.

Shaoyu also wanted to ask him why he didn’t use spirit crystals, and what advanced Summoning could summon, but Isaac suddenly got under the table. When Shaoyu looked at him, he fell unconsciously under the table with his mouth. It was so beautiful and so on.

Shaoyu looked at Lily, just listened to Lily's chuckle, she said coquettishly, good cooperation. Seeing her flower-like smile, Shaoyu smiled evilly, yes, so I want to give you a reward. After finishing talking, he picked up Lily and walked into the room.

As for Isaac, who remembers.

It was late at night, and Shaoyu sat on the bed, thinking back to the description in Isaac... Shaoyu thought of the vast world outside again, and the idea of ​​wandering and adventurous on the mainland came out. But he glanced at Lily, who was still asleep with a happy smile, and put the thought out of his mind.

After a while, she was planning to practice Jianyuan, not knowing when Lily woke up and was looking at him. Shaoyu smiled and said, why, can't you sleep, do you want to come again? Like the frightened little white rabbit, Lily shrank up and hurriedly shook her head. Shaoyu smiled and moved around. He stroked Lily's long hair and said to her: Good, go to sleep.

Lily put her head on Shaoyu's lap and said around his waist: Sister Eve likes you too.

Shaoyu almost didn't even startle his chin. He looked at Lily and asked: How did you know!

Lily shook her head and said: After touching, she can see some scenes, and now she can tell what they are. Shaoyu was taken aback again, and asked if this was Ivoda's talent? Lily shook her head and said she didn't know either. Shaoyu stroked Lily and said, you know, I am not from this world, right. But Lily said that she knew it from the first time she saw Shaoyu.

Well, Shaoyu won't be surprised anymore. He asked, isn't it monogamous in Ivoda? Lily said, it seems so. Shaoyu was speechless this time, he thought about it for a while and then said: Lily, I only like you, so don't mention it, okay? Lily said that she couldn't stand it every time, and Shaoyu's brother couldn't sleep. Shaoyu had a headache, and she secretly said that Lily wouldn't see those *** and the like. He said, it's different, you can only be together if you like each other, and Eve is just a younger sister at best, understand?

This time Lily thought about it and nodded obediently. Shaoyu lay down, holding Lily and said nothing until she fell asleep.

As a result, at dawn, Shaoyu was quarreled, and Lily on one side was still sleepy.

He felt furious, and after letting Lily continue to sleep, Shaoyu got dressed and the old butler said that there was another challenger.

Shaoyu decided to hack this guy to death, but when he visited Qianyuan, it was a sister who came to challenge him. Shaoyu's anger disappeared, and he just thought it was a trouble again... and like his cousin? lily? Lara?

After asking for a while, I realized that this was just a female fighter in cultivation.

As a result, the battle lasted until noon, and the girl's strength stopped. To be honest, Shaoyu will be surprised once more. It's rare to encounter a fighter who can match his skills...Of course, Shaoyu didn't use Jian Yuan, and he fought until noon.

This is a five-star professional who holds a long sword in one hand and a small shield in the other. The reported profession is actually a pioneer and a young and **** beauty.

Of course Shaoyu invited her to dinner, and she directly asked if she had any wine.

In the restaurant, she put her boots on the table. The slender legs under the leather skirt were covered with scars, but it added a different kind of wild beauty. Seeing Lily appear, she even whistled, saying what a beauty.

Shaoyu introduced this to his wife, Lily, and she also said her name, which is a short two-character Maman. Then she said: No wonder your swordsmanship lacks fierceness, it turns out to be soft.

Of course Shaoyu fought back, saying that it was prudent, what the little girl knew.

Maman slapped the table and stood up and shouted, who are you talking about the little girl. Shaoyu smiled softly, blindly fiercely desperate, doesn't she look like a little girl?

It was Lily who made the rounds, only to listen to her smile, and said: Eat first, eat before you can fight.

Maman didn't say a word now, and ate his head, as if the food had a grudge against her.

Shaoyu ate unhurriedly.

The old butler brought a barrel of wine, and after drinking a few times, Maman began to talk nonsense, Shaoyu couldn't laugh or cry. She stood on Shaoyu's shoulder and said: "I can't beat you than food. Come on, let's drink better than wine." Maman wore a low-cut leather armor. His chest was quite big, but there were staggered scars. Shaoyu was carefully observing the enemy's situation, and saw Lily looking at him with a faint smile. He was sitting and opening Maman's hand quickly, causing Lily to chuckle.

Shaoyu thought, if it weren't for an outsider, he would definitely press the table...I laughed until I covered my belly.

In the afternoon, he heard a scream from the manor, and Maman broke through a room.

She first calmly retrieved the weapon and shield, and then rushed towards Shaoyu who came over. Shaoyu turned around and ran away. She chased and shouted: Bastard, how did I wake up naked.

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