Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 146: Vanguard (combat post)

Of course, Shaoyu ran away, but it was not that he did something wrong, but that afterwards, Maman threw up on the old housekeeper's daughter to help her clean it.

I couldn't explain it for a while, and it was still a question of whether I would believe it... In the backyard, it was damaged and repaired, so I first led to the front yard.

When Shaoyu stopped in the front yard, Maman stopped not far away. She gritted her teeth and said: I won't keep my hands this time, let the villain die. Shaoyu, who had originally wanted to explain, turned his mind and smiled slightly and said: That's best, but I also want to run Jianyuan.

After a long fight, Shaoyu only felt that she had attacked more fiercely and desperately than in the morning. She gave up the small shield and took out a dagger from her long boots. It was simply an injury-for-injury style of play, which also made Shaoyu understand how her injury came from.

Of course, he also completely gave up the defense side by side... The dagger's grid and anti-stabs made it more powerful.

As she yelled with a gust of wind and stabbed, she saw a white light flashing on her sword, and three sword shadows swung towards Shaoyu, and the white light flashed on the dagger and turned into a triple shadow to stabbing towards Shaoyu, and she didn't care about it at all. Yu this sword that pierced the lower abdomen.

Fortunately, Shaoyu was completely familiar with her style of play, leaving a five-point strength with the sword, and slid backwards with a tight step under his feet. But Maman yelled unstoppably, and suddenly he ignored the distance and posted it.

This was the first time that he was breaking his own pace. Shaoyu entered a state of slowing down and opened his left eye and stepped back. He only heard Dangdang six sounds, he completely blocked all attacks, but was also startled in a cold sweat.

Don't kill me, Shaoyu stood still and drank.

Maman cried frantically: Let you see what it means to be more hurt and stronger. But her eyes were very calm.

Shaoyu got a headache and knew she wouldn't tease her.

After Maman yelled, he yelled, and just stepped back to block, Shaoyu was at least three meters away from her. She saw her crouching sword and dagger on the ground interlacing sparks, and a pure white crescent-like air wave rushed towards him.

Shaoyu was taken aback for a moment, and... Jian Qi! Although he was taken aback, Shaoyu jumped up high when the Qi wave reached him. At this time, he heard Maman's shout, and Shaoyu looked down, and saw a crescent-like air wave suddenly rushing towards him from the ground. And this was not finished yet, Maman heard an unparalleled sound in her ears, and Shaoyu only felt a strong wind, and she actually appeared on top of Shaoyu's head.

At this time, even with disorderly time, the other one is afraid it will be too late to save his life.

Shaoyu made a decision with his heart. He shrank his sword and turned most of his body to his back, then lifted his sword upwards, simultaneously turning on Belle's Shadow and Light Shield.

In the state of slowing down, Maman’s long sword first pierced the black mist of Belle’s Shadow. Shaoyu’s sword struck her chest and abdomen with a flash of blood, and then Shaoyu felt pain behind her back. Reluctantly used his left hand light shield to block the stabbing dagger.

Then they fell heavily to the ground, and saw Maman, covered in blood, sitting on Shaoyu's stomach, swinging both hands and weapons fiercely. Shaoyu's heart was calm, the sky long sword in his hand shrank and shortened a lot, and the light shield in his left hand and the short sword in his right hand held up the split weapon. Shaoyu bent her legs, exerted force on her waist and abdomen and pressed her knees, and Maman rolled forward.

Turning over and getting up, he only felt a strange pain on his back. He saw that the ground was already red with blood.

Mad woman, whispered... Maman was still struggling to get up, she shouted: Come and kill me, I will come back for revenge.

Shaoyu couldn't laugh or cry. He couldn't stand up straight at this time, and he couldn't see the wound on his back. Lily's exclamation came from a distance.

Soon the injury was healed, and Eve and Lily almost cried together, but Shaoyu calmly asked Eve to deal with Maman's wound first. With the arrival of the old housekeeper and her granddaughter, the misunderstanding was cleared. Shaoyu jokingly said to Maman who was lying on one of the beds: Or if I kill you now, I will come back for revenge immediately.

But Maman said stiffly: Take down your equipment and we will fight again. Shaoyu smiled bitterly.

The injury on the back was okay, not too deep, it was just a long slit. Maman's injury is much more serious, from the belly button to the left chest, the internal organs can be seen in the deepest part. After recovering, Maman was actually faster, and she could get out of bed in two days. She said that there was finally a place to be compared to Shaoyu. Shaoyu lay on the bed with a wry smile, and comforted Lily who had been crying. Seeing Lily who kept crying silently, Shaoyu felt a heartache. He still wanted to protect him from danger in the future. But Lily covered his mouth and said: Some battles are inevitable, but she can't help it. it hurts. Shaoyu was ashamed and moved.

Jian Yuan is full of destructive power, and its recovery and defense power is far worse than Qi.

Maman recovered completely after a few days, and came to see Shaoyu when she was fine, but she was always mocking. After a few times, Shaoyu became angry and said that I was like this and could defeat you countless times. Maman naturally didn't believe it, saying that if you're better off, little boy. Shaoyu said whether to bet or not, Maman certainly agreed, saying that if she wins, she will serve her with delicious wine and call her sister. Shaoyu asked if he should win. She first said that it was impossible, and finally said that it is up to you to win.

Shaoyu didn't say much, first he got Lily's consent, and this move was ridiculed by Maman again. He got up and started the disordered time directly. Seeing the two Shaoyus, Maman was dumbfounded. Although Shaoyu's injuries were not healed, there is no need to say more about the result of this battle.

Maman said yes, it's nothing if there are more people and less people. Shaoyu smiled, but the pain on his back turned into a grin. He didn't expect Maman to be shameless.

Afterwards, Shaoyu summoned the Divine Sword, in full state, and the human sword combined Maman and knocked it to the ground. After being knocked down, Maman sat on the ground for a moment, and then burst into tears.

Shaoyu hurriedly said, okay, it doesn't count. She didn't know that she was crying and saying that she won, how could it not count. Eve and Lily both smiled and watched him frown. In the end, Lily said something to Maman before Maman stood up and left. Shaoyu was also surprised that Lily had the skills to coax girls.

As a result of all his strength, the wound collapsed again, and Shaoyu lay down for two more days.

All subsequent challengers were taken over by Maman, and the two were familiar with each other. Shaoyu asked her if it was true that she said that she would come back for revenge that day. Maman said that this is the ability of pioneer professionals, immortal revenge. Returning to the battlefield at the moment of death, there can be an hourglass flipping, and then falling forever into the abyss. Shaoyu was frightened for a while, this ability, this price meant that he had exchanged his soul.

Maman said that the more injuries, the stronger the ability. This is indeed the pioneer's ability.

Pioneers are always in danger all the time. For a long time, they ignored life and mocked death.

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